《Empyrean Blade Kira》Chapter 11 - Origin of Burning Soul
“No, absolutely not!”
“Stubborn as ever I see. Naomi please talk some sense into him.”
“Honey, despite everything you don’t like about him, he’s trustworthy. I’m sure she’ll be fine. He’s right though, this is bigger than us now. It’s not safe for them here anymore.”
Kira awoke to the sound of voices, two of them familiar but the third she had trouble recognising. Her fuzzy mind gradually became clear as she became aware of a throbbing pain throughout her body. However, it was a strange sensation, as it the real pain was being partially blocked by something, giving it a somewhat muted effect.
When she tried to move, it felt as if her limbs were extraordinarily heavy and stiff. Looking down at her body, she saw that every inch of it appeared to be tightly wrapped in bandages. She suddenly recalled the events before she lost consciousness.
That unfamiliar voice belonged to that scruffy-looking man who had saved them!
‘But, why is he talking to my parents like he knows them?’
Kira thought as she opened her eyes. The adults in the room became silent for a moment when they realised she was awake.
“Hey there, kiddo. Nice of you to rejoin the land of the living.”
“Kira, sweetie, how are you feeling?”
“I can’t move my limbs but otherwise fine. I managed to control it better this time so the internal injuries weren’t as bad as before.”
“Internal injuries? Didn’t she just recover from those? Naomi, what is she talking about?”
Compared to her mother’s slightly concerned expression and the ragged man’s lazy one, her father’s serious expression and tone was the most uncharacteristic. He looked both angry and confused even though his face softened slightly as he looked at Kira.
“Jeez, you still haven’t told him yet? Just how long have you two been together already?”
“You know very well that I didn’t tell him because he never needed to know.”
“Well, seeing as I’m left out of everything here, I might as well leave first.”
Suzuki Koto stormed out of the room as Kira watched. Naomi sighed and shook her head.
“Sigh…I’ll go talk to him later. First of all, Kira, I need to introduce someone to you. This deceptively relaxed and cynical man is my younger brother, and your uncle, Tetsuya.”
“What do you mean ‘deceptively’? I’m always relaxed. I actually saw you guys a few weeks ago when you were being rushed to the Doc’s. Can’t believe I didn’t recognise my own sister, but being that flustered really isn’t her style so I thought it had to be someone else. Guess I was wrong, haha. Ah, what am I saying? Nice to meet you, little miss niece. From what I felt from you yesterday, you’re probably even more talented than your mother was at that age.”
“It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance too, Uncle Tetsuya.”
“Whoa what’s up with the formalities? What happened to that hot-headed girl I rescued? Man, if your mom could hear the words coming out of your mouth…”
“Uncle Tetsuya, it’s not good to lie, especially to family.”
“Fair enough, guess I exaggerated a bit kiddo. Here’s a tip, never piss off your mom. Believe me, I always got the worst of it.”
Her uncle whispered that last part in a voice that only Kira could hear which made her smile wryly. She could just about imagine this uncle of hers as a mischievous boy that constantly teased his older sibling.
“Now that the introductions are out of the way, Kira, we have something important to talk to you about. Originally, your dad and I wanted you to test yourself against the Oda Clan youngsters. Kagetsuna was there to make sure that nothing happened to you. We didn’t expect that the Oda Clan’s backers would actually have their own agenda and would directly interfere.
For risking my own daughter’s life like that, even though it’s unforgivable, I have to offer my sincerest apologies!”
Kira’s mother dropped to her knees and kowtowed, surprising Kira, who couldn’t move her to raise her head. When Naomi eventually lifted her head, small, shiny rivulets had run down her face although her expression remained calm.
“If Tetsuya wasn’t there, I’m sure we would have lost you, maybe even both of you…”
Kira was shocked at this. Even though she was willing to die for her freedom, she hadn’t realised the extent of the effect it would’ve had on those family members who cared for her. She really didn’t know what to say.
“So yeah, seeing as I killed that purple bastard, those other bastards are going to get personally involved in trying to hunt you down. The best thing for you, and maybe your brother too, is to leave this city with me. I can keep you safe and take you somewhere away from their reach.”
Her uncle took over as her mother took several deep breaths, her effort in keeping her self-control clear by the calm face she wore despite the tears on it.
“I’m sorry Uncle, but I have to decline. The Suzuki Clan is my home. Edge is my home. I cannot simply leave.”
“Kiddo, I hate to break it to you, but as you are right now, there’s no way in Heaven or Earth that you’re strong enough to protect yourself, let alone anyone or anything else.”
His words struck Kira to her core. The thing she wanted to do the most was to be able to protect her clan with her own strength. His words hit her so hard because she knew in her heart that they were the truth. As much as she wanted to stay here, what could she actually do?
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m not just going to take you on a leisurely trip and hide you somewhere safe. I plan to train you so that guys like the one from before will be like bugs beneath your feet. It’s going to be dangerous and require 200% effort but I believe you’ve got something special, and not just that Burning Soul technique.”
“You know about Burning Soul?”
“Of course I do. When your sister nearly blows herself up, it’s kinda hard not to notice. Also, anyone who knows the legends is vaguely aware of it.”
“Legends? Which legends?”
“Jeez, Naomi, didn’t you teach her anything beyond training?”
“Kira was always in the clan’s library so I assumed she knew the legends.”
“Alright, at least tell me you know about the origins of the two great Empires.”
The truth was that Kira had read a lot about the history of the continent although much of it were records of iconic battles that shaped the Twin Empires. Each book on what happened before and during the formation of the Twin Empires had conflicting views and bordered on the realm of fantasy. Therefore, she didn’t take any of it too seriously.
“*sigh*, Then just sit there, cute little miss, and let me tell you a story…”
Tetsuya took out his long pipe and, at a stern look from Naomi, walked over to the window before he lit it and continued.
“Long ago, tales tell of two great weapon experts who were the best of friends. They roamed the fractured continent, which didn’t have any great factions at the time, together and learned what they could from the original pure weapon clans, entire clans that used and mastered one specific weapon and developed a broad range of powerful and unique Weapon Skills.
These two experts would learn as much as they could during their visits and, through a special now-forgotten method, improve those techniques as they made them their own. They were known as Zachary Sol and Runa Hikari.
Zachary preferred high-impact, earth-shaking weapons and techniques that made his opponents tremble before the fight even started while Hikari preferred weapons and techniques that were beautiful and elegant yet deadly, that could slice through the air without a whisper, taking down her opponents before they were completely aware of the situation. Despite their differences, the two accepted each other and travelled together for many years. Their names become infamous as the Wandering Sun and Moon.
However, this peace was not to last. As time went on, their strong personalities began to cause disputes between them. At first they argued over petty things but, over time, things grew increasingly more unstable until these two, who were as close as Yin and Yang, realised that they were in fact rather more like fire and water, unable to co-exist. After an intense battle that shook the heavens and the earth, these two weary fighters who were once friends went their separate ways, neither coming out the victor in their final fight.
It is said that at this time, they formed their own sects and began training disciples. No one knows for sure why they did it. Some say it was to pass on their knowledge before they became old. Others say it was to compete through their disciples to resolve a true victor from the stalemate that day. Still others, although they were a small minority, say that the Moon and Sun were hoping that their disciples would find the joy of friendship in difference when they met as they did. However, this story was usually thrown aside as the ramblings of drunkards.
The two sects grew increasingly large as minor clans who found themselves relating to either one or the other joined them until they were considered the only two great powers on the continent. One day, however, at around the same time, both Zachary and Hikari fell seriously ill. Their sect disciples were stunned. The symptoms shown by the two were of a nature that no one had ever seen before. Naturally, messages requesting help were sent between the two sects. Both sides were shocked to find that the symptoms were exactly the same. After telling their respective Sect Leaders the situation, both their requests were the same,
“I want to see him one last time.”
“I want to see her one last time.”
Honouring their Sect Leaders’ wishes, their disciples brought them to the central divide between the two halves of the continent, coincidentally the place where their last fight had taken place. Placing them side-by-side, the disciples backed off a respectful distance as they watched the person most respected in their hearts talking to their greatest rival. Words were exchanged, hands held each other and eyes were closed.
It was a long while before any of the disciples thought that something was wrong. When they did, they quietly and slowly approached only to find that the two legends, the Wandering Moon and Sun of this Bladeworks Continent had passed on, hands joined, smiles on their faces.
The rest is history. Hikari’s Sect formed the Moonsilver Empire in the East while Zachary’s Sect formed the Sunstrike Empire in West, each empire embodying the traits and values of their founder.
Within these Twin Empires, apart from the imperial families who manage the Empire’s affairs, there arose nine clans whose power far exceeded any others at the time. It’s said that these nine clans formed from each of the Wandering Sun and Moon’s direct disciples, the ones they entrusted their greatest secrets and Skills to. They became known as the Nine Heavenly Clans.
While most of these clans still hold high positions within the Twin Empires, due to certain reasons, a few of them are in decline. Of these declining clans, one of them is the one both your mother and I belong to, the one who inherited the Bloodline Technique, Burning Soul, the Heavenly Flame Lily Clan.
Our ancestors were originally from the Sunstrike Empire but, through a series of events that aren’t completely clear, they were forced into hiding in the Moonsilver Empire. We believe that the rest of the Nine Heavenly Clans in the Sunstrike Empire were jealous of their ability as it was one that was inherited and couldn’t be learned while theirs could, so they tried to get rid of them.
I’m sure you’ve experienced for yourself the kind of power you get from using it just to the tiny degree that you have. I’m pretty sure the only reason our ancestors weren’t wiped out back then when faced with power on the level of several of the Nine Heavenly Clans was because of just how potent Burning Soul is at its highest level.
Because of this reason, every clan or sect on the continent right now who know about us would kill to have one of those scattered Burning Soul inheritors on their side...”
Tetsuya took a deep draw on his pipe and remained silent for a long time. After a few minutes had passed, Kira finally broke the silence.
“So…does that mean…the other living inheritors of Burning Soul actually don’t know about their heritage?”
“As I said, our clan is in decline and, through mixed blood, Burning Soul inheritors are really pretty rare. Most of them who survive the awakening end up as tools for those big clans on the continent without knowing why they have the ability or what it really is, while others simply hunt them down and kill them, which makes it all the more important that you’re able to protect yourself kiddo.”
After a few moments Kira made her decision.
“Very well then, I’ll accept Uncle’s offer. Only by getting stronger as fast as I possibly can will I be able to protect myself, my clan and…one day, all of my family that have inherited Burning Soul and are being held against their will.”
Kira’s vow to herself to protect her clan didn’t just extend to her immediate family in Edge but, now that she knew of their existence, to her relatives who shared the same ancestral bloodline and unfortunate fate, who were now also seen as family in her eyes.
Naomi’s expressionless mask broke, to reveal a stunned expression while Tetsuya broke into a coughing fit as he choked on his tobacco. They looked at each other before turning to face Kira.
“Damn, kiddo. I knew you were special but I never thought you’d have that kind of ambition. You do know just how difficult it is to find someone with Burning Soul let alone facing down whatever large sect is keeping them, right?”
“Honey, you’re so selfless, much better than I ever was. I only ever thought about myself and my own happiness. Your choice makes me so proud of you.”
“Alright, now that that’s sorted out, once you’ve recovered come find me at the inn near the West City Gate and we can be off.”
“*sigh*, now I have to find some way to get your father to accept this. As much as I don’t want you to go, it’s the best for all of us. As harsh as this sounds, if the Oda Clan and their backers only go after you, our Suzuki Clan should be safe until you return.”
“I know you’re there, no point hiding, little man.”
Kagetsuna almost seemed to melt out of the shadows of the hallway and stood before that ragged man, no, his Uncle, Tetsuya.
“I suppose I need to thank you for saving us. I probably would’ve died and Kira been abducted if you weren’t there. I don’t think my parents’ hearts could’ve taken it.”
“Well, you’re right about that much. However, for a genius, you’re also an idiot.”
“I understand that you were desperate, but if you exhaust yourself like you did yesterday, how are you going to protect Kira in the future.”
“I-I didn’t think that far…”
“My bad, shouldn’t have snapped at you. We’re actually in the same boat after all, both our sisters have this abnormal power that we can’t hope to match. It’s frustrating, I know, but the best we can do is to be strong when they can’t be.”
“What do you mean, Uncle?”
“As time goes on, your sister is going to get better and better at using that ability and pushing her limits more. At the same time, the toll that it’s going to take on her is going to get much greater, despite how much control I teach her.
I remember a time when your mother pushed herself to the very limit of her ability and nearly died. This was 3 years after she survived using it the first time. After that, even though she lived, she couldn’t move and could barely talk for three months. Only three months after that did she recover completely.
What I’m trying to say is, don’t let that ability make you feel inferior to her in any way. Just the opposite. As she gets stronger and tries to protect what she wants to protect, you need to be just as strong as her or even stronger in order to protect her when she can’t even protect herself. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Uncle Tetsuya.”
“By the way, you can drop the ‘Uncle’. Just because that sister of yours is so formal with me doesn’t mean you have to be. Besides, ‘Uncle’ makes me feel old.”
Tetsuya turned around and started to walk through the darkness towards the Suzuki Clan main gate.
“Oh, and make up your mind too. I have one extra space on this training ship if you want to sail with us.”
“Actually Uncle, I think I’ll start my own journey. They won’t be after me like they’re after Kira and if I came along then I’ll just be another target for you to protect. Also, I think it’s better for my own growth if I don’t always have Kira to compare myself to. I do appreciate the offer though.”
Kagetsuna cupped his hands towards his Uncle before going back to his room. Tetsuya paused for a moment before the archway of the gate, a smile creeping across his face.
‘Damn, Sis. The heavens have really blessed you. Children this talented and with your smarts are sure to reach the peak of this Bladeworks Continent…
…Maybe it’s about time I started looking for a wife…Nah, too much effort.’
Tetsuya lit his long pipe and took a deep pull before releasing a billowing cloud of smoke. The cloud covered up his form before slowly dissipating, leaving no trace that he was ever there.
“This is…unsettling.”
A tall figure in a dark-purple robe commented as he inspected the scattered shards of the broken Life Crystal.
He stood within the base of a large cylindrical tower whose walls were lined with shelves of crystals glowing with a dull red light, giving the inside of the tower a murky glow.
Although Life Crystals could be made from any gemstone, housing a tiny infusion of a person’s Life Energy meant that they weren’t that easily broken. Their main use, especially within a large clan, was to keep track of their clan members when they were away on missions or, more specifically, whether the said clan member was dead or dying. The faster the red glow of the Life Crystal faded, the more sudden the death of the person who had infused their energy into it.
The fact that a crystal had actually shattered was a very rare, some might say unheard-of, occurrence.
“Name and mission?”
The tall man addressed the keeper of the Crystal Room in a soft yet deep voice that seemed to resonate with the stones of the tower itself.
“Guildmaster, that would be Adept Fushiki. It seems he was on a punishment mission for his failure to assassinate the Third Lieutenant of the Dancing Lightning Clan. He was sent to a backwater city on the far eastern border of the Moonsilver Empire. He orders were to attempt to infiltrate or subjugate the local powers and bring back any promising recruits. Is something wrong…sir?”
“Contact Master Kuroda. He and his pupil may have some ways to travel but I need him to deal with this.”
As soon as the tall man left the room, his face twisted into an ugly expression. He knew well of the bungled assassination and why it failed. The Adept in question had gotten caught up in killing and torturing the enemy giving their target a chance to escape.
He knew that Fushiki was a wild card but also that he was sly and more than strong enough to handle himself. That someone could kill him in such a manner that his Life Crystal exploded was concerning indeed. To his knowledge, and this was with regular updates from his extensive information network, there was no one that far from the Twin Capitals with that kind of power.
This was exactly why he sent a Master to handle it.
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