《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 7: Vampire's Souleater
Waking up, I was gasping for my breathe. That was a living nightmare. Why were people screaming in my dreams? The darkness in my head devoured me. I saw the despair and agony on many faces.Being trapped in my mansion, I know that I have never seen these people before. It felt too real for a dream. Sweat runs down my skin. My body was covered by my bed sheets. Gathering my thoughts, I know why I would be conjuring up such nightmares.
It's that damn curse Valarie gave me. I thought I had a few more days before it kicked in. Maybe, it's a side effect for not drinking blood before the time expires. Did I do anything last night? Doing my same routine like yesterday, I prep myself and head downstairs. When I start to eat my food, it tasted the same like yesterday. Assessing this, I should be fine. It seems like I have not lost control... yet.
But it feels like I have. That nightmare was tossing me into a frantic state. Listening to the nearby conversations, I heard nothing about a vampire running loose in the city. Vampire. That word did not send shivers down my spine. Of course, being inexperienced as I am, I have never met a vampire. I heard many tales about these blood sucking creatures, but I never met one in person.
"A vampire was spotted north of the city." A woman adventurer started, "It seems like she is guarding something." This caught my attention. I eavesdropped into their conversation.
"Vampire? All you have to do is stay away from them at night time right?"
"No, this one is completely different."
"How so?" The man takes a sip of his mug before placing it down, "Are you telling me that this vampire is immune to the sunlight?" The woman just nods her head. She takes a bite of her bread before she continues on.
"The vampire is rumored to be a Fiend rank. Several other figures tried to kill the beast, but she was able to kill them all in one go. Apparently, the area she is guarding leads to the Underworld. She allows certain individuals to enter that dimension." Right, there was something I was confused about. These other dimensions. Unable to restrain myself, I decide to sit with those two.
"Excuse me," I said, "I was wondering what these dimensions are?" They did not mind that I eavesdropped into their conversation, and how I rudely came into their conversation. The man sips his mug and starts his explanation.
"These dimensions are other worlds where you rank up a lot more. Missy, you are quite low still, so you have years to come. Once individuals reach a certain rank here, they leave to go into these other world- these dimensions. There are eight dimensions people can choose from. Two of them are based on your alignment, the other five are open to everyone. The last one has a strict requirement to enter that dimension. The eight dimensions are named:
There is a Gate Guardian for every entrance. What we were talking about earlier is the Underworld Dimension. Most dark aligned beings head to this Dimension. Well, getting in won't be simple. The difficult part will be fighting against the Guardian. Even if one was two ranks above the Guardian's level, they have to be afraid of their weapon."
"Their weapon?" I question how a weapon can be dangerous.
"You got a lot to learn kid." the brunette said, "Do you know what a Souleater is?"
"No, I do not know what a Souleater is." I answered. The woman shakes her head, "And this is why I tell young adventurers die to ignorance. A Souleater is a weapon that binds itself to a user. First, the weapon will test if you are compatible with it. Once the Souleater approves of you, then it will be your personally item unless someone kills the user. Souleater weapons can be enhance with you in a variety of ways. It will be hard to describe what it exactly does since I do not have one of those."
"So what does this have to do with that vampire?"
"She is crazy." the woman said it in a stern and cold voice, "Do not try to wander near her turf. She will kill anyone how enters her land. Guardians are suppose to guard the gate, but this vampire kills anyone who comes close to the lands."
"Well, she is a Fiend after all," the man points out, "Well, is that all you want to hear youngster?" Ignoring that last part, I just thanked them for the conversation.
A Souleater weapon... Huh? I never knew a weapon like that existed. My plan was to get a ton of gold today, but this vampire... Maybe I can ask her about this curse. Gallant told me not to use my powers, but I really want to go all out. Fighting against this Fiend, I might be able to get my wish.
Time for me to pay this vampire a visit.
Heading north of Zezrious, I look for this vampire and her gate. Forty minutes passed as I travel around the place, bumping into more trees or bushes. How do I get there? Thinking about it, if I asked those two where I can find this place, they wouldn't even tell me. It has to be an obvious place. Something that can scream out death. I feel like Fiends and other high ranks of evil always stay in these sort of environments. Desecrated and tainted lands. A light was shining from between two trees. Shrugging at this endless stretch of nature, I guess I can check this place out.
Huh. This scene looks familiar to the time I bump into Valarie except this place was bigger. The desolated lands stretch for a good mile or so with no trees within the vicinity. There was a rocky formation having two giant metal doors engraved on it. The door was locked shut with chains tightly fastened around the door and the rock formation. Corpses and bones lie all over the field. Seems like the rumor is true, this vampire killed a lot of people.
"Hey, what is a rank one doing here?" A female voice chimes in. Turning to my left, a white hair girl appears beside me. Her piercing red eyes lock onto me, a huge scythe was perched against her shoulders. Her long hair slowly drifts in the air slightly as she wears a slim heavy suit of armor. This crimson armor has a lot of spikes and a demonic presence about it. "Oh, newbie, get the hell out of here. I just wasted my time with some Demi-Gods. I was disappointed by their strength despite the fact they outnumbered me. You should go home and avoid this place."
"Well, I have a few questions then."
"No, shoo, go away." she answers, walking away from me, "Like I said, I am disappointed. I might take my anger out on you if you don't leave in three seconds."
"Well... What exactly will you do to me in three-" A Pressure Realm was activated. The woman teleported beside me with her scythe grinding against my sword. I already planned this, activating my Pressure Realm and unsheathing both my blades. The vampire reveals a vile smile. The scythe has wrapped around me already due to its shape. Swinging me while I hold the sharp scythe at bay, she tosses me across the field. Landing on my feet, I stare at her. It seems like she will be a worthy opponent for me to go all out.
"Well, well," the vampire licks her lips and unleash a deadly red aura, "It seems like you will be an interesting plaything. Tell me, why the hell are you on par with me despite your rank." Before I could answer, she appears behind me. This was not new to me. Turning around, I slam one of my blades against the scythe. What I did not expect was the end of her scythe coming at me. Realizing the sharp end of her scythe, it had a pointy sharp end to it. By hitting the curved blade, the scythe allows its sharp end to come flying at me. This weapon was also a spear? Ducking at the last second, I try to sweep the vampire off her feet. Feeling an shadowy object above me, I took the initiative and roll to my right. The spear end of that scythe slams into the ground, shattering the hard earth in mere seconds. Standing up, the vampire swings herself around the scythe to kick me with both her legs. She flips off of her kick, landing back on her two feet. I fall onto the ground, eyeing at her weapon.
A dark scythe that had a sharp pointy end to it resembles a spear that was combined into it. There was a chain that was fastened around the girl's right arm and hand. The vampire spins it around by the chain, twirling the scythe's main body around her neck and body before she toss the scythe at me. Dodging the first toss, I watch the scythe crave against the rocky ground. Pebbles and dirt appear in the air as she controls her scythe by swinging her arm around. That stupid scythe is chasing after me. If I can cut the chains...
Empowering my blades with chi, I decide to unleash Piercing Tornado. Feeling something wrap around me, I was unable to execute that move. The scythe did not cut me, but it glued itself around me. In those few seconds, I was flying into the air before I slam into the ground.
"Oh, what a shame. You thought I was trying to cut you with such an easy move. That move cannot kill you. I have to personally slice you up-" Without the need to see where she was, I just appeared right behind her. Ramming my sword against her, the vampire flies against the ground. She bounces against the ground for three times before stopping. She pushes herself off the ground giving a strange feeling of blood lust. Her face lusting for a battle.
"You take me to lightly." I said, getting into a battle stance. One sword was in front of me while the other was above me. The vampire starts to have dark energy ooze around her. "Right, right. My bad. That attack... you empowered it with chi right? So you know how to use martial arts? Very interesting. You have no skills with magic, but you cover it up with chi." The vampire pulls the chains connected to her scythe. Her deadly weapon was giving off a deadly a different color aura. A purple feint flame surrounds her weapon. Eyeing at her back, there was no dent in that armor. I thought I could have dent her. She might have protected herself with a mana shield or something. She mutters these next words.
"I will just use ten percent of my true powers."
The vampire was already swinging her scythe. She was far away when she was doing this, but she appears right above me! A strange feeling was engulfing me. My body was able to react without me consciously being aware of her sudden teleportations.
Now, I was unable to do that. Placing chi armor around me for insurance, I turn around to that curved blade. It took all of my concentration just to figure out where she was. Sweat starts to run down my head, my blade struggling to push the scythe away. The vampire pulls her weapon back to have the end of the scythe slash at me. Taking a step back, I evaded the attack. After I took a step back, the woman follows her slash with a stab, the end of that scythe aims for my head. Deflecting the spear from my face, she slams her scythe at me. Quick stepping to my right, I watch the speed of her scythe slam into the ground. Following up her attack, she pulls her weapon out to spin that Souleater by the chains. My eyes could not focus on the deadly blade of the scythe as she spins it hastily in a circular motion. The vampire motions her right arm left and right, the scythe violently hammers against my two blades.
The ground beside me was being torn apart by her sheer speed and strength. Keeping her distance, she had the upper hand in range.
Frustrated by this move, I decided it was time to use some of my abilities to counter this fierce barrage. Using Dual Barrage and Dual Strike, my two blades rams against her spinning scythe. When the vampire pulls her weapon back to her hand, she teleports behind me with the scythe hooking around my body. She swings with all her might, my body slamming into the ground. Teleporting out of this attack was impossible. If she hooks me with that damn scythe of hers, there was no way for me to evade it. If I teleport, she will obviously know where I would go because of that damn scythe. That weapon, that Souleater, seems to be a living thing than an inanimate object.
My body slams against the ground forming a crater underneath us. I elbow the girl in her stomach, but she drags me with her since the scythe is still hooked around me. She mutters something as dark flames slowly appear around us.
This was bad! Unable to teleport without this vampire following me, I empowered my blades. With these dark flames, they will certainly tear me apart. Already planning my escape, I decide to activate Piercing Tornado. Spinning violently, the vampire decides to back off, cursing at my escape. Using that ability in close range like that, my armor showed signs of scratches due to that scythe being glued to me. Without the chi armor surrounding me, I would have sliced myself stupidly for spinning recklessly against that living weapon. After I stopped spinning, she slams her scythe on me. Evading will only lead to a chain of attacks she will unleash. Taking my blades, I hold her scythe at bay. She smiles as mana empowers her weapon.
I teleport from the tremendous explosion that she unleashed. The dark energy that erupt from her scythe shattered the ground where I once stood. My eyes could not see past the huge cloud of dust that filled the area. Emerging through that dust, a sudden burst of energy was charging right at me! With my chi enhanced swords, I activate Dual Cross Slash to eliminate that energy attack. The dark energy disperse in the air. Letting out a sigh of relief, the vampire sends an empowered kick right above me. Flying straight into the ground, another crater formed underneath me.
This time I coughed out blood. Without this chi armor, I would have my head explode from that kick. I can feel a slight pain emerging from the front of my body. This was starting to take a toil on me. Eyeing above me, the vampire aims the tip of her scythe at me. A dark ball of energy gathered there. Another blast of energy aimed at me. I could not dodge this one. Teleporting will only make the woman redirect her aim. Taking this shot head on was utterly stupid. but i decided to shield myself with both blades and arms.
My chi armor saved me, but I have lost a substantial amount of chi and physical strength. My mouth ushers heavy pants, my body can feel my strength fading ever so slowly. The vampire said she will use ten percent of her powers. She yawns at my struggle. Turning around, I predicted the vampire would appear behind me. She kicks me onto the ground as she raise her scythe into the air. Evading on instant, I jump backwards into the air. This attack was different. She rams the ground with her scythe, the tip of the blade entering the rocky ground.
An earthquake, an explosion, the entire ground beneath me breaks under that one strike. Dark aura flames erupt from the cracks all over the ground, blasting into the air. Cursing at this huge area of effect attack, I just used a half of whatever chi I have to protect me. Dodging left and right in midair, I evade some blasts of the dark flames. The vampire appears before me and kicks me through several flame geysers. The scorching and sharp flames sent a clear message of pain even though I had my chi armor on.
That sensation of hundreds of burning swords hacking at me nonstop sent shivers down my spine. The chi armor is saving me from feeling the full pain of this dark flame. Flying further from that area, I bounced against the ground once. When I got into the air after the first bounce, the vampire appears and swings her scythe around me. She hooks me with that dreadful weapon, scheming her next attack.
This toss was different from before. The times when she hooked me and toss me around were weak. Although this toss she did had no limit. Swinging herself in a one circular motion, she tosses my body straight into the ground. I thought that this was going to sting, but a burst of pain erupts from my back upon impact. The ground beneath me formed a bigger crater. I struggled to get up, my chi was already at its lowest and my shield would not last any longer. The vampire had a cold look in her eyes.
She was not a fanatic like I heard. Chuckling to myself, she already appears in front of me. She empowers the blade of her scythe with energy. Swinging her scythe, the weapon unleashes a strong burst of energy from her attack. Some seconds fly by as she stands there.
"Where the hell are you?" she frowns at my disappearance.
I knew I could not continue this fight. Taking the last hint of information I remembered, she only killed people in her turf. Taking that shot head on, I used it as a rocket to send me through the air to land near the edge of the forest. Using Hidden Rank, I masked my presence, so she couldn't find me. This was an utter defeat. Dispersing my chi armor, I slowly sat down behind some bushes. Lying my back against the truck of the tree, I breathed a sigh of relief.
"Oi," the vampire's voice appeared before me, "I want to talk to you." What she did though seemed more of a death sentence for me. She slashes the bushes that were in front of me and has that scythe fly right above my head. I was shocked at her sudden appearance and my life that could have ended right there and then. "Why the hell did you chicken out?" Her armor was gone now.
She wears a dark frilly gown that covers most of her body. Her puffy bottom half covers her footwear as the outfit has given her a broomstick shape. Dark gloves cover her hands as a ribbon was wrapped around her neck. Another ribbon could be found around her mini-hat. A rose sticks out on the left side of her waist. Black eyeliner can be seen with some makeup covering her cheeks. A red touch of lipstick can be seen on her frowning mouth.
"You newbie, you have no right to stare at me after that pathetic retreat."
"It was your attack that made me fly here."
"Bullshit. Don't try to blame this on me."
"Well, I am a rank one you know." The vampire was silent. She was staring at me with a bitter hatred. "Why the hell are you here newbie? Only Fiends and Demi-Gods have the right to fight me? After a disappointing fight with thirty of them, I easily wiped them out. Then, a rank one comes along with the power of a Demi-God and forces me to use a bit more of my power... Who the hell are you?" Should I answer her truthfully or lie.
"You better tell me the truth or I can end your life right now. Explain why you came here and why do you have powers of a Demi-God."
Sighing, I raise my hands up to show that I have no intention of fighting anymore, yet I can't say the same for her. I can buy some time before I can teleport deeper into the forest and gather some chi. If I can talk things out with her, I can stall for my chi and get out if things go bad.
A nervous laughter came out of me as I explained to her, "Well... I wanted to fight you."
"Are you dense? You know how strong I am right? Are you trying to provoke me?" I can feel the sweat forming all around me.
"I am being honest, I wanted to test my powers on you. I had a Demi-God ally that did not go full out because of the chances of other Demi-Gods killing him. Who would want to take on a Gate Guardian when they have a ton of power to combat against sneak attacks or tactics?" The vampire glares at me still.
"So you used me for your own gains. Foolish mortal-" Her eyes widened at her own words, "Wait a second. I want to know how exactly are you a Demi-God? Are you hiding your rank? Tell me now!" A vicious pressure slams against me, this one was completely different from Pressure Realm. My body was going to break under it. "My bad." The vampire lifts the pressure from the air, waiting for my response.
I start to cough and breathe through my mouth feeling that sudden awe of power. What the hell was that!? I have to answer before she truly kills me. Well, I am reluctant about it. "Ever heard of the black knights?" Her body turns pale. Turning around, she starts to mutter to herself. Now would be a good time to retreat. If I really value my life, I should run. It was sheer luck that I got away from that fight alive. I eye at the vampire though. There was something stabbing my head, telling me something important.
I know that the feelings I had after losing Gale resides deep in me. My strong feelings about losing one of my fathers still wound me. I know that I am a wreck still. I allowed my powers to comfort me and to get me away from my depression. Gallant would hate it if I stayed depressed. I wanted a week of mourning for Gale. Can I really bring myself to tell that story to this vampire? Can I tell her what Valarie has done to me and my knight?
That sorrow I tossed aside would come again, but it would be fueling my anger. A chilling dread spread through my body as I can feel myself grasping my chest.
I was crying again. The feeling of overwhelming strength has appeared to me again. I could not even win against a Fiend! Goddamn it! Why am I so fucking weak!? "Nero right?"
I eye at her with my teary vision. She was shocked at my crying face. "H-Hey, don't you dare use that sort of face on me." Wait, did she say Nero? As in my knight?
"W-What about him?!" I could not help but walk right up to that vampire. That was a bad move. I could have died from it, my emotions are finally getting the best of me. The vampire backs away, turning her head. "I told you not to talk to me with that face!"
I approach her hastily without any care in the world even though she could kill me, Rushing up to her, face to face, I asked, "What about my knights?!" The vampire wanted to avoid eye contact with me. She lets out a sigh and stares right at me. She has no hatred or irritation written on her.
"Your knight, Nero, has successfully kicked me ass." Those words made my eyes burst open. Nero defeated this vampire?! But how? "W-where is he?" The vampire continues her explanation, "Nero went up north. He entered my land and he fought me head on with full strength. I accepted him as a person who can enter the Underworld, but he was just passing by. The usually procedures for a victor would be to kill me. He spared me though. In return, he told me that if anyone mention the black knights, I am not to harm them. He also said that I have to help a Princess Aisha if she comes by. I accepted his terms and he told me to tell her his message." She pauses for a second. "You are Princess Aisha, right?"
"Yes, I am." I answered.
"The description he gave me was completely different from what he told me." She makes a tsk sound between her teeth, irritated that she almost killed me, "Shit, I almost killed you too. I would have disgraced my honor as a Gate Guardian and a Fiend bound by word." I chuckle lightly as she continues on, "Aren't you suppose to be a rank nine warrior and mage? And aren't you suppose to be wearing dark armor, not red?" I eye at the armor, remembering that Gallant changed the color of it for cover.
Snapping my fingers, the armor turns back to black. This was a simple magic spell that does not require any sort of incantations. The vampire seems frustrated at this, ramming her scythe into the ground. She turns around and grasp her head letting out a scream. Turning to me again, she says, "It does not explain your damn rank!"
"I..." My words did not want to leave my throat. I could not explain the story about what Valarie did. The fact I had to slay one of my knights traumatized me. Yet I can feel a heat of anger flowing into me as well. These mixed emotions were tearing me apart. I decide to say that name, the name that I will hate. That name who I plan to seek revenge on. I should be hating on that name. I have to hate her.
"Valarie." The silence between me and the vampire was long.
"So you are the poor victim of her curse?" the vampire said in a sincere tone. She sighs and folds her arm, "I watch her leave my gates. She told me that she found an interesting candidate to curse." I looked at her with disbelief. Valarie planned this from the start?! "The target was Brynhild." My body froze for a bit. Wait, Brynhild was her target?
Right, that red hair girl stated that she wanted to fight Brynhild, yet she found me in her place...
"Valarie is hated by a majority of people in the Underworld," the vampire explains, "She is a genius of that dimension after all." What? She is a genius as well? "That girl conquered one of the positions for Grand Ruler and also created several new abilities that can make me run. Not only that, she is the first person in centuries to create a curse." Wait, what did she say.
"S-she created THAT curse." The vampire nods, "Her curse allows her to get her personal harem." I felt a surge of anger rush into me. "Say what?"
The vampire sighs and explains, "Everyone knows that Valarie is selfish, evil, and greedy... for women. She hunts down a lot of famous and renowned females to make for her harem. Brynhild was suppose to be on her list, but apparently, she was satisfied that she found you. I am also amazed at how she loves her new scar you gave her." I felt sick. I couldn't help but curse and let a surge of chi empower my leg that shattered the earth around us. "My apologies for bringing that up."
"Why is..." I stop my sentence, my hand grasping my head in frustration. "How do I get rid of this curse?"
"Have to ask her about it yourself." the vampire answers with a shake of her head, "NO ONE has found a cure for her curse. What's worse, everyone who has been affected by it has became a slave to that girl. The majority of them." My heart trembles and my body quivers.
"Are you telling me she makes them into her slaves?! Will I be...!?" I can't... ?!
"Not exactly," I felt relief, but a small ounce of it, "The curse is not that bad, well, other than the fact that you have to suck the blood of a woman. The girls Valarie inflicted the curse on were on married women. The curse made them turn into a lesbian and lust for Valarie in due time. The reason being is because the victims found pleasures in women after they start to bite other females. Due to their ignorance for the love of women, the victims slowly accepted their lust on females and eventually thought of Valarie. They wanted to be with her so badly that they ended up divorcing and leaving their families to go to her. Gate Guardians allow them to enter the Underworld to find her... Now, what happens if this curse hits someone who likes both sex or is a lesbian already... Well they are safe. The reason being, you can fall in love with girls you like and won't be weak-minded to the concept of biting girls." I found a major flaw to this.
"Wait. The conditions are to bite a girl, not fuck them? The hell, where is this lust coming from?" The vampire thought about it to, and states, "Well... Apparently, I cannot explain that. It has to do with... Don't ask me goddamn it!" The vampire seems irritated, her cheeks sort of flush with red. Why is she blushing?
"Were you a vampire by birth or Valarie turned you?" Those words triggered her. I thought she was going to kill me, but she didn't. "By birth. Besides, Valarie's curse does not turn them into a permanent vampire." I want to press on with who Valarie is and what she does, but I need to focus on getting strength more than anything. The fact that she is a genius and some Grand Ruler only makes her up there in all aspects. I have to get back to the original question.
"What is Nero doing? He left you a message right? What did he say?"
"Princess Aisha, we are heading to Mel's home country far north. I will be waiting for you in the land's where my ancestors use to be. Accompanying me, my right hand man Zan, will be with me. Titan has ventured off to the far west to grab more strength. Golem says he will try to find you and accompany you. Do take care."
"When did he tell you all of this?"
"Yesterday." I should chase after Nero, but I don't know where the ancestral grounds are for the black knights. Hell, where is that place? I doubt that any map would reveal any information about the black knights. Hearing the words from Valarie, it seems like they were thought to be exterminated. Extinct. The only ones who would know this would be Gallant. Golem was waiting for me right? He should be...
"Where is Golem?" I asked the vampire. The girl eyes past me, "Zezrious." I could not help but feel a heap of joy to have a knight reunite with me. Golem was one of the knights who was outrageous in defense. When we sparred, Golem did not use any weapons at all. He uses his armored body to combat against me. It was like he was a damn golem. The guy had a funny way of talking though. Made me laugh with some of his short remarks when my knights got into a fight.
"Well, there's more." The vampire tosses me a ring and a flyer. I eye at the ring- a storage ring! Nero must have figure out my intentions? Or more like he knew that I will need one eventually. The flyer, however, made my face turn sour. There was a bounty for any Graham family member they could find. Emperor Titus still wants my family dead? Despite killing my mother and father?
"Emperor Titus won't stop unless everyone of you guys are dead. He was annoyed at the fact you held a genius in your mansion. He wanted her to serve him, not you guys, so he exterminated the Grahams for that sole reason alone. He failed to capture and persuade Brynhild to join him. Doubt she would, not after his massacre." The vampire starts to walk away. "Don't worry about Valarie. She is told not to leave her realm again. She will not be coming to this world in a long while. Well, that is all. I have time to answer anymore questions."
"Eh, but..."
"There's a new challenger for me." She smirks, "You might as well get on your way. I have to judge people worthy for the Underworld." With all this new information, I can calm myself down. Even though Dan and Gale are gone, five still remain. My five family members I cherished the most. In the distance, a dark flame engulf the vampire to reveal her demonic armor on her.
"Thanks." I said.
"Come back anytime," the vampire replies, "And also... if you can't find someone to please your lust, I don't mind you biting me. In return, I will be fucking you." I blush heavily at those words. Wait, did I fall in love with this vampire!? No, love is like a loose term for it.
"Isn't it loved one?!" I turn to her.
"What, you don't love me? Shame. Well, you can start it next time we meet." She sticks her tongue and disappears. As I walk back to Zezrous, a tremendous gust of air shoots through the woods. I chuckle lightly at the crazy vampire.
Nero actually defeated her though? How strong are my knights? Why did they hide all of their powers? Well, like I said, they can do whatever they want now and no one was going to belittle them. I stop myself in my tracks. It was still noon. I thought it sundown, but I was wrong.
Having a least a third of my chi, I rush around the forest, trying to find more orcs and goblins to fight against. My chi will be used only if necessary. I doubt that I can find a Demi-God opponent. My skills are still low. Well, the weapons I have are my swords. I have a high level in these weapons, so when I use it against the orcs, it wouldn't be much of a challenge. I mean, I could easily kill orcs with my sword and just take their skills, but if I do not train myself in the other skills, it will take me longer to rank up. Not only that, I am hiding my powers.
Grabbing skills from these enemies, I wonder if I can teach myself some new skills.
Finding a band of green skin orcs, I land in front of them. Four of them are rank one warrior while the last one was a rank two warrior. They wear the same silver armor like the last batch of orcs I killed from before. They smiled at me. Obviously, these orcs think they can take me down and enslave me. Surprisingly when they chat with one another, I can hear them speak.
"This woman is weak. We can use her for our breeding grounds."
"Yeah, we need more orcs in our clan." One of the lesser warriors remark.
"Hey, I can hear you five." I said. In my mind, I thought I was speaking to them in human tongue, but in truth, the orcs heard me speak to them in their language.
"Hey boss, this woman can understand us. Isn't that strange."
"Shut up and capture her." the rough looking leader answers, pushing two of them forward. Eyeing at their weapons, they both hold a shield. The orc on the right with pig-like characteristics holds a sword while the left one with the ape face holds an ax. Are they trying to capture me or kill me? They both dived towards me.
Rushing past them with a slight amount of speed, I sweep the legs of the sword wielding orc. He falls on his back as I kick the other orc forward. Those two were on the ground as the next two orcs charge at me. One of them swings their sword at me. Leaving his arm stretched out, I grab his wrist and fling him over me. He flies above me and lands on his fallen comrade. The orc that charged at me tries to shield bash me. I grab his shield and slide it off of his arm. Stunning the orc by this move, I elbowed the back of his head when I took his shield off. He moves forward and stumbles onto his allies who tried to get up. They all collided back on the ground, cursing at me.
New Skill Gained: [Level 1 Unarmed]
[Level 1 Disarm]
The leader charges at me with two axes. Wildly swinging his axes, I evaded his attacks by ducking or side stepping. The first orc I knocked down tries to attack me from behind. Sensing him, I just ducked. The leader and that orc engaged one another, their weapons smashing against each other.
"Idiot!" the leader curse. Bashing the grunt in the face with a shield, the orc backs away grabbing his head. Turning to the leader, I knee him hard in the chest. Of course the armor prevented true damage on the orc, but he was forced back. He was caught off guard by my kick that I grabbed his wrists and pulled him to me. Since this leader has no helmet, I just headbutt him. By doing all of this, I pulled one of his axes from his grip. I jumped off the ground to have my knee ram right under his chin. The beast flies into the air for a second before he slams into the ground. Taking this momentary pause, I slide the shield through my right arm
New Skill Gained: [Level 1 Rearm]
Skills Increased in: [Level 1 Disarm] --> [Level 2 Disarm]
[Level 1 Steal] --> [Level 2 Steal]
Turning around, I found three anger orcs. They charge at me with bloodshot eyes. I have to admit, their teamwork is well coordinated. Evading one of the axes swinging at me, another orc follows up with his sword. I blocked it with my shield to have the two other orcs swinging their weapons at my sides. I swing my shield to my right and have my ax fend off the enemy's sword on my left. Kicking the orc in front of me, I watch the lesser grunt and leader slowly getting back up. I need to cut down their numbers.
Testing out one of the new abilities I gained yesterday, I opened my mouth to let out a roar. The sound sent panic to all five of them. Taking this momentary panic, I slashed the orc on my left down.
Increased Skills in: {Level 1 Axes] --> [Level 2 Axes]
Swinging my ax to my right, the orc finds blood gushing from his neck.
Increased Skills in: [Level 2 Axes] --> [Level 3 Axes]
The orc I kicked raise his shield when I toss the ax at him. Following that attack, I ram my shield against him, forcing the orc into the ground. Taking my bear fist, I punched him several times in the face using brute strength. Punching his head side to side, I finally killed him by pulverizing him with punches. His head cracked after the ninth punch.
Increased Skills in: [Level 1 Unarmed] --> [Level 2 Unarmed]
[Level 1 Shields] --> [Level 2 Shields]
Swinging my shield arm behind me, I stop the last lesser orc from slamming his sword to my back. The sword was stuck in the wooden shield. Paying no attention to me, the orc struggles for his weapon pulling violently at the handle. Standing up quickly, I knee this orc in the stomach. He refuses to let go of his weapon, taking the blow head on. He bounce back at the impact, his hands losing his grip on his sword. Slamming the edge of my shield against his head, his helmet flies off revealing his bald head. Flinging my arm to the side after I bash his head in, the shield flies towards the leader's face on my right knocking the orc. Cupping my hands together, I slam my hands towards the rank one orc. He falls onto the ground. I feel like I knocked him out.
Skills increased in: [Level 2 Unarmed] --> [Level 3 Unarmed]
The orc leader has pick one of the axes from his fallen allies, tossing it at me.
Twisting my body to the side, the ax flies past me. The orc leader was in a angered state. He lets out several roars and picks up a sword. He swings his ax and sword at me violently. Evading each attack with my steps walking backwards, I watch this orc swing his weapons in any manner to hit me. Swinging them parallel to each other, swinging them in different directions, he tries everything he knows to try and land a hit on me. It is time for me to end this.
Swinging both of them down on me, I hold his hands again. This time, he was trying to headbutt me. Jumping a bit off the ground, my knee rams right under his chin before his head hits me. I did not let go of his hands though as I tossed him over me. Rolling away for a good while, the orc quickly gets on his feet and charge at me.
Ah, a memory is coming up. The orc's desperate expression to land a hit on me was the same like me trying to hit Golem. Back when I training my dual-wielding skill, Golem told me to land a hit on him as he uses two giant shields. After ten minutes went by, I couldn't land a hit on him. He manipulated the shield to cover every gap of his body. Even if he revealed a blind spot, his shield would actually push me away from it. The giant literally used his shields as a defense and offensive weapon. At one point, I felt like the shields could actually kill me.
Taking two wooden shields off the ground, I sprint at the berserk orc. He tries to hit me with his two weapons, but I deflected his attack. Leaving himself wide open, I use the edge of my right shield to bash against his head. The orc faltered at this, leaning downwards. Following up that attack, the edge of my left shield bashes against his head once again. I hold the straps around my arms tightly with my fingers to ensure the shields would stay firmly in place. These orcs did not hold onto their shields seriously, enabling me to steal them. The orc leader tries to stop me, his weapons trying to attack me again. I kicked his right arm down and swing my body around so the shield on my right literally slams against his head with a powerful force. His flies from the impact, bouncing off the ground once before he lands heavily on the ground. He slowly gets up to see me pulverize him hard with the edges of these shields. I sent a volley of ten fast shield strikes to his head before it couldn't even be called a head.
Skills Gained: [Level 1 Beast Taming]
[Level 3 Archery]
[Level 1 Cooking]
Perks Gained: [Orc Leader]
Abilities Gained: [Frenzy Mode]
[Berserk Mode]
Skills Increased in: [Level 3 Axes] --> [Level 11 Axes]
[Level 1 Enslavement] --> [Level 5 Enslavement]
[Level 1 Bondage] --> [Level 3 Bondage]
[Level 1 Beast Training] --> [Level 3 Beast Training]
[Level 2 Steal] --> [Level 3 Steal]
[Level 1 Rearm] --> [Level 2 Rearm]
[Level 2 Shields] --> [Level 5 Shields]
[Level 1 Traps] --> [Level 3 Traps]
Abilities Improved: [Threatening Roar]
New Abilities Unlock: [Shield Decimation]
[Shield Arms]
Well, I should be a rank two, but I doubt it. With axes to level 11, I felt a bit happy about my accomplishment. Although the initial hunt to test out my theory was a success. Apparently, I taught myself how to use unarmed combat. Not only that, I even gain the skills to disarm and rearm myself, so I can hijack weapons off of my enemies now. I think stealing increased because I was able to steal the enemies' weapons... although I question why it leveled? Did it really have the same functions as disarming. I shrugged this off as I question this new perk. Orc leader. The hell? Am I going to lead a bunch of dumb orcs? I cringed at the idea. Why would I want to lead a pack of idiots? Well, that might be a bit too far. Not all orcs are like these guys.
Walking over to the knocked out orc, I tied him up to the tree. Waiting for him to wake up, I check my list again. Not only did I gain three levels in shields, but I also gained new abilities? I did utilize the same abilities Golem used on me. I already stated the fact that some abilities require my knowledge on the principles and what not. Remembering the fight with Golem and his shields, I could not have unlocked these shield abilities unless I have the right requirements. If that is the cause, did Golem use a weak ability on me despite my relentlessness back then? If so, what rank would Golem be? Nero must be on top when it comes to power- he is the leader for a reason.
One of the abilities Golem taught me Shield Decimation, in his few words, is blunt and powerful attacks. This ability was formed under the Principle of Offense. This states that the user must attack in a sense of a volley. It will be hard to achieve due to the fact a shield cannot kill an opponent. Although what happens if the shield can beat someone to death? This principle emphasizes on attacking in a wild manner with shields only. The point is to hit the vital areas since a shield, unless its has been customized with blades or something, cannot kill an opponent that swiftly. When using the Shield Principle of Offense, one must ensure their enemies have no chance to retaliate. One must lock them down in a series of hits from their shields alone. By achieving this, Shield Decimation can be unlocked to a user.
Now Shield Arms is the opposite to Shield Decimation. It emphasizes on defense only. The training and concept for this principle is to prolong the fighting. Stamina is important in any fight. If one was to be tired on the field, death will surely follow. The Principle of Defense is to defend for two days straight. This is a harsher regiment to unlock this ability. I am questioning how I unlock this one when I never done said things. Maybe the orc leader had the ability? Nah, it should have been in the list of Abilities gained.
My thoughts were interrupted when the orc captive slowly wakes up. Startled, he looks around frantically. He eyes at his dead comrades, staring at me.
"H-human, what are you!?" He asks me.
"Well, I am just a plain old adventurer. I have a few questions, if you answer them, I will let you live." I said, sitting in front of him.
"Anything for you!" he responded quickly.
"First off, what tribes are in the area?" I asked, getting ready to make mental notes of these tribes.
"There are a ton of tribes in the area! They vary depending on size, army, and chieftain." Telling myself, I told you so, I continue my interrogation.
"Well, how many tribes are there in all."
"Around this region... There are forty-four clans and tribes all together. Most of them are small tribes who branched off from the main orc faction cities." Forty-four huh? well, at least I know that most of these local orcs aren't that organized, yet I have to find out how I can avoid the main ones. Those will be the ones I don't want to miss with.
"The big orc factions, what are their names?"
"There are only three factions. One of them is on a brick of losing while the other two are prosperous." I raise my eyebrow at that statement. He explains what he meant, "There is a war between the three main factions around in this region. The Nighteater clan and Dogfan clan are fighting against the Skullclaw clan. The Skullclaw clan has sided themselves with technology to create some new armor that defies against our tradition. Due to this, the Nighteater and Dogfan clans team up to take them down..." This is important, but I question if I will get into this sort of situation. All I need is a description of their soldiers.
"Tell me what they look like and I will let you go." Saying those words, the orcs hastily describes them.
"The Nigteater orcs have dark blue skin and they wear a bunch of ceremonial beasts clothes. They believe in the strong God-like animals that rules these lands and worship them. Their lowest rank warriors are at least six rank warriors and/or mages. They are the only blue raced orcs around here." Wait, beings can worship God rank warriors? Huh, I need to ask that vampire how does that work later. I doubt Gallant knows anything about this function.
"The Dogfan tribes are known for their mounts. You will never see an Dogfan orc without a mount. They ride wolves and other beasts with dog-like characteristics. They can easily pursue their enemies and hunt down prey with no problem. They have skills that goes beyond most regular orcs. Their lowest members are of rank six as well." I can see why. These orcs have a skills in beast taming. Not only can they make a good amount of money, but they can easily make a huge army out of the tamed beasts they can acquire.
"And the Skullclaw clan?" The orc's green face turned a very faint color. He was shaking underneath his armor and the rope. His voice even showed a hints of fear.
"Dark menacing destroyers. They are known as Skullclaws for a reason. Before they embodied themselves in this dark armor, they literally crush enemies' skulls with these menacing metal claws. Now, these abominations walk around the place fearing nothing. Even if they die, they will take at least ten orcs with them. Your armor is like theirs, but they have a rigid and metallic look to them." I forget that my armor was reverted to black. "Their lowest rank warrior is a rank ten." Whoa, wait a second.
"Wait, these guys are that strong?" I pretend to sound impress. If I didn't, the orc might question me.
"Super. I just told you what they can do. T-talking about them sends chills down my spine. Mentioning their very presence might make one show up. C-cut the rope now!" The orc was panicking. He fidgets underneath the rope and screams. Shrugging this off, I just cut the rope and watch the orc flee deep into the woods.
"I guess that means I can kill most of these orcs then. If they aren't at six or ten, then I can kill the others." Contemplating on this method, I just said to myself, "Well... I can kill a couple of them if they bump into me I guess."
Looting the bodies, I store most of their armor and weapons in the ring. The leader had a net stored in his belt. Rubbing my chin, I think I can try one last thing before I head back to the tavern. Oh right, before I forget. Eyeing at my armor, I snap my fingers so it can change to red. There we go.
Running past the numerous amount of trees, I finally what I was looking for.
Rank three wolves. Three of them. Their eyes are completely yellow with their red fur covering their bodies. One of them looked strange. The pack leader? He was bigger and has sharper fangs when all three of them growl at me. As I stand in front of these three wolves, I question how will I capture them. Without harming them, this might be difficult. Then again, I can use these two methods.
First, I activate Pressure Realm just on these three. The creatures were forced onto the ground, bowing to me. Next, I use Threatening Roar. Those three wolves were whimpering, acting as if they were hurt. They were fine though. Unable to move, I cast the net over the three and left the Pressure Realm off of them. The Threatening Roar was still affecting them. Wasting no time, I place my hand on their head. Closing my eyes, I concentrated on giving them a friendly intention. Well, I have no clue how to actually tame these beast. I feel like I was brainwashing them instead. Whatever the case, I can hear all three of the wolves panting happily and eyeing at me as if I was their master.
Utterly confuse to if I truly tamed them or not, I toss the net aside. Those three wolves literally tackled me to the ground, licking my face.
"H-Hey! Q-quit it!" I start to pet each one of them. Okay, that worked. Well, at least I can get money easily now. I was surprised when I gained new perks, abilities, and skills
Skills Gained: [Level 20 Slash]
[Level 20 Bite]
Perks Gained: [Increased Sensitivity]
[Increased Sight]
[Increased Hearing]
[Increased Smell]
[Increased Taste]
[Pack Leader]
Abilities Gained: [Summon Rank Three Wolf]
[Under My Command]
Once again, I gained a new skill that is already at some high level, but I did not get a rank up. This only means that I have to get an x amount of skills to 10, 20, 30, etc. These new perks seem handy and I can test these abilities out tomorrow.
Walking back with the controlled wolves, I walked to the entrance of the city. The guard stops me and summon a Beast Inspector to ensure that these wolves were tamed. He told the guard that they were and lets me into the city.
I went to the weapon vendor first. The old man was there and handed me the thousand gold he owed me. What followed next, I place all of the weapons and armor on the counter. He took all of it for at least three thousand gold. I just accepted it and went on my merry way.
Arriving at the monster store, the same girl from yesterday greets me. She eyes at the three wolves.
"Red wolves? How did you acquire three of them? A-Are you hurt?" She looks at me in disbelief. Feeling great about today, I just smiled and said, "I am fine. Thank you for the concern." She informs me that they were in great conditions and that each one of them will give me fifteen thousand gold coins. Excited by that amount, I did not refuse. When we did our exchange in a different room, she informed me that one of them was a pack leader meaning he costs a bit more. This pack leader worth costs twenty thousand gold coins.
My face couldn't be any happier. I have at least sixty thousand gold coins now (I added the gold from yesterday as well). The blonde hair woman just laughs at my stupid expression. "Ha ha, aren't you happy?" I snap back into reality turning to her.
"What is your level in beast taming?" I asked her.
"I am a rank seven beast trainee." I awe at her level. That means her level was somewhere between 60-69. "Why do you ask?"
"Well, are you free tomorrow?" I asked her. She blinks several times before she answered. "Yes. I should be free tomorrow... Why do you ask?"
"Well... you see. I was trying to figure out how to tame these creatures properly. I tame those three wolves out of sheer luck. I do not want to mess up when it comes to taming a higher ranking monster." The girl awes at my honesty. She chuckles and writes something down. "Come to this address tomorrow morning and I can teach you how to tame monsters." Thanking her, I took the paper and went on my way. I should have asked what her name was, so I can address her properly.
Gallant should be back now. Arriving at the tavern, I see Gallant talking with a fellow man in red armor. I couldn't help but scream his name and run up to the fellow.
"GOLEM!" People watch me sprint head first towards the man. I grasp the big man's body, tackling the guy to the ground.
"Umph! She, too, strong. Overpowered." The monotone man said underneath his helmet. Gallant chuckles as he somehow gulps down his ale with that helmet on. "Welcome back Anne." That was my fake name to use in public.
Golem picks me up and seats me next to him. The three of us chat casually since I made a huge scene. A couple people were laughing at how the big Demi-God was tackled by a rank one.
"Where have you been?"
"Guild, bump, into, Gallant. Old, friend." Obviously, Golem had something to tell us. He usually speaks like this, but Gallant can easily translate whatever he says. The way Golem was speaking also prevented people from eavesdropping. Golem's words were so vague it will confuse anyone. It confused me when I first met him. Whenever I tried talking to him, I thought he was making fun of me. Later I, I realize that this was his way of speaking. After I finished eating, the three of us went to our rooms. Gallant looks into the hallway before he closes the door.
"We got some news for you about some of your family members." That explains Golem term by old friend. When he says that, he bumps into someone he knows. Obviously, he uses those words to state, 'I knows where the other are'. He already separated from the other knights before coming to me. He will now say the term to indicate people he has seen before, but news about my family... He must be warning me about the bounty that is on my head or the presence of my brothers and sisters.
"What about my family?"
"One. Army. Dead. Prince." Golem stated. I can translate this easily. One of my brother's army, that was returning to our estate, has been killed.
"I seriously don't want to get involve with my family affairs. Emperor Titus will not find any proof of who Princess Aisha is. I made sure I was never captured in any pictures, and I made sure I was hidden from the world."
"That... is not entirely true." Gallant says, leaning against the wall. "Do not forget. A lot of young nobles wanted you. How could they forget you." My face went pale. Shit! That is true!
"Nobles. In. Down. Country."
"True. The nobles can't describe you that well. Not only that, I doubt that they will leave their country to find you. Besides, this is an Imperial Order decree to kill your family. The nobles who are in love with you cannot actually capture you so they can marry you. No one would fight against the Emperor's decree unless its another Emperor or an Elder or someone higher, then maybe." I sigh in relief.
"Gallant, don't scare me like that."
"We have to take precaution." He answers, "When I was on the search team, there have been reports of armies heading back to the country, but due to the confusion on what has been going on, the armies have stayed in this country." Wait a second. That isn't good. "Due to this, is it possible for Titus to send his armies up here?"
"It will happen by tomorrow." Gallant answers, "Emperor Titus is moving several armies into this city to attack these wandering armies. The king of this city agrees to it along with his Emperor."
"What. Happens. United. Sisters. Brothers." Golem asks.
"I do not know what will happen if I meet with my brothers and sisters." I lie on my bed, taking off my armor. "I will go wash up and head to bed. I need to increase my skills tomorrow."
"You need us to come along?" Gallant asks, "Wait, how the hell did you get scratched up!?" I wasn't careful at hiding my dents on my armor. Gallant and Golem eyes at me before I head to the restroom. I roll my eyes and said, "Well, I bump into this vampire..."
"Gate. Guardian." Golem says to Gallant. "She. Forget. Vow." This was a question.
"No," I answered, "She did not forget her vow. It's just... You can see my rank right Golem?" The giant knight nods his head slightly, turning to Gallant. The knight sighs and says, "I'll fill you in big buddy. You can go and take your bath Princess." As I enter the restroom, I strip naked and wash myself. Gallant inform Golem what had happen over the last few days.
As I soothe myself with the warm water, I can hear a thud that shook the entire floor. Standing from my bath, I rush out of the tub, dawning a towel around me. I open the door to peer at the two knights sitting right there. Golem destroyed the wooden table between them.
"Golem, calmed down."
"Valarie!" His voice whispers. His voice was like a demonic snarl that sent shivers down my spin. This was the first time I saw Golem lose his cool and usher different sounding tone in his voice. I could not blame Golem for getting mad. Not only was I on the brick of death, Gale died saving me. These seven knights have been brothers in arms for how long?
"Sorry. Princess." He calms himself and looks at me. "Killed. Mood." Yet another question.
"No, don't worry about it." I chuckle, "Glad you have the feelings though. Thought you were an invincible golem."
"Heh. Human. Too." He responded. Without saying another word, I close the door and finish up. Having my bra and panty underneath my white gown, I came out of the room drying my hair. Golem was rubbing his chin at something Gallant said.
"Curse. Acting. Up." Golem asks me.
"Not yet." I lied. What happened this morning was a side effect of that curse. I did not want to trouble these two anymore. I have to deal with this myself.
"Well," Gallant started, "If you need any help with anything Princess, we are here for you. We know you want to venture off and do your own things, just don't push it. Golem explained to me who Charlotte was. Golem told me something happened in the forest where she was. Did you...?" I sigh, raising my hands up.
"Look, I wanted to test out my powers I received. Since we couldn't do our match, I challenged her." Gallant eyes at me and scolds me.
"You are lucky that Nero told her not to kill you. I swear, if you were to die... WE..."
"Calm." Golem says, touching Gallant's shoulder. The man looks away from me, "Just be careful. I know you are anxious in your powers and stuff, but you cannot judge a book by its cover. Especially Gate Guardians and enemies with Souleaters." A thought appeared in my head.
"Where can I get one of those?"
"One of what?"
"Those Souleaters. I want a weapon that I can call for myself." Gallant and Golem glance at each other. "You... Raise yourself to rank two or three, and we will tell you." I land on my bed, not complaining about this deal.
"We will be questing tomorrow. We will be gone by tomorrow morning. Try not to cause any more heart attacks for me, okay?" Gallant says. Golem says, "I. Sleep. Here." He just stays on the chair.
Tomorrow, I will work on leveling and gaining money. I need to stop chasing after powerful enemies for now.
- In Serial7 Chapters
Vincent's Trials (Placeholder Name)
The story follows Vincent as he experiences the highs and lows of what life, love, and duty have to offer along with everything else along the way. Notice: The image used as the bookcover is not my own, nor is it a picture I have commissioned. It was found on Imgur in a D&D image dump an a reverse image search has shown that Square Enix bears some ownership. Should the original author of the image or Square Enix wish for me to take the image down, I shall so without hesitation. As such the image a place holder and will be subject to change. Thank you.
8 170 - In Serial104 Chapters
What was a hero? Someone with superpowers? Or was it someone that devoted themselves to helping others? Aaron didn't know; but he did know that one day he, and a few others had woken up with powers and his girlfriend, a hero enthusiast with a little too much money and free time on her hands was more than willing to make them into heroes. Discord to talk with me and others (hopefully~) : https://discord.gg/XnNwkKxX7x Other book: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/22256/finley--the-lost-prince
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Bloody Dragon
A kid raised by his mother. His father? It was never around him. But his mother told him some stories of him. He was powerful, hansome, and she loved his eyes more them anything.But fate really is cruel... He had to see her mother die. In her eyes he could see her love for him and the regret to never be able to see he grow up in a man.In his fury he ran...
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Science-Bros: the really long and twisty tale of Tony and Bruce.
In this story (which is based off of a roleplay I had been doing over email) Tony and Bruce learn of each others love, and through a series of events, that is put to the test. The main pairing in this is Science-Bros, but later on we'll have Spideypool.
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Halo/ Red vs Blue Strike of the Prometheans
After Cortana destroyed Didact, everyone went on with there life's .... Well almost everyone. Few years later, Master Chief had a mission to go to a strange planet with a team called Red vs Blue and things aren't going to well.
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After the death of her parents Aria Gilbert runs away, however we all know not everybody can just escape mystic falls, you have to come back eventually. Around a year and a half later she returns to Mystic Falls to live with her twin sister Elena and her younger brother Jeremy with her aunt Jenna. What will happen when the original family find out there is another doppelgänger. And that she is not exactly human either.------------------------------What about if fate has another plan for the family and the forgotten doppelgänger twin, which may just change everything. How can she try to keep herself safe in the middle of a town filled with supernatural?------------------------------(Mikaelson brothers love)
8 105