《The Prophecy of an Ancient Bloodline》Chapter 24: Divide and Conquer
Jaden trudged through the forest, he had Evan slung over his shoulder. "Sasha, I know I've not seen the last of them. Add markers for Brains, Brawn, and all the peons to the map. Just mark them as yellow as I'm not sure how I want to deal with them just yet."
It is done.
"Never underestimate your opponent, isn't that right Mother?" Jaden nodded in approval as he watched the rat race dispersing and spreading through the forest. "Last thing Sasha, then I want you to focus on cleaning up that anomaly."
"Make that two things." Jaden mused, "I'd rather not be called 'Creator'. Also, can you pinpoint their nest? I'm pretty certain this is just a small force they've sent."
That will take just a moment... Nest located, mark all entities?
"All? No! I don't need to monitor their entire race, just mark them if they come within 500 meters of the city, or one of my clan should they be outside the city." Jaden slightly paled at her suggestion.
Attempting... Success. Requested functionality is available.
"Really? I had my doubts, but that is a welcome surprise." Jaden poked her sore spot.
You're riddled with your own flaws, shall I list them all for you?
"No, that's okay. Maybe just my flaws that will get me into trouble."
It's still a long list.
"Brutal. Another time." Jaden couldn't help but laugh how he lost in that exchange. Did I just feel smugness from her? He stopped in his movement a moment and glazed over his map. I don't know what they're planning just yet, but that looks like quite a net.
"Uhn.." Evan groaned painfully and rubbed his head.
"You awake?" Jaden asked.
"I doubt I'm dreaming." Evan replied, "My head hurts too much. Huh, Jaden?"
Evan's eyes opened wide, shock hit him fully, "What happened?"
"You were knocked out and kidnapped by the race of ratmen. Needless to say, I stopped that from escalating any worse than it was." Jaden set him on his own feet as he explained.
"Thanks..." Evan looked at Jaden and mumbled, "Not fair."
"Life isn't fair. Less so when you try to compare yourself to a god turned mortal." Jaden sighed, "No hard feelings?"
"Why didn't you just leave me?" Evan looked at the ground.
"Like it or not, you and I are part of the same clan. We're a dying race if you haven't noticed, and I'd rather not lose anymore." Jaden stated matter-of-factly, "Thank my mother if you're so inclined. Does your head still hurt? Let's get moving."
"Hey, huh?" Evan protested when Jaden grabbed him bodily and kicked off the ground into a run.
"I have something I need to do, recovering you was a detour," Jaden stated as he ran deeper into the forest.
He went out of his way for me? Evan thought back on every interaction he'd ever had with Jaden. Why?
Trees turned into a blur as Jaden ran, Evan couldn't fathom how he was running so fast, so silently, and without destroying the forest. Jaden didn't stop until they entered a clearing with a crystal clear pond.
"Is this?" Evan asked as he took in the serene view.
"Where Mother healed herself once before, the oracle mistakenly thought she tried to drown herself here," Jaden replied as he pulled several hastily made wooden containers he'd received from Lulu.
"Jump in, should make your head feel better," Jaden stated as he set about filling all his containers to the brim. I wish these were a bit bigger, but I'll make do.
"You're telling me you just made a two-day journey while carrying me?"
"Mother ran the same distance in fifteen minutes the day she met you all," Jaden replied without turning away from his task. He plugged another wooden bottle and stored it.
"It hasn't even been a minute though!" Evan took a step away.
Jaden turned to him disinterested, "Mother is in a bad condition. I'll make this trip as many times as I have to if my body rips apart because I'm moving faster than I can handle, so be it. I nearly lost her once because I didn't want to use more power than this body can handle. I will not make that mistake a second time."
"Matriarch is hurt?" Evan recalled something he hadn't paid much attention to. 'One of you will be gravely injured.'
"Nothing short of a miracle kept her alive after what happened." a sadness permeated his voice, "I could have prevented it... and the price would have been an even older body than this one I have now."
"Live without regret." Jaden continued, "That's what Mother told me once. I've already failed that option. All I can do now is try not to add any more to the burden I carry. Now hurry up and at least drink from the pond."
Evan did as he was bid and drank the cool water. The water soothed more than just his head. Jaden nodded and filled the final container. He corked it and grabbed Evan before making the return trip.
Jaden slowed down as he approached the city limits, coming to a stop, he set Evan down. "The ratmen are still around the city. Don't wander out." Jaden warned before he disappeared leaving Evan alone.
Did he just teleport, or did he run? Evan asked himself, unable to perceive the difference. He entered the city and returned to the bathhouse to check on Bayne.
"Oh Jaden, did you forget something?" Molli, Lulu, and Anya turned to look at him from where they'd been overlooking Vivian in the cocoon.
"No... I'm back," Jaden pulled the full water containers and handed one to Molli and Anya. "See what you can discover from this."
Jaden approached his mother brandishing three more full containers. He popped the cork off two and poured them into the solution his mother was soaking in. The last he uncorked, tilted her head back, and poured into her mouth. He spoke softly, "Drink."
Jaden stood there, staring at her, waiting for any change at all. Sasha finally popped up in his vision. She displayed some numbers that slowly ticked up, and stopped.
Health pool: 10/1000
Eight points, from that little amount... and so quickly? I'm starting to understand why this city was destroyed. Jaden turned to look at the container he'd given to Molli. "The little I gathered has stabilized her condition, the sooner you can figure out what's in the water, the better."
Brother, the water is quite complex. A soft feminine voice filled Jaden's mind. Looking around for the source, his eyes fell on Anya. "Brother? That makes sense, we have the same mother."
Anya smiled in response to his acceptance. It will be a while before we can fully understand everything going on in it though. I'll do everything I can to keep the water in Mother's bath as long as possible.
"I should make another trip though. Also, I thwarted a group of Ratmen that had tried to take Evan away. From what I can tell, they're not particularly dangerous but be on guard all the same."
"Evan is fine?" Lulu looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Yes, he's back safe and sound," Jaden nodded. "Where's Isa and Emily?"
Last I saw, Isa had flown out of the city after having words with the Liralau. As for Emily, Molli sent her for a bath. Anya replied.
Isa, what are you up to? Jaden asked himself just as his map lit up with yellow dots all around the city.
"Fantastic. Just what I need right now. You sense them, Anya? I need you to seal all the buildings."
I'll do my best, I'm still a little disjointed in this new body.
"Are you going to make me explain the plan again?" Brains asked, his patience long gone.
"No I think I got it, it's just how do you know they're at their most vulnerable right now?" Brawn replied.
"I'd love to examine your brain sometime, to see how it works, or rather how it doesn't work." Brains sighed. "We've been watching the city. The future King just ran off into the woods, that woman that toiled fruitlessly with that giant beast had a crushing defeat, literally. All the rest of them are weak and pitiful."
Brawn blinked, "I don't get it."
"Of course you don't, but that's why you have me." Brains retorted, "I do your thinking for you, and you do the bashing for me. Right now, I'm telling you to go do some bashing. He sounded attached to his clansmen, so anyone will do. Grab that little one, or if you can manage it, grab that one he saved from getting stepped on a second time. Either should make him most compliant."
"I think that's a bad idea, Brains." Brawn replied, "That could set us down a path of destruction if he's half as strong as I think he is."
"Just go and return with one of them before he gets back and he'll do anything we want." Brains was losing patience with this Brawn.
"You're the Brains..." Brawn replied reluctantly as he signaled the brainwashed peons to follow him. "For the Horde!"
"Try not to forget it," Brains retorted, "again."
Emily had finished drying off and was getting dressed when the building shook. The door had replaced with a solid wall. Scared, she uttered in a tiny voice "Anya? What'sh going on?"
Don't worry little one, just a precaution. Anya's soft voice emanated through her mind.
"Ohhh, I can undershtand you!" Emily beamed.
Anya stifled a giggle. All will be back to normal soon. Brother made this request for your safety.
"Brother? Okay, I'll shtay here." Emily replied while looking at what used to be a door. Not like I have a choish...
For the Horde! For the Horde! For the Horde!
Emily heard a multitude of strange screeches getting closer and closer, seemingly coming straight for her. "Are they bad people?" she cocked her head to the side as she tried to decipher what they were saying.
"Oy come on lads, you've gotta be louder!" Brawn encouraged, "Our presence should be made known far and wide long before we arrive!"
"Seems I forgot to remind him that drawing attention in cases like this drops the odds of success." Brains kicked himself. "Honestly, I have to repeat so much it's hard to keep track of it all. I'm sure they're on high alert by now." Brains shook his head. "Maybe he'll take this failure to heart and actually learn something? Unlikely, but I can hope right? No point dwelling, I need to strategize a new plan for after."
"Wait, no. I can use this. He'll draw all their attention, I can... yes. You lot there, with me!"
"Quiet! Our goal requires minimal noise." Brains silenced them as they lined up. He led them into the city.
"What a racket." Daryl complained through a yawn, "Why hasn't he dealt with this nonsense yet?"
He had fallen asleep in the bath. The first proper sleep he's had in a long time. If I could give up hearing oracles I would. Knowing the future is no comfort. I've gotten used to the vagueness over the years, but now that the future isn't certain? Gods, just bury me already. Or at least take this 'gift' away; let someone else worry about it. Daryl stretched before he rose from the water. Dried and dressed, he moved out of the private bath and into the main lobby.
"Bayne?" Daryl looked over the body collapsed on the floor. The smell of liquor and vomit strong around him. Finally, I'm not the only one with a burden too heavy to bear anymore. Daryl helped his friend to his feet, and into a private bath. Daryl dumped him unceremoniously into the tub clothes and all, made sure he'd be fine, and returned to his bath to clean up again.
"Evan?" Daryl spotted his son staring blankly at the wall.
"Hm? Oh, hey Dad." Evan turned his blank look at his father.
"You okay, son?" Daryl asked.
"I am, but dealing with this feeling I have now, it's just eating me alive," Evan replied, turning his vision back to the wall.
"You want to talk about it?" Daryl sat next to him.
"After you clean up, Bayne got you too?" Evan replied wrinkling his nose.
"I put him in a bath, I assume you helped him get where he was?"
"Till I got clubbed and taken." Evan nodded, "Relax Dad, I'm fine now. Thanks to... Jaden. I'll tell you about it after you bathe, again."
Now, how best to deal with this situation. They're here for me, and from what I can tell, they're not interested in causing harm. "Anya, I'm going to have a word with them, close the door behind me all right?"
Anya nodded and handed him a staff appropriate for his larger body. She was shocked when he caught her in a hug and whispered, "Thanks, Sis. I'm sure everyone will want to hug you. Minimum. For everything you've done for us."
When he released her, her cheeks had become deeper green. He gently ruffled her delicate looking hair.
Hey, unlike Emily, I am the 'big sis'. Anya glared.
"Only older by a day, two at most." Jaden dismissed her claim, "Emily truly is the 'Big Shish', older than both of us by six years despite appearances."
Jaden walked brazenly down the main street of the city. He lazily twirled his staff about while he recalled some of the things he'd seen his mother do and tried to mimic his memory. He somersaulted, lept through the air, even performed several cartwheels while keeping his staff spinning around his body.
Jaden looked around, observing how all the leaves were getting blown about by wind that he wasn't feeling. The air was quite noisy as well. He stopped twirling and all the wind and noise disappeared. "It's fortunate I didn't put any effort into that."
"For the Horde!" Jaden turned in the direction. Brawn must be that way. Brains... where are you sneaking off to? I'll deal with him later, let him think this 'diversion' is working. Is that...? He shook his head and strolled toward the noise.
"What are you doing?" Jaden asked when he witnessed the source of the commotion.
"There are people inside." the Liralau explained, her back to the building as she swiped her paws at any of the rat-men that got too close.
"For the Horde!" the peons rushed the obstacle in front of their target.
"Can you handle that?" Jaden asked nonplussed. Just what is her angle?
"If I had my daggers, they'd all be dead." she retorted, "Even without, their mindless numbers put them at a greater disadvantage."
Jaden watched as she proved her point. She focused on evading the clubs, the wielders swung their weapons full strength into their own forces. Jaden laughed as he watched, from his perspective he was witnessing the Horde destroy itself as a woman simply danced amongst them.
Brawn viewed the same scene in awe, his strength far surpassed his mental capacity, but that didn't stop his warrior's heart from appreciating the spectacle before his eyes. He returned to his senses and bellowed, the peons disengaged and backed off. "Bravo, that was beautiful." Brawn clapped his hands together.
"What are you after?" Jaden asked.
"Oh right, why am I here again?" Brawn scratched his head then slowly retrieved his two-handed club, "I don't remember, but since I'm here play with me?"
class 1-a chatfic
[[ 𝗙𝗘𝗧𝗨𝗦 𝗕𝗢𝗢𝗞 ,, 𝗗𝗢 𝗡𝗢𝗧 𝗥𝗘𝗔𝗗 ]]hey bestiesss ;)shit happens and it gets kinda chaotic lmao-before you attack me, ik izuku isn't 'uwu baby' , i just wanted to write him like this <>[ DD/MM/YY ]#1 in bnhachatfic - 6/3/21#1 in katsudeku - 25/3/2110k reads - 21/5/21#6 in bakudeku - 8/6/21
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