《Quietus - Penumbra Online》009 // Fox
Brekinhiem at night was cold. I stood outside Mon's place, goosebumps on my skin and considered going back in for an extra layer. Only, I didn't have an extra clothing.
I had coin from yesterday's quests, but all the stores were shut. Why should that stop me, though? I had passed a number of tailoring shops on my way to the adventurers' guild and getting inside one couldn't be too difficult. But the ones I'd seen had been meant for poorer folk. I bet there were areas of the city with fur lined boots, jackets, and hoods. If I was going to break the law, I should do so for something more impressive than cheap cape.
I pulled up my map and studied it for a moment. The city was broken into districts. I'd need to find my way to one of the wealthier ones and climb atop a high building to get a detailed layout.
I broke out in a jog, thankful for my race's enhanced perception as I made my way down darkened streets. No lamps shone save for the occasional one hung over a doorway or in a window. A few times, I spotted groups of people, mostly young non-humans, hanging out conspicuously on a street corner. I activated my stealth then and slipped by on the opposite side of the road.
Jogging warmed me and I had a giddy energy, like a kid sneaking downstairs at night to grab a cookie.
Outside of my district was a more middle class one. There were more lights and the buildings were shorter and in good repair. A few of the streets were cobbled and even clean, and the air was fragrant with smoke from chimneys. Interestingly, I saw several open establishments—mostly taverns. I lingered outside of one, looking at the rosy cheeked patrons within. From where I stood, I spotted a table with three other players sitting and drinking. They all looked low level and I briefly considered walking in and introducing myself.
I could be shy around new people. I was fairly normal in that regard and certainly never just started chatting with a group of strangers. There was no reason Janus had to be the same way, however. If I decided I could be bold and daring in my action, that should include simple conversations. If I wanted to talk to someone, I could just do it. I was in a game where I could become a mighty warrior, powerful wizard, or cunning thief—there was no need to limit myself when it came to others.
Not tonight, though. Tonight, I was going to steal something nice.
I clamored up the side of a taphouse and hung out on the roof as my map of this district updated. It wasn't my final prize but keeping my map as detailed as possible should be a priority. If nothing else, I might need somewhere to run and hide later this evening.
After swinging back down, I made my way to the Teahouse District. It was affluent enough that there were mana powered light hung along the streets and every couple of blocks had a small guard post, but not so wealthy that the houses were walled or had their private guards. I got a few inquisitive glances as I ambled along. Fanaal were an uncommon race and often looked down upon by their kin. It occurred to me that if I'd wanted to become a thief, I'd have been better suited by picking a less memorable race with a reputation for honesty. A dwarf, for example. Oh well, at high enough levels, perhaps I'd be so sneaky that NPCs couldn't get a look at me.
One thing I had going for me was my Fine Novice Uniform. Even with the odd-looking pink booties I'd acquired, I didn't look like someone who'd crawled out of a slum.
First things first: finding a tall building. The tallest appeared to be temples of some sort with bell towers attached to them. Unlike the ramshackle wood of the poorer districts, the Teahouse District featured imposing structures of stone with gargoyles and flying buttresses. I found a suitable candidate, idled around the side, and jumped in an attempt to catch a low hanging window ledge.
As I struggled to pull myself up, a prompt popped in front of my eyes, startling me. I lost my grip and crashed to the ground, landing hard on my tailbone. It knocked the wind out of me and I laid there for a moment, catching my breath.
Path of the Bull 1/7
The Bull Says: Intent without Strength is useless. Strength without Intent is wasted.
Skill Check Failure (Athletics, Might)
That was interesting. I'd been able to lift my body up previously. Were some buildings harder to climb than others? It made sense in a sort of game-mechanics way that a higher level building would have increased difficulty for scaling it, even if it was unrealistic. And a stone temple was probably higher level than the taverns and homes I'd mounted before. If that were the case, was leaping over a wall or sneaking also harder?
Or, maybe I was thinking about this the wrong way. The slum might be a tutorial area like the obstacle course in the adventurers' guild. That I should be able to simply climb up a wall without effort despite being a level 5 Novice was odd, now that I thought about it.
I sat up, my enthusiasm for possible larceny only slightly dimmed. If the temple didn't work, I'd try to climb a large house or shop instead. If I was lucky, I didn't need to make it all the way to the top of the bell tower to unlock the detailed district map.
Half an hour later, I scrambled from the top of a house, as someone inside shouted in alarm. I managed to scrape up my hands trying to rush down from the roof but didn't hesitate as I fled into the night. Nothing had unlocked on my map, leaving me unsure of which way to head.
"Thief!" a woman cried out from an open window. "Thief!"
Oh shit. I hadn't even gotten around to stealing something, though I suppose crawling on top of people's houses is suspicious enough. Still, it bothered me. I hadn't stolen anything!... yet.
A mustached guard poked his head out of his post right as I rounded the corner and I forcibly skidded to a halt. My heart pounded as he peered into the night. Forcing myself to breath normally, I strolled forward. He caught sight of me as I came close, eyes narrowing at he took me in. My hand was bleeding and I slipped it into my pocket.
The guards in this district wore blue woolen uniforms and carried long, single edge swords as well as a one-shot pistol on their belts. I kept my eyes high, not allowing myself to take a suspicious glance at his weapons as I passed. My legs burned with the effort of maintaining a casual and easy pace as I continued down the street. I could feel the guard's gaze burning between my shoulder blades, he'd probably remember me, but never looked back as I turned the corner.
Once out of sight, I allowed myself a ragged breath.
Tonight, I'd wandered around in the cold, failed to climb a building, failed to get an updated map, shredded my palm, and almost got caught by the guard.
All for nothing... and I felt great!
I was giddy with excitement. The jolt of adrenaline made my stomach quiver but not in a bad way. This was so much more fun than stabbing bubblegum blobs or tramping through a dungeon killing monsters.
Path of the Fox 2/7
The Fox Says: Let others work hard while I work smart.
I hadn't looked up the various animal paths in my Sanctuary but wondered what happened when I reached 7/7. I should probably check when I next logged off. They were persistent enough that they couldn't be mere flavor text.
It was obvious that the Teahouse District was above my current skill level, which was fine by me. Part of the fun of an RPG is growing in power and ability as you level up. I'd be sure to tackle that later.
Now that I thought about it, how strange that there weren't other players running around here. I scanned the rooftops as though I might spot a line of ninjas carrying stuffed sacks of loot running across them. It was possible that robbing NPCs became unprofitable too quickly or that Brekinhiem being a starter city meant that it had poor pickings. Then again, there could be a dozen player thieves traveling around me and I wouldn't notice, would I? They'd have upgraded [Stealth] abilities as well as enchanted equipment.
My feet delivered me back to the tavern I'd passed previously. It was less packed and more subdued than before. A handful of customers nursed their drinks alone or in small groups.
I scattered a couple of the local silver coins on the bar with a smile. "The best that can get me."
The bartender gave me a faint smile and I was rewarded with a shot glass and a bottle of 'Dragon Tongue.'
I found myself a small table tucked into the corner and poured a shot. The first sip had me gasping in pain—it was like someone took rubbing alcohol and added ghost pepper oil to it. The burn didn't dissipate after I swallowed by filled my mouth and the back of my throat. My eye watered and I snorted, trying to keep my nose from dripping.
A few other patrons glanced my way, several in obvious amusement. Right, to me this was a random tavern but they probably spent a lot of time here and knew the regulars. Was I being hazed or something?
Undeterred, I poured myself another shot, lifted it in salute to anyone watching and downed it. The result was no better than the last time; in fact, it was worse. The burning kicked up a notch and even breathing was painful. A platter of sliced bread landed on my table. An apple-cheeked dwarven woman slid into the chair opposite mine. I stuffed an entire slice into my mouth at once and chewed.
"Thank you," I said after I swallowed. It had cut some of the burning in my mouth though did nothing for the growing fire in my belly.
She set her own shot glass on the table and poured out a measure from my bottle. She sipped it like it was grape juice, a satisfied expression on her face. "Very nice," she commented. "Just the thing for a chilly night."
"Have another," I said, bemused. "I think the entire bottle would kill me."
She filled both of our glasses with a smile as I continued to sniff and blink away tears.
"I'm Janus," I said. "I didn't catch your name...?"
"Yhdu," she answered.
"What do I do?" I laughed at my own cleverness and took another shot. The drink was waiting for me and proceeded to kick me in the throat. I grabbed another slice of bread and shoved it in to my mouth. At this rate, I was going to fall down dead drunk or choke to death on bread.
Yhdu watched as I made a fool of myself. Her large, brown eyes scanned my elven form with undisguised interest. I guess that attention I'd paid to my butt might be appreciated.
Okay, she wasn't bad herself. Short and curvy with broad hands and features. Her nose was slightly upturned and there were a handful of light freckles on her face. I'd never randomly flirted with a woman in a bar before but this was a time for new and exciting things.
I gathered my courage and tried to be smooth. "Do you come here oft--?"
"You know what else is good at warming you on a chilly night?" she asked, cutting off my question.
I sputtered and this time it wasn't from the drink. "I can guess."
"You don't have to. I'd be happy to demonstrate." Wow, the NPCs in this game were aggressive. Or maybe dwarf ladies had a thing for blue elves.
Things were moving a fair bit faster than I'd anticipated. "I don't... I'm not sure..."
"Suit yourself," she said, "but you're passing up the best sex of your life." Damn, someone was sure of herself.
I squirmed in my seat. Did I want this? The palm of my hand itched from where it had lost a couple layers of skin earlier. What exactly was I afraid of? It's not like she could get me pregnant and there were no fantasy STIs to worry about. At most, I would sexually disappoint a woman who literally didn't exist. At best, I might enjoy myself.
My eyes met hers and I felt a frisson of pleasure. The warmth in my belly slid downwards.
"I don't have a place," I said, and then added, "nearby."
"You can pay for a room here for the night," Yhdu suggested.
I muttered an affirmation and then returned to the bar. My face burned from embarrassment as the bartender gave me a knowing grin. For all I knew, Yhdu picked up someone new here every other day.
"CanIhavearoomforthenight?" the words rushed out of me as I dug a hand through my coin pouch.
"Two gold," he replied. That seemed high but I didn't argue and paid him. "Third room on the left."
Yhdu was waiting for me beside the staircase, my bottle of Dragon Tongue in one hand and the shot glasses in the other. As I led her to our room, my heart pounded as hard as it had when I'd strolled by the guard. The trick in either case was to remain calm and collected. Which is to say, be a hot mess and pretend otherwise.
She took my hand in hers and pulled me into the room. Her palm was hot and slightly damp. I wondered if she might be feeling as nervous as I was, but realized it was probably the drink warming her. The inside of the room was finer than I would have guessed. Clusters of candles burned low, tossing dim but warm light on a plush red velvet interior. A small fire burned in the hearth, chasing out the cool of the evening.
Yhdu smiled at her, eyes seeking confirmation that the situation was to my liking. I leaned forward, not wanting to appear too timid, and our lips met. I could taste the lingering burn of spirits on her mouth. A tingle spread throughout my body as the pesky worries of my brain were swept away. I wanted this. I wanted a world where I could indulge myself like a normal person instead of being constantly weighed down by my illness.
Pulling back, Yhdu broke the kiss. "It's easier for me if you're lower."
I realized that I'd force the smaller woman to stand on her tip toes to kiss me. I dropped to my knees in front of her, putting us at a more equal height.
"Well, aren't you eager to please?" she said in evident satisfaction.
"I am." The words slipped out of me before I could consider them. I'd never seen this woman before a few minutes ago and thought she probably wasn't a person, but I wanted very badly to please her.
We embraced again. Her hands slipped greedily around my waist and cupped my rear, squeezing slightly too hard. I knew it! I knew spending so much time with that butt was worth it. A slight moan rose in my throat and I pressed my body against her heat. This time when she pulled away, I clumsily attempted to follow her, not wanting to break contact. She caught my hands in hers and pushed me away before sitting on the bed.
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