《Legendary Puppeteer Master》12. Test admission: Mi Nyan vs Tang Wen


Author note: Hey guys, I'm sorry that I couldn't post the chapter earlier because I was traveling to Korea for christmas with my family. I will post more chapters after the 24th. I hope you enjoy the chapter and merry christmas!

The whole audience started to get excited once they heard Mi Nyan and Tang Wen’s name. People’s voices could be heard from the audience.

“Tang Wen? The third prince?”

“It will be a one-sided fight…”

“I don’t think so, Mi Nyan had 1230 soul force.”

‘’’’’’1230 soul force?!’’’’’’

“It's a joke right? There is no way...”

“It's the truth.“

“Woah amazing!“

“Mi Nyan we’ll cheer for you!”

“Mi Nyan is so cute.”

“Young master fight!”

Once the teacher stepped between them, the noises finally stopped. When the teacher was finally about to launch the fireball, he noticed that Tang Wen was slowly walking towards Mi Nyan. The teacher, confused by Tang Wen’s action stopped his incantation and asked.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m just going to talk to her. Just wait until then.”

The teacher’s angry expression could be shown. But he didn’t dare to stop him and just waited as ordered. Tang Wen directed towards Mi Nyan and spoke.

“To think that I will fight you so fast, it’s really my lucky day. ”

“Uh? Glad for you. Can we start now?”

“…Sure, you better don’t hold back because I’m the third prince.”

“Nya? I don’t care about you can we just start?”

“You…Well whatever hope you can fully entertain me.”

After that Tang Wen finished his sentence, he returned to his former position. When Tang Wen was finally at his former spot, he took his battle stance and unsheathed his Changdao sword. Since Mi Nyan already unsheathed her katana after that Tang Wen turned his head, the teacher finally nodded after watching the two of them ready and cast the fireball.



Mi Nyan was so fast that no one in the audience excepted Luo Fei and Mi Liu noticed it. Tang Wen who was taken aback from by Mi Nyan speed quickly regained his sense and parried her sword.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang*

Right shoulder, left leg, right side of the stomach, every attack got parried perfectly as he finally became used to the speed of Mi Nyan. Mi Nyan attack became slow after around twenty swings. When Tang Wen who finally saw an opportunity slice horizontally Mi Nyan. But what happened after then surprised Tang Wen. It was like Mi Nyan’s body was transparent and the sword easily cut her like cutting butter. Right after Mi Nyan’s body has been cutted, one could notice that it was a clone. Hearing a *ZiZi* *ZiZi* sound behind him, Tang Wen turned his body and shouted while activating his bloodline power.

“Bloodline power release: Earth Manipulation!”

A *ZiZi* sound could be heard and in Mi Nyan’s left hand, a lightning expanded forming a large panther rushed towards Tang Wen with an amazing speed. Before the large lightning panther could reach Tang Wen, a large earth shield appeared in front of him and protected him from the panther. Tang Wen who wasn’t sure about his own security was about to jumped back but didn’t make in time.


A huge explosion resounded. Everyone was staring at the dust that appeared after the explosion, but before the smoke totally disappeared, Tang Wen suddenly appeared while running and dodging another lightning-panther that was chasing him. He stopped behind a huge rock. Once the lightning-panther was about to enter in contact with the rock, the lightning-panther suddenly leaped above the rock and another explosion resounded.


The huge rock scattered and a huge smoke of dust appeared once again. My Nyan who already sensed a huge energy within the dust summoned 2 clones on both of her side and rush in the smoke.

*Clang* *Clang* *Clang* *BOOM*


Noises could be heard inside the huge smoke of dust that still didn’t disappear. After few seconds, when the smoke finally disappeared, a single shadow was standing. Everyone’s eyes were trying to see who it could be. Once the smoke finally disappeared, Tang Wen was holding Mi Nyan unconscious on his arms walking towards the teacher. He slowly drops her on the ground near with a faint smile on his face and with a low tone said.

“It was truly a good fight.”

The audience who was still on the shock after watching such a fight was still silent. Only after that the teacher announced the winner that the public finally burst into cheers and applaud both, Tang Wen and Mi Nyan for the magnificent fight.

“You did well Tang Wen!”

“Wah It was truly an amazing fight.”

“Even if I’m rejected I’m still glad to came here after watching this.”

“But still the third prince is really strong.”

“Well, he was trained by the army after all.”

“He really deserves his title 'the strongest'!”

With all the noises that could be heard, Mi Nyan finally woke up and noticed that she lost the fight. Tears started flowing from her beautiful face as she came near to Mi Liu while showing a frustrated expression. 'She didn't hold back and still lost? He must be amazingly strong.' Mi Liu thought. He didn't know what happened in the huge smoke of dust and could only ask.

"What happened inside?"

Mi Nyan who regained her calm spoke with a depressed expression.

"Ugh... *sniff* As master has said, he used his demonic power once I entered in the dust. At first nothing happened except his body strengthening... But slowly my strength started to be sucked and I lost consciousness."

Mi Liu eyebrows frown upon hearing that, he discretely took out a health potion from his space-ring and gave it to Mi Nyan. Mi Nyan drank the potion and slowly recovered from her wounds. After that, since it was the last fight, the teacher finally announced the end of the second test. Everyone followed the teachers and arrived at the main hall. The teachers explained the rules within the academy, and after finally finished his explanation, the students who passed the test received their student card and slowly exited the academy.

Mi Liu took out his student card and slowly started reading the information writting on the student card that was given to him.

Name: Mi Liu Age: 8 Occupation: Apprentice qi fighter Rank: 1-star Pearl Stage - Apprentice fighter class Score: 100

He directed his glance towards Mi Nyan's card and make a depressed expression. Even though he tried his best, his card was still different compared to a strong qi fighter like Mi Nyan.

Name: Mi Nyan Age: 8 Occupation: Apprentice qi fighter Rank: 7-star Pearl stage - Genius fighter class Score: 200

Her rank was better and even her score was the double from Mi Liu's score. The score was a system that is required once the tournament opened. If one didn't had more than 1000 points score, then that one couldn't participate to the tournament. He puts his card on his space-ring and directed towards the merchant association with a sour face and depressed expression while Mi Nyan on the contrary, was totally happy and satisfied from today's event.

Author note:. ∧,_,∧


.⊂ ノ ・゜+.

. し’´J ☆*・ °。。

. /\ Thanks for reading!

. / ★∴ \ Merry X-mas!

. (人_人_人) And I

. / ∴∵★ \ Hope you enjoyed the chapter!

. (_人_人_人_) ∧ ∧

. / .☆∴∵∴. \ ( ´・ω・)

. (_人★人☆人_) / ⌒ヽ

.  ̄凵 (人___つ_つ merry christmas!

(If you prefer that color instead of the old one for the doll system I will modify it.)

I'm also starting my new work and favorite childhood game Fire Emblem:Blazing Sword! If you are also a fan I recommend you to try it!

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