《Legendary Puppeteer Master》14. Merchant Association


Author note: Here's the chapter 14! I will try to post the others tomorrow. Enjoy the chapter!

Ky Jiangxi is the current leader of the Merchant Association. He climbed to the top by himself when he was still a young commoner. Before the Ky family became one of the 6 leaders’ clan of Guho empire, the Ky family were nobles without any expert Qi fighter nor magus fighter within their family.

Nobles without strength were living on poverty and even if they got the same title as noble, Ky Jiangxi lived during a period where his family was poor and couldn’t became strong nor famous until that Ky Jiangxi stopped school and started working as merchant instead.

Ky Jiangxi was still fourteen years old at that age. Even now Ky Jiangxi still remembered his first day as a merchant.

It was hard labor for a young noble like him. One needed to communicate correctly with the client, needed to always favor their satisfaction and lure them in a trap created beforehand to win over the clients’ doubts.

Ky Jiangxi still remembered the harsh times he gets when he first started and the success he won and achieved until now.

Today, Ky Jiangxi was in good mood. His grandson, Ky Jian is finally eight years old and joined the Guho Academy this morning.

For nobles, whose pride are high, it was an obligatory school. If one lives inside the Guho empire, if one didn’t joined nor finished the Guho academy, then that one couldn’t properly got a job inside the Guho empire.

Guho city was the same. If one didn’t finished or joined the Guho academy, that one couldn’t live correctly within Guho city for their whole life and needed to work for the black market to survive.

Once someone joined the black market, they can become slaves, brigands and even prisoners depending on their identity.

It was a market that most people except odd nobles or corrupted nobles would try to dodge. The black market couldn’t be found because every month, the location is moving from one to another. It was a place that only few people like.

Ky Jiangxi’s mood became even more better when he heard his grandson’s story. Ky Jian told him that he lost against someone with mysterious black gauntlets. Those mysterious black gauntlets released a kind of mixed Qi energy and magic power that his grandson couldn’t explain.

It was something that Ky Jiangxi didn’t heard until now. He heard about sacred weapons who was treasured by each empire and nations, but he never heard about weapons with Qi energy or magic power gathered inside. Ky Jiangxi became curious and asked for his son, Ky Jianzhi.

Ky Jianzhi was Ky Jian’s father and a famous researcher within Guho city. He was an apprentice magus fighter and after graduating from Guho academy, he stopped cultivating and started his passion for magic research.

Ky Jianzhi created all kind of new magic items used for daily life. He also did research about spirit beasts and demon beasts. He was that kind of mad scientist that could secluded himself for a whole season without coming out of his lab.


From Ky Jianzhi’s answers, there are once weapons that had Qi energy or magic power gathered within the weapon. It was something only an expert artisan could achieve through years and years of refined creation that finally awoke and became able to create something similar to a sacred weapon.

With what Ky Jiangxi had just heard now, he couldn’t let the young boy anymore and asked Ky Jian to looked for the mysterious boy who fought against Ky Jian. What Ky Jiangxi didn’t expect was a maid that hurriedly came to him and after a bow said.

“Mister, someone is requesting for you. Apparently, he wants to sell pills and weapons in tonight’s auction.”

Ky Jiangxi’s eyebrows frown and both of his eyes were gape opens. He heard the words ‘pills’, it was something totally forgotten until now.

No alchemist longer exists so no one could reproduce pills. He glanced at the maid confirming that she wasn’t lying and followed her at the Merchant Association.

The Merchant Association was a massive building in the middle of the city. It was situated 100 meter on the south from the Guho academy and was the main quarter for stalls and merchants that wanted to sell for cheap.

The Merchant Association was something like an adventurer guild. People who joined the merchant association could get better place to sell and privileges depending on his ability to gather money. Everything inside the Merchant Association was related only to money and nothing else. It was an association that only work with someone who could benefit him and nothing more, nothing less.

When Ky Jiangxi entered inside the Merchant Association’s main building, a hooded person was waiting them. Ky Jiangxi feels that person’s strength just from his eyes. Ky Jiangxi wasn’t a good magus fighter, but he meted thousands of clients, each of them with different kind of aura.

The aura released from the young lady was not stronger to someone that reach the expert magus fighter but it was close enough. The strong and magnificent purple magic power that person released shocked Ky Jiangxi who directly calmed down.

Ky Jiangxi expected that someone who could sell something precious as pills can only be an existence outside Guho empire. From that person’s clothes, Ky Jiangxi somewhat guessed that he didn’t wanted to show his identity so Ky Jiangxi expected it.

Ky Jiangxi tried to shake his hand but the person just shook her head. It could be a sign of impoliteness, but Ky Jiangxi didn’t mind. If it was truly someone who possess precious things as pills, he didn’t want to offend him. They headed inside a private room and sat facing each other.

The hooded person didn’t talk and only use an open book to talk. It was like he was even hiding his voice. Ky Jiangxi was shocked, some words started to appeared inside the book. Ky Jiangxi could see the invisible magic pen with his own eyes writing inside the open book.


‘How much one pill is worth? This one is the blue grass pill, it increases the Qi energy growth by 2 times. I recommend you to only consume one per day. This one is…’

two pills and two potions appeared on the table. ‘space item’ it was the only explanation for Ky Jiangxi. Space magician was really rare and he didn’t know if that person could really use space magic, so he thought that she maybe had a space magic item.

Ky Jiangxi read carefully watch the words written on the book and opened his mouth wide without noticing. Each of them were priceless treasures! The blue grass pill was excellent for young Qi fighters’ cultivators, every family specially the nobles will try to get them in huge quantity. Ky Jiangxi couldn’t let this go as a merchant. He knows those items’ values, excepted for the health potion, the others formulas were too much precious to let it go. He finally regained his composure, calculated and spoke.

“We agree to buy them 20 gold coins each pill…No 50 gold each pill.”

The hooded person shook his head. The book pages turned and the words inside the book disappear and others words appeared.

‘I can read your mind; the basic price is more than 500 gold in the auction. It’s useless to negotiate. 100 gold coins each pill or give up on the pills.’

Ky Jiangxi suddenly feel frightened by the strong aura suddenly released by the hooded guy and could only gulp. Ky Jiangxi stopped his cultivation because he couldn’t reach the dragon stage. Since he didn’t succeed to be an expert magus fighter, he chooses to earn income and become a merchant. In front of him, someone with the magic power of an expert magus fighter was released and invisible chains could be seen surroundings the hooded person.

The book pages changed and the words were rewritten. ‘I can leave the town without problem. Thanks for your worries thought.’ It was after this moment that Ky Jiangxi truly believed that that person could really read his mind.

Even if Ky Jiangxi was one of the 6 leaders’ clan of Guho city. Even if he didn’t reach expert magus fighter, he was still confident in his skill. But in front of that guy, he feels that he couldn’t win against him even if he used all his hidden cards.

Ky Jiangxi’s body trembled, it was the first time after his long life that he didn’t feared someone. His eyes were sharps. The maid didn’t saw the chains nor the magic pen since it was really a thin magic power. After regaining his composure, he nodded and said.

“I underestimate that young master. Please, forgive me for my impoliteness.”

The invisible chains totally disappeared and the pages turned with once again other words.

‘Rest assured. My master want to form a relationship with the Merchant Association. Since you accepted the offer, there is no other reason to leave. Moreover, there’s also something else we want to sell.’

Weapons and chestplates suddenly appeared on the table. Ky Jiangxi directly focused his eyes towards the weapons. He quickly remembered what his grandson, Ky Jian told him. Before he could guess anything, a dagger flew towards him and stopped right in his right eye. It was so fast that he didn’t react and only few seconds after it happened his body instinctively stepped backward.

‘You don’t need to know anything about our identity. Are you interested in the products or the artisan itself? If it’s the latter one, then that’s the end of the collaboration.’

Ky Jian know what that mean, he didn’t want to lose something that could benefit them so much. Even if they came from the black market of were wanted criminal, he didn’t care since the benefits were too high. He only nodded and re-analyze the weapons.

They were truly special, he tried some of them and it was feeling easier to use. Compared to normal weapons it could sell for quite a lot. The quality was higher than iron or silver weapons in terms of quality.

The weapons weight was unexpectedly light. He could swing an axe easily, something he shouldn’t do since his bones already aged too much.

After deep thought he finally made his mind and spoke.

“I will buy them for 300 gold coins each. Do you have any problem regarding the price?”

The hooded guy only shook his head and was tapping her index on the table. From the look of her thin index, that person should be a woman. Ky Jiangxi understood what it means, he was so much excited that he didn’t bring the money. He asked the hooded woman to wait and quickly left the room. He came back with lot of bags. The shaking from the coins could be heard and every bag was big. Ky Jiangxi put all the bags on the table, the hooded woman checked the amount and put it inside her space magic. It was only now that Ky Jiangxi understood that his woman could also use space magic.

The hooded woman quickly left the room and disappeared from their views. Ky Jiangxi was still sitting inside the private room glaring at the pills and the mountain of weapons in front of him.

‘Someone that can create that kind of weapon and pills and being the master of such a servant. He must be at Heaven stage…no he mostly broke through Heaven stage! He must to stay in Guho City at any cost…’

Alone in the room, Ky Jiangxi let out a loud heavy-hearted laugh.

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