《The Nexus Point Chronicles》Chapter 19: The Miracle Of Resurrection
She's beautiful, it's been years and I'm ashamed to say I've forgotten how my own mother looked. But seeing her now, in heaven, after all these years... She really looked beautiful.
"Are you going to keep staring at your mother boy, or will you give her the hug she rightly deserves!"
Looks like my father still has a stick up his ass! Strict, fierce in his teachings and unwavering in his decisions. I missed him, I missed them both. So I did as he said, I hugged them, I hugged them so tight and I refused to let go, I didn't want to let go. They were here, my mom and dad were here, Jesus! They're here.
I don't know how long I cried, all I know was that I didn't do it alone. Sure my father with his handsome yet stern looks crying freaked me out a bit, but I understood him now. We all were feeling the same thing, and how I was able to get here I didn't know, but however long this moment is going to last, I'll hold on to it. Because I know it wouldn't last, which made it all the more important.
"So tell me any girlfriends yet?" My mom asked, her smile infections as her silver blue eyes stared right back into mine, I'm glad I got that part of her genes.
"Don't lead him into sin dear, we only have limited time to speak to him." My father said, but his smile was so goofy it was completely out of place on his face.
"I know, now Sammy my strong man. You should listen to me, we love you very much. And while heaven has been great, we both would rather have been on earth with you, struggling, fighting and living, no matter how hard it would have been. But now you live for both of us, and for your uncle cause you're all he has left. Now I have some instructions to relay to you so keep your ears open.
Eat well, make lots of friends. Life's not worth anything if you don't have someone to share it with, even the tough times. Get a lover, ignore what you father says, we were much younger than you when we met and first made love. Either way, get someone who loves you for who you are, with the war I know people are a lot more real than before, with death on the horizon there's no time to be anything other than yourself so love wouldn't be too hard to find.
Every connection you make is worth it, don't let hate rule you and make you lose sight and focus of who you are. Elves are victims of this war just as much as humans are. The gods are fighting a war and we just got caught up in it.
Don't be scared to trust people, even your enemies. But don't trust people easily either. Be smart not gullible, be kind but shrewd. Your power; Resurrection is multifaceted just like Jesus had said. But he wanted us to tell you this next part ourselves. You can give up one chance to resurrect someone else, depending on how long said person has been dead for. So not just you Sammy, you can bring other people back from the dead too. But not us Sammy, not us." She gave me stern look, forcing me to look down at her hands around mine... I don't remember them being this small though.
"Your mother is right, anybody who has been dead for more than three years can't be resurrected. Keep that in mind, however wisdom is profitable to direct. Keep your miracle close to your chest, because unlike others it is finite. You might live forever but that's off the table if you go around resurrecting people willy nilly. That life must be damn worth it because even if you only have 49, to me that's still not enough for my son. So be smart, do you understand me?"
" Yes father." I answered as he placed his hand on my shoulder and gave it a squeeze. My mom ran her hand through my hair as she spoke.
"This is no movie; it is war so there's no use hiding your second miracle from you. Eventually Oya of the Orisha Pantheon will come for you with a miracle of her own. I can't tell you what it is, because only until she deems you ready are you allowed to know. You should be patient with her Sammy, she's brash and wild, but she is a mother first and foremost and me being dead and even in heaven can't have been easy for her." My mom said, getting me confused so I couldn't help but ask.
"But why? I heard Jesus say she's been having a hard time over your death, but why? Why are you so important to her?"
" Well what would you expect Sammy, she birthed me after all. And choosing to be reborn a mortal had broken her heart once, dying and being unable to return to her side in Ile-Ife broke her heart twice, it's not been easy for her. My father, your grandfather is a great God of Thunder and Lightning! However, since this invasion began no one has heard from Sango. So she is in a lot of grief, so be patient, understand her and....."
I shot up with a loud gasp, coughing as my limbs shook and the wet feeling of my blood on my body made me uncomfortable. I felt exhausted, but apart from that I was wholly and completely fine.
"No! No! No!"
I'm too tired to rage out, but it wasn't enough. There was nearly not enough time to talk to them. It felt like a dream, but I know it's not a dream, and she didn't have the chance to finish telling me everything she wanted to let me know. Sure the bombshell that I'm the grandson of gods is one thing to worry about, but there was more to be said... So much more.
[Miracle Has Been Unlocked! Patron designated as Jesus Christ! +7 to all Stats for every level gained!]
[The Class has been bestowed! +4 to magic! The skills Blessed Body, Eye of Divinity and the Attribute Holy has been Unlocked!]
[Eye of Divinity Has Absorbed Skill Night Vision! All effects are retained]
[Eye of Divinity: See through all and gain understanding of the supernatural! passive night vision +50% 25% Chance to see Through and Resist Illusions]
[Blessed Body: Bless Yourself or an Ally to Increase Physical abilities by 15% for 10 seconds! Effect cannot be stacked! Has no cool down]
[You have Unlocked the Quest Tab! +1 to all Stats]
[Quest! Quest Giver: Quest Reward: 20 Random Stats, Special Blueprints]
Samson Michaels
Jesus Christ/????
Combat Officer
Druid (Lv10) 61%
Cleric (Lv0)
Battle Acolyte
Wind (Lv2) Light (Lv5) Water (Lv1) Holy (Lv1)
Physique 261
Movement 335
Magic 593
Firearms Mastery (D+)
Blades Mastery (C+)
Terran Combat Series: Lion Fist (C-)
Resilience (E+)
Leo's Instinct (E+)
Mana Control (D-)
Eye of Divinity (E+)
Druid Photosynthesis (E+)
Nature's Tongue (E-)
Charge Shot (Lv9)
Quick Draw (Lv6)
Swift Thrust (Lv4)
Lion Stomp (lvl 6)
Lion Strike (Lv6)
Lion Claw (Lv5)
Lesser Spider Stride (Lv2)
Wind Blast (Lv6)
Wind Drag (Lv2)
Light Heal (Lv10MAX)
Morph:(Wolf Cub) (Lv5)
Aurora (Lv1)
Entangle (Lv1)
Blessed Body (Lv1)
God! It wasn't so much that I could see I had gotten stronger, but the fact that I could feel the damn thing, all three of my stats were off the charts, there is so much power in my muscles I feel like I could explode. The stats were all a round up figure, Physique covered strength, vitality, resistance, regeneration, while speed handled agility, dexterity, co-ordination and perception. Then magic worked on control, mastery, and the amount of mana or magic I had to utilize my spells. I have a lot of magic, and my growth had mainly not come from levels, but from my skills leveling up.
The growth is a little uncontrolled and rapid, and I know I probably can't utilize the current strength I have effectively, the most I could do was 50% now without proper training to get myself centered and used to my current state of strength. But even then, my stats were insane enough that if I should face the elven prince and his guards again, beating them would not have been as hard.
I heard when Rodal and the Sun elf commander were worried about humanity's growth rate. They believed we were manageable at level 10, but anything above that would cause severe and extreme problems for them. Due to our short life spans we grew a whole lot faster than them, and procreated faster too. The war might pretty much be in a sort of stalemate but the moment humanity discovered the system and leveling up it wasn't about if we would win the war, but rather when we would do so.
I got up, the acid pool hadn't slowed down it's advance and was quite close to the platform I was on. There was a cylinder with the cyborg spider's core in it. I picked it up and quickly turned around, marching towards the chest at the end of the platform. If there's any way to deal with this acid scenario, it would probably be hidden in that chest.
This should be the best part of a dungeon dive, the loot. Honestly compared to what I just experienced, loot seems a little... Inconsequential. But I need something else to take my focus, I just saw my parents, and even if it was seeming more and more like a dream, I'm holding on to that moment as hard as I can, it's the only good memory I have left as vision of their deaths was all that was left behind.
I feel strange... One moment I feel hate for the elves, and the other I'm just despondent. Like my entire emotional state was in constant flux, moments ago they just seemed like people to me and now. I'm slowly getting angry thinking about what they had taken from me, I just saw a vision of what my life would have been like had my parents not been killed. And whether their gods asked them too or not, elves are the reason my entire life got fucked up, they can all burn for all I care.
"Ahhh.... I need a break."
I shifted to the side as the lid of the chest sprung open and a dart whizzed past me. It was fast, really fast, but I could see it as it moved past. My stats had more than doubled, I don't know what I can do with my strength and magic, but my speed is something else. The chest had a ring in it, it was the only thing there and was an ornate gold band with runes around it, and a jewel carved in the shape of a hammer.
[Blessed Band of Earth and Steel: +2 levels to Earth affinity// Slot 1: Lesser Metal Manipulation// Slot 2: Tremor// Requirements: Earth Affinity 2]
As soon as I took the ring in my hand, there was a loud bang, somewhat similar to the sounds of gears shifting or jamming. A door opened up right at the side, as the pool of acid finally reached the platform. I walked through the door, without a word, and that in and out of itself was saying something. There was no one to talk to 1, and 2! I almost died for a fucking ring I can't use. I'm definitely not in a good mood and was half a second away from exploding in ultimate rage and anger... If there's actually such a thing.
I raised my head up and realized I was back in the hallway with the multiple doors, I had come out at the door at the extreme end, and on the opposite end was Andrej and the others. I sniffed, then looked at the ring in my hand then back at them. They actually looked worse for wear and severely injured and seem to have explored another one of those doors... That didn't stop me from chucking the ring in their direction as I turned and faced the now closed door behind me and unleashed all of my furry on top of it.
I ignored the looks of surprise as Andrej had to duck under the ring expecting an attack... Or perhaps he didn't have much of a choice cause the speed and force behind the ring's throw would have caused some severe damage. Nguyen took it straight to the chest as she was blasted backwards, while I focused on smashing my fist against the door.
I know I'm being overly emotional, and quite frankly that's unlike me. But I didn't care, every kick, every punch left dents on the door, as its entire frame shook and buckled under the force of my attacks. I was mad, but this is redundant. Either way the ring can be given to logistics once we got to the base, should get them off my back for taking the exoskeleton. I marched towards them, not at all sure what I was going to say, obviously there was tension between us all, and I had a lot to get off my chest. But this was neither the time or place for this, I'll deal with their shit when I know we're safe.
Fog spread out from my hands as it went into Nguyen's chest, casting a bright multicolored glow around her form, before jumping to the next person, and then next. Completely saturating all 10 of them, until there was not an injury in sight. Everyone still kept quiet, and that's understandable. The words to be said that could break the tension was unknown to any one of us, what was done to me was... Is pretty steep and extreme of a decision, if they were anything less than miracle holders, they could get court martialed. But for now... I'll just take the high road.
"Sorry about that Nguyen, I lost my cool for a moment." I said to her with a smile that was all too fake, not that I didn't mean my apology, the enthusiasm needed for it just fell short of what I was trying to convey.
"It's okay, you healed me just fine, though if I'm honest I can't say I don't deserve it. Thank you, I was already injured, if getting hurt again was what it took for you to heal me, then it was worth it." She sounded.... Nice, enough to warrant a raised eyebrow from me, but at the very least that got the ball rolling.
"Are you still feeling injured? What about the rest of you?" I asked, turning to look at them all in eye, unsurprisingly they all couldn't meet my gaze, except for Andrej and Malkova... Heartless bastards! Malkova even more so than her psychotic elitist top of the class brother.
"You would heal us? Just like that, after what we did to you?" Kaixuan asked, his large frame seeming even more imposing than the last time I saw him... Which should be about an hour or so ago? Damn he must have gotten some levels on his skill and class.
"We'll deal with this shit when we're out of here and in front of the proper authorities. I haven't forgiven any of you bastards, but I was rash in going off alone, and thought it better to hang with you guys until I clear the dungeon and my quest is completed." I said to him.
" So you need us to be your vanguard to get through, your meat shield that you can throw at any obstacle and then heal at your leisure then rinse and repeat?" Malkova said to me, with a little more venom and what I could swear was almost grudging respect... I don't know, I might just be seeing things anyway.
"If that's how you want to see it then, sure I can play it that way. But honestly you guys are useless to me as you are now... No offense but you're all still a little bit too weak. I doubt anyone of you has even reached Level 5, whilst I on the other hand have reached level 10 and even maxed out a skill, got a new class; which is surprising and then awakened a miracle which is even more surprising! So yeah, I'm just looking for meat shields, to take the brunt of whatever the dungeon is going to throw at us, or it might just be that I want to make sure none of you Bastards die, because it will work well in my favor to prove one very obvious fact." I said to her as I huffed, shaking my head at Malkova's nonsense while her brother asked.
"And what Fact is that Samson?" I grinned, I couldn't help it. It would be too farfetched to say that I always knew that Andrej was an ass back at officer school even though he was everybody's golden boy with how nice, polite and hardworking he was. I didn't know he was an Ass, my 'Sammy Senses' just told me he wasn't what he seemed, he was too perfect. Which is why the next thing I'll say would be immensely satisfying, because no matter how they argued with me about it, assuming they choose to, it was the fucking truth.
"The fact is Andrej... I survived the elves, killed a member of their royalty and ran my ass off whilst carrying your ungrateful sister, healing her after she got her bloody spine severed whilst being chased by more dark elves. I fought them off, or we did I guess and then I infiltrated the elven base where you all stupid heartless idiots were captured. And I saved your bloody life, all your lives, putting my life and operation in jeopardy because my life had less value than yours on account of you having a miracle and me not having one. Well news flash bitch, the fact of the matter is, I'm here with you guys because I. Am. Better. Than. You!"
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