《Companion Farmer》17: Dungeons (NSFW)
“Dungeons are places full of magic,” Selene said. “Wild magic, true, but it’s the creatures within them and the materials within them that the guilds want.”
“And where does the magic come from?”
“Localised veins in the earth,” she explained. “We call them ley lines. The magic mutates and shifts particular points until it becomes a dungeon. But there’s no way it can be sentient, Master. You’re talking about a physical place that can warp and shift itself into other shapes.”
I laughed at that.
“Don’t you cast out demons and help me build homunculi?” I asked. “How is a sentient dungeon any more ridiculous than either of those things?”
Selene’s mouth narrowed into a thin line. “Suppose this Von D. is correct and dungeons are, for the want of a better word, alive. How does that change anything?”
“I’ll read some more and get back to you,” I told her.
My eyes stung for a moment as I turned to read the pages again.
“It’s getting colder,” Selene pointed out.
“Best continue this in the house, then,” I agreed.
I tucked the Collected Journals under my arm and took the lamp from its hook on the wall. Selene slipped effortlessly from the bench in a single movement of leather and long legs. I left the other books on the bench and led the way out of the cellar.
“Did you find anything useful?” I asked as I directed the Duelistist by the front door to open it. “Or was it all my uncle’s romance fiction under a different name?”
“Some of it was,” Selene said. “But there was a section about ley lines. I didn’t learn about this at the Institute, but it seems like the wild magic congeals into a mineral and creates what dungeon divers call a ‘core’. They’re incredibly valuable sources of the purest wild magic but they’re almost impossible to find.”
“Interesting,” I said. “So the core is the centre of the dungeon’s power?”
Selene shrugged. “It’s not my area of expertise, but the writer certainly seemed to think so. With your leave, Master, I’d like to retire for a moment and take a bath.”
“Of course. I’ll meet you in the parlour later. Bring Alexia, if she wants to join us.”
She started up the first flight of stairs and I couldn’t help but admire her from behind. Selene glanced over her shoulder and graced me with a sensuous smile and a wink before she vanished towards her room. I strode into the kitchen and ordered the maids to bring me a basin of hot water and a fresh set of clothes.
I set out for the parlour once I’d cleaned myself up.
Jamin’s first-floor parlour was a cozy little affair with pleasant armchairs and a large fireplace. A large bearskin rug stretched out in front of a crackling fire, and low tables sat beside each of the chairs. The maids bustled in and out as I settled into one of the chairs and enjoyed the sleepy warmth of the fire for a moment. I ordered two of the homunculi to bring out three bottles of wine, a platter of bread and cheese, and blankets to guard against the chill of the night.
I turned my attention back to Von D. and his writings on the dungeon of Curkill Depths. The adventurer’s findings reinforced his earlier implication that the Eldritch Dungeon was a special one. A murmur of voices announced the arrival of Selene and Alexia. Both the women had left behind their bloodstained travelling clothes for warm nightdresses. I smiled at them as they sat down together on a wide couch and practiced magic. Alexia had one of the maids bring her a small saucer of blood from the kitchen and Selene ran her through a series of small exercises while I continued to piece together my plan for the Eldritch Dungeon.
I finally closed the book with a snap and set it down in favour of a goblet of wine.
“See? Now you’re getting it,” Selene encouraged.
Alexia drew her finger around in a small arc. Scarlet energy crackled and a ribbon of energised blood rose from the saucer. Alexia gestured sharply and the magic sliced down and sliced a clean edge away from the porcelain plate before her.
“Yes, I’ve finally got it!” Alexia cried. “Finally!”
“It’ll take time, but before long you’ll be able to create razor edges from huge amounts of blood,” Selene said with a laugh. “Sharper than any sword or axe that an adventurer carries.”
Alexia caught her in a sideways hug and nuzzled into her shoulder. “Thank you, Selene. This is incredible! What would I do without you?”
“You’d probably be turned into an exploding weapon by a demon,” Selene murmured. “But I’m glad you appreciate it. Finer control always beats huge bursts of power.”
I smiled at the two of them and took a sip of Jamin’s favoured vintage.
“So, gracious Master, what do you have planned for tomorrow?” Alexia asked me. “Selene’s told me that you’re hellbent on going to the dungeon and getting yourself killed.”
“I have a plan,” I informed her, “that doesn’t involve any of us dying.”
“Do tell,” Alexia said.
“The writer of this book is an expert in dungeon architecture,” I said to her. “Everything that Selene and I have gathered today seem to point to the fact that dungeons aren’t just magical holes in the ground. They’re sentient, with a mind and a will of their own.”
Selene rolled her eyes, but Alexia’s expression turned thoughtful.
“That would explain why they’re so dangerous, then. But why would the adventurers willingly dive into a dungeon if they know it’s alive and it wants to kill them?”
“I don’t think any of them actually know that dungeons are alive,” I explained. “Except for a small handful who have spent their lives studying them. Von D. says that he’s been into Curkill Depths and survived it. And that he couldn’t clear the dungeon.”
“So he claims to have survived it,” Selene said.
“Right you are. He doesn’t give a map or any indication of how he managed to get in there without being killed, but I think that’s because the writer isn’t exactly an adventurer himself. Unless I’m reading it wrong, I think the writer was a dungeon himself, or something close to it.”
Alexia gaped at me. “What? How?”
I shrugged. “He doesn’t elaborate, unfortunately. But he does say that he ‘made terms’ with Curkill Depths and came to an agreement with the dungeon itself. Which implies that even an old, powerful, Elder-level dungeon like this one can be bargained with.”
“I don’t suppose this Von D. said anything about the details of his deal?” Selene asked sarcastically. “Did he feed it adventurers from his own dungeon, or just lead others into it?”
I tried not to roll my eyes at Selene’s tone. “No, he didn’t. But I think that it’s our best shot at getting the Sage’s magnum opus back and getting access to Thaddeus’s best homunculi recipes. We go in, carefully, and try to make contact with the dungeon itself. If it’s interested in us, I don’t think it’ll try to kill us straight away. That’s our opening to begin negotiations.”
“If it does try to kill us,” Alexia gushed, “then I can try out my new magic. And my daggers. It’s been forever since I’ve been able to use them properly, Master. You haven’t exactly given me an opportunity of late.”
“You might find you bite off more than you can chew, Lexie,” Selene warned her. “Dungeons aren’t to be trifled with, and an Eldritch Dungeon like Curkill Depths is avoided for a reason. You might be powerful, but you can get hurt or worse if you’re not careful.”
“It’s not like we have much of a choice,” Alexia pointed out. “We need the Sage’s writing. I mean, look at how amazing his maids are, and think of what we could do if Thaddeus gives Master recipes for better fighters. Roaming bandits wouldn’t stand a chance!”
I took another sip of wine and smirked at Selene. “She’s not wrong.”
Selene glared daggers at me.
“You have enough manpower if you want it,” she argued. “You could easily amass an army and fight off whatever Longhorn throws at you. With Lexie and I at your side, I can’t think of anyone who would dare to try and cross us.”
“A huge army will attract attention and bring the Commission in to ask questions,” I countered, “and what if Longhorn decides to come here personally? I’d rather not risk it. We need to be on the offensive. Set the terms of the agreements, deliver them, and collect our rewards. And that starts tomorrow, with Curkill Depths.”
Selene opened her mouth to reply just as Alexia faked a huge yawn. She kissed Selene’s cheek, swung her feet off the couch and sauntered over to me. I leaned back just as Alexia kissed me passionately. The taste of wine, cheese and the unique edge that was hers alone washed over my mouth and I felt Alexia nibble gently at my lower lip.
“I’ll see you in bed later tonight,” Alexia informed me in a loud whisper. “You two seem like you’ll be at this for hours.” She tipped Selene a saucy wink. “If he finally decides to reward you, leave some for me?”
Selene snorted. “No promises.”
“I’ll take it. Good night, Master. Good night, Selene.”
I watched Alexia stroll out of the parlour, vanish into the hallway, and felt Selene’s eyes bore into me from across the room. Wine washed over my tongue as I took another sip of Jamin’s finest and settled back into my chair. I pressed my fingertips together and eyed the fire as Selene tried to speak.
“Master, I can’t-”
“You’ve been different,” I said.
She froze and her eyes widened.
“Ever since we went to see Thaddeus,” I explained. “Before that, you helped me build homunculi, kill a trio of adventurers and strip down a horde of corpses. You didn’t so much as blink. But then the Commission knocks at the door, and something happened.”
Selene went pale. She didn’t say anything.
“We didn’t have time to talk about it, but you rose to the occasion and gave the best showing of an upper-class noblewoman I’ve ever seen,” I continued. “And now you won’t stop fighting me on going to Curkill Depths. And I’m curious about why that is.”
She cast her eyes to the fire and her face tightened.
“Why were you scared of the Commission in that moment? And why don’t you want me to lead an expedition into the Eldritch Dungeon?” I asked her quietly. “You were willing to join me in a heartbeat when I killed Kilcoy’s mercenaries. Why the change in heart?”
“I saw your aura,” Selene said finally. “I saw an opportunity for power and wealth with you in that moment. Gods know I’ve had precious little of either. Mortals and demons all deal in the same currency, but you had something they didn’t.” She sighed and curled tighter into the couch. “Truth. And the strength of character to carry out your words.”
I saw memories and pain wash over her face.
“You’ve been betrayed before,” I said. “And you thought I’d do the same.”
“No, it wasn’t even that. I thought that if I got close enough, and if you looked as if you were going to betray me, I’d do it to you first. When Bradford arrived, I-” Selene swallowed. “I considered it. Gods damn me, but I considered it. And I couldn’t do it. I cared too much.”
I watched her and didn’t say a word.
“I care too much about you and Lexie to be a true mercenary,” she whispered. “You both mean more to me than simple coin or power, Master. And when I realized that, I couldn’t believe it. I wanted to believe that I was untouchable and that things like love didn’t apply to people like me. But they do. It does.”
“You think that the dungeon is too much,” I realized. “That because it’s dangerous, we’ll get killed. You’re worried about our safety, and you’re looking for reasons to avoid danger.”
Selene snorted softly. “Well, it sounds silly when you say it like that. But yes.”
“You’re not going soft on me, are you, Selene?”
“I can’t think of what it would be like without you. Or Lexie. You both make me feel wanted. Needed. Like you’re family. I can’t think of what would happen if I were to lose you.” She brushed something away from her cheek and turned angrily to me. “So yes, damn you, I am going soft. All because of your stupid aura.”
I couldn’t help it. I laughed and grinned at her.
“It’s not like I can do anything about my aura,” I said. “But I appreciate your honesty, Selene. And I appreciate you. Alexia does, too. We might be hurling ourselves headlong into danger, but it’s not as if you didn’t know that when you joined us.”
She grunted. “I suppose.”
“And, I mean, I’m glad I didn’t take you up on your bathing offer,” I joked, “if all you wanted was to seduce and use me. Hells, you’d be running the show by now, right?”
“It’s not as if it worked, Master,” Selene muttered.
I scooped up my goblet of wine, drained it, and left it on a side table. Selene shifted uneasily as I joined her on the couch and slid an arm around her shoulders. She hesitated for a moment more, and then relaxed into my shoulder with a disgruntled sigh.
“I definitely appreciate you naked,” I whispered conspiratorially. “But I like you better when you’re being honest.”
Selene arched an eyebrow. “Is that so?”
I smirked at her. “What do you think?”
Selene’s eyes traced over my clean clothes and laughed quietly. The velvety sound rippled through me like lightning as she snuggled a little closer into my shoulder. It was impossible to miss the hint of expensive perfume and leather as she leaned in to my ear.
“All of my machinations, and all I needed to do was play up being vulnerable?” Selene teased. “I should add that to my repertoire.”
“Not when we’re dealing with customers or enemies,”I warned playfully. “I still need the secret agent of the King to help further my plans.”
“And you’ll have her,” Selene promised me. “But tonight, Master, you just have me.”
“I’ll take it,” I smiled, and kissed her for the second time.
Spoiler: Spoiler
Selene moaned as I pressed my mouth to hers and tasted her. Her fingers curled in my hair and she shifted with surprising violence to mount me on the couch. She pressed me into the couch and the kiss went deeper. Her tongue danced with mine as she tore at my shirt and ground herself against my hips. I hissed as she pulled away and dug her teeth into my neck. Animal passion flared in my blood as Selene wrenched my shirt over my head. I shoved off the couch and she growled appreciatively as I smacked her ass against one of the side tables. A flare of pain ricocheted from my skin as her fingernails dragged over my bare chest. I lost track of the room as she shoved back at me and found her feet again. My hip bounced off a couch and seconds later my belt vanished from around my waist. I found the ties to her nightdress a second afterwards and ripped them open. The white silk fell from her shoulders in a single smooth movement and Selene stepped out of her dress with a catlike smile. Animalistic need burned in her eyes as she locked her gaze with mine for a long moment. Selene’s heavy breathing drew my attention to her generous chest and just how firmly it showed her arousal. She lunged at me, wrapped her thighs around my ribs, and forced me to catch my balance. I spun around the room, growled as she bit my shoulder, and a moment later we sprawled out on the bearskin rug by the fire. She torqued her hips to roll me onto my back and I took the opportunity to squeeze her breasts. Selene moaned and rapidly tore my trousers out from around my knees.
“You’re rather rough this evening, Master,” she whispered.
“My impression was that you’d had enough of being soft,” I said.
I kissed her breast, sank my teeth into her smooth, warm flesh, and felt her breath hitch. The warmth of her skin, the strength of her scent, and the raw power in her body made my head spin. Our kiss turned almost vicious as she sank down onto my length. A raw snarl exploded from her throat as she leaned back. Firelight splashed over her pale skin as she rode me with rapid thrusts of pure need. I caught hold of her ass and drove up into her harder. Selene bucked back and forth and I took the opportunity to explore her with my hands. A scar slashed across her left hip that I’d never noticed before.
Selene’s spine arched into a beautiful curve as she came in a shuddering cry that echoed through the whole first floor. She didn’t stop, and I didn’t feel the need to give her a moment to regather herself. Her breasts bounced as she settled onto me again and swept stray blonde hair away from her face. I gave her everything she wanted, and more, until I couldn’t hold back the tide of pleasure within myself.
Selene gave me a final, almost loving bite over my heart, and then slipped off me with a contented sigh. I tucked my arms behind my head and caught my breath as she slung a sensuous leg over my hips. Her hair tickled the skin of my chest and Selene trembled as the pleasure ran the last of its course through her body.
“I think I understand,” Selene murmured finally.
“Understand what?”
“Why Alexia asked so much about how to please you,” she said. “Gods, that was incredible. You’re really something else, Master.”
I grinned. “And yet you still doubt me.”
“After that? I’ll help you fight anything you want me to,” she purred. “If only to make sure that you survive it. I’m not about to let you die if it means I can’t have this again.”
My eyes wandered over the ceiling. Selene’s hand drifted down my body again, and her eyes widened as her fingers closed around me.
“Care to try again?” I smirked.
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