《Reincarnated Renegade》Seclusion and News


"Are we not hurting him by buying more books? Is this not simply feeding his obsession?"

"Being studious is not a negative trait, Trish."

The Duchess paced back and forth while wringing her hands. The click of her heels softened by the carpet.

"Being completely shut-in? Tell me that is not a negative trait, Braster."

Trisha waved her hands in an aggravated fashion. The Duke waited nearby, watching her carve a path into the carpet.

"The books will help him. Besides, there is already a plan in place, and it will work even if he stays locked inside the study."

"This all too stressful, dear. Bellavarn was fine until that bitch came into his life. It is our fault for pushing him to find someone, not being closer to him... leaving him alone for an entire week. It's all my fault."

Braster finally stopped his wife's pacing and enveloped her in his arms.

"You are not to blame. I believed her at first, too. You weren't the only one who vetted the new hires. She slipped by us both. All we can do now is help Bellavarn recover."

"How? Bellavarn never leaves. I haven't been able to hold a conversation with him in over a month. He refuses to attend meals, and it is getting harder to find an attendant to put up with him. And the rumors spreading among the staff are getting to the point where I can't squash them. I'm too focused on keeping them from leaking outside."

Every since breakfast nearly a month ago, Bellavarn turned the library/study into his den. The previously meager selection of reading material evolved into a proper collection with all the new additions. Almost all of it is on magic, magic theory, applied magics, magical phenomenon, and a smattering of fiction. Bellavarn practically eats and breathes books. It is a blessing he cleans himself with how withdrawn he's become.

Bellavarn became highly sensitive to the presence of maids to the point he could identify their tiptoeing footsteps. The developing rumors didn't help. The cycle made everyone uncomfortable, especially the younger and newer staff.

The closest match they could get was Kerv. He was still employed as a guard, except now he acted as a personal attendant to Bellavarn, which included... nothing. Since Bellavarn never asked for anything other than new books or deserts, Kerv's role was a redundant one. Bellavarn cleaned up after himself, kept safe and secluded, fed himself, and was overall self-reliant.

Which was what worried Trisha.

Bellavarn was still young, under twenty. A bachelor who should be out making friends or courting a woman. Trisha could tell that the gazes of others bothered him, making him feel judged and ridiculed. Instead of confronting the problem, he ostracized himself even more by locking himself away, allowing rumors and gossip to permeate. Kerv was supposed to help with social interactions and be a friend to Bellavarn. Yet, Kerv reported that all Bellavarn talked about were books.


Bellavarn would speak only discuss fiction novels. Sometimes he would ask Kerv questions about history or magical theory, but it was always worded in riddles and metaphors.

All of it went right over Kerv's head.

An imperfect solution to a complicated problem.

Trisha was terrified he would never leave that room.

"He needs to meet other girls. To see that Melody is not unique."

"It was his first love, my love. We need to give him time. For now, I believe I have a way to reintroduce him into society. And I think it is also time we tell him the good news."

Trisha looked up into her husband's eyes.

"You're sure it's not too soon?"

Braster chuckled.

"Were you not the one last night saying that he should know immediately?"

Trisha slapped her husband's chest playfully, but her eyes shone like twin jewels.


It doesn't make sense. The story is too full of holes.

Bellavarn sat on a small step ladder with an open book in his hands. He was on page 34 of Magical Engineering Primer Volume II. The first volume sat on the step behind him. He paid neither book any notice and continued chewing on his pinky finger.

Why the bit about her sisters? Did she really make them up just to make me feel sorry for her?

Kerv sat on a couch nearby, looking simultaneously relaxed and as worried as can be. Bellavarn had been cooped up in here for a month. Occasionally he could hear the young master mumble indistinct words—the most prominent word being a certain maid's name.

Even if she was a new maid. Her home was too run down. Are all the maids from low-income families? How'd she pass the background check? How much is the usual pay for someone employed by a Duke? I've never asked any of them about their own lives... have I?

"Young Master?"

Bellavarn got up and started pacing, primer still in hand.

The West wall was lined with books; four partition bookshelves broke up the space into sections. Bellavarn organized it all and even kept a ledger, accounting for every book. He created the entire system himself. It impressed his father but Bellavarn's reason for doing it was convenience.

With the doors leading in attached to the Southern wall and large windows allowing light in along the Northern wall, that only left the Eastern wall. Near the doors was a corner section that harbored a moderate selection of romance novels. A cozy fireplace with cushioned couches and chairs completed the center section. The last 1/4 of the room held a substantial desk topped with a few books, paper, ink, and pen. A shorter bookshelf was present nearby, providing easier access to all his favored grimoires and novels.

"Master Bell?"

Bellavarn stopped pacing. Bell was Kerv's nickname for him. It served to get his attention more often than not.


"You were pacing again."

"Oh. Thanks."

The guard and friend gave a small nod. Kerv refused to wear a butler's outfit, and he requested to shift out of his armor and uniform after realizing all he did was sit and lounge around. A sword and scabbard were still attached to his waist, the only oddity.


Kerv's appearance was that of a 25-year-old man. He had grizzled facial hair which he scratched often. Otherwise, his brown hair was combed back, and his narrow brown eyes always seem to droop.

Scratching his beard again, Kerv leaned forward on his seat.

"Was it about Melody again?"

Bellavarn looked away. It was a redundant question. What else could have him so flustered? An entire month and all he could think about was her.

"It doesn't make any sense. What she did, I mean. Why settle for so little? All she had to do was ask."

Kerv sighed and shrugged his shoulders. They've had this conversation before.

"I don't pretend to know a woman's mind."

"Why become a maid for the Sallows? There are plenty of lower houses that would accept her with less danger. She was playing with fire by choosing us. Father could have had her killed without anyone batting an eye."

"But he didn't. Your father let her go and paid her to keep quiet."

Bellavarns voice shook only a little.

"He did it for me. All because I was seduced. A stupid kid falling in love with the first person he sees. What an idiot I am."

Kerv smiled.

It was happening slowly and painfully. Still, it was happening. The wounds were healing with time. Kerv remembered the first few discussions where Bellavarn would plead to him. "I thought we got along" and "was I not enough" were the prevailing endnotes.

Now, Bellavarn was still incriminating himself, but he no longer believed that Melody was entirely innocent. Steadily, the intense feelings of love and affection were fading.

"I am overjoyed you have finally realized it."

Bellavarn paused, bewildered by Kerv's words.

Did he just agree I am an idiot? Can he do that?

There was a moment of silence before they both began to let humor fill their bellies. And then the doors opened.

"I am pleased you both are feeling well enough to laugh."

Kerv was at attention so fast that the imprint he left on the couch hadn't registered his absence. He saluted and shivered under the frosty gaze of Braster Sallow.


"Father? And Mother. Why are you both here?"

Trisha Sallow stood arm in arm with her husband, beaming, as if everything was right in the world.

"Do we need a reason to see you? Anyway, we have some news.."

Bellavarn set his book down at his desk and addressed his parents.

"I assume it must be good news to make you smile so?"

Trisha only smiled wider, nudging Braster in the ribs. With a cough that covered a grunt of pain, the Duke spoke with a light air in his voice.

"Your mother and I are having another child. You will be an older brother soon."

Bellavarn stumbled a bit, his eyes wide. He was going to be an older brother? To a younger brother? Or a sister?

"Truly? Haha... Truly?"

Seeing his mother grinning uncontrollably and his father's sly smile made all his previous worries fall away. He forgot for a moment where he was and how he got here.

Bellavarn bounded over to his mother, carried her in his arms. She squeaked as she was stolen from Braster's side and twirled in the air. How did Bell have the strength? He received a protective look from his father and set her down.

"Yes, your mother is pregnant. Be more careful with her."

Bellavarn only laughed and did the same to his father. His mother chuckled as Braster squirmed and cursed until he extricated himself. Kerv didn't dare so much as twitch.

"I know how happy you two must be. You've been trying for years, haven't you?"

"Well. I... hrm."

Trisha slapped her uncharacteristically stammering husband.

"Yes, we have. It was a welcome surprise when the morning sickness set in. Your father was beside himself with worry."

"I was not. I was... concerned."

"That is what worrying is, dear."

Bellavarn grinned from ear to ear, in the best mood in years.

"How far along are you? When can I expect my sibling?"

Braster cleared his throat, deciding to throw out any expectations and simply be relieved at positive Bellavarn's reaction.

"The doctor estimates the pregnancy around three months. So we are expecting the baby to arrive sometime around the beginning or middle of Autumn."

Bellavarn did a double-take at his mother's stomach. Shouldn't there be a bump by now? How were they hiding it all this time? Or... was it because he never saw his mother lately?

His parents noticed his mood turn somber, prompting them to exchange a conspiratorial nod.

"We've kept it a secret for as long as we could, so don't feel down if you didn't notice. Only the doctor and a few others knew."

"But now, since everyone will know, your father informed the King. Congratulations were sent and we've been invited to dinner in a week's time."

Bellavarn glanced from face to face and registered their meaning.

"You'll be joining us, of course. The King's family will be in attendance as well. This will give you the chance to socialize."


Was he ready for such a thing? With the King? The princes and princesses? Could he go out after so long? Bellavarn could feel his resolve firm and his shoulders square.

"I'd be delighted to have dinner with the Royal Family. It is in celebration of my younger sibling, after all."

He smiled and opened his arms widely. If it was for his future brother or sister? For his loving parents? Bellavarn would brave anything.

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