《Mage x Magician》Chapter 2: Sylvester Clearsight


My name is Sylvester Clearsight and I am a magician, well really I am a mage but I prefer the term magician because the image of a “mage” just seems so boring in comparison. My father disagrees though. Anyway, both my mother and father are highly esteemed mages,or so I’ve been told multiple times across multiple occasions and ever since I could talk-no ever since I was born I was already immersed in the wonderfully crazy world of magic.

I had spent my whole life traveling around the world with them; we never really had a permanent place to call home. It was fine though, since wherever we go there was never a dull moment. For you see my parents travel around solving incidents involving the supernatural, well supernatural to those who are uninitiated. I’ve grown used to it, it’s the “natural” to me now.

Even so, both of them insisted I experience a regular “school life” so I ended up going to school, the problem is that I had to keep transferring between different schools all over the globe so I don’t think I experienced that regular school life anyway. Sure I made friends along the way™ here and there, not like I didn’t attempt to talk to people or anything, but at the end of the day I still had to say goodbye. It was just as sad as the first time I did it, after all I’m the type of person who gets attached rather easily.

Time passed and despite all of the hurdles I managed to finish high school, and now I am about to enter university, but not just any ordinary university as you might have guessed. Right now I am enjoying lunch with my parents before they drop me off into this magical, mystical, and oh so ever exciting institution.

Finally, a “normal” school life I guess? Is learning how to more effectively make fire from nothing normal? No? Okay then.


“Curses, outrageous, unfair!” Claira angrily bit into a sandwich.

“Because of that stupid ghoul we missed our reservation! I was looking forward to it too.” She continued eating while retaining a dejected expression.


The family of three ended up missing their reservation. So they had no choice at a small café near their supposed lunch venue. There they ordered a sandwich each and a drink to go with it.

“We wouldn’t have missed it if only someone didn’t play around and just did his business quickly.” Jericho exclaimed, obviously reprimanding his son.

“I already said I was sorry didn’t I? I lost track of time and had too much fun. After all, you guys did say this is my farewell task so you let me do it solo?” Sylvester retorted.

“Judging by the result, we really shouldn’t have let you this time around.” Jericho snappily replied. To which Sylvester could only sigh in resignation. He then bit into his sandwich and looked at both his parents who sat opposite him across the table.

“Anyway,” Sylvester who was feeling a bit guilty steered the conversation to a different topic. “I’m really excited about this academy you guys speak so highly about, by the way, why won’t you guys tell me its name? It’s always academy academy academy, is it forbidden to say in public or something?” Sylvester asked.



His father and mother both shook their heads in disapproval.

“It’s not that it's forbidden, it's just..” His mother trailed off.

“It’s just?” Sylvester egged on.

“It’s just that that eccentric old man wants the pleasure of revealing the name of that place himself. He’s really proud of it you see.” Jericho continued while shaking his head

“Old man?” Sylvester replied with curiosity.

“The headmaster, he thinks he’s so smart coming up with it he actually ordered that he was the only one allowed to tell initiates the name of the academy.” Claira explained.

“The old man won’t even let us tell you his name because he thinks it’s also some sort of shocking twist or something.” Jericho continued his rant.

“Huuuuh, seems like that place really is fun. In fact I might get along with the headmaster.” Sylvester said, beaming with a smile to which his father only replied with a knowing glare.


The family then finished up their meal and paid the bill and left the café. When they went outside a jet black cab was already waiting for them. Upon seeing them, the driver went out of the car to do his greetings.

The driver was a rather tall, pale man with blank expression. He was wearing a black formal suit and sporting a red tie.

“I am here to pick up Mr. Sylvester Clearsight” The driver asked in a polite, but uninterested tone. He sounded robotic and unnatural.

“Oh, it looks like the time for me to leave the nest has come!” Sylvester said jokingly.

“Look at my baby boy all grown up!” Claria exclaimed while hugging her son once more. His father however just gave him another glare.

“Sylvester, I know you will do well in the academy but please, do try to reign in your eccentricities.” He said to his son as he gave him a pat at the back.

“Why are you making it sound like I’m some kind of destructive freak of nature? I’m sure as far nutjobs go, the academy would be filled to the brim with them.” Sylvester replied jokingly. Jericho simply sighed and glared at his son again.

“It’s because you have stupidest most inane goal a mage has ever set out to do.” Jericho replied to his son raising his voice a bit.

“Aha so I was right about the nutjobs huh?” Sylvester replied while sneering with his father shaking his head again. Sylvester looked at his father and started smiling

“Just you wait, I’ll show you a magic trick so amazing your jaw will drop on the floor! The Ultimate magic trick!” Sylvester said with a laugh as he opened up the door at the front seat of the cab giving his parents one last look.

“Goodbye mom, goodbye dad. See you guys later!” He said as he entered the cab. Then he immediately rolled down the windows the moment he got in.

“Uh, are you sure my luggage is gonna be delivered to the academy?” Sylvester asked with a bit of a worry.

“Don’t worry, they have a delivery service that actually cares about whatever it is they are delivering.” Jericho replied with a chuckle.

Sylvester sighed and rolled down the windows, waving one last time to his parents as the cab began to drive off. As the cab moved out of sight, Claria looked at her husband with a bit of worry in her eyes.

“Dear. Are you sure it was okay not to tell him about the initiation exam?” She asked her husband.

“Don’t worry about him, I’m sure whatever tricks the headmaster has cooked up he will easily overcome it and do that annoying bow of his he likes to do so much.” Jericho said while facing the direction which the cab went. He turned around and saw his wife’s worried expression

“Is something the matter dear?” He asked inquisitively.

“Nothing, it’s just sometimes I think we should have just given all of this up and lived a normal life.”

Jericho walked up to his distressed wife and put his hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down.

“But Claria, this is our normal life. You know as well as I do that mages can never be normal and those who tried were only met with tragedy. This is the cost of magic, of knowledge.” He said in a somber tone. “The best we can do is prepare him for whatever road he chooses.”

“Besides!” Jericho added. “Our son has proven time and time again that he can handle himself. Admittedly I hope he would drop his stupid magician act.”

“You sure sound very confident despite sounding like you’re disappointed.” Claria jokingly replied.

“Of course I am.” Jericho said, finally turning towards his wife revealing a warm and prideful smile, the stern and grouchy look he had moments ago gone without a trace.

“He is our son after all.” Jericho said in a boastful tone brimming with pride. He snapped his fingers and suddenly their figures disappeared, but looking up towards the sky two doves can be seen flying off into the blue sunlit expanse.

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