《An 'Ordinary' Adventure》Chapter 3 - Into the DragonLand - Part 4


Part 4

Knight lay on a king-sized bed with a wide grin etched into his face.

‘I can’t fucking wait.’

About ten minutes of Knight fantasising passed before the door suddenly swung open.

Unable to contain himself Knight shot upwards, straightening himself out, “H-Hey, I hope you enjoy sucking off my…dream.”

Two petite succubi slowly closed in on him.

“Huh…” Knight couldn’t help but let his gaze fall upon their bosom. Well, what should be their bosoms. “Woah, Woah, Woah! I didn’t ask for a pair of lolis!”

However, before Knight could get some explanations, the pair dived at him and pinned him to the bed.

“W-What!? This wasn’t what I ordered!” Knight squealed as he tried to free himself from their clutches.

“We’re sorry but the deal’s off,” the white-haired girl went before clicking her fingers.

“Huh? What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not a fucking masochist so get off!” Knight shouted, knocking the abnormally strong haired girl off him.

“Sis, what happened? Why is he still awake?” the other girl asked, barely pinning Knight down.

“…Resh was right. There’s no mana.”

“Awake? No mana?” Knight relaxed as he came to a realisation. “Ah, you’re just forcing me to sleep like that busty succ’ said.”

“Geh, no,” the crimson-haired succubus snorted. “I guess we need to choke him out then?”

“Seems so,” her sister agreed before diving onto Knight.


One tail wrapped around his neck; pillows smothered his face. The succubi blocked all air reaching Knight. He knew it was apart of the process, but desperation to breathe overtook him…except he couldn’t move no matter how hard he struggled. He screamed silently as another tail curled around his neck. No matter how hard he struggled, their grip was too tight. His silent screams slowly faded as energy escaped him…until the black he saw invaded his mind.

He was out.

* * *

Knight awoke as two petite succubi released him from their grasp.

He appeared to be kneeling on a thin, crimson carpet that stretched the length of the hallway.


Knight let out a gasp as he realised the scope of the room. It was simply too large to be called a hallway. But it was too extravagant to be called a chamber. It was more like a throne room, sheltered by a triangular ceiling, held up by two rows of deep purple pillars.

If it was a throne room, where was the throne? There were a couple of steps at the end of the red carpet, leading to a wide pedestal. Of course, that’s where the throne stood…

…or not. In its place was a lavish, crimson canape. A succubus seemed to be lying on it, surrounded by big, burly humanoids. Like the ones surrounding the succubi hidden by the pillars, they were a mix of fur-covered and scaly.


Suddenly, the two petite succubi that dragged Knight here spoke in unison.

“Mum, the strange boy you wanted is here.”

A few seconds passed, the humanoids repositioning to the side of the canape, lifting it up. With about six carriers, it came to Knight.

Knight was in awe as what appeared to be lizard men and wolfmen placed the canape down.

The succubus on the canape couldn’t simply be described as beautiful. In fact, none of the succubi could. It was just that her beauty was too much. It encapsulated the perfect woman, despite the long black tail with a heart-shaped tip.

“Oh,” the succubus let out, eyeing Knight. “Devoid of mana, huh?”

It was too much for him. Even her voice was alluring.

“That can only mean two things,” the succubus hypothesised she lightly hopped off the canape, the tips of her rosy hair stroking the carpet. “Either, you’re from beyond the abyss, or, you happen to be from an entirely different world.”

Knight could only gulp as the succubus walked towards Knight. The succubus that had attended him, Cerrin, and Klavier definitely had a body all men dreamed of, and she paled in comparison to the sheer beauty of the voluptuous succubus, wearing nothing but revealing lingerie.

“Stand up, dear. I will not harm,” the succubus spoke, every word speeding up the beat of Knight’s heart. “I only want to…inspect you.”

The succubus wore a faint smile but her large, rose-coloured eyes penetrated Knight’s. Her figure curvaceous, her lips luscious and slender, her waist perfect. A terrifying beauty. Knight did not stand up; he simply averted his gaze from hers.

“Thank you, children. Grab one of the DragonMen and leave, my treat,” she told the succubi that carried Knight before coming to a stop, inches from Knight. “Hmm, didn’t I say stand up?”

“…!” Knight instinctively clutched his limbless shoulder as it started to throb.

“Oh, silly me,” the succubus said, crouching down to place a hand on Knight’s throbbing shoulder. “It must hurt. I can make it better if you wish.”

“N-Nah, I’m f-fine,” he spluttered, refusing to return her gaze.

The succubi placed a finger on her lips, whilst her hand stroked the odd jacket worn by Knight.

“This…doesn’t seem to made out of material I know,” the succubus muttered. “What is this called, I wonder?”

“…!” Knight scrambled backwards as he felt her soft fingers clasp his chin.

“Ah, a bit skittish, are we?” The succubus giggled as she got to her feet.

‘No…’ Knight was defiant, yet only in his mind. It was the only place he held power. The only place where he was allowed to be himself. All he had experienced in this new world was punishment. For what? He didn’t know. One thing he did know was even his thoughts weren’t safe. Who else could read him like Iroha? He knew he was powerless but he couldn’t just ask to be pitied. His missing arm was a reminder of those facts. It was a reminder of him beating his fear and fighting the strong. But he was ignoring it.


“Aww, are you too scared to speak, I wonder?” The succubus said, licking her lips as she approached Knight.

He was. That was the truth. He was truly scared. Knight glanced towards his limbless shoulder. The throbbing had stopped but was still clutching it. “What am I doing?” He muttered. ‘I lost my arm to fight yet I’m scared of a beauty?’

“Yesss, it is most patthhhetic,” a hiss coursed through Knight’s mind.

“Heh, I’m even taunting myself…” Knight quietly laughed, forcing himself up. “Argh, what a pain.”

“Oh, tee-hee. You have a voice after all.”

“Heh, yeah. I guess I do,” he smirked as his gaze fell to her stacked chest. “Jeez…”

“Oh…do you like, I wonder?” She teased, licking her lush lips.

“…Come on, what man wouldn’t?” Knight said, brushing past his increased heartbeat.

“Aww, you make me blush,” the succubus faked shyness.

“Right… So why the hell have I been brought here?”

The succubus thought for a minute before a devilish grin appeared on her face.

“Because I want you.”

Suddenly, the succubus dashed to Knight, pulling him close. With his cheeks squashed by her soft breasts, she continued to whisper in his ear.

“Don’t you wonder what it tastes like, I wonder? Because I wonder what you taste like.”

Suddenly, her small fangs tickled Knights ears as her wet lips smothered it.

“…This is certainly something…different. No mana to gain. No benefit. The only thing is the action,” she giggled as she released his ear from her mouth. “I wonder if you can go longer than the wol-”

The boom of the doors exploding off their hinges echoed throughout the throne room. What followed amongst the clashing of steel and gusts of wind was a familiar voice.

“Get away from him, Lust!”

“Iroha-” Knight cried as he turned before a hand trapped his head.

However, the instant she emerged every wolf and lizard humanoid in the room approached her.

“Ahh, is that the nameless demon, I wonder?” the succubus feigned deep thought. “Oh, don’t worry guys. Just tend to my children and ignore the ruckus.”

As soon as the big men backed off, Iroha rushed towards succubus and cried, “I said get away from him!”

However, her attempt was in vain as two leathery wings spread from the succubus’ back and knocked her back before wrapping around herself and Knight.

“So…you’ve come back, have you? Where have you been, I wonder?”

“That doesn’t matter lust. Just let him go.”

“Oh, you came back with this one. Have you ventured into the abyss; I wonder? Or perhaps you…travelled to that world.”

“Just give him back, Lust!” Iroha cried, ignoring the questions.

“Maybe if you call me my name and not my sin, I wonder?”

“Fine! Just give him back, Shendilavri!”

“Hmm, better but could you shorten it, I wonder?”

Iroha clenched her fist as she got to her feet.

“Lavri…please let him go.” She said, pushing back her anger.

“Hmm, sorry. He’s with me now.” Lavri laughed as she stroked Knight’s deep brown hair.

Just before Iroha erupted in fury, another familiar voice intervened.

“Yo, Lavri-girl. Let my bro go.”

It was Cerrin, wielding a flaming katana.

“Ahh, Cerrin. Was our meeting scheduled for later, I wonder?”

“Ha-ha. No, sorry. But yeah, do me a favour and let my bro go.” Cerrin shouted with his boisterous attitude, walking towards Lavri and Knight.

“Oh, I didn’t know you could boss me around. I don’t think I will. I’m sure Daddy will be keen to see him.”

“…” Cerrin froze as Lavri spoke those words. “PHAHAHAHAHAHA! Daddy?”

“Hmph, I’m definitely not letting him go now,” Lavri pouted in annoyance.

“Whew, that was good,” Cerrin barely calmed his laughter. “But…you do need to let him go. You remember what me and the others are here to discuss, right?

“Yes…” Lavri sighed, folding back her black wings and releasing-

“Oi, let me go then.” Knight spat with her fingers curled around his wrist.

“My my, I’m not just going to let you go without giving you something to remember me by.” Lavri giggled before releasing him and gesturing him to follow.

“Huh?” Knight paused, looking towards Cerrin and Iroha.

Iroha harshly averted her gaze but Cerrin spoke up.

“It’s all good to go with her. Though I better help the others in the back.”

“Oh…right,” Knight let out before unwillingly following the giggling Lavri.

"Will you like it, I wonder?"

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