《The One Who Rules All Dungeons》012 - Arc 1


We enter Elli’s house, potion in hand. Mari greets us at the door. She gives a short lecture about how we stayed away all night without letting her know. Mari is a good kid. After a short conversation with Mari, it’s finally time to heal Elli’s mother. This will actually be my first time meeting her, despite staying in her house. Hopefully, she doesn't get mad about this. We knock at the door to her room; a somewhat weak response is heard.

“Come in.”

We walk inside, all three of us. An elf woman sits in the bed. She’s got bags under her eyes, and just glancing at her, you can see she isn't doing well. Despite her appearance, she gives us a gently smile and speaks.

“My Elli! Are we having a party?”

“Yeah, I suppose it is a party of sorts.”

Elli responds with a gentle smile. However, Elli’s mother passes me a curious glance.

“Who is this human that you brought here?”

“Oh, mother, this is Kazuki. He, umm… He’s my… fiancé.”

Elli blushes at her introduction of me. My eyes go wide. Fiancé!? I didn't consider that perhaps this world treats confessions far differently than earth does. I mean, thinking about it, having a girlfriend does seem like a more modern term. Maybe I shouldn’t have reciprocated her confession. No, I only spoke how I felt. Maybe I can introduce the concept of modern dating? No, that’s a dumb idea. Oh well, it does worry me a little bit, but considering that she is going to be starting a life with me. Sure, I’m okay with being engaged to her. It’s not as though we’re getting married right now. Oh, cultural differences, why must you always betray me! Her mother responds with a shocked tone of voice.

“My! A fiancé? When did this happen?”

Mari gives a mischievous laugh at the exchange, as though she was totally expecting this. I guess sisters talk to each other. Though, I suppose I shouldn’t just let Elli introduce me.

“We confessed to each other just yesterday after a difficult quest. You’ve raised quite the wonderful woman; you must be proud of her!”

Elli’s mother looks down and gives a heartfelt smile. There are some tears in her eyes, and her voice trembled as she speaks.

“Yeah, I am very proud of her. I’m filled with happiness to think that I’d get to see my daughter stand next to her fiancé before I pass on.”

Elli feels the need to interject, hearing her talk about her own death.

“About that… Mother…”

Elli reaches into her backpack and pulls out the dazzling blue potion. There’s a certain quality to it, and it feels like it almost glows. She slowly hands it over to her mother. Her mother’s eyes widen, and an indescribable look of surprise appears on her face. To have consigned herself to death, only to be given the cure right in front of her. Elli then continues to explain.

“We’ve come a long way; we are now gold rank adventurers. Don’t look so surprised. I told you that I would get you this medicine in a week, didn't I?”

Tears begin to flow down her mother’s face. She then lets out a laugh of joy, unlike any heard before.

“Hahaha! I suppose you did, didn't you? It’s my own fault for not believing that you could. I get to live, huh? I get to watch my kids grow up. I suppose I have Kazuki to thank as well?”


“He’s been a big help; I wouldn’t have been able to do it without him.”

“Kazuki, I am truly grateful to you. Thank you for helping to save my life. If there is anything I can do to repay you, please just let me know!”

I don't really need anything, though; Elli has already given me everything I need. I suppose this will be an excellent time to talk about Elli and I’s journey.

“Elli and I will be leaving on a long journey, and we may not come back for quite a while. The only thing I can ask of you is that you take good care of Mari.”

Elli’s mother lets out a sad look but is otherwise understanding. I’m sure she’ll miss Elli a lot.

“I suppose you two are serious adventurers now. It’s not really a hobby anymore but a real occupation, right? By all means, don't let me stop you from doing what you have to. I’ve been worried that Elli has been holding herself back for my sake, but it’s exciting that she is free now! When are you planning on leaving?”

“We’re planning on leaving the day after tomorrow; it’s going to be quite the undertaking.”

“I suppose you’ll be busy preparing for it then?”

“Yeah, most likely.”

“Then let me go all out at dinner. I should be able to get out of bed by then. Let’s enjoy dinner as a family before you go! Are you okay with elven cuisine?”

“Of course.”

To be honest, I really want to eat some meat right now. But in the end, I’d rather eat together with Elli than eat meat on my own. Elli’s mother is very sweet and caring, placing her children’s happiness above her own. One day we’ll definitely bring her to our town. I wish my parents were more like Elli’s mother. As we finish up, she slowly drinks the potion down. You can tell it’s bitter from her expression. We then leave the room to let her rest.

After healing her mother, Elli, and I decide to head out to the guild. It’s essential to gather information. Our journey is probably going to be difficult. It’ll be good to look over the map before we attempt to head out. As we are a few blocks away from the guild, a group of three people bumps into us on purpose. The three adventurers jeer as they taunt Elli. From Elli’s expression, she knows them.

“Well, if it isn't Elli, the fraud!”

“How did you get the guild master to defend you like that? I bet you did him a favor, huh?”

“You’re right about that. If nothing else, she’d be quite a looker if we just took off those ugly ears.

I look over to Elli, who has an annoyed expression on her face. I can tell that these three have given her trouble in the past. However, it seems that Elli isn’t going to take their abuse today. She then cracks a smile, and a look of mischief appears on her face.

“Well, I suppose it makes sense that you’re still silver, given that you're making excuses like that. At this rate, you’ll never get gold! And, hey, at least my ears aren’t as ugly as you.”

Elli taunts them back for the first time. This makes the three adventurers look a little pissed off.

“Oh yeah, well, we’re closer to gold than you!”

“Is that right?”

Ell has a look of arrogance on her face as she pulls out her new golden dog tags indicating that she is a gold rank adventurer.


“No way! There’s no way you obtained those legitimately!”

“Stupid half-elves always pulling dirty tricks.”

Sorry, Elli, I’m going to interject here. I’m very annoyed that they’d insult her like that. Besides, now’s the perfect time to find out how that new skill I picked up works! I hold my body in an intimidating posture and begin to speak.

“You idiots should get out of here. I’m kind of angry that you’d insult my woman like that.”

“Huh, you want to fight?!”

The three don’t even seem to consider me a threat. Even now, they’re trying to intimidate me. For some reason, I just can't see these guys as being strong at all. Compared to the bandits and the wererat, these guys don't seem dangerous at all. I respond to their call for a fight.

“Sure, it’s my duty as a gold rank adventurer to discipline silvers who don't understand their place. I’ll take on all three of you at once. Let’s do it.”

“Huh, I see. Talking big in front of your girl? Even if you’re a gold rank, there is no way you’ll beat the three of us at once.”

The three adventurers square up and pull out their fists. As for me, I don't even bother raising them at all. My new skill doesn't require me to even aim.

“[Astral Chain]”

Within a moment, a series of transparent chains appear around them and dig straight into their body. This is [Astral Chain] an ability to temporarily immobilize opponents who have a weaker magical defense. I expected something a little less impressive, but I would be terrified if I were immobilized by this skill. I continue to taunt the adventurers.

“You guys talked big, but if you can’t even overcome this. You have no chance of beating us.”

“Y-you bastard! Just because you immobilized us, you think you’ve won.”

“Right! That’s the spirit. I wouldn't be able to get my frustration out if you just gave up right away. Let’s see! Should I just use you as a punching bag? Maybe I should let Elli’s summons chew on you for a little bit? Elli, what do you want to do?”

Hearing that, the adventurers go pale and then start begging me to forgive them. I naturally release them from the chains, and they run off. I had no intention of seriously hurting them. I just need them to understand never to mess with us again. Elli has a cute smile on her face. It seems that this outcome was quite cathartic to her. Elli and I then head into the guild and talk to the receptionist. Today Kera is on duty, the same receptionist that I met when I first entered this town. Together we head to the map room and begin to talk about a plan.

“We’re looking to head into the [Dark Forest]. I’d like to end up around here. What is the best way to get there?”

“As I’ve said before, the [Dark Forest] is full of dangerous monsters. I can’t possibly recommend you go there. To realistically survive there, you’d have to be at least a mithril rank. Of course, I ultimately can’t stop you from going there. If you’re truly dead set on going there, hiring a guide would be the safest route.”

“We have our reasons; I’d prefer not to take a guide if there’s any other way.”

“I don't know what you’re thinking to want to go marching off to such a deadly place but fine. I’d like to give you the best odds of survival. The safest way to get there is to buy a small boat and travel by water, it’s far from perfect, and there are still monsters, but it’ll be significantly safer. In exchange, it will take a lot longer.”

“Do you know a place that we can get a boat from, and how much one would cost?”

“Well, a small rowboat would cost around one gold coin. Of course, you may want a nicer boat since it’s quite a journey. A nicer one would go for around five gold.”

Gah, hearing all this talk of acquiring more money makes me feel a little sick to my stomach. Perhaps the [Dark Forest] isn't the best place to build a dungeon. Well, no risk, no reward, we have to find a way to make it there. It seems that we have six days before the Equinox, so that’s our time limit.

We spend quite a while in the map room plotting our course and recording it on paper, doing the best we can to prepare for the journey. Unfortunately, we won’t be able to leave tomorrow. We may need a few days to prepare and build up the gold. Maybe we should look to hire a guide after all, no, that also requires money. Perhaps there’s another way to get a boat. Regardless, we’ll need to bring supplies on our trip, so we’ll need a little bit of cash.

Elli and I spend the rest of the day completing a few simpler gold rank quests to earn a bit of a budget for our trip. After completing them and receiving our rewards, we return to Elli’s house. When we open the door, we are greeted with a wondrous smell of vegetables cooking with delicious herbs. Elli’s mother is cooking in the small kitchen with Mari’s help. She’s looking a lot better already. When she sees us come in, she gives us a gentle smile.

“Welcome home, Elli, Kazuki.”

“We’re home, mom.”

“The food will be ready real soon. Why don't you two have a seat at the table? Oh Kazuki, I suppose I didn't really introduce myself earlier, did I? My name is Cecie, and I’m Elli and Mari’s mother.”

“Nice to meet you, Cecie.”

“You can call me mom if you’d like.”

I guess I’ll comply with her request. There’s no harm in it.

“Sorry, nice to meet you, mom.”

Together we all eat and enjoy the dish that was made. We have some small talk we eat. Overall we enjoy ourselves quite a bit. There is a certain warmth that I feel inside my heart. Is this what family is supposed to be like?

Both of my parents put their job before our family. It was a lovely way to grow up. We never struggled financially, but there was always a distance between us. I was pressured to take a career that was suitable for our family. Unfortunately, I didn't live up to their expectations.

I shake away the worries of my old world. One thing is for sure, I’ll never be going back there. This is now my world, and this is now my family. After we finish eating, we introduce checkers to Cecie. We have a good time playing and enjoy ourselves.

End of Arc 1

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