《Old: The Dark Inheritor》Chapter 5: Rank 1 Warrior
I hope it was a nightmare. Tiredness decided to sweep all over me. My body should be fine despite all the events that happened last night. Right, last night. That was not a dream. My eyes glue themselves to the wooden ceiling. My mouth curse my existence. I can recall every damn details of what transpired last night. My hands wanted to squeeze all of those events out of my head. My hands are evil tainted creatures. These hands were the ones that killed Gale. They had slain one of my friends.
Tears were banging against my clear vision. They wanted to leak out and run down my cheeks.
The surviving knight beside me picks me up by my collar. This was all too sudden! His brute strength made me feel like a rag doll. He did not say anything, but he sent a fierce punch against my head. That punch had no restraints whatsoever. My body flies across the room, slamming my back against the wooden wall beside the bed I slept in. My head registered the pain vibrating in my skull. I grasp it with one of my hands, eyeing at the black knight.
“My lady, despite what had happen, pull yourself together!” He glares at me. That helmet he bears only covers the expression he had underneath it. Of course, this knight was worried about my condition, but he knows that this was a critical moment. I cannot become some depressed shut in, not after all the sacrifices that were made.
My face could not conjure up any anger, but it seems like I ignored the depression that dwells in my heart. Without taking a close look at me, he says. “Good, at least you are intact. You still have some will, although you need more of it. Get dress and come outside when you are ready. I want to show you something.” In his stern voice, he ordered me to get dressed and follow him.
Of course, I hesitated about all of this. My body, however, got up. “Dawn on your armor and grab your sword as well.” I got up and changed into them. Fastening the armor tightly to me, I took both sheathed swords and placed them on my waist. My mind tries to silence out the memories of last night, but it brought up the painful images of Valarie's overwhelming strength.
My knight and I left the the tavern to head into the forest. We walked a few miles away from the place as we stand in a grassy field. The pleasant air breezes against my body as I stare at the endless blue sky that reigns above me. Reminiscing about where everything took place, I turned towards that general direction. The planned work. A sting of guilt stabs me over and over again. How many sacrifices were made for me to succeed? Here I am, contemplating and showing a very pathetic side of me when so many people died for me. My hands ball up into a fist. My arms start to shake at the frustration I had in me.
A strong gust blows in my direction. This terrifying pressure surrounds the air. Wait, I know this pressure. My vision on the clear blue sky shakes violently. Something was trying to hold me down. I turn around to stare at the black knight with drawn out weapons.
Why is he attacking me. Trying to gather myself, I quickly asked him, “What are you doing!?”
“You better fight if you want to live!” he exclaims. Without any explanation, he charges at me. There are no warnings or hints of him appearing before me. This knight had a killing intent that can be seen throughout his body. Without a moment to spare, my hands draws out my own two blades countering his. I blinked several times before I realized something.
I blocked his attack. Without any instruction manual, my body was able to activate [Pressure Realm]. My vision was restored. That fuzzy image of a knight can be seen clearly now. My hands decide to swing at the knight, unleashing several techniques I gained from Gale. There was something odd about my powers. The black knight should have defeated me already. We were both locked in close range with our swords clashing against each other. Every slash from our weapons made the air vibrate at our tremendous powers. His attacks were swift and accurate, aiming for my head and my chest. I easily turn my hands to block the incoming attacks. In mere seconds, I decide to power my sword with chi, slamming the ground. The knight quickly jumps into the air while the ground breaks into smaller plates.
A tremendous awe of energy has surged through my body.
My eyes can see the knight teleport behind me. With another twist of my body, I blocked his attack. My mouth starts to carve out a smile. This feeling, this adrenaline, I feel like I regained all of my skills. No, it had been doubled! My knight decides to power up his swords with mana. Several energy slashes came out of his swords when he swings them in midair. Twirling my blades, I stand my ground. Watching the waves fly towards me, I slash wildly at them. They were torn apart, the remaining attack flying past me. The energy collides against the ground making several explosions appear behind me. Eyeing at my own hands, I asked him with a smug face, "Is that all you got?"
"We all know you took that pill from Brynhild," he said landing on the uneven ground, "You have gained all of the skills, perks, and abilities Gale had. You even have the black knight class and the divine curse art we, black knights, have. You literally took after what Gale specialized in." Astounding. This ability [Defeat Inheritor] saved me from my utmost demise. Without this ability, I think I would be an empty shell right about now.
"Also..." Before I could left my head, the knight has already appeared in front of me. "Do not forget, you should always remain vigilant. Never act high and mighty." The blast coming out of his blade engulfed me.
My body reappears a few distant away from him. My hand grasp my chest, beating faster from the surprised attack. Without a second of delay, I twirled myself around to stop him from unleashing another attack. Following my [Piercing Tornado] move, I used [Armor Strike]. My leg delivers a round house to his head. The knight just grabs my legs and tosses me into the air. Taking that momentum, I twirled myself in midair to deliver another [Piercing Tornado]. He raised both of his swords up to avoid my vicious cycles of attacks. My attack forces him against the ground, driving him into a tree. A powerful force rams into my stomach, sending me across the ground. My body bounces against the ground. I rolled around one last time before I pushed myself against the ground and land on my feet.
"You are a good successor to Gale. Those moves you did would make him proud. I cannot believe that you can easily use and manipulate Piercing Tornado like that. It would usually take a month or two for someone to do that. Especially with heavy armor. Enough with the praises, you still have a lot to learn." Ah, a thought ran into my mind.
The knight before me was named Gallant. Out of all the knights, he was the meanest of them all. Of course he showed affection and care to me like the others, but Gallant shows tough love. He pushed me to the limits when I was training back at the mansion. Huh, funny. Even if I am Demi-God level, he can still lecture me so casually.
Without any more chit-chat, I teleport in front of him. My hands starts to unleash [Dual Barrage] and [Dual Strike] simultaneously. Gallant was not prepared for this attack. He activated his chi armor.
Chi armor is when one covers themselves with their own chi to act as a shield. This is like a mana shield although the chi armor will take up a good amount of physically strength from the user.
The [Dual Barrage] ability is a move where I stab violently with both blades at my target while [Dual Strike] allows me to slash at my enemies. Using these two abilities at the same time will take a genius to literally evade all my hits. Gallant took an easy way out and protected himself by using his chi armor though.
"Dual X Drive." Those words echo in my ears. He was able to deflect my two blades. My body can feel the tremendous recoil of his swords forcing my arms up. My arms cannot bring themselves down onto Gallant. The knight says, "You have a lot to learn." He lunges forward with both swords pointed at my defenseless self.
"Sure," I mocked, "But you are getting a bit high and mighty yourself." My hands are useless to me, but what about my legs? Without any moment to lose, I empower my legs and stomach with chi. The knight slams his swords against my stomach, but he could not penetrate past the white aura. My hands seize the ground as I lift my body to do a back flip. Using my legs, I kick his swords out of his hands. When he teleports to his blades, I followed suite.
My hands have gripped his shoulders now. Cursing under his breathe, I flipped him over me to finish my back flip. I tossed him into the ground as a crater formed underneath him from his fall. Smiling, I stood there in midair holding his swords. Irritated, the knight cracks his neck and rolls his shoulders. "Shit." He lets out a laugh, "Let's end it here." Placing my hands on my hips, I tilt my head and frown.
"What? You plan to chicken out?" Gallant teleports right beside me. He tries to take his swords from me, but I just moved it to the other side.
"You have a lot to learn about the outside Princess..."
"Do not call me a Princess anymore," I sighed, aggravated at that title, "I am just Aisha now."
"Upon our oaths, we will always call you Princess Aisha." We could argue all day about this. I really want to continue this fight. Eyeing at Gallant, I asked him, "What are you scared of?"
"I will explain it to you back in the tavern. Please return my blades." Sighing, I hand his weapons back and we both landed on the ground. We head back into our room within the tavern so Gallant can teach me all the things I need to know about. This might take an entire day to learn. Am I terrified of Valarie still? Yeah, of course I am. Do I regret killing Gale and abandoning the others? It is not like I plan to forget their sacrifice or their deaths, I am only fighting against my emotions. If I mourn for their lost and want them to come back, will I be able to live by myself?
This world is cruel. I am a fool for discovering this after I bump into Valarie. Brynhild made the world feel great and free. No, it was my own conclusions and my close-minded self that only witness the things in my mansion. My ignorance is too high. With this enormous world for me to uncover, I need to know a lot about everything. The systems, the ranks, the rules, the dimensions, the laws, the... well, there is a ton of things for me to get over.
Their sacrifices help me learn my biggest mistake. There is always someone who is stronger then me. There will be times when I have to run and face these dangers. I will have to make the shots to leave people or save them. Of course I slain Gale. I have guilt. After all, I have a heart and I am a human. Here's a harsh truth though. In the distant future, I might be forced to undergo that same procedure again. By then, I should have steeled my nerves.
The important thing for me to do right now is to gain experience. I need to teach myself how to deal with situations foreign to me. My knights will not be with me all the time. My goals will make me go over them and succeed into higher ranks.
I will fulfill their dying wish.
Gained: [Determined Resolved]
Gallant did not lecture me about this. The fight we had outside was a way for me to relieve myself of all this stress and guilt in my heart. It showed me the will that these knights had. They ensured my dreams and goals will come true. Gazing at the knight, I can tell he was ready to answer whatever question I would ask him. He was not going to tell me the things I need to know.
Unlike all the other knights, Gallant made me ask for the things I struggled with. Nero and the others told me what the problem was and informed me on how to deal with it. But Gallant, he can watch me fail countless of times before I asked him how to do something. Thinking about it, Nero must have planned this out. He wanted Gallant to come with me no matter what. He was a strong silent guy, but he can get the job done.
"We stopped the fighting because of other Demi-Gods right?" Grasping this concept will help me figure out how fighting usually works.
"Most lower rank beings like thirteen and below will not have to worry about competition. Well, I mean, competition is universal. From what I heard, reaching a Demi-God rank is entering a VIP class. It is hard to level up once you hit these ranks. I do not know much about the benefits to being a Demi-God, but I was warned not to leave myself in the open after I use a lot of my energy. If we continued our fight, a Demi-God would have slain me." Understanding this, I decided to toss another question out there.
"Guessing by your attitude, you did not want to lecture me about living and fighting right?" He nods his head, sitting on the bed across from me.
"Answer me this. Would you learn anything if we always held you by your hand?"
"No." I answered flatly, "I would learn nothing. I will always be relying on you guys. If you guys were killed, I would be alone. I will be easy to pick on, and I will surely die without you guys. If I do not get experience for myself, I will always be supervised." Gallant nods his head in approval.
"Ask any questions, I will answer them. We feign ignorance in front of you for a reason. You did not need to know about this world until you escaped your cage. Now, you are free. There are unlimited things you want to know about this world right?" My head bobs up and down. Taking me time to think up some questions, I pulled out a recent one when I bump into Valarie.
"What is a Leviathan?" The scarlet hair woman displayed such a terrifying power. My body shudders at the recollection of the she-devil. In the back of my mind, I know she will be hunting me or waiting for me. Either way, I will meet her again.
“A Leviathan is equivalent to an Angel and a God. It is the evil alignment after one levels past the Fiend level. However, there are many other ranks that can be equivalent to the Leviathan like being a Mammon level or Legion. Depending on what they specialize, their title varies. The Gods have three classifications. A beginner, intermediate or expert God. The Angels can be classified by two, four, six, eight, ten, or twelve wings. The more wings they have, the purer they are and the stronger they are.” I was sipping a glass of water. When I heard that the Leviathan was above the Fiend rank, I choked on it. The rough feeling in my throat made me cough violently. Within the few seconds, I start to pound my chest with my free hand.
"Wait! *cough cough* A-Are you telling me that WOMAN was a Leviathan?!" Gallant nods his head.
"W-what the hell!? What was she doing here!?"
"I think it has something to do with Brynhild. We told you we watch you obtained that ability. That ability is extremely rare. The fact that Brynhild created it within a pill means she is the genius who created the ability in the first place. I do not need to explain why people hunt down these geniuses, right?" I can figure this out already.
Power. The sole reason why anyone would want a genius by their side. If someone had the knowledge to make new abilities on the spot, many rulers would want that person to serve under them, so they can distribute their powers within their military. I knew Brynhild was troubled by something, but this is over the top. Oh yeah, the ability...
"Am I a rank thirteen warrior?" My ears want to hear a 'yes'. From the spar I had with Gallant, there was no way I would be a rank one warrior. Valarie must be lying about it all.
"You are a rank one warrior still." Gallant answered plainly, "Brynhild seems to be right. Even if you defeat someone of a higher caliber, you are a weakling." That word irritates me. Hell, I feel like whipping that Leviathan's ass right now. I stopped myself. Breathing deeply, I calmed myself.
"Am I really a rank one warrior?"
"Yes," Gallant replies, "But you have the powers of a Black Knight Demi-God." My mouth lets out a depressed sigh. Staring at the ceiling, I let my body collapse onto the bed. I let out a pitiful cry, grabbing the nearby pillow and hug it. Gallant shakes his head, but he lets out a subtle happy sigh. Is there such a thing as a happy sigh?
"I am glad to see you back to normal though." He comments, "The depressing Aisha literally gave me heart attacks."
"Can't you tell? I am being depressed right now." I said. Tears start to pop at the corner of my eyes.
"Ah! Damn it, d-don't cry milady..."
"I am just kidding." I said, sticking my tongue out.
Perks Gained: [Deception]
The knight glares at me. Standing up, he starts to walk towards the door. In a panic voice, I apologized, "No, no! D-don't leave me! I-I am sorry for lying! Please sit back down!" Gallant chuckles at my sincere apology, heading back to the bed.
"Well, I have a question that we all wanted to ask you."
"What is it?" Within those few minutes, I have discarded most of my armor off to the side. Hugging the pillow against my body, I was lying upside down at Gallant. My image of him was upside down. The question he asked scared the living hell out of me.
"Are you into girls?"
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT SORT OF QUESTION!?" In my defense, this is my way of justifying against that blunt question. Judge, I did not toss a pillow at Gallant. I am innocent! INNOCENT!
Well, I did toss the pillow at him. The knight staring at me... Well, his damn helmet prevents me from describing his damn expression. My body was on fire. Of course this was an embarrassing question to ask. Worse of all, these men watched me most of the time. Can I honestly tell them that I am slowly leaning onto girls now? Wait. I feel like I like girls more than guys now. Thinking about it, I enjoyed those kisses from...
"You are, aren't you." Gallant bluntly answers for me.
"Shut up!" This time I kick him in the face. The knight lets out a defeated grunt, falling onto the bed. He laughs loudly in the air.
"It is not our love life princess. We do not object to you being a lesbian. Hell, we approve. With all of those moments with those men, I cannot blame you for turning." My face turn a slight shade of red. It was nice to hear the approval coming out of my knights even though they were not my parents.
"Oh yeah," I decide to toss this out. Valarie cursed me with that. "I am cursed. Vampire Lust Curse- ever heard of it?" The black knight folds his arms against his chest after he gets up from the bed. He even scratch his head. "The fuck? I never heard of such a curse? What does it do?"
"Every week, I have to suck the blood of a loved one. It has to be a female." Gallant was staring at me. He stopped moving for three minutes.
"Gallant? A-are you dead? Hello?"
"Are you fucking me? That sounds like a blessing to you more than a curse." He comments. My hand had a mind of its own. The hand was processed by some high figure from above that made me slap him! It was not me!
"Well shit, I mean, think about it. You will gain experience, so if you meet Brynhild again, you can totally fuck her... Oh. Eh, I mean. Fuck." My face turned crimson red now. Using my chi, I covered my entire hand and punch him in the head.
Of course I made sure it was not lethal. The knight curse at himself for spilling the beans. The knights knew that I kissed her and heard about that promise. "But..." Gallant's voice was serious, "If the consequence is being a blood lust vampire, we will have to ensure you drink a blood of some girl. I do not think you want to be hunted by the Saints or Angels if you went on a rampage." Despite my anger, I silently agree to this. This will become an issue if I do not handle it. Six more days until I have to address this problem. Gallant pushes himself off the ground to sit back on his bed. "Do you have anymore questions Princess Aisha?" Tapping my head, I tried to conjure up any more questions I can lay on Gallant. There was one that troubled me. What was that move Gale used.
"Special Divine Cursed Art Death Knight Mode- what is that?" That question made the knight shake in his seat. He folded his hands in front of him, looking at them. He lets out a heavy sigh.
"You are forbidden to use that move. No matter what, DO NOT USE IT!" Frightened by this, I just agreed to his condition. My curiosity was getting the best of me.
"Special Divine Cursed Art Death Knight Mode - is a life or death mode where the user gains three more ranks above their original rank to destroy a certain target or end a certain war. It is a move taught to Black Knights only. This move was given by our former master. Consequently, using this move will only result in one thing. Death. There is no way around it. The immense power will overwhelm the body and shorten one's life spam to seconds. A few conditions must be meant to even activate it though. There has been a safeguard just in case someone accidentally uses it. First, they must be on the verge of death. Secondly, they must have a master. And lastly, they must embrace death." Gallant sighs. "Gale and Dan were the ones who used this art."
"What happened to Dan?" My face turned pale at the mention of his name. Dan was with Gallant when we departed from them. That only means...
"After you guys left us, we had to fend against forty rank twelve riders and dragons. We were able to take down ten of them with ease, but the riders were able to adapt to our fighting style. They made sure that we could not work together and singled us out. We were going to lose due to their strategy and their numbers. I did not notice one of the riders aiming his lance at me. Dan blocks the attack with his body. By doing this, he was able to fulfill the conditions to activate the Divine Cursed Art. He easily hack down the remaining enemies and two Demi-Gods that entered the vicinity. I decided to bury him before I reach up with you guys except I was too late." A hint of remorse can be found in his voice.
Ugh. My hand slaps my head. How can I be so stupid? I am utterly selfish. Gallant was having some guilt in him. He could not save his brothers or helped them. He watched them die. We all have been together for a long time. Moving to him, I wrap my arms around the knight. Gallant, shocked by this, was startled.
"Shhh, let me repay your kindness with this. I feel bad for being all depressed when you kept yours inside. You literally stood by my side despite your own feelings. Thank you for that." Gallant just accepted my hug.
Breaking the silence, Gallant gets up from his bed, packing some of his stuff.
"We should head to the city before nightfall."
"Which city?"
"Zezrouis." He answers. As I start to put my armor back on, he stops at the doorway. "Oh yeah, one more thing... Do not reveal your black knight powers." My mouth just ushered out a "Huh? You kidding right?"
Gallant turns around to explain, "You are a rank one warrior. Everyone can see that. What they don't know is the powers of the Demi-God you have. I do not want you to use those powers unless you have to. Emperor Titus could be hunting for us still or your family members. You should be careful. I will be with you until tomorrow morning. Oh yeah..." With a wave of his head, the armor's color turns to red, "To throw off Titus' men if they were to come to this country." Before I could ask him anything else, he already left through the doors.
"I guess I will have to ask him more questions when we arrive to that city. Zezrouis, right." After I pack up my own things (I only had my swords and armor), we walked on the dirt road to the city. Arriving at the gates, I awe at huge town walls. Made out of stone, these walls were about eight stories tall. Glancing around us, I can hear various chatter from a variety of races. A roar echoes to the right of me as I eye at the creatures trapped within their cages. Gallant was not watching me. It would be embarrassing to since I was acting like a child amused by every little thing that was going on around me. Gallant paid the fee to let us go through the city gates, entering the crowded streets.
Merchants have set up their stands, trying to sell goods of all sorts to by passing customers. Guards patrol the streets in groups of ten or fifteen, turning corners or dispersing to cover more ground. The sight of mercenaries and armored soldiers walking around the place chatting about the latest rumors fills the air. Walking right beside Gallant, I was astonished at the liveliness of the city.
"I am glad you are enjoying yourself Princess." he whispers, chuckling lightly. Something was odd. Observing the crowd around us, they were literally a few feet away from Gallant and me. Before I could ask Gallant why people were avoiding us, he answers, "Because I am a Demi-God."
"Being a Demi-God gives you such treatment?" He chuckles. "I guess. I just turned into a Demi-God once we escaped. I am still new to this as well, mind you."
"Where are we heading?"
"The Zezrious Guild." Peering up at him, Gallant continues on, "The Guild, in general, is a place where rank three warriors and/or mages can receive a mission from the locals. Depending on completion and difficulties, they help lower the problems around this city. After the mission is done, one can gain reputation and rewards." The two of us arrived at the place. The wooden display above the door saying "Zezrious Guild". Three heavily armed knights stood at the entrance staring at us. They allowed Gallant to walk by them. They stopped me.
"Oi, rank one newbie," the dark blue armored knight lowered himself to stare at me, "What the fuck you think yer doing?"
"What? I cannot enter this place?"
"Of course not. You are not rank three. What the hell are you doing playing dress up lassie? That armor looks really nice, but that won't do if you are a rank one warrior." A skinnier knight spoke up dawning dark purple armor, "Should scram before we steal from ya."
I can feel the corner of my eye twitch. Are they seriously talking down to me? Have I seen this before? Ah, yes. This happened to my knights when they were deemed as the lowest. Right... I guess I am in that position now. If I screamed out, 'Don't talk to a princess like that' it will only make matters worse. My hand had to cover part of my face. My face was twitching a lot hearing these imbeciles mocking me. Then again, I guess these are the rules?
"She has a pretty face. Maybe we can just fuck her instead." Those words were definitely the last straw.
"You dumb asses!" Gallant's voice roared in the air as he picks up all three of these armored knights. He tossed them at the door. Shattering it in mere seconds, the people inside all gaze at the commotion. Gallant activated his Pressure Realm to squish the weaklings underneath him. He kicks them heavily to the side, making sure he aimed at their jewels. When that was done, he lifts up the Realm. Venturing into the giant building, I arrived next to Gallant.
"You didn't have to do that."
"I wanted to do that to all the damn nobles way back then. That felt too good."
"You sadistic bastard." I commented. The head receptionist seemed a bit frightened by Gallant, but she was ready to confront him nonetheless. Her long brown hair is tied in a bun as she wears a brown gown.
"D-Demi-God, it is a pleasure to have you with us today at the Guild. W-What can we do for you today?"
"I want to do the highest ranked mission if possible. There has been troubles south of the border if I recall. Something about Emperor Titus tracking down some runaways..." The receptionist went to the back room to search for that mission. It must have arrived last night or today.
"Trying to find the others?"
"I know Nero and the others are safe. They cannot be taken down so easily. I must find them." The lady comes back with the mission in her hands. It was an easy mission rank. The details of what happened that night were not written down on the papers. The receptionist took the paper away from Gallant when he had it laid out on the counter.
"I am sorry to be rude, but I cannot allow a rank one warrior to look over our missions." Gallant turns to me, staring back at the woman.
"Are you trying to anger me? I have took those three for mocking milady." The lady quickly raise her hands in defense, stuttering and panicking.
"N-no! I am not trying to offend you. I-It is the rules. Only rank three warriors can enter this place unless she is your slave..." Gallant activates his Realm Pressure. The lady quickly apologizes to Gallant, "I-I MEAN NO OFFENSE!"
"Calm down Gallant, jeez." Nudging the man, "I will be waiting outside then." Gallant was going to object, but I was already leaving the damn place. The people within this building start to whisper and snicker. They were obviously talking about me. Walking to the entrance, I simply ignored their slight remarks. Sitting at the steps of the building, I let out a sigh. My knights are able to reveal their true powers now, but it seems like now I am the laughing stock. Ha, that's ironic. At least my knights can do whatever they want now and beat the shit out of whoever.
It takes Gallant a few minutes before he left the building. The two of us travel into the local inn and rent a room out.
"My god, if I was treated like this, I should have let you guys kill those idiotic guards from back then."
"Please, that treatment will be nothing compared to now." Gallant sits on his bed and looks at me. "I will be heading out tomorrow morning to investigate any signs of my other allies. What do you plan to do? I could not persuade the Guild to let me take you with you." Taking off my armor, I had to take matters with my own hands.
"I will have to make money for myself. I need to depend on myself and live for myself." Gallant did not like the idea of leaving me alone. Despite his harsh training and his silence, he asks, "Are you sure?" Landing on my bed, I turn my face to him giving a look of disbelief.
"You know I will be fine. I have the Demi-God powers if I need to use it. There should be no problems when I start to venture out tomorrow. Besides... I am looking forward to it. Fighting monster, travelling alone, and doing all these other cool stuff that I read and heard from stories!" Gallant wanted to object to all of this.
He stops himself though.
"Alright. I will be falling asleep now. Good night."
"Night Gall-y."
"The hell is with that nickname." The knight just pulls the sheet over his armored self, showing his back to me. Giggling to myself, I just looked at his back then turned to the ceiling. It seems like I will be learning and fighting a lot tomorrow. I have to brace myself. This will be my true test as a.... Huh?
Rank 1 Warrior? Maybe. I need to figure out how to level up. These skills I have as a black knight did not rank me up. I think I will write some stuff out later tomorrow morning.
Adjusting myself on the pillow, I closed my eyes and fell into a deep slumber.
- In Serial421 Chapters
Lone: The Wanderer [Dropped Version (includes original draft of the rewrite's first volume)]
Nine-to-five. The daily grind. Life. Painful years of school. Working as a slave for some undeserving corporate big-wig. The monotonous life of unemployment. We all experience this in one way or another, and we can all conclude one thing: it's dull. Such a fact rings true even for the fabled Lone Immortus, a powerful nine-tailed Golden Foxkin. However, what would you do if your monotony was suddenly ground to a halt and you were thrown out of your comfort zone along with a young girl forgotten by time? Perhaps you might have done things differently, been more organised, immediately died, gained control of the world in a matter of days, but this is Lone's tale, not yours. Watching two insecure people struggle to survive and find their place in an unfamiliar land just might be enjoyable to witness. Who knows? One thing's for certain: it won't be an easy path for them to tread, and what could possibly be more entertaining than watching people endure hardships and grow? I know of at least eight gods that would answer with, 'Absolutely nothing.' I wonder, after seeing this journey from start to finish, how would you answer? [Goal of 2 chapters per week, the only exceptions being announced breaks or emergencies] A/N: This story is in the middle of a rewrite, so please forgive any noticeable plot holes and wonky chapter numbers. I am working on it every day, so understanding would be greatly appreciated. The new cover art is a courtesy of the very kind and talented ssddx. This novel is a participant in The Writer's Pledge
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Insignia follows Red, one of the few insignia users, in his journey within the fantasy world of Inariel, and the magical guilds within it. The world of Inariel is a world full of magic, and dangerous monsters. Red, accompanied by his allies, Luna, Amelia, Hironi, Elias, and Sole, will take on the challenges of this world, from monsters to a deadly band of killers that go by the name, The Tenyi. The inhabitants of this world can possess magical abilities known as arcanas, which give them abilities unique to them. Some arcanas are weak but others are strong enough to defeat an army. The ones with stronger arcanas advance and join one of the great mage guilds, who serves the purpose of protecting those that can't protect themselves. Red belongs to the Mage guild Elune, one of the legendary three guilds.
8 121 - In Serial13 Chapters
Unstable (L x Reader)
This story is about you helping L with the Kira case but you have a very scary and dark past that you slowly share with your "comrades" along the way. And of course since this is a L x reader you end up falling for the lovable sleepless boy.I own none of the deathnote characters. Just (name) and her family and that's it.also trigger warning for some violence and gross menit does come but mostly at the end of the story....
8 88 - In Serial11 Chapters
Magic Evolution
One day, a mysterious phenomenon caused the accelerated evolution of everything on earth. What was initially taken for a blessing by humanity with the appearance of new types of resources and a few people having developed incredible abilities later qualified as magic quickly turned into a nightmare. Nations found new reasons to wage war against each other and they didn't cease until humanity had to face a greater threat than itself; species that had evolved far more brutally than humans. Nicolaï was born nearly a century after the world had began to change, but his fate wasn't more enviable than the billions who died during that era. Living in more than miserable conditions for as long as he could remember, his destiny was to die before blowing out his tenth candle. But someone held out his hand to him for the first time in his life and decided to train him to become a Mage capable to impose himself in this dangerous and corrupt new world.
8 124 - In Serial127 Chapters
8 119 - In Serial5 Chapters
Pineapple Awards - by Avneet Kaur {CLOSED}
Awards Awards AwardsWanna show the world who you really are through your books 📚 Pineapple Awards By Avni ♥️
8 62