《The One Who Rules All Dungeons》006 - Broken V1.1


As we continue walking, things get surprisingly quiet. As I turn to tell Elli, I feel something on my neck that’s cold and sharp. A knife. Everyone can warn you that walking around in the slums is just asking for it, especially if you have the air of money. We’re anything but rich. However, we were able to purchase weapons and a robe; we’d be a decent target for any thieves nearby.

“Alright, come with us quietly, don’t make a commotion.”

The bandits quietly whisper in our ears before leading us into a small alleyway. After several turns, we’re in a place hidden from street view entirely. The bandits push us down. Just then, I notice that the one who is leading the bandits is none other than the creepy shopkeeper from the store. This confirms my suspicion that something was off about that place. He jeers at us tauntingly.

“Perhaps, we’ll let you live if you give us all of your cash and equipment. Or, would you rather become an offering.”

An offering? Just what is going on here, these don’t seem to be just any bandits. Elli looks as if she’s about to cry, but she still somehow musters the resolve to talk back.

“N-no! I need this money so I can save my mother’s life.”

“Ehhh. I don’t care about your mother. What does that have to do with me? Hahahaha”

The bandit laughs. He’s clearly enjoying this. After his laughter fades, he looks Elli straight in the eyes and speaks with his knife outstretched.

“Come on, you told a funny joke, so LAUGH.”

Elli swallows her pride; you can see the fear in her eyes, but she complies with the bandits. She obeys the bandit’s command; however, her laugh is full of fear.


This guy makes me sick. I knew this robe was too good to be true, and yet… and yet I took it anyway. Was this robe bait? Did he put some sort of tracking magic on it? I just don’t know enough about this world!

“That’s right, laugh, you dumb half-elf. Honestly, you think the mother of a half-elf has a higher priority than me? Yeah, right.”

I’m pissed. Elli is awkward but sweet. She’s timid, but yet she’s trying her best. She’s going so far to save her mother, choosing to be an adventurer even though others tell her to pick a different path. Someone like her deserves better than this. What can I do?

There are four bandits in total. There’s one upfront taunting Elli, and the other three are gathered around behind. I’ll take down the one threatening Elli first and then deal with the other three. I stand up with my arms out, attempting to hide my hostility.

“P-please stop messing with her.”

I feign nervousness, but strangely I feel very calm. Ever since I first awoke in the world of glass, I haven’t felt fear. Perhaps the calming effect is still lingering on me, or perhaps it’s because I’ve already died once.

“Oh, and who are you to command me? Are you going to take her place? You’re a little disgusting, you know, defending a half-elf. But alright, if you are serious, why don’t you hurt yourself a little, then I’ll let her go.”

“B-but, w-what do you mean h-hurt myself.”

“Grab that dagger at your hip.”

I reach down and raise the dagger up

“Now, use it to slice open your arm.”

“T-that will h-hurt.”

“Of course, it’s going to hurt. If there were no pain, [God the Destroyer] wouldn’t be pleased. Unless… you want me to kill this girl in front of you. She’d make a great offering as well.”


Holding the knife while shaking, my movements calm. I release the nervousness that I was pretending to have. My mind is clear, I’m going to kill this man. I won’t give him a chance to turn this into a fight. I’ll end his life immediately.

I take the dagger and quickly thrust it directly at the bandit’s head. The knife plunges deep into his temple, and his body slumps over to the ground. He was killed instantly. I’m sure that he would be a challenging foe in a real fight, but this wasn’t a fight; this was an assassination. Strangely enough, I don’t feel anything about the fact that I just killed a person. I feel as though I’m underwater, and those emotions are just a muffled sound in the distance.

The other three bandits all stare with a dumbfounded look on their faces. They were taken entirely by surprise by my sudden change in attitude. I turn to face them and talk to Elli, who is crying on the ground behind me.

“Elli, can you fight this?”

“I-I don’t think I can.”

“Alright, I’ll protect you no matter what.”

Elli is curled up in the fetal position. I imagine that the taunting and the fear of death are getting to her. I don’t have the time to comfort her now, though.

The nearest bandit tries to attack me, swinging his knife wildly. I do my best to deflect and dodge it, but some slashes hit, causing blood to splash from my arm. If I were more experienced, I might be able to fight back more elegantly, but I just have to do the best possible with my current skill. In response to his wild flurry of swings, I need to counter-attack. My knife slices the air and comes down into the bandit’s shoulder. He’s focused so much on the attack that defense flew through the window. He didn’t even attempt to block it. Regardless, I can’t spend any more time on this guy. Since the other bandits are closing in, I have to end his life quickly.

I throw my fist through the air targeting his side. He moves to block my punch with his knife. My fist hurts as the knife cuts into my flesh. With my other hand, I slash through the air and slice his throat open. He flails about trying to figure out what happened before he trips backward over the body of the first bandit.

“That’s two.”

My body feels hot, similar to the guild’s machine, and when I received [Overdrive]. Perhaps it’s a new skill? I’m beaten up and bleeding, but I know I’m still mostly okay. All of the attacks have hit me in non-vital areas. It seems that my merciless attacks were enough to overcome my lack of combat experience. they keep their distance, and it seems to be a good opening to check my status. [Display Status]

[Name: Kazuki Hirano Lv. 3] [Race: Human] [Class: Support Caster Lv. 2]


HP: 758/1032

MP: 612/612

Strength: 58

Dexterity: 76

Magic: 108

Physical Defense: 68

Magical Defense: 38


[Fireball Lv.1]

[Unique Skills]

[Overdrive Lv.1]

[Universal Translation Lv.1]

My strongest stat is magic, and it seems that the feeling of heat when I killed the other bandits was from obtaining the fireball skill. Though, now might not be the best time to try to use it.

Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll get by as easily as with the last two bandits. Maybe I’ll try to reason with them.

“I don’t suppose you guys would let us leave, would you?”


“Nice try, but of course not. The ones in question might have been idiots, but you did kill two of us. Don’t think this fight is over.”

“I figured as much.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t go down as easily as those other two. You’re clearly inexperienced; you don’t stand a chance. Though I do have to applaud your brutality, are you even human?”

“I am.”

“Impressive! very few people can take lives as casually as you did. Almost everyone would have some sort of emotion from killing people, even that idiot lying there. However, you barely reacted. Did you even see us as people at all? Oh, you will make a great offering!”

I decided very lightly that they would be killed, to go from not even being in fistfights to killing people as easily as moving my arm. I guess I just got taken into the pace of this world, never stopping to think about what I’m doing. It felt so much like I was taken into a video game that I never considered the gravity of my actions. Not to mention this strange calmness that lingers over me.

Again, another mention of an offering. I had assumed there were only two gods. However, it would seem that there is a lot more than I know of. [God the Destroyer], I think it was? That name seems a little different from the other gods I know, though.

I look at two bandits who are on guard stretching before the fight. However, that attitude has helped me make it this far. If I didn’t attack them with intent to kill, they would still be harassing Elli. Perhaps, if we survive, I’ll reconsider my world view, but I need to fight until then.

I swiftly take the first move, diving in towards the bandit. Unfortunately, my attack is blocked by his knife easily. He then pushes me backward since I was overextended. I fall to the ground but quickly spin back to face him. He’s standing around, taking his time. He’s not the type to swing his blade frantically. He’ll only go in for the kill when he’s sure it will work. He quickly taunts me.

“Looks like I was right. You have no substance. Just a killer guard dog, but unable to fight properly.”

“Heh, you think you’ve won.”

“But I have. Watch my magic closely.”

The bandit makes a strange motion centered around his hand. I crouch in anticipation, prepared to do whatever I can against his attack. The bandit then proceeds to move his hand into a position where his middle finger is raised at me. I stand there, staring in confusion for a moment.

Suddenly I realize that it was all a distraction and catch the other bandit right next to me swinging his blade. I messed up. Is this where I die?


The sound of swords clashing is heard next to me. Elli has gotten up and blocked the second bandit’s attack.

“Sorry it took so long.”

She has tears in her eyes, yet she now stands next to me in battle.

“Thanks, you really saved me there.”

“Nnn… For now, we have to win.”

We’re being attacked by two competent bandits closing in on us. Aside from [Overdrive], I have no skills that I can use here.

“Elli, if you have any skills, now would be the time to use them.”

“I understand. Please protect me while I cast it.”

Elli drops her sword and pulls out a piece of chalk. She quickly begins drawing a magic circle on the ground. The bandits noticing this, simultaneously try to attack her. I do my best to block both of their attacks. I manage just barely but take several slashes to my arms. The pain is immeasurable and, I’m bleeding even more than before, but I need to bear with it and protect Elli.

“It’s done. Get back now!”

I dive away, leaving the bandits behind. The bandit that was further away jumped and hid, but the closer bandit didn’t make it. From the magic circle lept a small wolf made of fire. The fire wolf then proceeds to jump immediately at the nearby bandit, mauling him. While the wolf is doing that, the other bandit seems to be chanting a spell. I quickly dive at the spell-caster, and while he’s still chanting, I cut into him with my knife. Despite my best efforts, he completes his spell.

“[Water Jet]”

A stream of water flies from the bandit’s hand directly at the wolf, causing the wolf to get extinguished and vanished. While he eliminates the wolf, I immediately follow up my slash by punching him in the face, knocking him out.

Looking around, I try to get a handle on the situation. Elli seems to be on the verge of passing out and is lying on the ground. Two bandits are dead, one is knocked out, and the last one is slowly getting back up. I’m cut all over the place, and my body feels heavy. The talkative bandit continues to taunt me.

“It seems our battle is at a close. Your friend is not going to be fighting anytime soon. Between you and me, this fight is over. Honestly, if things were different, you’d be a great member of our organization.”

“Heh, not sure how I feel hearing that. However, are you sure you should be tallying your victory already? I’m still standing, and I haven’t used any of my skills yet.”

“Hoh, a bluff, is it? Either you can’t use your skills in this situation, or you don’t have any.”

“If you think it’s a bluff, then come on and attack me.”

The bandit stands there for a second, weighing his options in his head. Eventually, he finds his answer and charges at me.

“You’re terrible at bluffing!”

As the bandit charges at me, I slowly exhale and say the name of my skill.


Suddenly a feeling of heat rushes over my entire body. It was precisely like the feeling when this skill was first given to me. There is a lot of pain and discomfort, and I can tell that my body is taking damage, but at the same time, the weariness from my wounds is gone. I can move my body freely with little resistance.

After hearing me activate my skill, the bandit jumps backward. This guy is much more cautious than the others. He’s a clear threat.

I can feel a lot of new power within me. It would be an incredible skill if it wasn’t for the time limit. I need to end this fast.

[Kazuki Hirano HP: 492/1032]

[Kazuki Hirano] HP: 492/1032

“So, you weren’t bluffing aft- “


I release a fireball at the bandit to which he is barely able to dodge. In fact, it hits his right leg, even causing his pantleg to catch fire. In the time between launching the fireball and his dodge, I close the distance quickly. After dodging the fireball, perhaps on instinct, he raises his knife to catch my slash. He is now fighting from the ground as best he can.

He blocks my first slash, but I don’t let him rest and immediately follow up with three more. He manages to block the first two, but the third hit his arm, causing him to drop his blade. I go in for the final attack with my blade.

“[Metal skin]”


The knife is deflected off of him. He used his skill to turn his body to metal making it impossible to finish him off. As I kneel atop him, I frantically attack him as best as I can. If I don’t end this now, I’ll die from my own skill!

“You seem very desperate; I reckon that skill you used has a high cost. Doesn’t it? Too bad, your time will run out before my defense skill does, then I’ll kill you and that girl.”

[Kazuki Hirano] HP: 302/1032

“[Fireball], [Fireball], [Fireball]”

I continue to blast his hardened skin with fireballs while also wailing away with my dagger. He definitely seems to be taking damage but, damn it, all too slow. Is this where I die? No, I can see that his metal skin is changing color. The heat is weakening it. I continue to swing and cast fireball. Finally, I reach the knife back and really put my back into this last swing.


My blade delivers a decisive blow but ultimately shatters into pieces.

[Kazuki Hirano] HP: 202/1032

I didn’t even save Elli’s mother; I didn’t even get to start building my dungeon. Brought into this world and removed from it all in the same day, this fate is all too cruel! In my rage, I raise my hand in an angry fist, and with all the frustration in my heart, scream as I bring it down into the bandit’s face.


I hear the most god-awful creaking sound as I notice that the bandit’s skull was deformed. He appears to have died from his skull being crushed. His metal skin was undoubtedly an impressive defense skill, but ultimately, I was able to defeat it, if not just barely.


I release my skill, and then suddenly, everything fades to black. It seems that Overdrive pushed my body far beyond its limits, and now I will pay the price. I hear a brief scream from Elli as I topple to the ground.


Sorry, Elli. It seems you’ll have to save your mother on your own…

[Kazuki Hirano] HP: 73/1032

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