《Villain To Be》Villain To Be: Chapter 8


Villain To Be: Chapter 8

The reason why the couple of the house of Fireheart indulges their one and only child since the time she appeared in their lives is because she is their long awaited offspring.

Before, they exhausted all possible methods to get Kimberly pregnant reaching to the point where they can only assume that either of them was infertile. Theodore, feeling that he should prove his manliness, impregnated a random villager one time. But because of this same incident, he almost lost his ‘manliness’ by the hands of his own wife. Kimberly on the other hand doesn’t want to prove herself and find another man to ‘mingle’ with nor would Theodore give her chance to harbor such thoughts, he is, after all, possessive of his wife.

The random village girl by the way was never seen by her family and friends again after she had allegedly “eloped” with her lover… on an entirely unrelated note (yeah right), somewhere in the garden of a certain noble, an awfully hideous Carnivorous Bush is happily munching on a freshly minced corpse.

Fruitless years go by until they had catered the thought of adopting, only to drop it later after Theodore ended up burning eight orphanages in disgust. He can’t stand the sight of those ragged ‘vermin’, and the thought that he would have to raise one greatly repulse him. His wife on the other hand was indifferent towards the children, to her, they were no better than the fertilizers that the gardener use to cultivate his plants. Nevertheless it took eight unfortunate orphanage visits for them to give up on adopting.

The couple did not hate children in general in fact they have praised some of their acquaintance’s child sincerely, but it’s just that the idea of having an unknown child as their own just rubs them the wrong way.

Irrational, yes, but the Firehearts had never been on the ‘your-friendly-and-accepting-kind-of-people’ list in the first place, not to mention that as nobles with high standing, they certainly have trust issues.

Finally, the couple turned to the last option they can think of – they made a deal with the vampire, Reigner “Black” Eternia. Despite the vampire’s notoriety the couple still approached him. They were desperate to have a child… Kimberly had been showing rather distinct signs of depression due to her longing, which were alarming enough to warrant immediate action. If they delay any more, the number of children in their territory might ultimately drop to zero.

They were willing to sacrifice an arm and a leg and offer it to the vampire in exchange for their wish but to their surprise, the vampire had readily accepted their request, only taking ownership of a fourth of their major businesses. After their negotiations, the vampire gave them some medications to be taken for a month and if Kimberly still wouldn’t conceive, they are to be subjected to some test to determine the real reason for their infertility. In another words, they became lab rats.

At last, after years of marriage and at the age of forty two, Kimberly finally conceived and then gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and although normally nobles would wish for a son instead of a daughter, the couple was grateful enough that they were given at least one child. All of these, they’ve went through just for one child so it is no wonder why they would dote on her in any way possible.


When she asked them to be taught how to fight, they agreed.

When she demanded the control over the declining businesses within their territory, again they agreed.

When she declared that she hates the slavers, the gardener of their mansion got at least a year supply of ‘fertilizers’, making the gardener prostate towards their daughter in appreciation.

When she said that they shouldn’t be killing people without reason, on that very day, they relocated their torture chamber somewhere their daughter would never know. And the manufacturing of the “fertilizers” were made a bit more complicated now that they had to ground it and put it in sacks.

When she exclaimed that she’d rather do the punishment of those filthy assassins herself, everybody made an oath to screen out all the high-risk ones and only let the mediocre ones in, this is of course without their daughter’s knowledge. Because hey, if their kid wants to “play” then they will make sure that her “toys” would be “harmless” you know?

Sadly, because their daughter had been raised while being granted whatever she wished, she was never scolded for running around the territory, eating random street food and getting in contact with the lowly populace… and this running around would usually happen during her lessons in etiquette, history, and anything else which would require writing and memorization. So, in all of the lessons that she had to take, she would only appear during combat practice and music lessons – which she attends simply because she likes music… and the honey tea and snacks that comes after it.

Looking back perhaps Theodore should’ve set a firm stand on lecturing Emilia to teach her to behave, but after one long week of being ignored by his daughter, his resolve crumbled to dust. Because of this, they had been very worried with their daughter’s examination to the academy.

Of course they love her the most but they can never deny the obvious truth – Emilia is an idiot. What would you expect? She basically just crammed all of the books in the library in just one month then later ran off again because she finds them too complicated, and without pictures… they should really have the pictures...

Then she waltzed towards the academy examination full of confidence… oh what an idiot. Wherever did she get the idea that she can skip out a library worth of information (with or without pictures) and yet still expects to answer an examination based on them?

So when the result came, they were not too shocked, in fact, they had long made some countermeasures to somehow console their baby. Theodore planned to cater a small party so that Emilia gets preoccupied with something else rather than the exam results while Kimberly is preparing new clothes for her… then suddenly a random kid dropped a bomb at them…

“Wouldn’t she be too ashamed to be in public then? I mean, she’d probably feel that you’re mocking her for failing you know?

Parties are meant for happy occasions, while for sad ones, she would probably feel better with just her family around to comfort her.”


Not wasting a second more, the couple hurried back home only to learn that someone else had told the news to their beloved Emilia. Not only that, but the stupid assassins chose that very same day to make a ruckus!


*Knock, knock*

Theodore: “Come in.”

Emilia: “SORRY!”

In one swift motion, their beloved daughter flown and landed into a dogeza in front of her parents.

Theodore: “Huh?”

Emilia: “I set my room on fire!”

“Oh.” Is the only answer he could say, finally understanding why the sudden apology.

Theodore: “It’s alright dear, please have a seat, it’s just a room.”

Emilia: “WHAT! Dad, what are you saying? I’ve told you before not to patronize my mistakes!”

Theodore: “Okay, then for burning up your room, you will be grounded for a month.”

Emilia: “Okay, I accept my punishment.”

Theodore: “Thil, move the musical instruments in here before the day ends.”

Being used to his daughter’s weirdness, Theodore smoothly moved the conversation forward and instructed the Head Maid Thil, who in turn accepted the order readily. Emilia can only furrow her brows while realizing her father’s intentions.

Kimberly: “Aiya~ did you cook something again? Weren’t you grounded from cooking after you almost half killed the chef? I hope she finally died this time~”

Emilia: “MOM! How could you say that about dear Tanya? She’s family!”

“That damn rotten green head seduced you with food!” Kimberly angrily muttered under her breath though loud enough for Emilia to hear.

Emilia: “GOD! What’s wrong with MY PARENTS?!”

Such a heartwarming scene has once again been displayed within the Noble House of Fireheart making the Head Maid smile. And what made her even happier is that now that the temporary Nanny as well as the Head Butler is out of the way, she can personally pour tea on Emily’s cup. Subtly stand cclloooosssseeerrr to her… and feed her-

Emilia: “STOP IT! I’m not some bloody cripple!”

Thil: “Miss, please watch your tongue.”

Emilia: “A-ah, sorry-“

Thil: “Umu, if you’re sorry then please… ‘Ahnn~’”

Feeling suddenly exhausted, Emilia can only take the food from the Head Maid weakly despite the latter’s disapproving gaze. So many events for just a day! Somehow she felt that if she would have to pick on every weird thing her family does, she get totally bald! Sighing to herself, she continued on with the conversation…

Emilia: “Okay Dad, please tell me what you want to say so that I can get myself another room to hole up until my spirit revives.”

Theodore: “Ah, yes… *cough*… uhm… well… about the-the… I mean, we know it’s been hard on you darling… and yo-“

Kimberly: “Darling, it’s about you failing the entrance exam.”


Emilia fell from her chair and into an orz position.

Emilia: [Oh.My.God. how in the world did I forget about that?!]

Ignoring their daughter, Thoedore continued…

Theodore: “Dear, I know it’s such a painful experience to you and we hope that we can help you somehow overcome this hurdle but despite all our efforts to bribe and threaten the management of the Academy, they had been very stubborn. If only we know the person behind them, maybe we can get him/her to ‘reconsider’…

So without any other choice, your Mom and I decided that we’ll get someone to help teach you all that’s needed to know to somehow barely pass the exam next time.

We know you hate studying the most but this time, we found a younger one to tutor you. Perhaps you’ll be more comfortable with someone close to your age.”

Emilia sighed and got back to her seat. That’s right, she’ll need a tutor. At least this time, it will be someone younger… she was hoping inside of her heart that her tutor would be an ikemen. Hopefully, she can tolerate the lessons then.

Feeling the need to comfort their daughter, Kimberly walked towards Emilia and gave her a loving embrace.

Kimberly: “My most beloved child… you don’t have to suffer like this! If you wish for it, we will not force you to attend school. You can just live here with us forever. This house will support you until your last breath!”

Emilia: “OH.MY.MOTHER.NO!!! I ain’t goin’ ta be a Neet and I ain’t gonna be a leech all ma’h life!”

Startled to the bone, Emilia unconsciously slipped into her thug persona. She knew how her parents dote on her and she’s afraid of the extent that they are willing to go just for her.

*Knock, knock*

Theodore: “Come in.”

Dan: “Sir, a female half breed is looking for you. She claims her name is Chamomile and that she was instructed to come here as a live-in tutor.”

Theodore: “Very good! We will go meet her shortly. Be sure to be accommodating to the young lass.”

After ordering the Head Butler, Theodore happily shifts back his attention towards his daughter who was (still) being embraced by his wife.

Theodore: “Emilia, your tutor has arrived! Come on let’s go and meet her, I assure you that though she is young, she is quite capable. In fact, she had given us a very wise advice just this afternoon!”

Kimberly as well, seemed eager to meet up with the new tutor so she hastily took Emilia’s hands to drag her towards the exit only to feel resistance from her daughter. When the couple wondered what was wrong their daughter only answered-

“It’s the Heroine!” before wobbling then finally fainted.

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