《SUPREME MARTIAL SYSTEM》Chapter 11: After the Wedding Night


Zhong Clan, Zhihao's chamber.

Zhihao was dreaming, being a Supreme Sovereign soaring the heavens, mountain splits as he wields his sword, heavens shook as he flies in the sky, and earth rumbles as he descends his body. a great dream, having all kinds of wealth and power in his possession establishing his own sect, and unblocked by any paths, he, Zhihao was the greatest, but the greatest sovereign was slapped awake by his Wife on their first Wedding Night!.

Zhihao woke up extremely fast, well who won’t right? being slapped in the face while you were dreaming of being so damn great. then Zhihao looked at Ning'er with eyes of bewilderment and asked calmly.

"Dear wife, uhh... why? did I do some..." but before he can finish, another "PLAK!" sounded as he was smacked bye Ning'er's hand.

Zhihao's mind went blank and asked again.


This time he held his hands up to guard against another slap. yet the only thing he saw was a beautiful face, glaring at him, while tears are running down his wife's beautiful eyes.

Ning'er with a red face could only glare at Zhihao, as she can't really say it out loud, that what? she was waiting for something to happen to them? wasn't that like being a pervert? The only thing she could do was tear up as she silently cries,

Holding her voice and not letting any crying sound out. then she planned to go back to bed, but before she could do it, Zhihao, finally understood something after so many hours had passed.

Zhihao hugged Ning'er from behind, Ning'er was shocked, but immediately calmed down as she had been preparing for this for 2 hours already, she didn't reject his approach even slightly, just to affirm her intention.

Right after that, Zhihao's voice came: "If you want it, I am so sorry that I couldn't give it to you earlier, and I know that you can't talk about it, since you were sleeping, so I`m going to go in the couch, you can keep the whole bed..."

After finishing that, another hand approached his face, now it's not a palm, it is seriously a fist now!

A punch that came from Ning'er sent Zhihao way to the end of their chamber.


Ning'er glared at him, but can't blame him too, because he really didn't know what happened, what he did, and what she meant.

Ning'er stared at Zhihao as she shouted: "OUR FATHERS WANT TO HAVE A GRANDSON!"

After that Zhihao sweated a lot as if he just came out of a bath! then Zhihao stared at her for like an hour, stoned stiff like some random statue in a temple.

Ning'er didn't know what to do either as she lowered her head ashamed of what she had just said. she kept glancing at Zhihao, then she noticed, Zhihao is just, staring at her, without a soul, and with nervousness all over his face, Ning'er chuckled at his awkwardness as she felt warm as this kind of reaction would be from someone that is pure and also haven't had any malicious intent towards her.

She then faced Zhihao as she hugged him and spoke: "Zhihao, you know, uhh since we're both innocent and don't know a thing why don't we take thing slower?"

She giggled and continues to hug Zhihao.

Zhihao got shocked by the hug, but calmly thought.

'Mentally, I am almost turning 40, but I'm still as stupid as this, although she's young, I am also young in this body, and I haven't experienced anything at all, I guess, I`ll just have to live my life, thinking that I'm a 14 year old kid now.'

Zhihao hugged Ning'er back and slowly tilted his head towards her, when Ning'er saw this, she got shocked and wanted to force herself out, but remembered that this is how she pictured it to happen.

Ning'er looked at Zhihao as she smile and then closed her eyes.

Zhihao could feel that she's trembling, hell, he's shaking madly, then just as the atmosphere became warm, he just let instinct lead the way, he went and moves his face closer as he kissed her beautiful red lips.

After a few moments, both of them parted, panting, catching a breath of fresh air as they hugged each other, then Zhihao's hand slid from her neck down to her spine, making Ning'er feel something extremely weird, after Zhihao had reached behind the stomach area, he easily removed the robe that's wrapping around Ning'er.

Ning'er noticed what he was planning to do and just followed the lead, after the robe was removed she wrapped her arms around Zhihao's neck and kissed him again, she was flustered due to the moment and couldn't think correctly.


The night this day is so beautiful as moans and cries can be heard every now and then, but there was a defensive formation outside and also a bonus noise control formation.


The Passionate night finally ended as both of them woke up almost in the afternoon, they stared at their each other, butt naked self.

A bit shy, Ning'er then leaned to Zhihao's chest as she spoke: "We should go and greet our parents..." but before she could finishing speaking.

Zhihao kissed her lips and continued: "Ok, let us go and get take a bath first then dressed afterwards, we shall go to the Great Hall, and meet our parents"

Ning'er smiled as she blushed and nodded.

After almost an hour of preparations, Ning'er and Zhihao took their leave as they proceeded to the Great Hall.

Ning'er kept looking at him wanting to say something but couldn't, she just placed her arm around Zhihao's arm and walked together.

Then some random citizens of the town spoke.

"Hahaha, i guess the first night didn't go too well"

"Hahaha that's for sure, though it's good too if they are willful like that hahaha"

Then someone cheered it seemed that he's a member of the Zhong clan: "Young Master! You can do it! there is always a next time!"

Then all the surrounding villagers laughed as they pointed at the Zhong Clan member.

Zhihao was bewildered 'were they talking about me?'

Zhihao then looked at Ning'er as he asked: "Ning'er, we're they talking about us?" Then he noticed that Ning'er was actually looking down, so he didn't bother to continue asking anymore.

They continued to walk, after 3 more minutes, they arrived at the great hall then as he walked to greet the elderly, he saw something shocking, the two fathers sighed heavily, the two mothers smiled sadly. what the heck is wrong with this, i got married, then they are sad, isn't this very wrong ?. then he greeted them together

Zhihao / Ning'er : "Greetings Father and Mother."

Then Zhihao added, as he was getting annoyed with the atmosphere after leaving his chamber.

"Father, why are you all sighing? I think its time for us to celebrate my marriage. why are you guys acting like that"

Hearing Zhihao, all of them sighed heavily again. his Father suddenly spoke : "Don't worry, you don't have to rush anything, you both are still young so you`ll have lots of opportunity. don't force yourself, the both of you"

Just after Ru Feng finished speaking, Zhihao immediately spoke.

"Father what are you even talking about, we're even going to announce something good. so why are you guys so gloomy, first off, maybe in nine months you'll have a Grandson or Granddaughter then you both can decide on my child's name ....." before he finished speaking.

Both the fathers, ran forward and asked right away: "Son/Daughter are you guys serious?"

The Dullness in their eyes turned into brightness as you can clearly see tears falling in them, two Great Lords of the great Clans, that didn't tear up even after getting deeply wounded, cried after knowing their grandchild is in the making, they almost wept, they went back to their own Wife and hugged them while crying tears of joy.

Ning'er smiled bashfully as she said: "We don't know yet but we tried last night, umm,, I think there would be a high chance, as it took us a long time....." after saying that much, she seemingly noticed that she had said too much and blushed from her head to her neck.

then Ruo Mei asked : "Then, Son, what happened to your face? why is there a slap mark on both of your cheeks, and a punch mark in the middle of your brows? "

After hearing what his mother said, Zhihao widened his eyes in a bewildered manner and looked at Ning'er, Seemingly asking if what are they talking about, and if what they are talking about is true?

Zhihao thought inside his head.

'Wife, why didn't you say anything? my Wife, dear loving Wife, at least... at least save some face for your Husband when he's walking in the street, I can't even think of walking outside to return to my own courtyard.

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