《The Tail of a Dragon》The Road Ahead 1


Being a baby dragon is tough. Especially one who has to walk down multiple corridors to find an exit that leads only to another room which leads back to the same hallway. The dragon was lost and had no idea where it was. By the time it had made a full loop, it had forgotten that it had been in the room. Although it was starting to get oddly suspicious of something peculiar in the air. Either that or Lady Roosta’s smell was carrying over.

Eventually the dragon walked toward an open door which led straight outside. The outside was decorated with beautiful shrubbery and a fountain that was encased in the middle. Down from the steps was a beautiful squared walkway that was outlined by the vegetation. A mule was straddled by rope and tied along the bark of a thick tree.

The dragon paid no attention to any of this detail and simply fluttered its wings down to the nearby cobblestone. It started following the paved path and walked parallel to the street and over the horizon. The mansion which was bland and generic was soon gone from sight and the dragon had reached a new horizon of events to experience.

A man with a brown tunic vest and black goatee appeared from the treeline. He had brown eyes and wore a large set of boots. He carried a longbow on his side and looked down at the dragon who had accidentally stumbled upon this man. He gave the dragon a menacing glance before reaching out to grab the dragon by its neck. The dragon gawked, “GYAH--” Its vocal cord was cut off from making any further noise as the hunter chuckled.

“I’ve never had dragon meat before. You must be from that bitch Lady Roosta and her little noble entourage huh?” He said. Another set of men appeared behind the ruthless hunter. There were five more in total, and the red dragon was in trouble!

You are suffocating! -10 HP

“Draiguk! Don’t kill the thing. Do you have any idea how much we could sell a dragon for?” Another man appeared. He had blonde hair and a large backpack slung to his side. The man wasn’t largely built, but he was still fairly muscular. The men rallied behind him instead of Draiguk due to his kinder nature.

Draiguk turned around and faced the blonde man while continuing to crush the dragon by the neck. “This piece of shit common dragon wouldn’t sell for shit! Even if it’s a dragon, by the time I split the money it wouldn’t have been worth it--so I’ll eat it instead.” He said with a smile as he focused on crushing the durable dragon’s skin.

You are suffocating! -20 HP

The dragon tried flapping its wings but Draiguk bit his teeth into the flapping wing and tore it into shreds. “BryyaaAACk!” The dragon managed to scream as its wing was permanently scarred by this horrid man. Scarred was an understatement, as the dragon would be flightless at this rate.


You have been dismembered! -50 HP

“Shut the fuck up!” Draiguk slammed the dragon into the ground and smashed his boot against the skull of the dragon. On the surface of the dragon it was fine, but internally bone fragments had entered the dragon’s brain and critically wounded it. The dragon would most likely die here by the hands of some travelling bandits.

You have suffered critical damage! -80 HP WARNING HEALTH LEVEL CRITICAL

The dragon’s vision went black, along with all of its senses. After a calming breeze brushed by, the mirage of the blue dragon appeared to the red dragon like a surreal dream. The blue dragon stared at it with the same cold eyes as it had always done. The reminder of this dragon’s existence for some reason perpetually angered the red dragon. Blood began pumping faster and faster throughout the dragon’s body as its anger fostered into a more physical form.

Congratulations! Due to special circumstances you have unlocked a rare evolution at a young age. More choices have been created for you. You have unlocked the Uncommon Dragon Realm! Common Evolution Forced: Spiked Tail

Common Evolution Forced: Sharp Claws

Uncommon Evolution Forced: Angered Spirit of the Red Dragon

A red aura appeared around the dragon as it increased in size by about half of its original size. The wing began to heal and the internal injuries were immediately negated and dispelled. Its claws glinted out just a bit more and a spike appeared on the end of its tail which shot straight up into Draiguk’s groin.

The dragon’s scales immediately hardened and became enriched with a hard red color that spontaneously swallowed the dragon whole. If someone from afar could see this scene, they would be witnessing a dragon against the odds unlocking the chambers he was not meant to enter. The dragon had simply reached so far into the jar, it had no intention of pulling out now that it was caught. It would instead force its hand through the bottom of the cookie jar and smash right through its problems. Right into the groin.

“YeeekkK!” Draiguk perked up as the spiky tail stabbed him right through his pants and into his fleshy sweet spot. He slid off of the spiked tail and sprinted down the street in a painful vibration, blood spurting out in clumps. The other men stood dumbfounded. The blonde man didn’t budge, but he was frozen as the dragon rose on its feet.

The red dragon turned its head, its eyes were filled to the brim with a red glow and a hue of red came off of the dragon. It was elegant and beautiful, but terrifying and deadly at the same time. Blondie pulled his sword from his scabbard and prepared to duel the enraged dragon.

The dragon launched itself at the man with incredible force, it had no state of reasoning for why it was doing this, but just that it was. Humans had left a bad taste in its mouth time after time again. It would no longer put up with the human race’s shenanigans. Thus, the demon dragon was born. Teeth sank into Blondie’s chest as the sword clearly chipped in half. “Oh shit! Guys help!” He said, as he freaked out.


The men began to lose their will to fight such a beast, realizing the crude and often brutal nature of the dragon was prime to their own survival. These creatures were often considered the top of the food chain for a reason, Blondie’s head came clean off as the dragon didn’t even bother eating it. It simply followed after the humans in a blood frenzy which none were likely to survive.


The men were quickly finished off in the woods as the dragon remembered the ugly image of Draiguk’s scarred face. He remembered how he was especially at the root of his anger. The dragon then dashed from the forest and onto the street where he couldn’t find the fleeing bandit leader. He couldn’t even smell him due to all of the blood around. Luckily for Draiguk, he had knowledge of dragon’s due to some man named Herald who wanted to talk about dragons in the middle of the street. If he just hid from the dragon’s vision he should be fine, especially if it was a young inexperienced dragon.

Draiguk held his breath behind the trunk of a large tree, his eyes remaining as calm as possible even though he was sure his dick had a hole in it, maybe a doctor in town could fix it with some kind of healing magic. For now, he needed to make sure he was safe from that damn dragon! Draiguk quickly dissipated from the scene and found refuge in the nearby town that the dragon had come from.

A powerful killing aura drained from the dragon as it returned to its original form. The dragon immediately felt exhausted. Apparently it had activated some active skill evolution that allowed it to temporarily increase its speed and strength. The size of the dragon was a little bit bigger than before, and the dragon was leaps and bounds healthier in comparison to its former self. The wing was scarred from where it had been torn, but the evolution had regenerated the wing and healed the dragon.

The dragon fell asleep shortly after scouting the area for threats. It needed time to rest. In comparison to the blue dragon, the red dragon was still behind. Maybe not as far, but the difference was still evident in nature. The red dragon was no longer the weak of the flock due to its slow-boiling hate for humans. The people had been far too cruel to the creature for it to ever show a glimpse of hospitality to them.

A blue skinned dragon landed shortly after the red dragon had fallen asleep. It was clear that this was his brother, but the blue dragon was different from before. It was still a little bit bigger than the red dragon, although the gap had greatly decreased. It had the markings of horns that were about to pop out of its head and it had a yellow mark along its wings that was just now blossoming out. The dragon had clearly grown, but for what reason was it here to see its weaker brother? The late brother? They were completely different in every regard, but the blue dragon showed interest in his little brother.

A few more dragons landed beside the blue dragon, they were from the same litter as before. It seems the blue dragon had gathered the strongest of the litter to his side and was up to something. The blue dragon began sniffing around the red dragon and deemed the time unworthy for him to join his pack. He did want a strong pack of dragons to protect him, because he had plans for his brothers and sisters.

A pink dragon with feminine traits appeared to the blue dragon and began rubbing her head against his thick blue skin. They were too young to begin courting, but dragons made relationship bonds over many years. It was instinctive for this young female dragon to want to mate with the strongest of the pack in the years to come. This would mean strong traits for the babies and create a flock of better dragons. Although that’s not what the pink dragon was thinking, it can be assumed this is natural dragon behavior.

The blue dragon disregarded the pink dragon, and stepped over to his second in command. A brown dragon which was fairly large. The brown dragon was larger than the blue dragon, but lacked the proper intelligence to do anything noteworthy. Most of the dragons in the flock were dim colors, but the blue and red dragon’s colors were distinct and bold.

The alpha blue dragon decided it had seen enough. The red dragon was presently not ready to join his pack quite yet, at least it thought this. It hadn’t seen the true potential of this red dragon. The blue dragon flapped its wings, bursting against the ground and bolting into the air. The dragon was fast! The other dragons were caught off guard as they stumbled into the air and followed their blue leader into the soaring skies above. The mellow colors of the leaves swayed as the dragons darted into the clouds and disappeared for their next objective.

Things were changing for the poor little red dragon, but the blue dragon hadn’t become obsolete either. The race to find purpose was heating up, and the dragons were soon going to realize that this world is much bigger than originally imagined. This world is too big, and ancient dragons with substantial knowledge exist, only from these dragons can the secrets of this world truly be revealed.

Name: Attributes: Skills: Race: Dragon (Uncommon) STR: 14 Stealth: 1 Level: 5 AGI: 15 Hunger Resistance: 2 Age: 4 Days DEX: 12 Meditation: 2 Gender: Male END: 13 Flying: 3 HP: 250 INT: 24 Fire-Breathing: 1 MP: 270

WIS: 16

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