《Reincarnated Renegade》Staff (1)


The ride back was filled with trailing words and coughs. Kerv was forced to sit inside since Bellavarn's parents knew something happened. They were the distraction, after all. Trisha probably understood a bit more since the Braster simply followed along begrudgingly after insistent prodding. Still, neither of them could have guessed what truly happened.

The princess hanging herself. Dying. Then being brought back to life. No one should know the truth. For Kerv to leak such information to the Duke and Duchess would be tantamount to tying the noose himself. Bellavarn also firmly held his tongue.

It wasn't in Trisha's personality to leave potentially dangerous information unattended, especially after recent incidents. She wanted to pry open those locked secrets. Preferably using brute force.

"Can one you explain to me what happened?"

Kerv continued his polite refusal while Bellavarn continued staring blankly out the window.

The safety of the enchanted carriage and the involvement of her son made Trisha bolder than usual.

"At least inform me if this will come back and haunt us."

Bellavarn, for his part, didn't even bat an eyelid. This action and his following words only amplified Trisha's misunderstanding.

"I think I made a mistake."

Did he come on too harshly? Did he appear desperate? Too sincere? My sweet boy deserved the best, even a princess.

Trisha's talk with Anne Lionel showed that the Second Princess had a troubling side, but Princess Lecil was a different matter. She was very respectful at dinner and didn't harass Bellavarn like the others.

The First Princess appeared late and commanded attention, and then she exuded a regal aura that her siblings' petty actions were beneath her. Knowing when to act and resort to inaction alone is a quality befitting royalty.

"No mistake is irrecoverable, Bellavarn. These things should proceed slowly. It might have been a bit hasty to approach her so suddenly. This is also my fault for pushing you to find someone. I promise, from now on I'll assist you in whatever choice you-"

"Thinking we're unique is naive."

Trisha flinched at being interrupted. Braster bristled from his wife being ignored but was soothed by a comforting hand.

"I should get to know the staff at home rather than avoiding them."

After a few seconds, a thin-lipped smile spread across Trisha's face. Her gaze was beaming with parental pride.

Ah. So being rejected again has opened his eyes.

Braster cleared his throat awkwardly at having misread the situation, but gave his wife the side-eye.

Aren't you misunderstanding things even more than me?

The worries of a mother trying to marry off her son were unfounded at this moment. Bellavarn was thinking of other things—the root of the problem and the cause for the events at dinner. If rumors continued to spread without his intervention, everything would turn out as he feared. The staff at home were the first obstacle. No doubt some of them still believed he was evil—the newer ones at minimum.


Braster decided not to withhold the truth.

"All the staff walks on glass around you. It is doubly so for the maids."

Bellavarn looked away from the window and at his father. Taking in the words objectively, he accepted them. If he were to start righting wrongs, at the very least, he needed to get the people closest to him on his side.

"Can I have your permission to gather all non-essential staff at home? I want to make an announcement."

Braster's mouth twitched. He approved immediately.

"Of course. I will summon them myself."

"Thank you, father."

Bellavarn rested an elbow on the window sill and went back to plotting, oblivious to the quick exchange of motions and gestures between his parents.

Meanwhile, Kerv held his breath and tried to fade into the cushions.


"Hey, psst. Do you know what is going on?"

A slim server rushed to walk next to a pair of passing maids.

"No. Only that the Duke returned from the palace and now wants us all in the entrance hall."

The taller of the two answered back in an flat tone.

"It's probably related to the Duchess' pregnancy."

The server jumped in surprise, not having heard yet. The shorter maid snapped at him in a stage whisper.

"You seriously haven't heard? Where have you been the past week?"

The server bowed his head.

"Sorry, sorry. I haven't heard. I was more worried I'd be fired. I dropped a platter last week so I thought that maybe this was delayed punishment."

The shorter maid rolled her entire head.

"Do you really think the Duke is going to fire everyone? If it's not the Duchess, it most likely has something to do with the Bellavarn."

"Young Master Bellavarn?"

"Does he have another son?"

The maid was in a foul mood.

"He probably acted out at the palace or offended one of the princesses."


The taller maid seemed used to the shorter one's outlandish way of speaking. The server appeared flummoxed. Was this about that rumor the young master assaulted a maid?

"I thought that rumor going around wasn't true. Wasn't that maid was blackmailing the Duke and trying to sully the young master's reputation?"

The shorter maid sneered at him.

"Melody wasn't lying. You can't fake something like that. She worked here for six months and was always the perfect maid."

"Ester's standards are different since she doesn't like working."

The server was confused. Wasn't this Melody character playing an image? Well. Mentioning that might earn him a smack. The maids seemed to take the event personally. The short maid, Ester, seems to have been friends with Melody.

Better not poke a beast.

Ester's head turned sharply to glare at him as if she heard his thoughts. He ducked his head and moved away quickly..


The Entrance hall was brimming with people. Some milled around and shared gossip, but everything halted when Duke Braster Sallow appeared. He stood atop the landing, overlooking them from the bannister. Without instruction, the staff formed neat-ish rows as they waited for stragglers the staff to gather.

Just over 50 people were present. Half of were maids who kept the house clean and ran errands. There were a few of gardeners and groundskeepers. Cooks and chefs. A pair of carriage drivers. Servers, a busboy, a stable hand, etc.

The guards weren't counted in that number. Those that were available, including Karen and Torel from the nightly staff, assembled near the walls.

Other than a few like Oslo, Kerv, and Henry, the main staff, guards, and soldiers remained near the main house. In the need of new employees, The Duchess held auditions and handpicked anyone who showed a modicum of promise. With the right amount of attention and nurturing, anyone here could become a valuable asset in their own way. With the promise of being brought to the main house if they performed well, many were happy to serve.

Without going into too much detail, the Sallows owned most of the North Eastern Region of the Kingdom, informally called Winterland for it's constant snow. They ruled it in the name of the King, but it was largely managed and owned by the Sallows. Their family developed the harsh yet beautiful land into a hub of trade, tourist destination, and military installation. This house was technically on the edge of that land but was considered an extension of the capital, so it remained a bittersweet locale.

The Sallows have been staying at this mansion for over half a year now, so everyone held the secret hope that the announcement would concern their return to the North. The Duchess with with child, after all.

The Duke clapped his hands to get everyone's attention. Without preamble, he addressed the crowd.

"You have been summoned here not by me, but my son, Bellavarn. He wished to address you directly."

The doors to the mansion opened theatrically, Bellavarn strode in as if it was planned ahead. The hundreds of feet shifted and turned to stare at Bellavarn as the doors shut themselves. A moment of silence in the hall as the crowd processed. Then a confident voice addressed them.

"It has come to my attention that rumors about me have gone unaddressed and have been left to permeate."

A few exchanged glances and some looked uncertain at this change of developments.

"I realize this uncomfortable atmosphere you are standing in is due to my own choices. Looking at you all now, I can tell some of you see me differently than you did previously. "

One or two looked ashamed but that was it. Bellavarn's steady gaze swept over the crowd, pausing at each clearly visible face. It bothered him greatly how few he recognized. With all his memories, shouldn't some of them have popped out?

"I know several of your names, but I can now see there are many new faces and even old ones that I don't know the names of. Through my actions of locking myself away, I have ostracized not only myself... but all of you as well. Regardless of what you currently think of me, I wish to apologize."

There was a silent stir as Bellavarn bowed at the waist. A noble bowing to servants? To a stablehand and busboy?

He remained bowed a second longer before straightening.

"I hope to correct my mistakes and get to know each of you a bit more personally over time. I request that you all keep an open mind and attempt to work with me going forward."

A sneeze.

"That is all I wished to say. You can all go back to work."

Bellavarn turned around and walked back outside.

The spell broke and people moved, returning to gossip.


Bellavarn shivered. He regretted not planning his exit strategy. There was no way he could walk back inside now. He would have to walk around back, pretend he went for a jog. Yeah, that would work.

The snow crackled underfoot as he took a step to the left. The large mansion door creaked open.

"I give you a 7/10."

Rubbing his nose, he turned to see Kerv holding a door ajar.

"I thought I did pretty good."

He sniffled.

"I noticed your nose was runny during your little speech. How long were you waiting out here?"

"Ah, shut it. It was good for being so impromptu. I just have to plan my exit better next time."

Kerv received a jab to the shoulder as Bellavarn walked past him.

"They're all gone... right?"

Kerv whispered.

"Nope. They are all standing there staring at the door."

Bellavarn pivoted on a heel to walk back out, but a laughing Kerv caught his collar.

"I'm just pulling your chain. Everyone left a few minutes ago."

A scowl and another punch was his reward.


A sniff accompanied more laughing. Bellavarn took a jacket off a hanger and wrapped it around himself. Back to the study with him. More magic to research and wondrous items to invent. He needed to keep his promise to the King. Could he do something about this world's cuisine? There was talk of food shortages on the carriage ride to the palace.

He would have to look into it.


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