《Pandemonium》15th Night: VS Black Bull


After pumping himself up, Omar changed. His speed was far faster than it was before.

He reached Rory in a split second, and was throwing a punch in the next.


Rory actually avoided that punch by moving his head to the side. This shocked Amelia, because this was the first time she’s seen Rory avoid an attack.

He jumped back to create some distance between him and black bull. Black bull chased after him and threw heavy blow after heavy blow.

Rory avoided them with skillful footwork while he stepped back.

“Oh?! Does Black Bull have him on the ropes?!”

The announcer provided commentary.

“Black bull is throwing powerful punches after the other, but Rory is skillfully avoiding them! Is he running away in the face of Omar’s power?!”

At that moment, Rory stopped.


Omar slammed his fist on Rory’s face.

“Run away?”

Rory grabbed hold of the fist that punched him, and moved it from his face to reveal a small cut on his forehead.

“This isn’t enough to make me run.”

He dragged Omar closed to him and slammed his first into his stomach.


Omar cried out in pain after receiving the punch. He looked down and looked at where the fist had hit. He saw cracks appear in his metallic skin, and blood flowing from it.

“If you want to see me run then you’ll have to bring the Scared King Licht himself or his nemesis the Night King Roctis!”

Rory slammed his leg in Omar’s midsection and sent him flying off the stage, and caused him to bounced off the ground a couple times, before stopping.

“He just said that only the world’s two most powerful beings can make him run. That’s a new level of arrogance.”

Said Allen with a wry smile.

He looked at Omar, who slowly struggled to his feet after taking Rory’s kick.

“A-Announcer…..Could you please shut up and stop provoking him? I already have my hands full as it is.”

Omar said grudgefully.

“Oh? You’re indeed tough.”

Rory took a fighting stance.

“Let’s take it up notch!”

He ran and jumped into the air, aiming a flying kick at Omar. Omar stood his ground crossed his arms in front of him to block the kick.



His feet were forced into the ground, from him forcing himself to remain in one spot.


Rory whistled in admiration.

He then used Omar’s arms as foothold and jumped back. The moment his foot touch the ground, he rushed towards him again.

‘Shit! This guy is too strong!’

Omar screamed in his mind.

Rory reached in front of him, only to dash to the side and attack him from the right. Omar threw a punch at the side, however it only hit air. Rory ducked under it and hit him with an uppercut to the chest.



Omar was forced off the ground and into the air. Rory leaped after him and grabbed after him.


Omar cursed and a wall of earth formed between him and Rory. He kicked off that earth to increase the distance between them.

Immediately after, Rory easily broke through the earth with a smile.

“Elements might not be my forte, but it hurts my pride to see it that wall getting easily destroyed.”

Omar said as he twisted his body to have his head facing the direction Rory was coming from. Earth then formed at his feet, which he used to kick off and launch himself towards Rory.


He hit him with all of his strength, which caused Rory to fall towards the ground and land on his back. Omar also fell towards the ring but managed to land on his feet.

“How about that?”

He turned around to look at Rory.

“It was decent.”


Only to be shocked to see Rory standing directly in front of him. Rory rubbed his cheek with his usual smile on his face. Omar was frozen in place, he didn’t know how to react.

For now, he decided to form some distance between them, by leaping back. Rory didn’t chase him and stood in place.

“Even my strongest punch wasn’t able to keep him down. What a monster!”

Omar mumbled under his breath.

“Looks like it’s do or die!”

He placed both arms at his side and took a deep breath.


Rory noticed that his anima had spiked to another level, and started concentrating around his fists. His anima then changed from green to a black color.

“Is that Dark Nature Anima?”

Amelia asked in shock. If Omar possessed this type of anima it meant that he had an extremely dark heart and that he was capable of using sinister abilities similar to the Night Kin.

“No, that isn’t Dark nature anima.”

Allen said from the side.

“There are times when anima change from its natural color, one of those times is when using one’s Animus.”

He said.

“Dark Nature Anima isn’t only black in color, its gives off a terrifying pressure that can make your skin crawl. Omar’s anima doesn’t have that.”

Amelia looked at Omar clenching his fists as the black anima concentrated around his fists.

“So he’s going to use his Animus.”

She watched as the anima surrounding Omar’s fists morphed into the shape of two demonic bull heads with fangs. They were semi-transparent and looked like they were alive.


The two bulls roared like two wild beasts. They had became Omar’s fists and weapons of destruction.

“Black Bull!”

Omar thrust out his fist and one of the bulls roared at Rory with a bloodthirsty expression.


Rory placed his hand on his chin as if he was intrigued.


“So that’s your Animus?”

Omar suddenly kicked off the ground and instantly appeared at his side, while he was still talking.


When Rory looked to his side, he saw one of the bulls chomping towards his head. He jumped out of the way and up in the air.

“You’re not getting away!”

Omar quickly caught up to him in midair. Rory watched as the bull buck him with its huge head.


Rory’s head was forcibly turned, and he was forced out of the air and crashed into the ring.

“That hurt quite a bit.”

Rory said with a groan.

He looked up and saw a black bull head heading towards him. He swung his feet towards his chest and rolled out of the way and onto his feet.

He looked at the dust cloud caused by the bull hitting the ring, and saw something shot out of it. It was the bull that was seemingly pulling Omar.

Rory jumped to the side to avoid them. That’s when he saw Omar arrived at where he was before, and thrust his fist to the side.


He was suddenly hit in the midsection. He looked and saw that the bull had stretched from Omar’s fist, and hit him who was several meters away from him.

Rory then saw the other bull charging towards him while dragging Omar. Rory tried to distance himself, but the first bull that hit him suddenly grew and used its giant mouth to chomp into him and kept from running.


Omar roared as the bull that was pulling him doubled in size, he drew his fist back and slammed the bull in Rory’s chest.


Rory was sent falling out of the ring, while the crowd cheered.

“Oh! Could black bull have done it?! Did he defeat the mysterious Rory?!”

The announcer shouted.


Rory who was cutting through the air, flipped and gently stopped himself by landing on the ground.

“I still haven’t lost.”

He said with a smiled.

Omar was shocked because he knew that Rory took a direct hit from his attack, and yet other than a few stretches he was basically unharmed.

‘What is this guy?! What’s with his defense?!’

Omar screamed in his head as if he was going mad.

“But I gotta say, your Animus is really well thought out. At first glance, it looks like a power type, but in actuality it’s very diverse.”

Rory said.

“It can act like a real bull and pull you towards whatever you desire, to make up for your lack of speed and mobility. It can stretch and chased after its opponents, which is good for surprise attacks. It can crush things with its mouth. It can prevent targets from running away by clamping down on them with its mouth, and finally it can increase in size to boost its destructive capabilities.”

He started clapping.

“It’s so diverse that I’m truly impressed. From it I can tell that despite looking like a simple muscle head, you’re a talented tactician.”

He praised Omar, but Omar didn’t feel honored at all. He realized that Rory allowed himself to be at the whim of his opponent so that he could figure out how his ability works.

‘Seriously, this guy is a real monster to figure everything out in a situation like this.’

Omar thought.

“Your Animus was so interesting that it inspired me to create a similar technique.”


Omar was shocked to hear what Rory said.

“As the creator of the originally, I’d like to hear your opinion on my imitation.”

Anima started condensing around Rory’s fists. The anima then morphed into 8 black snakes, with four on each hand.


The snakes let out hissing sounds while moving around like real snakes.

“I call it, Black Orochi.”

Rory said.

“He stole my Animus?”

Omar was beyond shocked.

“Stole? No, I was just inspired. Your Black Bull is basically all of your anima condensed into a fixed shape, you then use all of your mentally capacity to control it as you pleased. I just did the same thing in my own way.”

Rory responded.

“Well, mine might be superior since my anima control is better than yours.”

Omar clenched his teeth.

“An imitation is still just an imitation!”

He thrust his fists forward and the two bulls rushed towards Rory.

“Sometimes the imitation can surpass the original.”

Rory lifted both hands in front of him, and the eight snakes rushed towards the bulls. They then suddenly grew into eight truck-sized snakes which towered into the sky, looking down on both Omar and his bulls.


Omar and his bulls were shocked speechless as they looked up at the giant black snakes.


While he was shocked, two snakes swept down and devoured the bulls and clamp on Omar’s arms. Two more snakes then grabbed each of his legs, the four snakes then lifted him in the air as if putting him on display.

The other 4 snakes slithered around him as if waiting to pounce and swallow him whole.

“See? Better than the original.”

Rory said while both hands were stretched out, looking up at Omar.

“If this was a fight to the death, you would’ve turnt into snake shit already.”

He said with a small laugh.

Seeing that he had no chance to win, Omar bit his lip in frustration.

“I surrender.”

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