《Reincarnated Renegade》Brother B


Sweat flew off his arms as he swung the practice sword. The drops dissolved lightly in the fresh snow. Cold moisture fell on his shoulder. Another swing moved his hair in front of his eyes. Kly was both freezing and overheated by the exertion.

Kly's practiced in colder weather than this. During a snowstorm. During rain or shine. Alone or surrounded by other trainees. None of it mattered. Kly needed to be stronger.

Mom, can I practice with a sword too?

Why would you ever want to use a sword, Kly?

To protect you, mom!

What about your brothers and sisters?

Hmm. I don't want to.

Oh sweetie. Always protect your family. They are all you have. Promise me you'll protect them; then I will allow you to practice with Tristan when you are older.

Hrm. Okay. I promise.

Good. Now go and help your sister. She can't get down off the bench.


His breathing was heavy and strained. The memories were passing like clouds. Kly repeated the words to himself often, resolved never to forget. He would protect his family. They were all he had.

Help your sister.

A pile of logs tumbled. He was too far away. His friends were going to be crushed. There was only one option left.


Forfeit the race. It didn't matter anyway. Toss the log away.


Get a lead-up. Aim. Throw.




He breathed out and reset his stance. The trickling snow gave him a brief reprieve before a brisk breeze blew it all back.

That day was an anomaly—a break in his routine. There was a guest sitting on the bench. She hadn't visited since she could barely walk. That helpless girl couldn't even get off the bench by herself without crying.


I almost hit her.


But you didn't.


I almost killed my sister.


But you didn't.


I'm supposed to protect my family.


Is she really your family?

The thought struck him out of the blue. Was that really what he thought? Lecil has always been distant and difficult to deal with. She was helpless. Unable to get off a bench without crying. Still, Lecil was his sister. So why?



Kly lowered his sword and saw his sister. Long blond hair flowing, shaded by a pink umbrella. A quartet of maids trailed behind her. He was confused. Another sister was joining him? What was happening lately?

"Aren't you freezing? Where is your shirt?"

Anne appeared affronted at the by the achingly masculine display. Kly looked around lazily for his shirt but it seems the snow has hidden it. He set it down somewhere over there. Or was it over there?


"You don't even know where you left it."

"Hm. It's not cold."

"Not cold? It is freezing. Snow is falling. How often do you do this?"

"I am used to it."

"Used to-"

Anne held her face in exasperation. This brother was a training nut. He didn't speak much and often needed to be informed about the situation around himself. It took a lot of work on her part to get him to say more than a few words at dinner. Having him practice the words over and over was the only way to imprint the information.

Sighing, she waved her hand.

"I wanted to talk to you. Do you have a moment?"

Kly looked around at the empty field. The recruits hadn't risen yet. Come to think of it, wasn't today their monthly day off?

Since no one else seemed to be coming, Kly nodded promptly and showed her to a pavilion that overlooked the training area. One of Anne's maids supplied him with a towel and a new shirt. The original was lost to the elements.

Kly leaned against a railing next to his sword, Anne taking a seat at a rounded tea table. It was in disuse because of the climate, but it served as a temporary resting place for her rump.

Anne sat on the edge of her chair to avoid the freezing temperature. Her maids stood behind her to block the windchill. Snow drifted softly just outside the pavillion's boundaries

"Kly. Did you encounter Lecil recently?"

Paying close attention, she watched his eyebrows twitch ever so slightly. The movement indicated Kly was flabbergasted.

"So, you did. I thought so. Tell me what happened."


Anne waited patiently. When it was clear that Kly wasn't going to answer verbally, she sighed once again. He was always like this. Getting lost in his thoughts.


"Hm. What?"

"What happened with Lecil?"

She enunciated her words, making sure they got across. Kly responded.

"She got off the bench herself."

"What? What is that supposed to mean?"

Kly was silent, forgoing any more words.

Anne wanted to shout and kick, but that was unbecoming of a princess. She would do that in private. She has a few new pillows that need fluffing. The cook prepared plenty of baguettes as well. It wouldn't take long to walk back and have at it.

"She didn't cry."


It was Anne's turn to use Kly's favorite word.

"I almost killed her. But she didn't cry or seem afraid."

"You! You almost killed her?"


Kly nodded.

Anne grabbed at her at the frills in her dress. What was going on around here? This wasn't normal. What happened? Anne only heard that Kly saved the recruits from an accident and encountered Lecil afterward. What was she missing?



Another headache. Her blood sugar must be getting low. Or her blood pressure was rising. Her tutors were never clear on what it was.

"Alright, I can tell you won't be of any more help. I will leave you to your training or whatever you are doing out here. I am going to take a nap. I think I deserve it after how hard I've been working lately."




"I'm leaving. Now."


"Seriously. I am going."




Kly looked into the snowy landscape. The palace lawn stretched out far past the actual structure. A training area spread across the eastern side. The Antithetic Garden decorated the west. A greenhouse. An expansive pool in the back corner. A stable and dog pen. Statues patrolling the long entry path. A thick enchanted wall lining the perimeter.

It was all layered in white fluff.

"I wanted to ask for your help."

"My help?"

"I need a personal guard."


"I would prefer a man. I don't know if you can tell, but the women seem to be glaring at me."

Why were they staring at her? Did they know something he didn't? It was odd to see Lecil on the training grounds, but not an impossibility. She was a princess. Kly's sister. Why did they seem angry?

"Kly... Help... Down..."

"Here. I will help you. Grab my hand."


"There. See?"

"Tanks, Kly!

The little Lecil in his memory changed. She was grown woman sitting calmly on a bench, unfazed as death brushed past her neck. Watching her stand on her own two feet, undaunted, and departing with a smile.

"Thank you, Kly. I owe you one."

When did Lecil grow up? It felt like just yesterday. How long had he been training?

Kly looked down at his calloused hands. A few snowflakes drifted down, melting on his open palms, soothing blisters.

What was Kly training for all these years? Wasn't it to protect his mother? But she was gone. His sword couldn't touch what had taken her. His sword was useless. So why did he continue to train? To protect his family? From who and what? What were the great threats barging down the door? Duke Raiden held off the sand riders. The northern barbarians were scattered by the Sallow castles. Home is safe under Duke Astor's thumb. The Eul Kingdom to the west was too small to pose a threat.

Then what? Poison? Schemes? Conspiracy? His weapon could not touch such things. The sword was ingrained into his body now—a habitual task derived from a now meaningless goal.

"Kly? Are you alright?"


Kly looked up from his hands. Black hair. Dark clothes. A different sister.

"You looked lost in thought. What were you thinking about?"

Lecil watched his gaze retreat to his open hands. Seeing this, she grabbed them in her own. He flinched at her touch but didn't pull away. Instead, he looked at her gloved hands. The thin fingers were hidden away. Protected.

"I was looking for Rain. Is he not here? Where is everyone?"


"I see."

A pause.

"Well. I recall saying I owed you one. How about we build a snowman?"

Kly looked cross-eyed at Lecil, making her laugh out loud. Kly couldn't help but think it sounded evil. She pulled at his hands, dragging him along.

"Come on! It will be fun. There is enough snow on the ground, and it is soft enough. Grab a handful."

Lecil brought him out from under the pavilion, into the morning sunlight. Bending down, she scooped up a wad of snow. Packing it into a ball, she placed it back down. Bent at the knees, she started rolling it around.

Glancing back up over her shoulder at the frozen Kly, she egged on.

"I bet I can make a larger snowman than you."

Kly's eyebrow twitched. He bent down. The air around him electrifying.


Lecil moved away as magic residue wafted off him. Snow compacted into his fists, creating a perfectly round snowball, much unlike Lecil's. Then Kly took off.

"Not fair."

She had no more time for complaining as she ran along the ground, pushing her snowball in an attempt to catch up to the speeding Kly.


Wiping her hands, Lecil looked at the two snowmen. Irene returned with carrots. Roughly of equal size, one stuck out of Kly's abominable snowman, along with two rounded black rocks. Without a mouth he seemed expressionless.. Standing resolutely over six feet tall, it watched over its smaller sibling.

Her own looked more like a tiny child in comparison. It was lopsided, and the three spheres were obtuse instead of perfectly round. It had an oversized orange carrot nose and large black eyes. A half-circle smile dug in with a finger. Two spindly branches waved upwards toward the sky.

It was comical seeing the difference.

Kly's content face was enough for Lecil. Seeing 10% above his head was more than enough.

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