《The Tail of a Dragon》Captured 2


A whisper of wind breezed through the cracks of the building, the crackling of thunder erupted in the afternoon sky as the old man pondered his options. These knights were often more trouble than what they garnered for him, and despite this, his love for dragons was far too benevolent. Abandoning his craft was equivalent to abandoning his life, because as far as he could see it--he had no one else.

Only the dragons could satiate his loneliness while doubling as his sole income. The old man came from a long line of dragon tamers, his father was one as well. Soon after his father died from food poisoning, the family broke into pieces and they rarely spoke to each other. The family segmented into their respective lands and became separated in heart. It turned out that his mom was only with his father for the vast amount of money he was raking in. Which in turn caused a large feud to ensue after his passing, they wanted his land, money, and property. Nothing more. Nothing less.

While his father did pass on his skills to his son, his son was nothing more than a third-rate dragon tamer at best. The best he could do was tame them at a very tender age and sell them at low prices. In his local town, his shop was known as “Herald’s Dragon Keep.” One, because the old man’s name was Herald. Two, because it was practically a dragon raising facility, the shop might as well profit on the name. A popular shop with similar products would put him out of business surely, so he invested in the only thing he knew: dragons. With dragons, Herald would surely have his safety net. Not only were they in high demand as pets for the nobles, but they also made good war tools for the local lords who aspired to be king. Yet, a lord around these parts would scarcely find a dragon who could even breathe in the presence of a king’s dragon.

It was considered despicable for a king to have a dragon lower than Heroic class in power. Even among the Heroic dragons were those that stood a league above the other though. Even fabled legendary dragons exist, while they may be rare in concept, they do exist. Any man to find a Legendary class dragon must also be a legendary tamer to tame such a commodity. With this logic, it's also an acceptable thesis that Herald is unable to tame the baby blue dragon currently in his possession. Some third-rate tamer could never hope to tame an Epic class dragon. Only such things happened in fairytales. This was no fairytale.

As if on queue, the blue dragon gave off a red flame as if belched some gas away. It had recently been fed by Herald, and the food was rather gassy to the dragons. So this was a common occurrence amongst the litter, despite Mr. Blue’s ungodly flame. When he spit his fire geyser it was comparable to a hot and humid bathroom that hadn’t been washed or cleaned in ages. Frankly, dragons didn't smell good, and their stomach contents weren't very different. The blue dragon finally finished his little hiccup and went to rest his newly formed paws. The claws of his feet had started to develop rather quickly, as to be expected from an Epic class dragon.


Herald turned his gaze to the red dragon. Meanwhile...his brother was a less comparable disappointment. Herald was confident this dragon had no talent and was even lower in class than a Common class dragon. He was sure the dragon would have been deformed in some capacity or have some underlying disorder that enabled its body to produce such a disgusting variant. In any regard, Herald had never seen such a puny dragon, and he hoped to never again see one like it.

You have left your meditative state. Meditation Level 2 Unlocked! +1 AGI

The dragon blinked its eyes open and immediately felt a wave of energy wash over it. It felt slightly more nimble and--a little smarter? No, that wasn't it. The dragon had a disgusting musky feeling encased around its body. It was ready to rid itself of this feeling. Shaking its body instinctively, it began to shake around almost violently. Suddenly, the skin of the dragon began to shed, falling off in a thick layer at the dragons feet. “Gyahh!” The dragon made an acute shriek with its undeveloped vocal cords. It felt immensely better than before when it was lugging around all that heavy skin!

Rather surprisingly, the dragon had been one of the first ones to shed its skin. This was primarily based on the fact that dragon’s had different regenerative rates across the board. This was a classless statistic, representing the fact that the red dragon wasn't entirely useless. It had one of the fastest regenerative rates that even Herald had ever seen. Although a dragon in a higher class was able to unlock the inner sanctums of the world itself. Dragons of higher tier were able to harness power no other being could possibly emasculate themselves in. They are the most fearsome creatures on the planet. Well, that's if they can survive the harsh reality of childhood. Vulnerability.

You have unallocated points. Distribute Them. Remind Me Later.

The dragon did what any feasible living creature would have done and freaked the fuck out. The red screen was still an unprecedented surprise at times. Mr. Red fell off the counter once again with a smlack. It clearly wasn’t getting the hang of its wings either…

You have suffered blunt damage -14 HP

It was the bad screen again! The dragon knew that this was a clear indication it had fucked up, and it was expecting the WIS, to follow immediately after...but it didn't. How come? Had it fucked up slightly less this time? That could be the only possible solution. The dragon eagerly stood up, somewhat happy it had improved in some regard. Well, at least it thought that it was improving. Positive thoughts right? The main problem was still this jagged red screen in front of the dragons face. It wouldn't deter itself like the rest of them, but followed the dragon around everywhere it went.

Herald was too busy evaluating his blue dragon to even take notice of the red dragon falling to the floor again, but he was sure to notice soon enough. The red dragon took a gamble it was willing to take. Maybe this red screen would help it escape the ugly thing that had taken it from its mother! It had no emotional capacity for a parcel of meat. In the eyes of this red dragon, Herald was simply a lower being trying to prey on the weak of the strong. The dragon hit the first button, “Distribute them.”


Name: Points to allocate: 1 Skills: Race: Dragon (Common) STR: 11 (+) Stealth: 1 Level: 2 AGI: 12 (+) Hunger Resistance: 2 Age: 2 Days DEX: 9 (+) Meditation: 2 Gender: Male END: 9 (+) HP: 110 INT: 13 (+) MP: 250 WIS: 13 (+)

Being overwhelmed, the dragon obviously understood this was a misstep by his part. This much information was clearly too much for him to process, but with his recent intelligence boost he could decipher what he was looking at somewhat. He had previously seen the word ‘allocate,’ so this meant he needed to be in this middle section. The plus signs were blinking and were rather distracting, so he was just going to click the bottom plus sign, but stopped himself. He had almost hit the forbidden WIS! WIS was not a good thing to him, and he knew this well. So he decided to hit the next bottom plus! Me smart!

Immediately, as if the one point in intelligence had made a substantial difference, the dragon for the first time recognized desire. He desired this INT, it made his entire body throb with eccentric ecstasy. The dragon felt like a new dragon! He felt smarter than ever before. With one point he was hooked on this idea of “allocating.” Along with discovery of desire, the great cataclysm occurred in the dragon. Jealousy. He’d discovered the power of jealousy in his heart and realized this must be how the blue dragon is so strong and powerful. Because he always feels good like this! Blue more INT! The dragon thought that the blue dragon was doping up on INT or something to that degree. In reality, the red dragon had become more aware but less aware at the same time.

The militia man sitting by the door was kind of on edge. It smelled like shit in here, and these fire-breathing dragons were apparently the culprits of a brutal murder. Not just any murder! The murder of a high-end knight who’d been renowned throughout the kingdom! His name was Sir Rick the Third, and he’d accomplished many things in his time. Not that anybody gives a fuck about a dead man though. Nor that those “many things” were even pertinent to the red dragon.

The red dragon was rather reluctant to leave this place because he was being fed and cared for. After all the old ugly thing had saved him at the end of the day. Actually, the dragon preferred to stay here instinctively for awhile because it was still so young. A blue dragon with fast- development rates would be more ambitious than a tadpole out of water.

A strong wave of reminder washed over the dragon when the blue dragon stretched its more developed wings. The reminder that he was far behind and that this piece of shit over here was hogging all of the INT! If this red dragon had sleeves he’d definitely be pushing them up and cracking his metaphorical knuckles while whispering, “Game on,” under his teeth. The one thing the red dragon had that the blue dragon didn't was the advantage of generality. He was normal by all accounts and didn't harbor special traits to make him stand out. Perfect for espionage!

The red dragon wagged it's speckled tail as it got excited at the idea, before it realized that Herald was about to turn his head. Gyyyyahhh! The dragon cussed under its breath as it realized it had to dash for cover--and that's exactly what it did. The dragon hid behind one of the counters, biting its tail to keep it from poking out like a sore stick.

+1 INT

The dragon felt more intelligent once again! He just loved getting his fix of INT, because it made him feel like he was in some state of mind that was entirely tranquil. It was quite an achievement to get this far for the little dragon, and he knew it wouldn't be long before his poor body demanded he take a nap. He considered taking one of those power naps again, but it wasn't practical here whatsoever.

Herald looked over by his side, and thought he saw something dart past him. He wasn't sure if it was just his age catching up to him, or if he had really saw something. In his experience as a tamer, usually if you thought you saw something, you did see something. That's just because dragons were nimble and adapted quickly to their environment. Herald sighed, “Damnit, can today get any worse?” He turned around and saw that the red dragon was missing from his slate. Usually the baby dragons were too scared to move an inch from their spot, but this red dragon was either scared shitless or a big-balled dragon.

Herald went with the former. Such a dragon could never be brave, nor harbor good qualities in such a weak frame. Herald began to scrounge around the place, looking for the missing dragon, but everytime Herald would get close to the red dragon, it’d just move to the other side of the square tables. Eventually, the dragon decided it was time to make a break for it and dashed for the food storage room.

Name: Attributes: Skills: Race: Dragon (Common) STR: 11 Stealth: 1 Level: 2 AGI: 12 Hunger Resistance: 2 Age: 2 Days DEX: 9 Meditation: 2 Gender: Male END: 9 HP: 110 INT: 15 MP: 250

WIS: 13

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