《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 12: The Death Knight
Are you kidding me? This idiotic prince thinks he can stop my group ?! Having several God rank orcs and knight, a Demi-God, a Gate Guardian rank Fiend with a deadly Souleater, a eight-winged angel (even though I haven't accepted her), and me. Half of these knights were being cocky, thinking that the Black Knights are weak. There was no way that these familiar knights were that high in rank. The other half, though, knew that they will die. Fighting against this many Gods without even having Gods in their rank will surely get them killed. Prince Arnos laugh, folding his arms and staring right at me.
"I seriously am fortunate to have bump into you Princess Aisha! Oh, Louise the Shield Princess is here too!? Two beauties in my sight... I cannot wait to fuck you two before you die!" Before I could say something, my anger being filled inside my body, Gallant was the one who stepped forward.
"Hey prince, you stupid piece of shit, can't you read our ranks?"
"You guys are nothing. I bet Brynhild was able to give you guys something to feel and look like a high rank. She is a genius that hid her own rank after all." Arnos just waves his hand in the air nonchalantly. The other guys behind him, Prince Arnos' royal guards, just laugh this off.
"You guys are too weak, couldn't even raise your ranks in a few days!" Before they could all laugh in the air, the atmosphere became heavy for them. Even the confident Prince could feel the heavy and tremendous air, all of the troopers kneeling and falling onto the ground. The orcs start to laugh along side the black knights, "You guys are still acting all high and mighty!? It will be your death!" The orcs did not even pull out their weapons, planning to start their massacre by smashing the enemies' head with their armored hands. Charlotte eyes at me, wanting to know if we would really kill all of these people. She did not mind killing these idiots, trying to attack her was a HUGE crime. This will only shatter the alliance Emperor Titus made.
Something lingered in the air though. A presence that all three did not want to feel. A figure was standing far away, watching the group and the armies that surround Aisha's group.
The cloak figure with the great doom sword. Slowly walking forward, the figure finally took off the robes uncovering the being's sex and appearance.
"A Death Knight..." Gallant can feel the chill and dread engulfing him. It was like he was back at that battle with his old allies. The fight that destroyed them.
"Run..." I heard those words being muttered by Gallant, "GOLEM, TAKE THEM AND RUN!" Before we could gather ourselves and figure out what made Gallant scared, a strong sblack and red energy fused together as many skulls form inside the attack, a haunting and screeching cry shakes and echoes in the air. The figure had slam her blade right at them, the ground shaking as well.
It was a female Death Knight. Having red, white, and black long hair, the pale skin warrior embodies a very slim armor that reveals her slim and flesh body. Black clothing covers the spot where the skeleton material armor didn't cover. It looked like the armor was an outside replica of a human's inner skeleton structure. Having that mixed red and black energy around her, those ever changing eyes lock onto the terrified Black Knights. Her mouth smiles in sheer happiness due to her discovery and her assumption that there were Black Knights lurking in that settlement.
And here they are. Two of them, in the flesh.
As a Death Knight, they have been tasked to hunt at least one of these warriors before becoming a full-fledged warrior and join the ranks of the famous Death Knights back home. Now, now she can have a taste of glory, fame, and a challenge.
No one proved their worth to her. No one could give her any warrior joy.
But now...
That strong energy was not a regular attack. Once it hit one of the Imperial Knights, the attack starts to spread out like fire caught on paper. Burning and eating all of these soldiers, Golem curse violently.
"BEHIND ME!" Golem did not space his sentence this time. All of us gather behind him, terrified at what was happening before us. Slamming both of his normal shields into the ground, a giant magic and chi shield circles around us. Gallant empowers his body greatly with everything he had. Dark red energy swarms the crowd of armies, killing them. All of us were speechless and eyeing at the terrifying firepower that was delivered. After a few seconds past, the huge armies that surrounded us were annihilated. No Imperial knight was alive along with that stupid prince.
Golem did not pick up his shields, summoning two strange demonic shields that covers his entire arm. Drawing out his own Souleater weapons, Gallant pulls out two swords revealing sharp razor teeth like blades. Chains were wrapped around his entire hands and arms, energy oozing out of these two Black Knights.
"Golem... I will hold this Death Knight back. Run with the others. DO NOT wait for me." Hearing these words, I eye at Gallant with disbelief. A Death Knight, but not just that, we are going to sacrifice Gallant?! I lost Dan and Gale, but now I will lose Gallant?! The knight that saved me, the friend who informed me of what I needed to know after my resolve, helping and talking to me, these past few days where he was with me.... How can I leave another father of mine to his death?
"I..." Gallant eyes at me, teleporting and stopping the Death Knight before I was slashed in two. Terrified, I realize how deadly this Death Knight was. Not only can I feel her presence, I could not even see the woman attack me! Gallant tries to push the woman away, but the Death Knight swings him away. Flying through the air, the woman tries to kill me still. Golem stands in front of me, the air around him flying away from the two. Unable to take the strong gust, most of us were forced into the air, landing onto the ground.
"Do not try to argue!" It was Charlotte now, "EVERYONE RUN!" Getting up, all of us start to run. Golem, Gallant, and Charlotte engage against this Death Knight. She had such a vicious and fearsome smile, entertained by her opponents. Unable to target me now, she blocks energy waves Gallant unleash from his blade. The dual-wielding knight quickly dash right up to the woman, blasting several explosive blast of energy in her face. Having an armor around her, the Death Knight uses her bare armored arm to hold his blades at bay. Right behind her, Golem tries to stab his sharp demonic Souleater shields into her, the evil giant greatsword slamming hard against those shields. An explosive energy erupt from the weapon, consuming all three of them. Charlotte teleport above them, spinning her scythe around her. Volleying the Death Knight, the woman just flips away from her spot. Teleporting to her side, the Black Knights try to land another devastating attack on the woman. Slamming her weapon in the ground, a shield surrounds her. The enormous energy that engulfed her blocked their attacks..
Already miles away, I could not help but feel dread and regret for leaving them. Hearing the sound of fighting, all four of them were right behind us. The air was very heavy, the orcs struggling to run efficiently. One of them had to carry Esta, the elf knocked out from the intensity of this engagement. Looking over my shoulder, I can see how overwhelming the fight was. Fear should be all over me, but as I watch, I was amazed at the intense fighting. Charlotte was using everything she has, both knights also revealing their tremendous dangerous powers. Trees crumble and fall at their fast collisions, the air blasting gusts of wind all around.
Even with all three of them combining their attacks and powers, they could not force this Death Knight back. She was forcing them back. Tossing her blade towards the flying Charlotte, the vampire was forced to defend against the outrageous power from the blade. Trying to grasp her footing in the air, the woman could only curse at how stupid this was. A weapon forced her back like this?! Using her bare hands, the woman grabs Gallant's blades, headbutting the knight before she raise her knee right into his gut. Flipping him over, the woman twists her body in a circular motion to deliver a kick across Golem's head. Powering her fists again, she punch the ground and teleport behind Golem. Ever vigilant, Golem toss Gallant into the air, placing his shield to his sides. Both attacks were blocked, Golem unleashing a surge of energy from his shields into the ground. Earth spikes emerge throughout the ground, the woman jumping into the air.
"YOU DAMN BITCH!" Gallant starts to unleash a fury of his dual blades, hammering her right into the ground. Charlotte has forced the doom sword away, the weapon stuck in some tree. Taking the advantage to help Gallant, she unleashes one of her deadly moves she used on Nero. She might as well take the chance to hit her hard before she will never use it again.
"Souleater Devourer Hell Strike!" A dark purple dragon manifested from energy flies right at the fallen woman. Unable to see her body, the three of them watch purple energy engulf the Death Knight and the air. The doom sword flies through the air, returning to the woman's hand. Coming out of that attack, the woman shakes her shoulders and jumps against the ground, getting pumped up.
"YES! FINALLY!" Disappearing, the woman slams her weapon right at Charlotte. Surprised to see the Death Knight in front of her, she quickly jumps away from the enemy. Gallant appears right beside the vampire, blocking the doom sword unleashing an energy that blast the two across the ground. Golem caught both of them, swinging them right back at the woman. He jumps against the ground, breaking the very earth. All three were in the air, unleashing several energy attacks, the air colored in a variety of colors.
"How..." Louise was dumbfounded at the total destruction of this fight. Avoiding the dark red energy flying towards us, I could not help but unleash an attack of my own at the Death Knight. Blocking the attack, she eyes at me. Gallant slams both his blade in a parallel way, the woman blocking it with her armored arm. Swinging her blade at the two Black Knights, she flies right at me. Cursing at her change of target, Golem and Gallant tries to stop her. They were stopped by the woman's doom sword.
"AISHA!" they both exclaim.
Appearing right before me, I could feel my heart tremble at that devilish smile. I thought I was dead.
"Oi, don't kill my master." the eight-winged angel grabs the Death Knight's face and toss her to Gallant and Golem. Surprised at the angel, she grabs her blade and swings her weapon around her. Blocking all of her enemies, she cracks her neck. Happiness has engulfed her boredom.
"An angel, a God, a Demi-God, and a Fiend holding their best against me! ME! I cannot contain myself anymore..." Moaning loudly in her own excitement, her eyes reveal a fiery flame oozing out of them. That look... I swear, I never met anyone so fierce and excited for a good battle. I almost died, but I am in no position to even fight against this beast. Feeling the utmost guilt, I know I had to rely on these three to battle against the woman. The eight-winged angel did not help out. Fighting this being was not part of her agenda, but if she was to help, they stood no chance if this being was a Death Knight. With three beings with Souleater weapons against this one woman, what could they accomplish. Even the Death Knight armor could withstand all of their attack easily.
Golem and Gallant knew that Death Knight had certain stages they can activate upon the battlefield. This woman had killed a good ten thousand or more soldiers. With all that life energy in her, there was no way to predict her attacks or her target. If it was towards Aisha, they wouldn't be able to react.
"Run Golem," Gallant says under his breathe, "You got more to live for, and you have her. I don't want you to die." About to reject this, Gallant quickly kicks the giant knight away from him. The ground underneath him gave way, forming a small crater as the Death Knight slammed her one sword against Gallant. "GO!"
"You are not going ANYWHERE!" The Death Knight quickly teleports right in front of Golem. Guessing that this knight will appear right there, Charlotte hooks her scythe and swings her towards Gallant. Dual-wielding both blades, Gallant unleashes a fury of energy waves that forced the Death Knight through the words. Unlike before where the energy waves were flying at a moderate pace, Gallant's fury launched these energy blades quickly into the air as if it was a gun of some sort. The two quickly pursued the woman, Gallant saying, "GO ON AHEAD! WE'LL HANDLE THIS!"
Watching them leave, I stopped running. My heart fell, my body shaking. Is Gallant going to fight against that beast?! Witnessing such powers before, I do not want Gallant to face against that Death Knight. Hell, I would rather have all of us run right now. Trying to go towards Charlotte and Gallant, Golem quickly scoops me up. Utterly enraged, I shouted at him.
"NO!" Golem says, his voice showing pain and anger in his tone, "WE! LEAVE! NOW!"
"NO! IT'S..." He pauses. Deep inside, he did not want to see one of his fellow knights die. Gallant never revealed much or talked much when they were at the mansion. Now, away from that place, Gallant was revealing his true colors and talked a lot more. Well, by orders of Nero, he talked a lot to inform the princess about the world and the various things she would need to know. Not only that, the time he and Golem partied up and fought against creatures, they start to form a deeper relationship with their comradeship. Of course they been together for years, but they never knew each other fully then now. Gallant was the silent time, but when he talked, he was more of the relaxed type. The guy that wouldn't mind flirting or sprouting out complaints. He was overprotected of Aisha especially when it comes to guys. Admittedly, Gallant really approves of his master for being a lesbian.
Now, here he is, running. To be honest, Golem knew he would have a stronger chance of holding off this Death Knight, but Gallant knows full well that this giant likes Louise. Shying and sticking close to him, Louise never left the guy's side. During that incident, Golem knew that she had some love for him. He ignored it though, thinking that they would never meet again and that she'll go after some other higher male. Here she is though, wanting to be with him no matter what. That was why he stopped Aisha from leaving her. He had a crush on her. Most of the knights are doomed to be alone. Nero was actually lovers with Mel, but he was the only one who actually had someone to love him. The other knights didn't. Although all of his comrades encouraged Golem to get some woman. Gallant, true to his words, want Golem to pursue and woo Louise. "You better get her, you got one life." that knight said, drinking his wine through that helmet.
Not only that, he got a mission that Gallant gave him if this was to happen. Gallant ordered Golem to give Aisha his ring. Inside the ring, a Souleater was going to be ready for her. Once Gallant dies, it shall become bound to Aisha.
"WE. LEAVE." Golem did not argue back against the bewildered and angered Aisha, he just drags her further away from Charlotte and Gallant.
...I am too pained to see Gallant die. Telling myself that he'll live, there was no such hope. It was obvious that the purpose of this Death Knight was to kill one of the Black Knights. Grinding my teeth together, I only watch memories of Gallant flow in my head. How these few days, I enjoyed this knight's company. After that defeat with Valarie, he got me up to my feet and showed me some glimpse of hope. I could have cried all day, but he did not allow me to do so. Informing me much about this world, he watched over me for the while and let me be. Without Gallant, I would have been an empty and useless husk without any motivation to live. I liked how he changed so much, revealing much of his character. He didn't seem like the silent type. Now, he was going all out for us. Just to escape...
And I can feel tears stroll down my cheeks. My vision was getting blurry with these tears. Unable to control my anger, I continue to hit and plea Golem to let me go. Of course, this knight did not obey. I only repeat those words, but it changed nothing. Staring at Gallant's and Charlotte's back, I literally cried out, "YOU BETTER LIVE!" Being dragged away, I only wished I said something better.
Gallant smiles underneath that helmet. This is why these knights stick with the princess. She gave a very warm loving feeling that made them stay no matter what. This same feeling allowed these knights to die for her as well. Zoning in on the Death Knight, Charlotte says, "It seems like we're doomed."
"You aren't," Gallant assures, "I know I am though." A huge burst of energy engulf the two of them. Unleashing a strong attack, most of the forest was shredded into ashes.
"I do not want to end this too quickly," slamming her blade into the ground, the Death Knight cracks her knuckles, "I'll fight you with these two fists alone!" This mode the Death Knight entered was a blood lust mode. Using life force energy one stored in them, the Death Knight can activate a stance where their bodies were unbreakable bones. With her armor, this Death Knight will be delivering fearsome punches and kicks from here on out. Not only that, she can still fuse her mana and chi with this stance, tripling the firepower one has inside of them. Disappearing, both of them got ready.
Charlotte spins herself, knowing that the woman's speed was outrageously stupid. Blocking several incoming punches, the Death Knight flies into the air to land a kick right upon the vampire. Gallant flies in slashing his blade above the woman, sending her higher into the air. Teleporting, the Death Knight appears behind Gallant. Tossing her scythe, Charlotte quickly surround herself in a bunch of dark magic flames, three orbs flying towards the Death Knight. Flying back from the scythe and the fireballs, Gallant appears behind the knight. The vampire has already teleport in front of the Death Knight to grab her scythe, swinging it towards the enemy's body. The woman uses her arms to block both of them, a burst of energy firing from her body. Being forced back, the Death Knight appears and hammers a hundred punches in great haste. Forming chi armor, Gallant flies right into the ground, the knight coughing upon impact. Before the Death Knight followed her attack up with a kick, Charlotte has hook her scythe around her, tossing her across the woods again.
"You alright-" She found a karate chop against her back, the vampire flying towards the ground. That one strike alone, even in her armor, caused a tremendous amount of damage. Slamming into the ground as a crater formed, Gallant already swung his blades at the woman to stop her charge towards Charlotte. The Death Knight literally grab both blades, pull Gallant near her, and ram her knee into his gut again. The knight coughs at this, the woman sending an uppercut towards the helmet. Charging right out of the crater, Charlotte rams her scythe into the Death Knight sending an explosive wave of energy. Following it up, she summons several dark arrows and fires them into the smoke that risen from the impact. The white vampire knew not to underestimate this enemy, sending everything she had. Summon several magical circles, she has dark purple dragon like energy swarming into the clouds, hearing the ravage roars from her beasts she conjured up.
Gallant followed suite, swinging both his blades madly, following up with a huge dark energy tornado that engulfs the area where the Death Knight would be in. Charlotte summons dark lightning from her hands to surround the swirling gust of dark energy. Empowering it with a tremendous amount of lightning, any enemies below God rank would have easily died to this. Well, even a God, Angel, or demonic rank would have troubles even escaping it. Panting and breathing heavily, Charlotte and Gallant rejoined with one another, eyeing at their massive joint attacks.
And it did not stop this Death Knight.
"EXCELLENT!" breaking out of the tornado, the warrior stands there covered in her aura. The energy that oozed out of her is now flowing out of her body revealing the thick flames. Her ghastly haunting figures stand before the two. Gallant curses greatly at this. In his life, he never wanted to go up against a Death Knight. He was told about the ridiculous powers they have. Their Divine Art, their soul devouring spells, their stupid lust for battle. Sighing, Gallant says to Charlotte, "We don't stand a chance."
"You know... I never actually liked the idea of fighting against such a monster, despite me being one myself." Charlotte chuckles at how stupid it was to engage this being. She should have left with the others. What came next surprised both of them. The armor around the Death Knight starts to move and changed its form. Spreading its skeleton structure, the armor starts to become some bone colored thin suit as the black clothe between the non-armored piece starts to change to a red color. This woman did not look dangerous with this sort of appearance, but this appearance removed their limiter. Being such heavy armor, she restricted at least half of her speed. Now it changed to something slim, she can move even faster. Gallant tries to warn Charlotte, but multiple kicks fired all over the knight, a kick thrusting him into the ground ended her volley.
Charlotte could not even see her, the woman hammering thousand of punches all over the vampire's body. Lighting herself in a dark flame, the woman just punched her towards the ground before it tried to engulf the Death Knight. Gallant curse at this. This was really fucking bad, knowing that this woman was in her vicious mode now. Sadly, this wasn't her final form and he knew it. Charlotte could not control the bleeding inside her armor and the bleed spilling from her mouth. She coughs and spits out the blood, glaring at the Death Knight. Her doom sword also transformed into a thin sword. Shaking her head, she sighs and swings it around her.
"Not good..." Gallant mutters. There was no way that he could stop her. Even Charlotte was useless now. They were both going to die at this rate. Sighing, he just shook his head. He knew what he had to do. Eyeing at the two, the Death Knight knows that the vampire was a potential threat to her. The Black Knight was nothing dangerous unless he activated his special Divine Art. Sighing, she says, "I have to end it. I do want to tell good news about what I killed though."
"You haven't killed us yet-" In a flash, the woman was already before Charlotte. Even with her body and mind steeling themselves, her speed was too fast for her reaction. Gallant pulls the vampire back, a slash forming across the woman's chest. Unlike before, her great sword could not pierce Charlotte's special armor. Now, a huge slash was across it. Frowning in utter dismay, she watch Gallant get overwhelmed. His two Souleater weapons were no match for whatever weapon she possessed. Ramming her one sword down made the Black Knight use both his blades to block it. Driving the very ground underneath his feet, he was being forced back. Shaking her head, the Death Knight unleashes a blast of energy at the two. Teleporting out of there, Charlotte eyes at the Death Knight right behind her.
"Die." Pulling Charlotte away, the vampire felt utmost gratitude... and utter guilt.
Knowing that the Death Knight would aim for the vampire's heart, there was no way for Charlotte to avoid. Teleporting wouldn't work. Dashing left or right, wouldn't work. And jumping backwards or forward wouldn't as well. This Death Knight had a powerful speed that would cut down Charlotte by all means. The easiest solution to avoid her death was for Gallant to get stabbed. The Death Knight knew what would happen on the verge of a Black Knight's death. They will activate their Divine Art. Despite her lust for a battle, a Black Knight with their Divine Art active will force her into hours long confrontation. Thinking about it, she could ignore her appointment she made and her promise to return home on time to actually relive one of the famous known engagement of fighting a Black Knight in such conditions. Smiling, the woman draws out her sword and waits. Deciding to restore most of her energy, she backs off and waits, eyes closed.
Charlotte was in disbelief. Saved by Gallant many times in this battle, she watch the knight grasp his chest, coughing into his helmet as he falls to his knees. Using both swords, he slams them hard onto the ground. Charlotte felt a depressing sea of sadness engulf her. Last night, she started to grow attached to this guy. He showed a side that he barely showed to others. And of course, the constant flirting and teasing the two exchanged. Thinking it was a joke, Charlotte amused Gallant's last request to flirt with him. Knowing that Charlotte swings the other way, Gallant wanted to feel that thing he craved the most. Woman's love. He stick with Aisha cause of it, but he had a strict rule on loving his own master. He, however, didn't mind having someone to love back or at least get hit on. It was a little fantasy of his before he died. Now, that once cheerful and somewhat serious man was actually right about his prediction, he was going to die.
Staring at his body, it seemed like it was just a stab that could be easily healed, but in all honesty, the empowered blade had more depth and danger written all over. To be precise, it was written inside of Gallant's body. The stab was infused with deadly spells that would poison the body with the sharp and antagonizing slashes of a sword. In a few seconds, Gallant's body would explode. Using everything he has, his body starts to counter against this magical attack with his chi and mana. Either the explosion or his lack of chi leaves him, he will soon activate his Divine Art. This will negate the attacck and empower him to hold against this Death Knight. He looks at Charlotte, sweat and blood pouring all over his body inside the cursed armor.
"Hey, girl... Don't make that face. It does not suit you." Gallant chuckles lightly, trying to act tough in front of the vampire, "See, I am fine-" He coughs, blood spilling from his mouth. Laughing it away, Charlotte's eyes showed utmost agony in shame. Unable to even fight with this man to the death, she knew that Gallant took the blow so he can hold this woman off and die. "Are you sure you want to die alone? Are you sure you don't want me to help?"
"Hey," coughing again, he shakes his head, "Don't talk like that. You got my master to protect along with that Gate. I owe you a couple for not killing Aisha anyways." Laughing, he turns around, "You better leave. There won't be anymore woods around here... or this entire forest if I think about it." Eyeing at the Death Knight, he knows that she was storing a good portion of her powers. Death was slowly coming to Gallant. When the time comes, all he has to do is activate his cursed art. Feeling a pull fro his left shoulder, the white hair vampire stands on her toes and deliver a kiss to the knight's helmet.
"Huh. You tease." Gallant comment, eyeing back at the Death Knight. "You better go. She won't know that you left in that mode." Hesitating, Charlotte finally flies away. She looks back at the dual wielding Black Knight, unable to figure out what to say to Aisha.
When she left, Gallant says, "Jeez. What a way to end my life. Finally got a girl to kiss me. I've been blabbing a shit ton after that command Nero gave me, and here I am, facing against an old foe. I wonder how he will feel if he learned that I died to this old fucking hag. Hell, he'll be pissed to know that I failed my duty to live on and shelter Aisha till we all reunited." Feeling his eyes grow heavy and his body about to explode, Gallant says, "Divine Cursed Art: Death Knight Mode." Having his body replenish all of his stamina, chi, and mana, the black knight stands in dark flames. The armor over his body starts to regenerate the scratches and dents, his swords react to this cursed mode, acting wild and vicious as if they were living beings. Opening her eyes, the Death Knight found a strong slash forcing her across the woods. Rolling around several times before she got on her feet, sliding against the earth, she spins around to have her blade unleash energy against Gallant's blades. The Black Knight had unleashed an energy attack as the two explosions of energy waves were evenly matched. Grinding against each other, the energy disperses all over the forest. Turning everything to ashes or nothingness, the two warriors start to teleport and appear all over the empty air. Their weapons clash against one another, unleashing deadly techniques. The air starts to vibrate and send slashes of wind throughout the air. Traveling a great distance, the civilians and the purple knights could feel this.
After the battle, Logan decides to supervise the civilians return. Confused at the tremendous aura that exploded miles away, he felt the air shaking. Explosions can be seen deeper in the woods, the man concerned about what was going on. However, due to his act, he knows what sort of firepower that was. There was no way he can intervene it. He couldn't even read the presence of whatever beasts were fighting against each other. It would be foolish for him to die now. In his lifetime, he has met powerful figures before. With his experience, he can say that those figures are past his own rank and exceeded into something that he wouldn't want to fight.
"Sir? Is there something wrong?" The Abyssal knights know that this shaking was of someone powerful. Logan just shakes his head saying, "Make sure all of the civilians leave this forest. It won't be safe for much longer.
Blasts upon blasts, spells after spells, these two knights did not falter or give any sign of rest. Dashing deep into the woods now, the two were destroying and burning trees left and right. Chopping at the ground, air, and living environment around them, these two indestructible beings tore through an eighth of the forest. All of the creatures nearby already left, fearing for their lives. Loving every moment of this, the Death Knight asks Gallant, "Due to your courageous and joyous time with you, I will not pursue the others. Tell me your name."
Teleporting behind her, Gallant says, "Oh? Well, thank you. Then I won't need to worry about them anymore once I kill you. My name is Gallant." Blasting a tremendous amount of energy, the attack literally wiped a line of the forest. Turning around, the woman says, "My name is Nemesis. And you will be the one dying today." The two continue teleporting and countering against one another. After a few more engagement they backed away, Gallant debating on using the fearsome abilities he hid from this knight. Of course, the woman was doing the same thing.
If they prolonged this fight, Gallant would die. No doubt about it. Curious to something, Gallant wanted to go all out. It will shorten his life spam drastically, but there was no way to avoid his death. Shrugging it off, this theory might work. If it doesn't, he wouldn't be bothered by it in the afterlife. Teleporting, Nemesis swings her blade to find something odd. It was gripped by something troublesome. About to gaze at the new being who stopped her sword, she felt a burning flame engulf her face. Firing a strong blast, the woman slammed into the ground. Upon impact, the ground broke into plates, cracks traveling a good mile or so. About to get up, Gallant has already slashed his blades against the woman denting her protection. Slashing through chi and mana armor then the physical armor, the woman was impressed. Unexpected, a shocking pain slashed across her face. Following with that slash, a strong stab into her chest. Feeling sharp fingers in her body, she felt herself being tossed into the air. Already prepping several spells, dark energy spears volley into the air hammering through Nemesis' body. Teleporting above her, Nemesis can see that strange new figure. A dark embodiment of Gallant's energy, a demonic shadow towers over the Black Knight with a huge upper body. With no mouth but two white eyes and sharp hands, this creature was like some demonic deviant that was far too powerful. Forming a huge ball above his head, Gallant has prepared a deadly ability with his Souleater.
"Souleater: Piercing Arrow Strike, Souleater: Thousand Deaths." Landing both hits, a sharp dark energy pierce through the Death Knight's body as the woman feels a blasting energy rippling in her body. Inside, Nemesis' body can feel a huge explosion slashing at all her organs. But this was just the first one. Following it, she experienced nine-hundred ninety-nine more of these lethal slashes. Finishing his dark ball, the demonic shadow slams the blast at Nemesis, the girl falling into the earth. Upon impact, the dark energy starts to burst outwards, a ball of energy starts to burst throughout the area.
Everyone can see the dark energy erupting from the forests. All gawk at the tremendous power displayed.
King Len eyes at it with a frown. "It seems like a Black Knight is going all out..." He mutters, knowing Aisha's guard must have something to do with this. "What could make such a strong power... If Aisha holds that great power, then I really need her..."
Logan, Morrin, and Agni witness such a blast, awing at such power.
"What the hell? More fighting? But that's a strange color energy."
"Black? Have you ever seen black energy Logan?" Morrin asks, curious to what was going on. They have finished their fighting only to lust for a better challenge. Most of the angels were killed by Len's machines, leaving Agni and Morrin with no satisfied feeling. Understanding this, Logan finally understood this dangerous power.
"It's something you don't want to make an enemy of, I can assure you that." Confused by this, the two wanted to press more questions. Staring at the man, however, they can tell that he wouldn't disclose the information he knew. Unable to show his expression to the others, inside the mask, he had a huge frown across his face. On one of his missions, he remembered the couple of enemies who could hide their ranks. These beings almost killed him.
The Black Knights. Hired by some faction, they tried to take over a castle. Being unable to read these fearsome foes, Logan barely got out alive. Due to the difference of a borderline he barely got out with his life. After that encounter, Logan swear to avoid such foes. Thinking about it Princess Aisha had an armor design that looked like them...
Knowing it was too good to be true, the Death Knight stands there in such a fucked up state. Or was.
By devouring their life souls, any Death Knight can return to their former conditions. She was on the verge of dying, but with this, she stands there anew. This was why it is so hard to kill these Death Knights. They could heal themselves against death. Staring at this though, one could say that Death was granting them many lives for killing so many people. Eyeing at Gallant, she couldn't help but laugh like a maniac. She has never been forced against the wall like this. Fighting against such a strong opponent made her snap. She had to go all out too.
Slamming her sword into the ground, the very ground breaks apart. Firing from the cracks, her mixed energy rises into the sky, turning the field into a deadly arena. The Black Knight jumps into the air to have his swords collide against the woman's blade. Turning around quickly, he stops the Death Knight from grabbing him. When this was avoided, however, Nemesis has several dark energized dragon beings floating around her. Flying and exploding near Gallant, the air was covered in thousands and thousands of explosions. Fleeing from all of those attacks, Gallant's shadowing figure stops the Death Knight from ramming her blade against them. Unleashing another energy strike that engulfed the two, the forest turns to ashes. No one would be alive to witness this insane fight if they were in the vicinity. Slamming one of his weapons, a piercing thin line fired from the tip of his blade, trying to pierce Nemesis.
"Divine Art: Death Eater!" Emerging from her back, a creepy skeleton torso emerge. The skeleton emits the same energy like Nemesis, and his eyes sockets reveals a red glow. Screeching, Gallant stood there in shock at the piercing and ear shattering powers this thing was. Like his shadowy shade, the skeleton creature unleashed a storm of dead souls towards them. Jumping into the air, Nemesis pursues him. Gallant's shadowy figure tries to attack her, but the skeleton being held the shadow back. Blades empowered by energy hammer against each other, their fury and exchanges of attacks cannot be watched so easily. Moving at a speed of light, their blades can shred the very air itself. Several dark red orbs appear out of nowhere around Gallant, exploding immediately. Having his chi armor around him, the woman appears before him, grinding her weapon as another burst of energy erupts.
Eyeing at the explosions, I can only hope that Gallant can deny my worries and prove to me that he can survive this engagement. Charlotte has caught up to us, her expression revealing sadness. She left Gallant to fight against the woman one-on-one. Getting out of the woods, we all stand in an open field.
I had to face the truth. Gallant was good as dead. There was no way to save him, not with our current firepower.
Can I really stand here and not try my damn best to help him? No, I have to stop acting like a savior when I did not have any power. If I go back now, the death for my previous knights will be placed to shame. If Gallant was true to his word, he will hold off the Death Knight so I can live. Struggling, I have to muster my thoughts and my emotions together. Sadly, I am a wreck, unable to control these things. I am still inexperienced.
Still holding me in his arms, Golem just looks around saying to me softly, "Sorry. He. Ordered. This. He. Knew." I would have snapped at the knight for not telling me, but being mad at Golem won't solve his own actions. Holding back everything I could, I just said, "I see."
"Fight. Last. Hours. Should. Leave. Country." I was surprised at those words, but I did not question it. With this Death Knight here, staying in Zezrious will endanger Golem. This will defeat Gallant's original goal to save him. Sighing, Louise looks around the place saying, "We can go further west, head south, or go north." Placing me down, Golem eyes in all three direction.
Before anyone said anything, several of Len's armored units aim their guns at us. Where did these guys come from? Wait, why are they aiming their weapons at me.
"Freeze! You are not permitted to leave. By the king's orders, we are to take the Black Knights alive."
"I am a friend of King Len," I said, "Aiming-"
"We know who you are." the male voice snarls, the weapon raised even higher, "But we say that you guys..." Vented in frustration, Golem has slammed his shield into the ground that enables spikes to tear their bodies into bits. Turning to him, Golem says, "King. Not. Ally. Power. Hunger." Wait. Is that true? Questioning what Golem meant, the big knight says, "Gallant. Think. King. Using. You."
"Using me?" I said in disbelief. This is a first. How can the King be using me? He allowed me to gain his weapons and skills. Giving me such things and being awfully nice to me, how can this king be using me? Is there something he was hiding? Unable to even put this together, Golem says, "You. Inexperienced. Don't. Understand. It. Feel."
"Golem is saying that you have no experience with trickster individuals." Louise sighs, "Just because someone is nice to you, doesn't mean they are nice. They might use you, manipulate you, twist you without you even knowing. With all that power Len has, he surely has something devious in mind. He asked you to give your orcs to him. Did you even stare at his new weapons? Do you know what they can do? Did you even question him with any pressure?" I could not answer my sister's questions.
"You need to mature." Louise said coldly, "If you want to live and become stronger, you will need to learn the hard way. This can be counted as one of them. I don't know if you liked the guy, but if I were you, cut all emotions with that king and see him as an enemy. The easiest way to know who you can trust are those willing to die and fight for you no matter what dangers you face. As a war general, I have already experienced numerous assassinations due to people faking their identity or trying to be friends with me during peace times. Everyone has a goal, know what it is, then you can never find yourself stabbed from the back."
The only emotions I can feel were anger and sadness. It was frustrating to not understand this all. If Len was using me, why? What was it for? More power? Or was it for something else that he really yearned for? Gripping my head, I can feel my body heating up with these emotions. How am I so blinded by my inexperience? Louise chuckles lightly.
"Despite my harsh words, you are not weak. When it comes to mustering strength and fighting, you have it sister. I do not have such powers, and I have no major goal anymore. I believe that you will turn into a fine woman. A woman strong enough to handle anything that comes in her way." Explosions can be heard from the forest again, the group turning to stare at it.
"We..." Golem pauses for a long while, before finishing it, "Separate." Hearing that, I eyed at Golem. "Must. Rejoin. Nero. You..." Walking to me, "Must. Grow. Stronger." A sad smile forms on my face. Enjoying this knight's company, I can see why we have to separate. If we break off, Golem can easily run away and hide himself. Not only that, it will prevent the risk of me getting any harm delivered to me. Also, that conversation back in the room, I guess this was the time for me to grow up. I have to live on my own now. If I hang around Golem, more dangers might appear. I mean, not just this incident. How many times have I stepped upon Death's door? I have to strengthen myself. This is the only way. I won't complain.
"Of course. I need it right now." Finding something in his ring, he pulls out Gallant's storage ring. Taking my hand, he places the ring in there, making me cup my fingers around it.
"Inside. Gallant's. Present. For. You. Only. Use. In. Emergencies. Do. Not. Take. It. Out." Wanting to ask a barrage of questions, I just nod my head. "And you sister?"
"I will accompany Golem. If there will be any trouble, I can help him by talking for him." Louise eyes at me again, "Huh, I cannot believe that the youngest out of all of us will be strongest of us all. Take care."
"Do. Not. Go. Into. Woods. Take. Care." Before they left, I hug the big man, saying, "Thanks. Wait for me with the others. I will certainly become strong and show you guys the powers you invested in me." Smiling underneath the helmet, he pets my head and says, "You. Maturing." Chuckling slightly, I watch them head off.
Golem starts to walk across the fields, seeing Louise and the giant man become smaller figures as they walk. Sighing, I eye towards Charlotte. The vampire was heavily wounded from her fight. Laughing bitterly, the vampire says, "I wish I could tag along, but I will be going back to the Gate after this. With that victory of ours, I doubt I will have anymore freedom. Hell, it was sort of fun moving around the place again. Although fighting against some demonic Death Knight was not on my wish. Hell, that was the second time I had to experience fear even with my reputation."
"I have to thank you. For staying with Gallant till his final moments." I said, smiling weakly. Eyeing at me, the vampire just shakes her head. "It was the man's dying wish. He did have a tiny crush on me? Or was it love? Either way, he knew his end would be today." Picking herself up, she says, "I will keep my ears open about King Len's motives when you return her. I only hope it is not that dreadful. I will also report the incident with Prince Arnos and tell my side about his betrayal. He did attack me, so this will force that Emperor off your tail for a while." Smiling bitterly, I greatly appreciated how much Charlotte has done for me.
Before she leaves, eyeing at me, she lets out a sigh and approach me. Embracing me, she pulls me in for a kiss. A very quick one. Three seconds of our lips pressing then she backs off.
"A little gift for your adventures to come." Walking towards Zezrious (knowing full well to avoid the forest), she strides back to her other allies with that scythe on her back. In such a few moment, the party that she was with now bears twenty-one people. Well, twenty-two. There was still an issue with this one individual.
"Are you trying to kill me secretly?" I turn to the angel, trying to take my sister's words to heart, "I do not even..."
"I told you," the angel sighs, folding her arms, "If you don't trust me kill me. I have betrayed my allies, I saved your life, and I have not even attacked you despite the chaos from earlier. If I had any intent to kill you, or have you killed, I would have let that Death Knight slay you right there and then."
"Are... you really serious about becoming my student... Hell, why didn't you fight against the Death Knight?!"
"Calm yourself." The angel flicks her hand at my forehead, "You know that none of us would win. That Death Knight had a rank that was up there. It is too monstrous for us to handle alone. Even with these orcs like these, there was no chance. Understand this, fighting someone that strong- you have to run no matter what. Against all odds, fucking fight for your life. That is a basic law and principle used in our armies when we fight in our Crusades. The possibility against fighting someone stronger as you in the wars were high. If you need to run, run. Losing stupidly will only cost you a life. Know that we are not immortals. There are limitations, and you need to know them."
"Sounds like you're the master." I chuckle lightly. The angel glares at me, "You are just faking it. Due to emotions, you cannot think clearly. Of course you have some deep ties with that knight, but you need to cut yourself sometimes. If you think about it, respect him as a warrior saving someone who can avenge him. Drowning in your own sorrow won't save lives. Being strong and clear-minded will save you in the end." As we plan to head towards the west, I turn around to eye at the explosions. I just ball my hands into a fists. I swear, Gallant, I will move on and take your death seriously. If I see that girl again, I will avenge you by killing her.
"Farewell Gallant the Protector." I said. At the time, something was growing in me. That Black Knight perk was becoming something. No notification told me that it changed. And I doubt that the actually stat list will show it till I meet it's requirements.
Perk Improved: [Black Knight Leader] --> (Hidden Perk: Dark Avenger War Goddess)
Explosions erupt throughout the air with spikes bursting from the ground. The woman has dash through her own spikes to rush right in front of Gallant. Summoning a shield around his body, Gallant quickly unleashes several dark energy arrows from his bodies. Flying all around, it would be impossible for anyone to dodge it. Nemesis did not need to dodge. Hacking them down with her empowered sword, she appears in front of Gallant. Before they slam their swords against one another, explosions appear around them. Flying across the air, Gallant uses his chains to toss his swords crazily all around the air. The woman deflects his blades, closing the distance between them. Wrapping themselves around the woman, the skeleton familiar unleashes a beam from his mouth to hit Gallant.
Trying to hold the blast at by, Gallant's familiar holds the blast with both hands. Distracted by this, Nemesis breaks out of the chains, unleashing a thousand of so stab attacks to Gallant. Using his empowered arms, he quickly blocks each one, his blades rushing to the Black Knight. Teleporting out of the way, Nemesis stands a far away from him. Returning his blades to his hands, the Black Knight appears in a terrifying tornado, his blades forcing the woman down to the ground. Crashing, dust rose in the air as both of them fought in the dusty atmosphere. Energy can be seen, more dust and particles flying in the air. A huge blast of energy collide against one another clearing it out.
King Len stands in the air watching the explosions bursting from the forest. A huge one shook the entire air for miles. The trees nearby were blown away or were destroyed by the sheer wind force from these two mighty creatures going all out. Frowning, Len looks behind him. The line of mages he called out quickly rise a shield to stop the force of wind from attacking his city. His clothes flow with this strong current. All of the dark warriors and mages fly towards the king, wondering what was going on. They couldn't bother Logan about it. Although the king didn't answer them either. He had a serious and stern face, a face showing a fearsome concentration. More explosions, bigger flashes, erupt all over the air.
Flying across the ground, Gallant had a ton of dents and scratches all over his armor. This Death Knight was too powerful. He already knew he would lose despite his Divine Art, but this was no regular Death Knight. She was enhanced by something. Mustering such a deadly combination of mana, chi, soul energy, and... cursed energy.
Cursed energy can only be used efficiently if one succumbed to a certain curse. For this Death Knight to hold this strong energy, it would be impossible for fifty black knights to fight against this woman even with their Divine Art. Cracking her neck, the woman sighs at the dents in her armor.
"And I was trying to cherish Valarie's gift for me. Well, I can use my powers to the fullest now." Hearing the name, Gallant could feel both anger... and fear. This woman worked for Valarie? Not letting up on the attack, Gallant tries to teleport behind her and unleash his energy attack. When he teleported, the woman had increased her speed and her strength. Slamming hard against the ground by the skeleton familiar behind her back, Gallant can feel his ribs getting crushed upon impact. His familiar tries to stop Nemesis', but the woman holds the dark shade at bay with one hand.
"The armor was a gift to stop me from using all of my powers. Due to your attacks piercing and penetrating the hard material, I cannot control this Lilith's Cursed Divinity." That rank, hearing that, Gallant was in utterly shock that he was fighting against someone of that rank! It is a rank that surpasses most of the dark titles he heard like Leviathan and Abaddon.
A Lilith rank was a very tricky one. Depending on the master, the Lilith mage or warrior will hold a borrowed amount of powers they can tap into when they need it. If the armor was her limiter, then he was just facing a Death Knight of the demon ranks. Facing someone of this strength could destroy an entire mountains and cities. Eyeing at Nemesis, her outfit reveals the skeleton armor, but it covers most of her lower body and her breasts. Glaring at Gallant, the woman quickly unleashes a storm of spells.
"I have to end it now. You cannot live after seeing this and hearing Valarie's name."
"Try to kill me, you idiot." Gallant muses, unleashing something like her attacks.
Watching from afar, Len quickly realize what was going on. Cursing, he decides to use one of his Divine Artifacts he collected from his time from the Pillars of Gluttony. Tossing it into the sky, it quickly surrounds the entire area where the figures were fighting. Everyone was surprised that this king had such an item, but what surprised everyone was the utter dark energy and red energy that burst and filled the shield up. A tremendous force can be felt ramming against the shield. Even if they were protected, the devastation and massive spread of this attack made all the warriors and mages feel utmost fear on an unimaginable scale. What the hell could amass such deadly destruction?!
"That power..." King Len just closes his eyes and turn back to his settlement, "I guess I will have to wait till you return huh? Patience- I must endure." The shield stands there for fifteen full minutes, holding the two warriors in all that thick energy that filled the place.
Inside, Gallant and Nemesis were going all out. Blades hammering at the speed of light, their familiars picking up the pace as well. Covered in the thick energy, they could not teleport anywhere so easily. Teleporting will only lead to their downfall. One can think of it as their own way to read their aura and attacks. A foresight sort of. Either way, both warriors were locked and continue to hammer attacks relentlessly. Gallant could keep this up for hours, if he knew that the Death Knight wouldn't use everything she got. She unleashed a ton of spells that force Gallant dashing all over the air. In such an enclosed space, there was no way to avoid some of these explosions. He realized that there was a shield that wrapped around their fighting space, leading Gallant to his downfall. Explosions flung him all across the air, several deadly arrows homing into Gallant. Several of them land into the familiar, destroying the shady creature. Cursing, Gallant quickly unleashes a flame of energy that burst all around him destroying these attacks.
Pursuing the knight, Nemesis tries to hammer three attacks. Taking the slash from her sword, Gallant traded the blow as he slice her familiar's head off, making him disappear. Flying through the air, Gallant unleashes his Souleater eater that flies right at Nemesis. Not even muttering the words, Nemesis allowed her weapon to eat the eating, the energy going right into the sword. Teleporting, Gallant swings his blades hoping his Souleater Thousand slashes would get through. Predicting this, the woman fires that homing arrow she absorbed right into Gallant, grabbing his face and tossing it down to the ground. She unleashed all of her energy spells and attacks in a quick succession, barraging a living storm into the ground.
When the fifteen minutes pass, the shield was destroyed and the energy just rises into the air as if it was a dying flame. No one wanted to enter the forest. What they felt and who they saw made them stay in place.
"W-Why is she here?!"
Fighting that intense fight, Gallant has lost his right arm and his familiar. His energy, all of it, was dying. Death was approaching him with open arms. Blood oozes out of his damaged body, his arm gripping on his fatal chest wounds. One could see the dark energy around his body slowly dying out. Nemesis stands there, shaking her head.
"Well, I have to admit, you did well with my limiter on. Without it though, you could not win against this form."
"Please," Gallant coughs, breathing heavily, "You think I can fight against a woman with that outfit. I mean, you barely have any clothes covering your body. Damn it, you won by seducing my hormones-"
"Don't make me kill you gruesomely now. Oh, my master is here." Turning his gaze, the seductive, charming, and alluring woman that should be indescribable appear beside her knight and before the wounded Black Knight. If he had any power remaining, he'll zone in on the bitch that almost killed his master.
"Valarie..." Gallant eyes at the red hair woman, her slim battle armor all over her body. She eyes at Gallant, then at Nemesis. She sighs at the tattered armor, kissing the girl on the lips. "Glad you were unharmed."
"Please," Nemesis scoffs, "Against that, I was fine." Valarie was bored, her eyelids lowering at the sight of the messed up Gallant. Scoffing, she says, "I cannot believe that you knights are still this powerful. Breaking my girl's armor, have you no shame? Not only that, there are no women in the Black Knight faction anymore. I cannot even enslave one to join my ranks."
"Hey, what exactly are you planning bitch." Gallant says. Nemesis teleports to Gallant, stabbing her hand deep into his chest.
"Don't you DARE call my master that. You are worthless you small dick head."
"Nemesis..." Valarie tries to say something, but a light appeared deep inside Gallant, "At least I can harm you for being stupid. Take this as my farewell gift to what you done to Aisha!" An explosion erupt from Gallant's body, Nemesis was unable to avoid this. She regretted her stupid move she did. Being tossed across the ground, the Death Knight rolled next to Valarie, heavily wounded now. Dark flames were all over her flesh. The explosion made half of the woman's body revealed burnt skin and flesh, the flames still burning the parts where her body was still flesh. She looked like a burnt corpse, half of it.
"DAMN THAT MAN!" Her left arm that stabbed deep into the knight was gone. Cursing violently, Valarie shakes her head, several magic circles surrounding her Death Knight. Healing at an enormous and tremendous rate, the burnt Death Knight was healed. The dark flames were gone as well. Getting up, Nemesis says, "I have to go get the others... If I let anyone of them go, they can become too strong! That girl, she has too much potential! If that knight tested me with his powers like that, it only means he wanted to confirm something. I will-" Valarie made Nemesis turn around to face her. Taking her right hand, she smacks Nemesis right across the face. Falling onto the ground, Valarie eyes coldly at her.
"You vowed to that knight not to kill the others for pleasing your war lust. Now, hold to your word Nemesis."
"I cannot!" the knight shakes her head, "That girl. She is cursed by you, and she defies you! She does not bow to you or us! She must be dealt with! She cannot run, she must die! Die for her stupidity for the gift you dawn on her. And with her power, she could be a dangerous foe-"
"Are you dumb? That is why I let her go! I am bored of being too powerful. If Aisha can beat me, I would welcome the challenge. I also gave you specific orders, all of you girls, not to kill her or torture her anymore. Once she hits Demi-God rank, do as you see fit. Other than that, why do you think I tell you to go after her knights? I want to see what she will do. Will she use her anger on me? Or will she be a goody goody two shoe?" Eyeing to where Aisha ran off, Valarie only smiled, "I want to see her turn into a majestic, beautiful, and dangerous woman. I don't care how much she hates me- she can use that to her advantage if she wants. She has my curse, Brynhild's perks, and the hidden potential to use both to make her a genius."
"I..." Nemesis was unable to comprehend Valarie's schemes. Why did she want that woman to become a genius? What was so special about her. "Why her!?"
"I want to see her fight against me. Make her own harem, make them fight against me to see who will win. I am bored. Standing on top spreading fear easily, I long for a challenge. You never had such boredom when you did so much. Have I ever tasted defeat? I have never felt such dangers after I became a genius. I won so many battles and won an Archangel rank woman to my side when I was just a mere Fiend. No one can stop me. Then... that girl. She has something special in her. I want to see her grow hidden potential. Something that I can fear against and lust for if it blooms properly."
"Why not us? Couldn't you just..."
"You girls have no potential hidden inside you." Valarie stated coldly. This wounded the Death Knight. Sighing, Valarie waalks over and gropes the girl, pushing onto the ground having her knee sliding somewhere. Feeling this, the Death Knight has a blush over her face and moans slightly, closing her eyes. "M-Master..."
"It doesn't mean you aren't my lovers. I took you girls in so you can be mine. It means something. If it makes you feel any better, if Aisha cannot handle herself against my curse, she will be nothing more then another one of my loyal and faithful servants." Leaning down, Valarie licks the girl's lips.
"A-As you say..."
"Now, you've been stupid for making such a mess. I need to punish you right here and now."
"O-Oh no..." That sentence had more enthusiasm then dread. Before they start anything, the Death Knight says, "Oh shit. I cannot return to my homeland without a helmet or a piece of armor that indicate my kills on a Black Knight." Valarie just laughs softly.
"Just head west, there some survivors somewhere. Then you can start giving me information about the current news and plans your fellow allies have."
"I question why you are interested in the Black Knights instead of us Death Knights, what makes them so special?" Nemesis asks, pouting at the favoritism her master has to those guys, "I mean, that knight called you a bitch."
"And thousand more people call me that and curse me at me like that for even existing. Well, the Black Knight soldiers aren't as impressive as you Death Knights, but a leader of the Black Knights hold a ton of power. It can even be enough power to overthrow your armies. The reason why you guys won was because the Death Knight leader was the lover to the Black Knight Shadow Devil."
"Oh?" Nemesis never heard this story, listening to her master.
"You see," Valarie says, getting up, "The final fight would have been the Black Knight victory. The leader alone had wiped out most of the armies by himself. If it wasn't for him, you guys would have a great amount of veteran Death Knights, but you guys do not have such numbers now. In the final confrontation, the leaders fought against one another. Upon realizing the truth of the Death Knight leader, the Shadow Devil allowed the Death Knight's leader to win. He accepted death and defeat to his beloved. Now... For someone to inherit the Shadow Devil lead and unite the Black Knights once more, they have to be trained and go through the path of a Black Knight..." Valarie tuns around smiling, "And they have to be cursed." Saying that, Nemesis eyed at her master in disbelief.
"W-W-Wait... HOLD ON, DON'T TELL ME YOU CURSED AISHA ON PURPOSE?!" Sighing, Valarie turns around, hands on her hips saying in an amused smirk, "Of course. I told you, I was bored."
"Are you trying to make my faction die to them!?"
"Maybe, maybe not?" Valarie shrugs, "But I want to see chaos, entertainment, and other stuff. Besides," walking up to Nemesis, Valarie says, "You vow yourself to me. All I want was you. Your people are nothing- remember that. You will be killing them eventually for me." Sighing, Nemesis says, "Yeah, yeah I know. I haven't steeled that thought in my head yet. Although..." She turns to Valarie, "I would want a HUGE reward out of it when the time comes." Smirking very wildly.
"Of course," Valarie pulls Nemesis with a gesture of her hand, "But you will get punished. In a very... submissive and passive way." Nemesis actually gulp this time, blushing heavily, "A-are you kidding me? A-As a warrior, that method of yours teases me and pains me. It is so.... Ugh."
"Shut up and just come with me."
"O-Okay..." Walking away from the desecrated and decimated forest, the two women left the vicinity.
In his castle, in his hidden chambers, King Len eyes at a huge class container holding someone in there. Surrounding in strange liquids, machines and other stuff were attached to the being inside. He eyes at a picture of a locket he had in his pockets at all times.
"Noire," Len says softly, "I vow to revive you from this so called Death. I'll use the knowledge and powers that we obtained to resurrect you. I have vowed this upon the death of the former king and of my aching heart. He can remember the news when he arrived at this city. He frowns at the distant memory, his face revealing anger now, gripping his hold on the locket.
The time when the city was attacked, the former king was about to lose his life. Saving most of the town, Len was able to save him in such haste. He had a bunch of questions after he learned that his lover died on the field. These nobles were all the same, they wanted to save their own skin from death. The very same death that took his lover. Agitated, frustrated, and controlled by revenge, he seek the king out hoping he wasn't going to lie. He saw the armies he had. ARMIES!
Some settlers and citizens told Len that Noire led her army due to the lack of soldiers within the country to reinforce Zezrious. Being told of the lack of troopers, Noire decided to take herself and her army to confront the demon devil army. When Len came to stop the invasion, he saw armies and hundred of thousands of men fighting against these demons.
The former king of Zezrious lied to him.
He lied about the lack of soldiers, hiding his armies or just telling Noire that he had none to send out. He hid them so he can use them to defend himself. Despite all of the strategies and aid Noire gave, the king selfishly and stupidly hid his armies to save himself. How much soldiers died to this king's mistake? How many innocent lives were taken upon selfish reasons?! Upon interrogating the king upon his rescue, Len heard everything from the king's mouth. He used Noire and wanted to save his own skin.
Enraged, Len killed him. No one witnessed it because of the chaos and no one would dare to question the ruler who saved them all from the demons. "The king's body was torn to pieces by the demons that invaded the castle." To be honest, Len can remember how he shot his guns and tore the damn bodies in such a fucked up state. Now, he only wished he was there to stop Noire.
Although he regrets, there was hope.
If he can power up the device with a strong energy of a female being, someone of a genius or close to one, he can revive Noire once and for all. In his gut, which was never wrong and he strongly followed, the day he saw Aisha, he knew she was different. There was something different, it was certain. In these few days, he could barely find any information about the damn girl. The day Gallant told him all the information only revealed the fact that there was more. Whatever happened in the mansion with Brynhild, Aisha was seriously involved with it. Turning around, he left his room to bump into several of his commanders.
"Get everyone ready to help the Grahams. I want to make sure we are on good relationships with one another. Emperor Titus will be outraged by our actions, so prepare yourself to engage and kill all of his troopers in our land. This will be a swift betrayal. Get our most elite armies ready to engage them, attack them when they least expect it. I do not want anymore causalities. Due to this Crusade, he will launch everything he has at our destroyed settlement." Nodding to this, they all turned and left the king's sight.
Patience. That was the key to his goal.
Settling in a tavern, my group rested up. The orcs all reside in one room where Esta, Lurie (the angel), and I were in one room. Sighing, I washed up first as the other two followed suite.
Esta was embarrassed and mad at herself for being knocked out. Well, she was a rank two mage, there was no way to avoid her frail and weak state. Feeling utmost guilt, she learned what had happened from the orcs. It was too much for her master, Aisha, to lose another one of her fathers. Gallant was the sole reason that Aisha lived, and now her master was sitting on her bed, thinking.
There was no point to bringing Gallant up, it will only sadden Aisha. Well, staring at her, Esta was confused about Aisha's feelings. Was she really okay? It seems like it did not bother her- of course it bothered her, but it was hidden deep in her. Maybe she resolved herself? Questioning this, Lurie folds her arms and says, "Are you planning to rank up still and not teach me?"
"What is there to teach?" I said, rather lost. Oh right, I forget that I unlocked the combination of light and dark energy. Lurie was going to press her questions, but Esta steps in, "Do you not see that m-master is thinking?!"
"Huh... Why do you have this woman with you? She is not even worthy to be in your sight." I was going to say something, but Esta decides to stand in front of the angel (despite the height difference) and say, "Even though I am weak, it does not mean I worry about my master! You just stroll in thinking that you can just order her around!?"
"Order her around," the angel scoffs, staring down at Esta, "I am not ordering her around. There is no point to waste anytime with you. Despite your race, you are too arrogant and immature just because you know her better."
"I happen to know her a lot more then you!" Before it goes into a heated argument or something, I decide to chime in. "Listen. Esta is my loyal companion. I will not have you belittle her. It will offend me if you do, I hope you treat her like a comrade in arms." The angel slightly frowns at this, eyeing at the small elf. "You k-"
"You want a lesson and stuff?" The angel jumped at my threat, quickly changing her attitude. Her somewhat hostile demeanor shifted back to her calm and somewhat elegant angelic posture. She bows her head saying, "As you wish... Although I have a question." I raise my eyebrow at her, planning to turn in soon. I just want to sleep off this inner depression I was trying my best to suppress.
"How can you hide your rank?"
"Why would you ask that question?" I asked her.
"I want to hide my rank and fight along side you."
"Say what?" Esta eyed at Lurie. "What are you..."
"If you think about it, it'll be awkward to see an eight-winged angel travelling with some weak warrior. To hide our identity and said suspicion, you can teach us how to hide our ranks. Including the orcs." Thinking about it, that will help me avoid any huge issues. Although I question what sort of creatures and enemies I can fight on our adventure. With these strong allies beside me, people and beings will run on sight.
"I'll teach you and the orcs about it later. For now, I want some sleep." Accepting this, the two girls decide to turn in as well. Having the sheets over my bed, I start to recap on what happened today. Things happened so quickly. I ranked up to three in mage and warrior (don't know how I rank up in a rank three mage- did it ignore the system somehow because of my warrior rank? Or is there more to it?), I helped evacuate civilians, killed many enemies, gained an angel ally, lost Gallant, bumped into another strong enemy, and have these doubt about King Len. Thinking about it all will give me a headache and mixed emotions. I need to control these emotions. Thinking about it, Lurie can control her emotions pretty well despite the situation. I need to ask for her guidance, most likely I will have to conjure up some basic to my so called attacks.
Hell... I just, this day just pained me so. I want to cry and groan, I want to vent my frustration, but I have to shove all of this aside. I need to grow up. I lived. I need to repeat this. I lived again because of my knights. They sacrificed themselves to save me. I am their hope and dreams, I will get revenge. I will kill all my enemies. I will become the strongest in this entire world...
A lurking pain from the depths inside me spread when I fell asleep.
I forget about the curse.
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