《Dark Lord Saga (Original)》(Vol I) Chapter 14 : Lies within Lies


Chapter 14

Lies within Lies

Doyle looked blankly at Grey.

"That's right. The knights came a few days ago claiming the area was dangerous. They were evacuating people when it is said that monsters attacked. To think a whole battalion of knights were annihilated. The king sent his army to contain the monster invasion from spreading."

Grey's eyes furrowed. A company of knights consisted of 10-30 knights. He had seen only one that night. Where then were the rest of the knights? Had they been killed off? Then what about the army? Why did they attack them so viciously?

Something wasn't right. Layers upon layers of intrigue. Grey's thoughts could only grasp at the surface. Too many things didn't make any sense. The way that army appeared out of nowhere was unnatural. He remembered the surprise on Baylee's face. Since when can you hide an army that large without being noticed? Grey could only scratch his head and wonder.

"Kid," said Doyle. His head nodding. " I like to think I can judge people very well. It's in my trade. At first, I thought you were dangerous but your reaction now seemed genuine. How about you come along with me to the town? We can fix you up something nice. I was an orphan too you know."

Doyle pat his hand on the side of his seat, beckoning them to come sit beside him. After a disaster there were many thieves and bandits that took the opportunity to add to the chaos. For this kid to be so surprised. He must not really what had happened. Grey nodded and both him and Mylene jumped onto the wagon. Their destination, Walheim.


Walheim was a town built on top of a granite hill. A field of rocks lined the flat grass towards the town gate. A guardsman with a bronze helmet looked at the group cautiously. Doyle produced his papers and said that Grey and Mylene were orphans and was asked no further questions. Inside, the buildings came out like towering monuments, large and stout, they were rocks cut into the shape of trees, their rooftops a sparkling green and blue wood.

At the "Green Willow" restaurant, Doyle sat at a table with Grey and Mylene.

"Kid are you making this up?" said Doyle incredulously. He placed his right hand over his mouth thoughtfully.

Grey shook his head. "It's true! I was attacked by a knight and the king's army attacked us."

"Did you see that as well?" asked Doyle. His eyes looked at Mylene.

Mylene slowly shook her head.

"I was in a chest. Our adventurer friend put me there to keep me safe. He said someone was coming and when Grey got me out. Everyone was dead."


"I see..."

"It's true though! If you send anyone up there they will surely find out!" Grey cried. He was afraid Doyle wouldn't believe him. After all who would think that the king would send an entire army to kill off the villagers and adventurers? It was too much resources for so little gain.

Doyle sat for a moment pondering. His hand picked up the cup of tea and drank it heartily, downing it in one gulp.

"Grey," he said, looking at the boy.


"Let us say you are right. Let us assume for a moment that the king had decided to kill all the adventurers. Then why was the camp you found first after escaping the dungeon empty without a fight?"


"Haha, I am only playing with you my friend. If you knew the answer then perhaps this would not be called a mystery. I say it is strange because that is what I would expect if they were told to evacuate the adventurers."


Grey's mind raced. If the adventurer's were told to evacuate then no wonder they wouldn't put up a fight. Who would question the authority of a knight, especially a command so reasonable given how close the dungeon was?

"Then why did they murder?"

"Wrong question again," spoke Doyle, stroking his head. "The question should be why did that knight tell you the king had sent an army to kill everyone off, more or less, why bother announcing it at all? Wouldn't letting you waltz into a hidden army be more effective at killing you?"

Grey shook his head. His thoughts muddled.

"And those men. What man doesn't fear death? You say your master killed dozens, hundreds of them who threw themselves upon her. Grey do you think you are thinking straight when you tell me this?"

Grey scratched his head. He seemed to slowly grasp at the questions.

"Yes," muttered Doyle. "I do not have proof but I fear what you encountered was not the king's men at all, but something else entirely. I have some thoughts on this and dare not say it out loud. They say people who are too nosy will get their nose cut off. Let us wait until I can confirm the matter, then we can speak of it again, and what we can do about it."

Grey nodded his head. Mylene took a bite of cooked pork and plumped it into her mouth. As the three finished their meals, Doyle could only help but remember what Grey had told him. That knight said "king's army", but he mention which king it was?

They walked out of the restaurant, full bellies, Mylene licked her fingers.

"Ah that was quite delicious. Mr. Doyle you are quite fashionable. I like a fellow like you. Be my servant!"


Doyle laughed. "Haha, funny girl. I am already so-so old and unmarried. How can a little girl like you tempt me?"

"Oh!" said Mylene, mischievously. "You think I have no appeal. Then come let me do this and that and we'll see if you can still say the same."

"Girl do you even know what you are saying," chuckled Doyle. He whacked her in the head.


"That's what you get for making fun of us old folks. Take another to the head for being so vulgar."

Whack! Mylene flinched and got hit again. She rubbed her head.

"You violent fellow. To bully a little girl aren't you ashamed?"

"Ah, is that what it is called? I thought I was giving you a lecture. Here take let me see your head again."

"Don't touch me!" said Mylene. She ran behind Grey and stuck out her tongue. "Nah! Go away."

Doyle laughed.

A boy brushed by Grey as they walked down the street. Grey could feel hands diving into his pocket. He looked back. In the boy's hand was the light gem that Baylee had given him. A keepsake of his dead master? How can he let a thief take it! Grey chased after him.

"Grey!" called Mylene, following him. "Where are you going!"

"He stole from me! Thief! Thief!"

The boy turned and saw Grey chasing him, and ran into an alleyway.

"Grey! Don't go too far!" yelled Doyle, lumbering behind. People crowded about the busy street pushing him back.

Grey chased the boy down the dark damp back roads. The stones kicking from the ground. Around one of the corners, Grey found the boy leaning against one of the doors.

"Give me back my stone!"

"What stone?" mumbled the boy, "I saw no stone. Look my pockets are empty."

The boy lifted his pockets. Nothing came out.

"B-But! I saw you take it. You dropped it or hiding it behind your back somewhere."

"Ah who can say? Who cares anyway? You want to fight about it?"

The boy raised his eyebrows.

Grey shook his head.

"No! But it is only right to return stuff to their owners. Give it back or I'll search you myself!"

The boy laughed. Grey walked towards him and was about to grab the boy's collar when a large man came out of the door beside them. He wore a large tunic, overalls, and carried a meat cleaver in one hand. Grey nearly jumped up in surprise as the man grabbed Grey by his hand and lifted him into the air.

"Who do we have here? A lost little boy? I was wondering who was making all this racket in the back."

"Ah, Big Sam," said the boy. "I got another one for you. You owe me twice, plus whatever you pawn off this thing."

The boy pulled out Baylee's light gem from a hidden pocket inside his shirt. He tossed it to the large man who caught it.

"Ah, a light gem. Hard to find these around. Can sell them for plenty. Most people just buy them for looks."

"Give that back! It's mine!"

"Haha, you don't seem to understand little boy. You are mine. You and anything on you."

The large man smacked Grey with the end of his cleaver. Blood trickled down Grey's head.

"Ah!" yelled Mylene, arriving around the corner. "Stop!"

"Ah another one."

Sam swooped down and grabbed Mylene and Grey's with the same hand. Carrying them up by their arms like a pair of ducks. Doyle stood shocked by end of the alleyway. His eyes in fear. The man was nearly eight feet tall, built like a bear, with a cleaver the size of a human head.

"Help! Help! Doyle!" shouted Mylene.

"Doyle!" yelled Grey. "Go get the guards! Stop these g-"

"Shut up."

Sam hit Grey harder. Grey's body shook and trembled.

"Ah!" yelled Mylene.

"Old fellow, if you know what's good for you, you'll stay quiet. This is street business. What goes in the alleys stays here."

The big man leaned over and rolled up his sleeves of his shoulder. A tattoo of a dragon coiled in a circle could be seen. Doyle looked at the kid's meekly. Mylene yelled for help. Grey looked silently at Doyle, blood on his cheek.

"Ah, sorry for bothering you then."

Doyle turned and left. The screams and yells for help falling on his ears. His heart ached, but even still he wanted to live. That person was part of that group, a group that no merchant could offend in this city. He ventured off, and went to bar to drink his thoughts away.

Grey saw Doyle leave. A shock ran through his heart. Were they not friends? Why...why did he go....

"Haha, seems like you quieted down now. Let's go meet some of your new friends."

Sam brought the two kid's inside and tossed them in the basement.

At nightfall a large caravan moved through the city, carrying goods of all sorts. A large cage was hauled onto one of the last wagons. In it were chickens, pigs, and two children. Grey and Mylene.

"Where are they taking us?" whispered Mylene. Her voice hoarse. She had yelled for help all day. No one had come.

"I don't know," said Grey, remembering Doyle leave. On his face, there were only feelings of betrayal and sadness. "I don't know anything."

He cried the rest of night softly.

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