《My goal in Life》What is life?


"Are you fucking retard?!"

Adachi Itsuki lowered his head in shame while listening to his mother's scolding through the phone call.

"Do you fucking know how much money you wasted by dropping out of University?! Huh?!"

Itsuki bit his lips having no explanation to give his mother.

"Mom, I'm sorry..."

All Itsuki can do now is to apologize because he knows that he was in the wrong in the first place.

"Sorry?! Just sorry?! Sob... Do you know... How much blood and sweat I poured just so that I can pay for your Tri-Semester tuition?!..."

Itsuki clenches his teeth hard not knowing what to say.

"You... You're lucky that your stepdad is kind enough to pay for your studies! But what have you done instead?... You've wasted his money!!!"

"Do you know how disappointed we are?...sniffle... Of course, you don't. You know nothing!"

"Is this the life you want?... So be it! Don't contact me anymore! I don't have a son like you!"

Tut tut

Silence descended upon the tiny unit. Only the sound of the phone call hanging up can be heard.

Itsuki clenched his phone hard as his eyes got misty trying to hold back his tears from gushing out.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before letting out a long sigh.

He lay in his bed while covering his head with a pillow.

"Sigh... I'm so stupid."

Adachi Itsuki, 18 years old. Due to various circumstances, his parents divorced and went their separate ways.

He was left in his grandmother's care when he was 6 years old and his mother decided to work overseas.

Later on, Itsuki's mom found another lover and started a family. However, he wasn't brought overseas by his mom while only giving them monthly allowances and his school tuition fees.


Adachi Itsuki is always a bright child since young, but his brilliance started to fade down after he went to middle school.

Seeing others and his classmates' parents, Itsuki was quite envious of them. He always went into a corner sulking and wondering when will his mom come back home.

However, even after so many years of waiting, his mom didn't come back even once. Aside from giving his monthly allowance, there is only an occasional chat time with her every month.

Due to this reason, he lost his own goal in life.

If their parents' job is a doctor, the child tends to copy or get inspiration out of their parents to form their goal in life.

On the other hand, Itsuki didn't grow with his parents beside him. He didn't even know what his mom and dad's work is. They are just unknown much like a stranger to him.

He was always asking himself, if... If only his parents are with him, would it change his whole life?

The answer is...


Adachi Itsuki, an average guy with an average look. For some reason, he dropped out of University.

He has typical black hair and black eyes, a skinny 18-year-old guy.

When he was 6 years old, his parents fought and eventually separated. He was left in his mother's care after the court's judgment.

Later on, his mother decided to work overseas and again left him with his grandmother.

The reason, well... She said she needs to earn money to support his education and daily needs.

However, a few years overseas, Itsuki heard news saying that his mom decided to be together with a foreigner.

Then they had a child...

Still, Itsuki was supported by his mother financially.

Since then, Itsuki's mom hardly came back home. He can't even distinguish her face anymore as time passes by.


Since he was a kid, Itsuki always regarded his grandmother as his real mother and he cares greatly for her.

After entering high school, Itsuki moved into an apartment his mother bought. He lived alone.

His grandmother was with his uncle so he was greatly relieved when she has someone to accompany her.

Itsuki was someone bright as a child, however, as time pass by, he slowly started to realize the "truth" so as he enter middle school and high school, he started to change, he get colder and colder and matured early.

His grades started to drop crazily from a 90 to 75 but there was no one to scold him, to guide him on the right path...

On his graduation day, he hoped that his mother will turn up and walk with him on the stage only to turn into disappointment.

There was no one with him... He was alone on graduation day. His grandmother can't go because of her arthritis and his uncle has to work.

Itsuki gritted his teeth and endured his lonely suffering. He lost his goal and motivation... In the end, life is full of depression.

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