《The Prophecy of an Ancient Bloodline》Chapter 16: The Chosen's Path
Isa darted through the trees, her tiny frame granting her maximum maneuverability in the undergrowth. She flapped her wings. Her body seemed to blur as her speed increased further. She tilted her body ever so slightly left and right, using the air resistance to guide herself through the branches effortlessly. Nearly got you...
Isa slowly released her mana around her body, a light blue haze enveloped her form as she tore through the air. With her next action, the dweomer expanded rapidly outward and burst into flames, turning the forest surrounding her to ash. Isa brought herself to a halt with another flap of her wings; the still standing sillouettes of the trees scattered to the wind. Her eyes narrowed further as she ignited her body and feathers, becoming the mythical phoenix she pretended to be.
The visage of the mythical bird was a sight to behold to the small group of humanoids that were still alive even though the forest around them had been incinerated. They all scowled at her when they realized what she'd done.
"My beautiful fur! That bird singed it off!" similar complaints erupted from the group of four as their eyes turned violent.
"Liralau?" Isa frowned but couldn't help laughing to herself as she watched the group of felines trying to cover their mildly burnt and furless bodies. "What are you after today?"
"We just found our prize." one of the men replied. "You're going to solidify a cozy life for us."
Isa's features revealed her disgust at these people. Her flames intensified producing a scalding heat that set some leaves on fire. The group was mostly unphased from the increased temperature.
"Ah, a cool summer breeze." one of the women said while fanning herself mockingly. She stuck her hand into a pouch at her belt and pulled out a tiny fragile vial. Her three companions did likewise as they stepped away from each other, and started surrounding Isa.
This could be a problem. Isa berated herself as she watched them warily. She'd been the top of the food chain for so long, she had forgotten the importance of caution. Their greedy eyes make my skin crawl. Rather than allow them to fully prepare, Isa went on the offensive. She launched fire from her mouth like a flamethrower twisting her head left and right, sending flames at her four assailants. In their momentary blindness, she launched herself straight up into the air, and over the forest to the west, behind the woman that spoke earlier. Before the fire cleared, she dove into the forest, and sped toward the woman's back.
"If you've fought with one phoenix..." the woman sighed in boredom as in one motion, she turned, side-stepped and smashed the vial against Isa's beak, "You'd think such a wise creature would have more than one defensive strategy."
Isa sputtered as the liquid entered her mouth. I know this... maupia blood? Isa spat it out as best she could, fighting her basic carnivorian instinct to simply drink it.
"Hoh?" the woman was slightly amused, she'd never seen a carnivore straight up reject their favorite food before. But it didn't matter as she signaled the others. Three nets sailed through the air and landed, snaring Isa as she was preoccupied. Isa sent a burst of fire into the air, destroying the blood in her mouth; albeit too late, but her aim was to to burn through the nets.
"Don't bother. Those nets are fire proof, and strong enough to snare a Mirage Dragon." the woman smirked as she secured the nets closed, "We've caught a few of them too."
"No..." Isa's heart hit rock bottom at that information. She sent a burst of fire into the air, venting her despair.
"Take it easy with the merchandise." the woman said flatly to her three companions as she backed away, "I don't care how upset you are, my beautiful fur is destroyed too. Remember, bruises and missing feathers reduce value."
Sasha was watching Jaden moving on the map, she was feeling anxiety, worry and powerlessness as her preferred host was currently in a drugged coma. She had tried mental shock therapy to wake her Vivian, but it was fruitless. Giving up on that, she began devising a way to force her host's passive [Sleep Resist] skill into its more useful active state.
Vines grew around Vivian's sleeping form as Anya prepared to follow Jaden's request. A cocoon of vines and branches formed around Vivian and sealed closed. A liquid slowly filled the cocoon, filling it near completely. A single vine within the cocoon sprouted thorns and trailed along her body, drawing blood. The liquid directly entered her bloodstream and immediately started neutralizing the toxin from the dragon leaf. As the concentration weakened, it entered a state where the passive effect of the skill was able to counteract the toxin slightly. Vivian sluggishly opened her eyes and she pushed all her mana into the skill.
[Sleep Resist(moderate)] activated.
[Sleep Resist(immune)] in effect from mana expenditure.
The skill neutralized the toxin in her body instantly and deactivated from lack of mana a moment later.
Skill: [Sleep Resist(moderate)] improved to [Sleep Resist(advanced)]. Passive effect has acquired ability (Slow Detox).
What a lucky gamble. When Vivian stirred within the cocoon, Anya drained the liquid and healed the scratch she inflicted. She offered a shirt and pants when she opened the cocoon and let Vivian out.
Vivian, we have a problem.
Understatement of the century, Sasha. The bath was drugged, do y... why is Jaden at the edge of my map...? Where's Isa?
"Anya, I have two requests. One of which, I have no right to ask for. I will give whatever compensation you want in exchange, even if it is outside my ability right now."
Jaden gripped the staff tightly as he took it wordlessly from Anya's vine, turning his knuckles white. He cast his gaze hastily toward the bursts of fire. Taking a deep breathe, he plunged forward into the undergrowth. His tiny body unhindered by the plants and brush, he drew closer. What am I doing? If Isa's in trouble, what can I possibly do? Despite his doubts he pressed on.
"Isa did this...?" Jaden asked himself as he entered the scorched area where Isa was taken captive. He took careful stock of the area. Four sets of footprints, broken glass... He opened his ears to the trees and listened to the tale they had to tell. Jaden closed his eyes momentarily as he pictured what took place here.
"Such dangerous people... but what's 'merchandise'? And what's with these strange tracks?" he asked himself as he bolted down the trail they left behind. I smell blood.
Jaden paused in his pursuit, looking at the sides of the trail. What he saw was remniscient of unrivaled brutality. Beldereavers were butchered, deboned and deskinned; whatever wasn't of use or value was discarded and left to rot along the trail. Jaden vomited at the sight. Isa... what will they do to you?
He hardened his heart at the scene and turned to follow the trail once more, only to find that the path had closed. "Anya? You're here? Then is Mother?"
Relief washed over Jaden, until he heard heavy footfalls coming straight for him. He swallowed hard as he braced himself for the scolding he was sure to get. He gave the closed off trail a pleading look, but it remained closed. He sighed as he abandoned hope of avoiding it. He simply sat down, crossed his legs, locked his eyes at the ground... and waited.
"Mother... I..." Jaden spoke momentarily later, when the sound from the heavy footfalls actually caught up and vanished.
"You can reflect later when it's an appropriate time for you to learn a lesson." Vivian interrupted as she hugged him, "I'm both proud and disappointed in you, but that's for later."
"Now, tell me what you've discovered." she said when she released him.
"Merchandise?" Vivian frowned, "I'm afraid I don't know either."
With a wave of her hand, the trail forward opened. "I'd rather you not come with, but I won't be able to protect you from the world forever. It's your choice if you come with me or not."
Jaden thought about it, he'd said something similar to Emily not that long ago and he was about to make the same choice she did. "If I go, would I be able to help?"
Much to his surprise, his mother gave him a solid nod, "Decide quickly."
"I want to lessen your burden," Jaden replied, "I'm coming with you."
Vivian frowned slightly and sighed, "My burden? This is actually yours to bear. I'm merely shouldering it temporarily."
Turning serious the next moment, Vivan spoke to the air, "Sasha, it's time for the initial stage; he's chosen his path."
"Yes, I'm aware." she replied to the air.
Host Integration commencing... Greetings, Creator. Initial scan commencing.
"Mother?" Jaden asked recalling that he'd seen something like this before.
"It's fine." Vivian comforted, "This is necessary if you want to help."
Vivian smiled seeing his determined nod. "I'm going ahead. Take a minute and get familiar with Sasha then follow."
Jaden watched his mother vanish down the trail, he was about to follow when he was stopped.
It's better to listen to her, Creator.
"Sasha?" Jaden asked tentatively, "Mother was talking to you all that time?"
That is correct. Fond memories for me, maybe not so much for her.
"Mom was always frowning talking to you." Jaden recalled, "Why?"
She is a cautious sort, was worried I had ulterior motives. My inability to quell her concerns saddens me still. There were a lot of questions she had I couldn't answer as well.
"What happens now? I don't feel any different, except now I'm talking to myself like Mother does."
Initial scan complete. Displaying status.
He chose this path, so why do I feel guilty? Vivian asked herself as she ran after Isa, then she quickly scolded herself. At this pace, I'm making too much noise. Too late to do much about it now... and sounds like Jaden is catching up.
"Mother?" Jaden asked as he slowed his pace to match hers, "Were you waiting for me to catch up?"
Shaking her head Vivian responded, "No, this is as fast as I can be naturally. If my mana pool wasn't empty, I could push myself faster."
Jaden looked at her doubtfully.
"It's true, do you currently feel something draining inside you?" Vivian asked.
"No..." Jaden replied.
"How envious I am," Vivian stated, "What are your stats?"
"Don't know, most of them showed up as errors when Sasha tried to show me." Jaden stated matter-of-factly.
"Sasha?" Vivian asked.
He's a reincarnated god. What do you want from me?
"Woah, are you bitter?" Vivian chuckled, "You're getting all kinds of emotional lately. I like it, makes you easier to talk to."
We'll see if you still feel that way next time our connection deepens.
"Already looking forward to it." Vivian replied.
"I'm just thankful the cart isn't flammable too, this phoenix is too much of a bother with all these outbursts." the male Liralau stated as he pulled the cart. "It's already incinerated everything else of value that we caught."
"Seriously, we better make some serious coin considering everything else we lost." the male pulling the cart next to him added.
"Quit your whining and pull." the female in charge ordered.
Isa ignored their chatter, even though she was the main topic. She was instead concerned with the familiar sounds that were getting closer. She kept spewing flames periodically mostly to distract the four Liralau, but it had a side benefit of further marking the path they were taking. Some guardian I turned out to be, needing to be rescued by the race I'm supposed to protect. Still, I'm grateful they're not just abandoning me. This group needs something to complain about... they're too quiet.
Isa cast a mischievious grin at the two feline men pulling the cart. She took a sharp breath and exhaled a long stream of fire at their backsides igniting their tails.
"So help me if I don't skin you alive!" both men dropped the cart as they set about extinguishing their tails.
"I'm just trying to help you improve your fire resistance to fire proof." Isa smirked.
"If you drop that cart again, I'll be skinning you both alive. Now get a move on!" the woman in charge threatened.
"Empty threats and violence aren't the best ways to solve problems," Vivian stated shaking her head.
"Though sometimes violence is the most effective way to get your point across, we want to resolve this peacefully. Release our friend, and we'll be on our way without hurting anyone." Jaden added.
"Is that an empty threat?" the woman in charge asked as she took a good look at the new arrivals. "A couple of grey skins huh... I thought you all were extinct. But this is a good opportunity to acquire more merchandise as well."
"What is merchandise?" Vivian frowned.
"You are." the woman licked her lips as she thought about the small fortune that was standing in front of her.
Vivian dropped the topic as she wasn't any closer to understanding now than before. "Jaden, unfortunately too many people let their strength go to their head, and they think their might allows them to do whatever they want. Don't let that arrogance affect you too."
"Understood, Mother," Jaden replied as he took her words to heart. "But, how are we different than they are if we're about to use our strength to get what we want?"
"I'll have them answer for you." Vivian stated and addressed the woman, "If we lose, what will you do with us?"
"First you'll be tied and bound like that little phoenix over there, we're going to a town and we'll sell you for a fortune." The woman replied, thinking about the mountain of gold she'll receive for these fools.
"Selled for a fortune?" Jaden asked confused.
"Gold coins." the woman's eyes sparkled as though she already had them in her hands. She made the signal, as she had stalled long enough for her companions to make their preparations.
"We can ask more later, if you don't knock them all unconscious." Vivian stated as she took a step back.
"Understood." he replied as he flipped his staff around his body effortlessly.
"Don't take them lightly, if you're going to make an error in judgement, make the mistake that they were weaker than you first thought." Vivian advised.
"In that case... why are you letting me do this myself?" Jaden asked.
"You're stronger than me; but, remember that strength isn't everything." when Vivian stated this, Isa looking upon Jaden intrigued.
Jaden cast her a sideways glance. He watched her take up a defensive position, even as it appeared that she was relaxed enough to disregard the four of them as threats to herself she was vigilant. It was only after I sat through Bayne's training that I truly appreciated the way my mother tells me what to do and follows it herself. He relaxed his body as he adopted a defensive posture. Outwardly, he appeared to casually dismiss the four as his equal, but inwardly he was was ready for anything.
He's imitating me? Vivian asked herself as she spared time to take a glimpse of her son. Pride overwhelmed her emotions causing her focus to lapse. It was at that moment the two male Liralau galvanized into action. Kicking off from the ground simultaneously, they both launched at Vivian.
Wielding clubs, their intent was to knock her unconscious as they rushed her. Stepping forward, she spun her staff and brought it in front of her body, stopping the spin as she held it in front defensively. Both clubs connected simultaneously with the staff and pushed it back slightly, but ultimately it halted their forward momentum. The impact caused a dust cloud to momentarily rise and surround the three of them before exploding outward as quickly as it formed. While the weapons were still touching, Vivian spun her staff against the resistance.
The resulting superior force sent the clubs flying away. Since their owners had a tight grip, the two Liralau males were repelled and sent flying into the forest on either side of the trail. There was a loud telltale impact when each collided with a tree. Vivian elegantly completed her staff spin and resumed her relaxed but vigiliant stance as though she was just in the middle of her usual practice.
So cool! Jaden thought to himself as he watched his mother.
She claimed to be the weaker of the two? The Liralau leader questioned in her mind as she looked at the three foot tall(91 cm) grey skinned male child doubtfully.
"You're not weak like every other member of your race." the woman called out. "What's your deal?"
"You're not covered in fur like every member of your race." Vivian simply smiled as she responded, "Did you have an encounter with an angry phoenix?"
"You...!" the woman seethed in anger as mana surrounded her body. The grey skin had dared to poke at her pride. She moved her hands behind her back and pulled out a pair of twin daggers from her belt. "Then let's see just which of you is actually the stronger one shall we?"
Vivian's eyes narrowed. Her body tensed and her posture changed slightly. Vivian's eyes were locked on the woman in front of her. The map in her vision revealed the other woman had snaked her way into the forest to her right. Vivian took a step forward as the image of a Liralau moved forward on her map. Vivian kicked off the ground, performing a backflip in place, she held her staff overhead.
The woman flew out of the trees, her body parallel to the ground as she quickly approached Vivian. A pair of twin daggers, held firmly in her hands with her arms outstretched, glistened in the sunlight as it hit the blades. The expression on her face dropped when she saw her prey moving out of her trajectory. Mere moments later, she felt a sharp pain on her back. Her forward momentum broken; she fell bodily to the ground causing a light layer of dust to rise.
Vivian landed lightly next to her prone form. "Stay down." Vivian's voice had turned cold as ice. For emphasis, she's pushed the end of her quarterstaff squarely against the center of the woman's spine, increasing the pain she felt tenfold. The woman dropped her daggers in silent acquiescence as stars of pain filled her vision.
Jaden had watched that unfold starry eyed; he shivered unconsciously at the change in his mother's tone. He turned his gaze back toward the last female, she was glaring fiercely at his mother. Urgh, I'll get scolded for that later too. Well, maybe she didn't notice..? Who am I kidding, she knows.
It's all a ploy right? There's no way she's the weaker one. Which means... The woman turned her eyes to Jaden and leaped. Brandishing her specialized daggers, she hit the ground running to close the distance. Vivian bodily turned toward Jaden as she followed the woman's gaze. She launched herself into a sprint.
Jaden panicked when he saw the look in the woman's eyes and took a step back throwing off his posture. He was slow in getting his staff ready, and opted instead to dodge. He paid for his mistake with a scar across his smooth face. He tried to fall to the ground to escape, but the woman had other plans. She wrapped her arms around him, catching him in a headlock. She held him bodily, her face next to his with her dagger at his throat.
Vivian was merely three feet away when she halted with a frown on her face. "Jaden..." she shook her head, "I'm sorry. I thought you were ready, it's hard to remember exactly how old you are most times. This is a hard lesson for both of us."
"Your name is Jaden is it?" the woman scorned as she held the grey skinned boy. She looked at the grey skinned woman expecting to see despair, rage, powerlessness. All she saw was determination. The woman stuck out her short tongue and licked along the bleeding cut she'd put on the boy's face, "Shall I give him a matching one on the other side?"
"You won't get the chance." the woman was startled, it was the boy in her arms that responded, his voice filled with disdain, anger, disgust and far too much confidence considering the position he was in.
Vivian seized that moment and smacked the woman in the face with the end of her staff. Square on her catlike nose with the full brunt of the strength Vivian could muster in this situation. A loud crack sounded as her face caved inward slightly. The woman dropped her daggers and Jaden as she reflexively moved her hands to her face.
Jaden landed on the ground and kicked at her legs knocking her away and off balance. She fell hard on her butt as Jaden picked up her dagger. He was about to rush at her when Vivian caught his arm, "I understand your motivation right now Jaden; I hit her out of rage, revenge... call it what you will. And I already regret it."
"Mother?" Jaden asked when she released him.
"I destroyed her face for what she did to you. But it hasn't removed your wound, and won't stop the inevitable scar from forming. And now she'll have to live with it, as will I. Do you still think it necessary to continue?" Vivian asked, then added a bit sadly, "This will be the first time I ask you not to do what I have done."
"If her goal wasn't to use me against you, I'd be dead instead of having a scar, or worse." Jaden looked at his mother.
"That is also true. If you had been properly prepared for when she attacked you, you wouldn't have been hurt either." Vivian couldn't argue, but what she said gave Jaden pause. "Should such people be purged from the world? What about Evan? If you hadn't been stronger than him, would you have walked away from that scuffle with just minor bruises?"
Jaden frowned. "Evan is still young and... he's too weak to cause the level of harm that this woman has. Who knows how many lives she's destroyed?"
"I let my emotions get the better of me, just like yours are now." Vivian sighed in defeat as she looked upon her son, her gaze drawn to the thin cut trailing from his nose to his ear. His face permanently marked from her misjudgement. She tore a scrap from her shirt and wiped his wound. "Think it through carefully and walk your path without regrets. Bear in mind. If you regret your decision after you've made it, you can't necessarily take it back."
Vivian stood up and went to release Isa from the cart, leaving Jaden to decide the woman's fate. He stared at the dagger in his hand.
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