《The Grandmaster of Magic and Alchemy[Discontinue- Rewritten Version will be up soon]》Book 1 Chapter 10
B1C10: The Chaos of Schooling and the Auction House
The current time right now was October 19 of the Second Sun in the year 6016.
My birthday had passed by 4 days ago already, without anyone noticing aside from Jin.
It has been more than a month since I, Jin, and the kids decided to stay in this city called Ernos City. In fact, it has been three months already. This city wasn’t the largest city in this kingdom but it still was the fifth largest city in this Kingdom. So, a lot of people have been coming from all over the place to this city in the past month that we are here. This cause the city to keep expanding outward more and more.
According to the captain, there was a war not that long ago.The war took place 5 years ago in a city far to the west of here, which was one of the reasons why Davoros Town was jammed packed with all kinds of people.
And now, a lot of people from Davoros Town were traveling to Ernos City because of the new pills that the Alchemist’s Guild are selling. The one that I modified, that Health Pill or whatever it was. Anyway, in just a mere three months, a lot of things have occurred within Ernos City already.
The Alchemist's Guild has expended their building. The roads surrounding the Alchemist's Guild was widening. The City itself had built three new large complexes for the new-comers citizens. And currently building the new House-complex for more people to live. More guards were recruited and trained, more students graduated and work within the city. In other words, Ernos City was undergoing an expansion time.
We have been in school for a month and a half now.
The kids and us, Jin and I, were all pretty much used to living in this city, by now.
We live on the side of the city where most of the poor commoners live at, the West Side.
The West Side might have a lot of commoners and poor people here but that doesn’t mean that this side of the city was dirty. In fact, this side of the city, the West Side, was the side that has the most un-populated lands. There are a couple of farms but mostly the Westside were made out of forests and trees. Thick and tall trees. Not to mention, Grisarth school was also on this side of the city too. So, it wasn’t unclean like the nobles and rich people judged it to be.
Anyway, this city was divided into 9 sections. The first 6 outer sectors of the land, where the commoners live, are called the Northern Field, Southern Field, Eastern Sun, Western Sky, Earth Trees Fireflies and the last was Westside Dorm, where Grisarth Institution’s dormitories and lands are located; it was a boarding school after all so the dorms are for most of their students who are from the other villages, towns, and cities. There was a lot of people who wanted to learn magic after all.
The last 3 sectors of lands were where the nobles and the City Lord’s mansion are located at.
The inner core of the city was where most of the famous schools are located at. So, most of the nobles and the riches have chosen to live there. The 3 sectors of lands that the City Lord's mission and the nobles were at was the most prosperity since the mana vein was purer there. However, the core of the city was still the City Lord’s mansion. From Westside to Eastern Sun section of the city, it would take 8 hours on foot. That’s how large this city was.
The City Lord’s mansion takes up about 10 percents of the entire land in the inner sector of the city, so you can imagine how large it was.
Comparing it to the cities and grandness that JIn and I had seen before in our previous life, and they won't worth anything but for this world, Ernos City was a Grand City already.
We can even see it from all the way here at Westsides, which was about 60 miles away from the inner sectors of the city. The Lord’s mansion was huge and the security there was no joke. Well, for them. Anyway, the lands that the City Lord’s mansion was located on was about 36 acres of lands, which was 1/20th the side of Westside. That should say something. Moving on.
The captain had left for the Twin Cities two days ago after he finished curing his blood illness. Thinking back, I really want to groaned out loud. The director didn’t want to be separated from the captain and vice versa, so a lot of drama was going on. I was tempted to ask director Edris if he wanted me to change him back into his original state but, seeing that the captain doesn’t really care if he was male or not, I didn’t ask. Maybe next time when he comes back and notices that he really wants to be with Edris, I could ask but for now, I won’t. After all, it wasn't like director Edris's position in the Alchemist Guild will change just because his gender isn't the original one. The Alchemy Hall doesn't care either way.
[A/N: Alchemist Guild was where all the Alchemist and Apothecaries compare their knowledge and share it. While Alchemy Hall was where potion, elixir, medicines and herbs are being sold. Edris was the Director of the Alchemist Guild and Alchemist Hall.]
The captain had promised that he will visit once every three months since he and the alchemist guild are now partners in selling the Health Pills that have been modified by me. After that, the director became so depressed that it made a lot of the elders from the Alchemist Guild come knocking on my door, demanding me to do something since they can’t bear watching the man being that depressed any longer.
It affects the health and motivation of the Alchemist Guild far too much.
You have to know this, both Clapton and Edris had been living separately for the past 100 years already. So once they both got their mutual affection together, everyone can understand that they don’t want to separate, especially me and Jin. But since Clapton was the captain of the Vismark Merchant Group, he has no choice since his base isn’t in Ernos City but in Twin City, the Crystal Sun City. So no matter what I could do, the director will still stay depressed. So I didn’t do anything and instead gave him a new recipe for another kind of health potion for him to research on. It successfully moved his mind off of Clapton for a while.
Anyway, that was a couple of days ago.
The first three days that we set foot here were spent organizing and getting things ready for the kids to join the Grisarth School, which the Director of the Alchemist Guild had sponsored us for. I decided that I won’t attend school but Jin said that if I won’t then he wouldn’t either. So, in the end I did, rather reluctantly, join with them. Only because Jin has tempted me by saying that their library probably has a lot of books and materials about this world. Okay?
When we first started in the school, we all had our elemental affinity tested to determine if one of us can become a magician. Something that this city needs more of to support the ever growing population. Especially since the Blue Solar Eclipse was coming very soon.
Of course, the result was that all of us have at least one elemental affinity. Something that completely took the city by storm. As a result, a bunch of other institutions came to Grisarth to recruit us. The Royal Institution, the Firstfire Institution, Morningshell Institution, and all the other richer schools came but was met with nothing but rejection. That had caused a lot of people to talk. After all, Grisarth Institution was the poorest that commoners can afford and all the other schools listed above are for richer people, especially for the Royal Institution. Like its name applies, it was for the richest of the rich, for the strongest of the strong, and for most royal of royalties or nobles.
Anyway, what caused the people to talk about us wasn’t the fact that all of us have potential to be magicians. It was the fact that all of us are far too young and none of our bloodlines or family histories have any magicians in them. Yet, all of us kids have high potential and elemental affinities for magic.
We all have at least one affinity with one kind of elemental force. This fact, made everyone talk about us for weeks. Something that caused me to have a huge headache since I don’t like attention that much. We were the focus of every commoner folk since none of us have magician roots in our family tree.
After all, Ernos Kingdom isn’t or doesn’t have that many powerful families that specialize in Magic spells like the Serenity Kingdom or the other kingdom, Skymorite Kingdom. Since both of the two other kingdom are nearer to the Forest of the Beast’s territory, they have to be stronger to survive for this long.
So it wasn’t a surprise that their magician’s potential in commoners are far more common among the citizens.
This kingdom’s magic spells are far lower than the other two kingdoms by a large portion. Not to mention, the knowledge that the other two kingdoms have concerning the use of magic was far more effective than Ernos Kingdom by a large portion. In fact, this kingdom was like a store for the other two kingdoms since they are buying this kingdom‘s resources due to the sheer amounts of extra- like really- resources. The relationship between the three kingdoms was pretty good with a lot of business relationships.
Ernos Kingdom have a lot of lands that can be used for agriculture purposes since the other two kingdom are far to focused on military strength that can go against the beasts near their territories. So Ernos Kingdom was like their back door to their barnhouse. This was not a joke. I didn’t need the captain to explain to my why Ernos Kingdom was so weak. It was because of that Purge from the story that Linah had told us that wiped out nearly all of the powerful forces in Ernos Kingdom a thousand or so years ago. That story that involved the King of the Beasts from that time and the Grandmaster Magician called Aurin, I think that was his name? Yeah, Aurin of the Blue Mage.
Back to topic.
For myself, I controlled myself and made sure that I don’t have the necessary percentages for the affinities that I don’t need, nor wanted to let anyone else know of. Since this world’s way of testing for elemental affinity was ‘trash’, they can only tell that I have both the affinity for Plant Element and Earth Element. That’s it. They can only sense the element that I want them to sense. Other than that, it was impossible for them to tell if I have another affinity toward other elemental forces. I make sure of it.
As for Jin, he only showed the Fire Element. Something that I and Jin knew would've been more than enough. I was proven right again. However, Jin isn’t a mage but rather a warrior so he didn’t need to have the potential for being a mage.
But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know how to use magic spells. In fact, Jin might be the strongest warrior that was able to use magic spells in this whole city. Maybe the whole kingdom. Maybe this whole continent.
Truth be told, there isn’t anyone in this world that can kill us now so we didn’t bother being that cautious. Even with poison, it was still impossible for anyone to kill us. Harm us for a couple of minutes? There was a small chance of that happening but to seriously harm us enough to kill us? That, was not possible. Even if the Beast King himself did it, it will still not be possible. Still, since I really don’t like attention, we hold ourselves back and let the kids have their own spotlight. This will only serve to help them more in the future.
Arise, as the youngest, turned out to be a genius - according to the testers - since she knew how to draw mana into her body through the Air Element. Something that was taught by Jin. Same with Deana and Vinna. They all have the Air Element as their affinity. This doesn’t really surprise me since I know that already. After all, I was the one that conducted their affinity test way before they even knew how to meditate.
Hilsa and Mina, the twins that are now 8 years old, were the ones that have the exact same affinity. They both have Water affinity. A large quantity of water affinity in terms of pureness.
As for Rebecca, her affinity was Earth. Something that I had long ago suspected. After all, she’s really stubborn when it comes to who she likes. Stubborn as the earth itself when it comes to protecting its core. I wonder, how high will Rebecca take her earth affinity to. In the next 30 years, maybe it will be possible for Rebecca to become the new Grandmaster magician in this city. Of course, by that, I mean this world’s grandmaster. 30 years isn’t even a long time for a practitioner.
As for Luke and Lurin, Luke only has the affinity for Fire Element but Lurin has both the Earth Element and Water element. Which once again had shocked the testers until one of them fainted.
The last one was Samantha, who has the Water element. She was the only one that have a inscription planted into her own eyes as a mean of cultivation so she was the weakest out of all of them. In fact, Samantha was so weak with using magic that she didn't bother trying to learn it beyond the recommendations from me. Instead, she tries to learn about the inscriptions in her eyes better. Jin didn't know if he should be glad that Samantha doesn't like magic that much or should he be disappointed that his sister rather preferred learning something else.
Going by age from oldest to youngest, Luke and Jin are the two oldest at 17 years old. While Rebecca and I come in second, we’re both 15. Then Lurin, who was the only one that was 14 in our group. The next one was Samantha who was 11 and Deana who was only 10. The twin Hilsa and Minna are both 8 years old. Vinna was still 7 years old and Arise was only 5 years old. It was no wonder why they all thoughts that Arise was a genius. She was only 5 years old yet she knows how to purify her mana pool and know how to draw natural mana into her body! Something that only those in their early 15-20 know.
All eleven of us all have the potential to become great mages, they said.
What they don’t know won’t hurt them since both I and Jin’s elemental affinity isn’t something that I want people to find out.
I tested long ago when we were still on the road, by myself and found out that the only affinity that I am missing was Metal. A Sub-elemental from the earth elemental. Other than the Metal Elemental affinity, I have all the Main Nine Elemental and their subs since right now I am gaining the Lightning sub-element.
Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Light, Darkness and Death, Chaos, Void, and Plant. In my old world, I was born with Light and Plant as my initial affinity but after gaining understanding of the other Elements’ Law of Force and Law of Elements, I gained those other ones in the five thousands of years that I have lived. My insights aren’t something that anyone would want to joke about even in my old world. However, in this world, this body was different. When I had connected to my mana realm that first time, it turned out that I have the affinities for Plant, Fire, Water, and Earth’s affinity. You can say that I was pretty satisfied with the results.
If I would say in percentages of my understanding of those Laws and Forces of the Elements, I would say that with the initial Nine elementals, they are awfully close to a 100% understanding while the sub-elementals, like metal and lightning, are nearly non-existing, and that was only because I wasn’t interested in it.
Lightning was a sub- or branch- from the Light Element so it will be easy for me to understand it if I should choose too, which was why I am driving my mind into it now. Same to Metal. I just never had the opportunity or situation that required the Metal branch of the law since my Earth Element Force and Laws Comprehensive insight and skills are more than enough to cover it.
As for Jin, his initial elemental was only the Fire one and later develop the Metal one for his weapons. Well, now, he has three other elemental affinities that I can tell. It was the Air, Chaos, and Earth. According to Jin, he isn’t really smart and doesn’t understand the Law and Force of Elementals that much so after all those Five Thousand years of being reborned, he only has those Five elements in understanding.
However, he did branch it out into Blood Element so I know that he will soon gain the Life branch from the Light and Plant’s branch of the sub-elemental.
There are thousands of sub-elements out there in the world that people just don’t know of or think about. Hundreds different kinds of elements are one way or another connect to one another. There was no element out there that was disconnected from all the others. Even the Time element was connected to Death and Light in some way.
That’s why I said that this world’s magic understanding was utterly bullshit. The only reason that I attend school was for their library’s books. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be bothered. As for Jin, he only went because I am going and he doesn’t want to be separated from me. That’s it. There was nothing that the school can offer me or Jin that we will need.
They didn’t even have the means to tell that Jin has more than 4 elemental affinities, not to mention me.
So it was no wonder why they had made a big deal out of us kids when they found out that each one of us have at least one affinity to the elements and know how to draw mana into ourselves.
Ah, there’s also the problem that Director Edris had. No, it wasn’t about the captain. In fact, the captain’s healing procedures are going really well. It will only take 1 more pill for it to completely be cured.
Director’s problem was with the tea that he got a taste of the last time that he was at our house. That mana purification tea.
According to him, that was the first time that he had ever taste a Mana Tea that has that high rate of Purification. He said that after they left, he went into his Soul Realm and found out that his mana pool and his soul was strengthened in a way that shouldn’t be possible. His Mana Realm was way purer than before by more than 35 percent (or % instead) and his Soul Realm was now on the verge of evolving into a Tier 7, something that should have taken him another 30 to 40 years to complete.
Director Edris had asked me a couple of times for the recipe for the tea but I declined. Why? Because he doesn’t have the skills to make it!
What? You think that the Teas that I make are ordinary? Oh hell no.
First of all, he can’t even tell how old a herb was when it has already fully matured. For example, that 50 years Sun Blaze Mushroom? He can’t tell that it had been maturing for 35 years already since it only need 15 years for it to fully mature. So how the hell will he be able to gather the herbs that are used in my recipes since most of them are under specific numbers of months or years for it to fully work?
It needs a:
1 years 3 months Golden Flowers Petals
3 Years Snow Parsley stems
1 years 2 months Ruby Bay Leave
5 years Cinder Leaves
2 years Forest Sage
10 years Wild Dragon Ginger
7 years Demon Flowers
7 years Candy Weed
6 Month Mint Flowers Petals
6 Years Heart Petal Grass
3 month Baby Bamboo Leaves
3 red ordinary apples
3 Grounded Berries that are both 9 years
7 years old Black Sage
2 years Peacebloom
9 month Morning Daisy petals
10 years 3 month Spirit Vein Grass
7 months Bluegrass
7 month Stars Flowers Grass petals
And lastly, the most important herb, Misty Leaves Flowers that are 14 years old.
And out of all of those listed above, the herbs and fruits must be exactly that old and can only be a bit older, at the most a couple of months, or days for some. Otherwise, the recipe won’t work and will become poison instead.
It was mainly made out of flowers petals so just a tiny mistake will be fatal. After all, the combination ratio for those herbs isn't something that normal people can think of. Not to mention, most of those herbs, if missed wrongly, will turn into very deadly poison.
The kind of poison that will instantly kill both the maker and the surroundings.
So when I told the Director that, he blinked and nodded in understanding. Edris instead bought 5 pounds of my mana tea from me, earning me 300 gold coins. Something that the man was more than willing to pay for, all because of the results it holds. What? You think it wasn’t worth it? That was where you are wrong! Just a pinch of the tea leaves, which have been grinded together into powder, was enough for 4 cups of tea. Naturally, the Director was more than willing to pay for it.
In fact, he order another 10 pounds from me. Which I could not provide him since I only have another 10 or so pounds left. And no, I am not selling all of it. By now, I have more than 830 gold coins. It will last the kids their lifetime with the rate that we are using it. However, I am not yet satisfied. There still was too many things that I want to make for the kids. Especially for the girls! As a woman myself, I know that the girls will be needing a lot of things soon. Especially for Rebecca, who should be getting her first period soon.
Anyway, back to school topic. The first day that we started, it created utter chaos since Grisarth Institution was - was - for beginners to learn magic. Something that neither I or Jin need. Nor wants. I keep reminding myself that I am only going for the books.
There are 10 classes that I and Jin have to take, which requires 900 hours in school to graduate. However, that’s a three-year program. Something that wouldn’t be possible for all of us kids since in another 2 years, the Blue Moon Eclipse will happen. So, instead of taking 10 classes total, I only take the 4 really required ones and the rest of the time I am in the school library reading every book I can get my hands on.
Hmm??? What am I talking about?
Don’t forget that in the Solar Calendar year 6019 was when the Blue Moon Eclipse will happen. That was when the Third Sun blocks the first two Suns and turn the normally pale blue moon into red blood moon. It was the time that everything under heavens will freeze for a period of 12 months. That was only 2 years ahead since now it was the Solar Calendar of year 6016, in mid Autumn.
So in fact, only two years and 4 months left. People have already started to prepare for it. That was one of the reasons why all the kids are now reading and studying more than other students. They need to catch up to the normal students to be able to graduate with them.
In the old Jenna’s memories, when she experienced her first Blue Moon Eclipse, she was far too young at that time to clearly remember everything. After all, it happen when she was only 7 at the time. And she was unconscious most of the time since it was far too cold.
There was one thing that I don’t get, though. If this world has a Ice Sun that have the element Ice and Air, then how come it doesn’t have a Abyss Moon? You know, the moon that radiate Darkness element. And how come this world’s Snow Beast element are so far and few? From what I know, there’s no Snow Beast in the South at all!
If there’s an Ice Sun then shouldn’t it be possible for Snow and Ice elemental beast to have survived easily? Well, whatever it is, I really am curious. I hope that it isn’t because of that Being that causes Snow Beast to be unable to survive in the South.
Anyway, the suns aside. I really need to finish my greenhouse’s collection. Huh? Oh, that’s right. It has been a finished building for two days already. So now I need to engrave a couple of inscriptions to protected it when the Blue Moon Eclipse comes. A lot of it in fact.
Walking into the greenhouse I see Jin, who had just finished planting the last herbs into the pots. Inside the greenhouse, there are two artificial suns that Jin had made using iron and glass while I had placed two primary inscriptions on it. The roof also have an inscription spell that let the sunlight penetrate through, or should I say that moonlight penetrates through?
The ground, walls, ceiling, roof and everything else was also being engraved with protection inscriptions.
When the Director first saw the greenhouse, he sighed out loud and shook his head while telling me that a greenhouse isn’t enough to protect all the herbs inside during the blue moon eclipse since it will just freeze everything into blocks of ice. However, I just smiled mysteriously at him and took him inside. Once he saw all the protection inscriptions on the walls, ground, ceiling, and even on the pots for the plants. He was amazed.
He was more than simply amazed. He even makes a contract with me concerning selling the herbs in here. Of course, he can only see what I want him to see but it was enough to convince him that it will be a really bad idea to make me his enemy.
“Little Jen? What are you thinking about?” Jin asks me with a chuckle as he watches me looking over everything in satisfaction. On his forehead was a complex looking inscription that looks like a nine petal flower, only it was formed from words and ink so it was pitch black. Normally, this inscription can’t be see but since I am the one that made it, I can see it clearly. He isn’t the only one that has that inscription on his forehead. I do too.
“Hum? Nothing much. Just seeing if there was any other inscriptions that need to be placed.” I say eyeing all the already planted herbs and grasses that are clearly being organized into themes. In the left corner are the plants that will only need a couple of months to grow. The right corner has plants that grow up within a 10-year limit.
In fact, the two sides of the herbs in the greenhouse look like a Yin-Yang symbol. One was mostly green while the other was mostly red.
Right between the plants was a door that leads underground. The door has a complex protection inscription on it so only me and Jin can enter. After all, the underground was where I plant all the other more dangerous plants that I don’t want anyone to know about. It was about 300 meters underground. Basically, you can call it a simple, small world for all kinds of awesome and fearful herbs.
Hm? You didn’t know? From the outside, the greenhouse was only about as big as a small cottage house that has three bedrooms, but inside the greenhouse was easily 10 times of that since I placed a space engraving spell on the walls, floor, and ceiling. Like I said, there are all kinds of inscription spells inside, on and all around this greenhouse. You never know what kind of inscription spell you will see in here.
That’s why it was easy to make an underground farm that can easily house up to 10,000 kinds of herbs and trees.
“Hehehe. There isn’t anything else, little Jen. In fact, everything was so perfectly done that I am amazed.” Jin says as he looks at the plants around him in awe.
“That’s good. Now, what else do I need to do? Hmm? Jin, how much can the storeroom hold?” I ask.
“The storeroom was now able to hold about a year's worth of firewood and a couple of months’ worth of oil. However, since there are 11 of us here, I suggest that we turn another room into a storeroom for more firewood. Food and water, we don’t need to worry about since each of us have enough food in our rings to last for a couple of years.” Jin says eyeing his ring with sweat drops that show how awe and exaggerated he is.
Yesterday, I went and bought each of us 10 bags of rice that weigh 100 pounds each, 10 bags of flour- wheat flour- that weigh 100 pounds each, 10 pounds of a variety of dried cooking herbs for each of us, and 11 small crystals. The crystals are about the size of a baby’s thumb, they don’t have any importance other than to look nice, or so everyone else thought. I put a magic spell on the crystals and turned them all into water crystals that would normally cost 3 gold each to buy. Of course, they’re water crystals but there’s no water in there until I absorb the water from the river into it. All in all, it costs me 13 golds.
Hmm? You think that’s cheap? For 11 of us? Well, I got to say that was true. This kingdom’s food production isn’t a joke. There was no such thing as starving to death in this kingdom since the agriculture here was very well maintained. Each year, there’s always a surplus of over a million kinds of food that isn't meat. Meat was the only thing that costs more than herbs. After all, there aren’t a lot of strong people that can hunt for meat from the beast outside the city limits.
Like for example, each year, Ernos City always have 10 or so storeroom worth of wheat flour and another 10 of rice. And that was only the tip of the iceberg. Well, at least for dried food.
According to the Director of the Alchemist Guild, the only thing that this city need more than anything was herbs, alchemy herbs. Specifically, the Fire Breathe Grass.
Fire Breathe Grass was a fire elemental herb that was being grown by every household in this continent for their seeds. The seeds can then be ground or milled into a fine powder and sprinkled over food and clothes to keep the body warm during the Blue Moon Eclipse. Each year, a normal household can only gather 10 pounds and have to buy additional supplies from the alchemist guild when the time comes.
Those that don’t have enough money to buy more will always perish during that harsh year. Once every 8 years, Ernos city always lose at least 3 percent of their citizens to the cold due to not enough Fire Breathe Grass.
According to Edris, a normal household that has 5 people needs at least 50 pounds of Fire Breathe Powder in order to survive those 12 months of utter coldness. He recommended me, actually nearly begged me, to plant as much of Fire Breathe Grass as possible in my greenhouse and not to worry about other herbs for now. But I declined.
Who do you think I am?
Anyway, one of the reasons why the city was so shocked that all of us kids can become magicians was that Jin’s elemental affinity was fire. Something that was rare in this city. Only about 10 percent of all the magicians in this city have Fire element. The rest are either Earth, Air, and Water element.
“Firewood huh... I can do that. Hmm... now that I think about it, I wonder if this world has any Red Fire Trees? They should right?” I ask Jin as he washes his hands in a small man-made river that was right by the door to the underground farm.
“Red Fire Trees? There is. However, they are very rare.” Jin says as he dries his hands and hugs me from behind as I watch all the herbs with a small smile on my face.
“Where can I buy it?” I wonder out loud.
“The auction house should have it,” Jin says, kissing my neck with small pecks of kisses. I shiver as his breath hit my ears.
I tilt my head back and meet his lips in a quick kiss that won’t be turning into full blown make-out kisses. At least not in here.
“Should we go to the auction house tomorrow?” I ask. Today was the fourth day of the week and the auction house holds their auction on the fifth day of every week. So three times in a month. A week was 9 days and a month was 32 days. A year was 384 days but the Solar calendar only has 356 days as official days. There’s a period of 28 days as Free Days that are dedicated to the Beast King so all humans close their doors and cities during this times.
“Yeah but little Jen, we have to have at least 100 golds to be able to buy anything in there. Are you sure we should participate?” Jin looks a little worried as we watch one of the plants in a pot that look like a Fire Breathe Grass grow at the rate that was normally impossible. It was a Fire Breathe Grass. I only have one plant of it. I don’t need to plant it like the director advised.
“That’s fine. I still have the Sun Goldenfire little Python snake’s blood so it should be more than enough. According to Hylian, just 10 drops was enough to cost 50 gold so I am not worried about money.” I say as I lean into Jin’s chest. So warm...
“If you say so. Oh? It’s ready already?” Asks Jin as he sees the seeds from the Fire Breathe start to drop into the cups underneath it. The clay cups are made by Jin, along with the inscription on the bottom of the cups, it can now hold up to 100 pounds before overflowing.
“Little Jen, I still can't believe that you know a time spell that can accelerate the growth rate that plants normally grow with. Not to mention that fertilizer ash that you made was really good. It only takes 5 hours for a plant that normally would need 8 months to grow, this was fast!” The awe and astonishment that Jin felt causes me to smile softly.
From our connection, I can tell that Jin was truly in awe but he isn’t afraid of me. That’s good. I smile. After all, I won’t be surprised if Jin feared me for knowing a Time Spell.
Time and Space are the most mysterious things in the world, after all. Not to mention, the Law and Force of Time and Space itself was not something that a normal or abnormal human being can sense just because they understand it.
It isn't that easy to comprehend and gain power over Time and Space Elements.
“A normal Time Spell isn’t enough for plants to grow that fast, Jin. Didn’t you see I inscribing the pots before? That was for another kind of Time Spell that was formatted into the form of an inscription. It actually made the plants feel like their time slow down, which caused them to be over-sensitive of the soil that they're on. Add that to the Growth Time spells and that’s the results.” I said proudly. I am proud of myself as an alchemist and a magician.
“Hehehehe. But still, little Jen, I am very proud of you.” Jin smiles as he kisses my cheek softly, his eyes were full of love. I can feel my cheeks burns but I simply ignore it in favor of the warmth from Jin’s chest.
If you look carefully, you can actually see that every pot has at least two inscriptions engraved on the pots. However, if you have the sight and know where to look, you can see a couple of symbols flying slowly above the plants themselves. Some are for protection while others are for something else. And Jin was one of the few that can see the symbols in the air. He was amazed.
We stay like that for a couple more hours as it won’t make much difference in the other world since the time in here was different. It was way slower than the outside, not that anyone else would noticed if they come in. People other than I and Jin would only see a small tiny greenhouse and normal plants like cooking herbs once they are inside. Only me and Jin can see this sight since it was like a ‘mini space’ in here. The only reason why both Jin and I aren't affected by the Time Spell in this space was because I have already cast a protective spell over both of us. If anyone else, they will age a lot faster as this space’s time ratio.
Jin’s stomach grumbles softly.
I smile. “Should we go back?” I ask gently from Jin’s arms.
“Hm. I am getting hungry and we need to prepare for tomorrow too.” Jin says as he takes my hand and places his arms around my waist as both of us left. Outside, the wind blows softly as red leaves fall onto the ground. It was now autumn so there are all kinds of fallen leaves on the ground. Some look like bunny ears while another look like heart shaped leaves. It was all kinds of shapes.
Inside the house, all the kids are focusing on their reading and doing their assignment for school. The only ones that aren’t doing anything are Jin and I. Arise looks up as she feels our presence.
“Sister Jenna. Big brother Jin.” She greets with a goofy smile before going back to doing whatever it was that her assignment needs her to do.
That draws Samantha’s attention as she looks up from her book. “Big brother. How was the greenhouse?” She asks as she places the book down and comes to hug both of us but only asks her brother. I smile as I pat her head softly.
“It was okay. We finished planting all the herbs now.” Jin answers. The greenhouse was open for all the kids but they can only see the original one that isn’t in the Time and Space spell.
“Oh!” She smiles brightly before running back to her books and starts to read again. All the kids have learned how to read and write in the Magic Languages but the books are far more complicated for them than just simple spells. They need all their focus on it.
I smile as I and Jin went to the kitchen to cook dinner. School begins from 6 in the morning until 6 in the afternoon so we all are now pretty used to the schedule. I would make breakfast using bread and sometimes porridge as we eat before going to school. During lunch, all the kids would eat with me and Jin. Since I cook both our breakfast and lunch at the same time. We eat the breakfast before reaching the school but the lunch was safely in my ring, where time was stopped.
Of course, to not drawn attention, I always have a basket full of plates and bowls with me at all times. Everyone in my classes knows by now that I am very antisocial and don’t talk much in class so they mostly ignore me but Jin was popular.
Jin’s more talkative and very nice to nearly everyone so they all like him. Both Jin and I are now orphans so the richer kids in the class always make fun of us, look down on us but both I and Jin just ignore them.
Some tried to befriend Jin but once we both read their eyes and know their reason, we ignore them. The only ones that are truly in awe of us are the commoners that are trying as hard as they can to change their future for themselves. By now, Jin was almost everyone’s friend in our classes.
Anyway, tonight’s dinner was steam rice cake, meat stews, and for desserts are Sweet Wild Rice cake.
After we all eat, the kids all go to their rooms to meditate while I and Jin get ready for tomorrow. In the middle of the night, Jin woke up and went to check on the herbs in the greenhouse (the ones in the Spaces one) before coming back and sleep.
I did want to meditate too but both I and Jin have reached the bottleneck for the Body and Forms so now we both need to fight in order to go to the next stage. Something that can’t be done in this city. It will destroy this city beyond recognition if we fight here.
That’s why, both I and Jin are thinking of quitting the school since there’s nothing in there that was worth enough for us to stay there.
When morning comes, Rebecca and I made breakfast and lunch before they leave for school while I and Jin get ready for the morning auction.
“Little Jen, what else are you going to sell?” Jin asks.
“Hmm, there’s the mana gems that I had you find last time. And then there’s the meat from that baby python. But maybe not the meat, only the blood. The gems can be put to auction.” I say. Both I and Jin are currently just sipping tea after our breakfast so there isn't anything else to do since I have everything in my ring already.
“Hm? Now that you remind me, little Jen, do you want me to cut the gems?” Jin asked as he looks up at his cup of tea and looks at me with his eyes full of anticipation.
“I don’t see why not,” I say as I transfer all 1405 Mana gems, uncut and unpolished, into Jin’s ring without much thought. From looking at the gems itself, I can tell that it still haven’t been cut and polish yet. That can be taken care of soon enough. I will polish it myself if I have too. Although it was a big pain in the neck polishing gemstones, I don’t have many options.
Wait. Why was Jin looking at me with that look that says that he knew something that I didn't know? Don’t tell me that he knows how to polish precious minerals like gems and diamonds and the like?
I watch as Jin takes out a red gem that was about the size of two adult’s fists together and starts to shape it using only his fingers that are reinforced using mana to shaped it like a sharp jaw point cutter. No tools are needed. The aura that was oozing out from his hand indicate that he was now using the metal element to shape the gems. From what I know, crystal cutting was a very slow process. However, watching Jin do his work on the gems, I got to say Jin was freaking damn good at this! Too good!!!
More like, what the hell? The speed that Jin’s hand was moving was barely visible to my sight! And the precision! The accuracy! The form!
Don’t tell me that Jin- no- Kainen used to be a jeweler? I wouldn’t be surprised if that was truth. Not with the skills that Jin now has.
“Hehehehe. Don’t be so surprise little Jen. And yes, I learned how from a really great sculpture from our old world. Although I can’t sculpt like him, my skills in crystal cutting are above his.” Jin says while smiling softly as he concentrates on cutting the gems.
The first one shaped into a clear octagon, the second one was an oval, the third one was a triangle. And so on and on. Soon enough, there was hundred of gems in a variety of shapes.
“Okay, stop! We don’t need to sell all of it!” I yell at Jin. The speed that he processes the crystal cutting was mind-boggling. I mean, come on! It hasn’t even been 10 minutes yet! And he had already finished cutting over 100 of them! All kinds of shapes and all kinds of sizes!
“Little Jen? What’s wrong?” Jin asks confusingly.
“You idiot. Are you trying to draw more attention to yourself?!” I ask, feeling a vein pop up on my forehead. God this stupid idiot. He knows that I don’t like attention and yet still trying to get all the nobles and the rich folks in this world to come knocking on the door!!!
I can feel the smirk on Jin’s face from our connection. I glared at him.
“Hehe, little Jen, calm down. Is not like you have to sell it all at once!” Jin chuckles, amusingly. A vein ticks in my forehead.
This idiot!
“Are you trying to joke with me or are you serious?” I ask, completely unamused.
“... was a joke. I know, little Jen. Don’t worry. You don’t have to sell so much that it will grab people’s attention. You can just turn the rest into something else. You know? One of your what was it called again? Ah, your little Gem Storage. You know? The one that you used to make way back then when I was still in school?” Jin says as he cupped my face with a gentle look in his eyes.
“Gem storage? Those are flawed and doesn’t work so I don’t bother with them anymore.” I answer as I try to stop the heat in my cheeks, however, I fail badly since I can see from Jin’s eyes that my face was now bright red.
“Then why can’t it turn into like the interspatial rings?” He asks.
“Can’t. I don’t have the metal sub-elemental branch of the Earth Element.” I answer. After all, gems are closer to metals than any other thing on earth. It was the farthest away from rocks and lava. It was pure minerals. Something that my Earth element can’t cover, not without the metal branch.
“Why not just connect with that branch then?” He asked, confusingly as to why I didn’t bother with the metal branch of the Earth element.
I sigh out loud. “You are a complete idiot? It’s obviously because I don’t want to! My earth element was high enough that I can detect all kinds of minerals under the earth! It's just that I can’t use them good enough to change their properties into storage goods like rings that have already been crafted!” I answer as I hit Jin on the back of his head, causing him to wince a little with a blush.
“Now that you mention it. You always have me melt the irons and makes them into objects first.” He recalls, I sigh. You know? I know that my big brother Kainen isn’t the smartest guy out there but he was really intuitive. However, there are times that I found it somewhat really, really exaggerated. I love him to death but seriously, I had thought that after all these years, he might had growth up or mature but it seems like it was too much hoping.
Well, that was until I see the teasing look in his eyes.
“Jin...” I sigh out loud. He did it on purpose. Again.
“Hehehe. Little Jen, I am just trying to make you laugh! Don’t be mad at me.” He says as he draws me into his lap. I sigh out loud.
“Idiot. I’m not mad at you. I never was.” I say as I kiss him on his forehead. I can feel the happiness that burst out from Jin into our connection. The emotion was nearly enough to knock me off my body.
And I can’t help it if I am also that happy to be in his arms, can I?
The next thing I knew, my lips and his were already together. With tongue and teeth and moans. Of course, the kisses were surprisingly soft for something so heavy like these kisses but who am I to complain when it was I who moaned the most.
I said this before and I will say it again. Teenage hormones was a WAR! It was a good thing that both mine and Jin’s will powers was far more extreme than a teen should be. Other wise, you can count on it that I would be pregnant really soon. It was a good thing that I had already stop this body from having normal premenstrual periods like normal girls. Like I say, I am not going to have another kid when there’s 9 other kids that haven’t even gotten their own life yet.
Soon, we stopped kissing and just pant in each other’s arms but we didn’t separate. I am still in his lap and his arms are still around my waist. Holding me tightly. My head was on his shoulder and my arms are around his neck while his head was on my neck, nipping it softly.
At least that was until I remember that we have to leave soon or we will be late for the auction. Which then caused Jin to rush clean everything up and give me all the polished and cut gems.
Then we rush toward the Auction house.
Auction House.
The Auction of Ernos City was part of the Three Kingdom’s Auction Household, controlled by three of the richest families in all the three kingdoms. The Prisca House, The Hawks House and The Newmount House. The Prisca House was in control over Ernos, The Hawks was in control over at Serenity while the Newmont was in control over Skymorite.
The captain was a part of the Prisca Family. Although from a small branch. In fact, Hylian was also from a small branch of the Hawks family in Serenity. Same as Logan, the 16th seat from the merchants group that Clapton lead.
We make it to the action house. Almost no people can be seen in front of the house, everyone was inside, ready for the opening ceremony.
In front of the door was a woman in a full black custom outfit that looks more like a military outfit than any else. She looks to be in her 30s.
“Is there anything I can help you with?” She asks as we approach, probably thinking that we are only kids and shouldn’t have any business at the house that sold things for hundreds of gold coins minimum.
I don’t even bother narrowing my eyes at this woman. “Business.” I simply say as I toss a gem into her hand, making her catch it in surprise.
“This is... a grade 1 gemstone!” She exclaims excitedly but softly.
“Well?” I am getting impatient here!
“Right. Please, this way, dear customers.” She politely escorts us toward a room and gives us some tea. She knows how to do business.
“Please wait for a moment for a gentleman to help you. Here was your gemstone.” She politely bows as she quietly leaves. I and Jin sip our tea quietly as we chat telepathically.
“Sorry to have you wait, Miss Loveheart and Mister Yorkon. My name was Christopher. How can I assist you two today?” A voice speaks as a well-dressed man walks toward us and bows slightly.
It seems like our reputation from school was already enough to reach this place.
“We would like to sell some gems that our parents have left us.” Jin lies as he went straight to the point and pretends to dig into his purse only to blink and look at me sheepishly. I sigh out loud as I also pretend to search my little pouch by my side and take out four various shapes of gems, including the one that I threw at the woman earlier.
“Gems from your parents?” He asks as he blinks in surprise. He doesn’t look like he believes me at all. But then after hearing about our potential from the Grisarth school, it was more than enough to convince him to take our words seriously.
“Yes. Before they left the world, my parents left me and my sister a couple of new family treasures but since I really don’t need them ( , ) I thought it would be best to sell it to help my sister and our lives.” Jin says sadly as he looks at the gems. I don’t bat an eye since that’s the story that I and Jin had made up in advance.
“I am sorry.” He apologizes for making Jin sad. This man knows how to use empathy to his benefit!
“Let me see. This is... a gemstone? And first class gemstone at that! Very well, we will enter these into the auction today.” Christopher decides in a totally excited mood.
“Sure. Please do.” I say. This man knows those first class gemstones have the ability to amplify a magician’s ability by at least 10% so he didn’t bother hiding his excitement.
“Mister Christopher, I would like to buy 10 Fire Trees Seeds from here too,” I said as I look at the excitedly smiling man.
“You can just call me Christopher, Miss Loveheart. And yes, we still have some Fire Tree Seeds. It will cost you 16 golds each. A total of 160 Golds for 10 Seeds.” Christopher says with a business smile on his face.
“Can you abduct it from these gems? Oh, and here. I would like to sell these too.” I say as I hand him a leather pouch that has 10 small glass bottles of the baby python blood, with ten drops in each. I watch as Christopher place the gemstones on the table and open the pouch with a curious look in his eyes. Seeing the bottles of liquid, he take one bottle out and sniffs it. His expression changed so fast that I nearly missed it.
“Miss Loveheart! This was Mana Blood! Where did you get it from?” He asks excitedly, completely forgoing the fact that I am only a teenage girl who isn’t even 16 yet.
“Where I got it from isn’t of your concern. I want you to put that to the Night Auction without letting anyone know that it was me who was selling it. Can you do that?” I ask.
“Yes! Really well. I will take care of these ten bottles. Is there anything else that I can assist you with?” He respectfully asks.
“No, for now, I want you to auction out off those four gemstones first. If the business was good then I will sell other things. Depending on how well you guys take this business seriously, I will come back with more things to sell.” I say as I sip my tea. It was a really badly made tea. Yuck.
I can see Christopher’s mind working. He does not want to lose me as a customer.
“Really well. I will do that.” He said as he stands up and collects the gemstones and the pouch of blood. I nod.
After that, he lead us to the stage for the auction.
The bidding itself was a real disappointment. Damn it, let’s just say that I am really disappointed with the things that are sold here. My gemstones were the most valuable things in here today.
It was a surprised that the most valuable things in this auction were the gems.
Three gems. The first were for 320 Gold coins, seconds was 350 gold coins and third, the largest, was 450 gold coins. For a total of 1,120 gold coins. Including the fees, I got only 1,108.8 Golds back.
This was really pathetic. And here I thought that there will be a big battle over the gems, only to find out that only half of the rich people in the city was here. Maybe I shouldn’t have sold it today but waited for another 4 days when they have the Night Auction instead.
However, the Night Auction will attract too much trouble!
Arg... Whatever. Fine. Night Auction was it then. After that, I and Jin left disappointed to have a really NICE chat with Christopher again. Only this time, we left 4 more gemstones that are larger. Christopher took one look at my face and he pale before hurriedly started writing letters to all the big families and mages in the city for the Night Auction in four days. Letting them know that there are high-grade beast blood and large first-grade gemstones on auction for bidding.
I hope that this time, it will be worth it. Before leaving, I place an order of 10,000 stones slaps. Which cost me 120 gold coins. I also pay for the Fire Tree Seeds too. 10 seeds cost me 160 gold. So a total of 280 gold were gone just like that.
What? You wonder what was those stones are for? Obviously for the basement that I am going to make under our house! I already have the landlord’s permission!
Actually, I might as well as buy that house and land. Wait, that’s impossible since it was a Rent-to-Own contact kind of a house! So that means that I don’t need to worry about it since It was paid for at least 10 years.
What was the basement for? Well, for my labs of course. You can’t expect a magician to not have her own labs can you? Besides, it will also be used as storage space for more firewoods.
Before that, we need to sell off those gems and blood!
That day, the city was in a state of chaos. News that four families acquired 4 First Grade Gemstones come out and it was a commotion. However, what they are mostly talking about was the fact that it was sold anonymously. Not to mention that there will be another auction in four days with larger gemstones.
The news spread like fire around the city, causing everyone to know about it.
Ernos city isn’t large but you must know that it was the 6th largest capital in the Ernos Kingdom. There are hundreds of millions of people here, if not thousands of millions. Although only 20% are rich, it still doesn’t mean that this city was small or poor. I had already calculated that by the time that auction took place, there won’t be enough chairs for people to sit!
And I was proven right when four days later, I was met with the sight of a full house. Full of smelling adults!!!
I really wanted to throw up. The air was stuffy and the sound was loud. There’s always an arguing from everywhere.
Luckily, I and Jin are in the VIP seat and there was no one here with us in our private booth. Arg... This was one of those times that I hate that I and Jin have excellence hearing due to the way that we cultivate.
The voices are loud!!! I squeeze my eyes shut as I breathe in deeply, but only the pure air and not the stuffy airs. I can feel Jin’s discomfort too.
Ahhh!!! That’s it, I can’t take it anymore~!!!
The next thing everyone knew, a breeze passed by that force the door to open with a slam. The whole hall quiets down. They all think that they must have been too loud that it made an expert mad so they all quiet down and continue discussing. After all, this isn’t the first time that this happens so they are quite used to it. An Auction like this was going to draw a lot of powerful magicians in the city so they didn’t bother questioning which magician it was. Nobody wanted to offend them after all.
All kinds of families were seating and some were even standing. Like I thought, there aren't enough chairs for all of them. There’s also some shady people in there too. I hope that I don’t meet them. I really don’t want to dirty my hands. I hope that Christopher isn’t stupid enough to leave traces about me. Otherwise...
“Ladies and gentleman! Please quiet down and find a seat! Those that don’t have one please stand by the wall uniformly! The ceremony will start in 5 minutes!” A crystal loud voice full of life and excitement called out, causing all the people to quiet down and start to find their seats.
“Ne, Little Jenna. With this much people. Maybe you should also try to sell one of your extra interspatial ring or one of your leather bags that you made last week?” Jin asked as he watches the people.
“...” You know, I never thought that. I still have like 10 rings left. As for the spatial leather bags, those aren’t for other people. Maybe I should. “You really think I should?” I asked.
“Yeah. This auction house was really private about seller’s profile so I don’t see why not.” Jin said as he pulls me to his chest and hugs me tightly for a second.
“Okay. let’s go see Christopher then.” I said. Jin nodded as he place his arms around my waist and we left the VIP room. We found Christopher talking to the City Lord. Adzen Ashforn. He was an okay guy. Not someone who was greedy and he takes care of his citizens really well. He's also a warrior of Tier 7 rank 7. We had met him when he came to welcome us to the city a couple of days ago when news of us selling off gems reached him. Of course, Christopher was to blame.
“Lord Adzen.” Both I and Jin bow a little.
Hearing our voice, Christopher jerks in surprised since he couldn't even feel our presence.
“Oh my, Miss Loveheart and Mister Yorkon. How was your evening so far?” He asked softly. This man isn’t a pushover! Both Jin and I thought at the same time. He was soft when hes normal but this man can be really deadly. Both of them can tell the first time that they met this man when he came to their house 3 days ago.
“Our days has been good. You needn’t worry, Lord Adzen.” I reply softly and respectfully. This man deserves it.
“I see. I am looking forward to the Gemstone for tonight’s auction.” He said excitedly as he left. We all bow to him.
I turned to narrow my eyes at Christopher, causing the man to flinch. For reason unknown, whenever this girl glared at him, it always causes his body to flinch automatically. Christopher was truly bemused.
“Christopher, you know? I was going to have you sell something that I and my mom found a long time ago at the Dragonet Mountain but now... I am really hesitating.” I said in a voice that said that I am really disappointed with him. I don’t need to watch his face to know that he flinched really badly at that.
“But... oh well. I don’t see why I should still keep this when I don’t even know how to use it. Here, sell these two rings too.” I said as I handed him the 2 meters by 3 meters cubic square rings. Both of them are the smallest. It doesn’t look new since it was made from rings that have too many impurities so I don’t need to worry about it. Now, I can make the space in a regular iron rings to be as large as 200 meters by 300 meters. Of course, that was for iron rings. If it was other materials, the spaces are varied.
“This!” Shock was the understatement of the year once Christopher looks at the rings. The next five minutes was spent on explaining-lying- to him on how l and my mother had found a nest of dragons that had lots of corpses around it and those rings were on one of the corpses. I was lying thru my teeth but he didn’t even notice.
At the end, he excitedly agreed and we went back to the private booth completely acting like nothing has happened. Of course, this attracts the City Lord’s attention, who was sitting a couple of meters away in another booth. But naturally, he won’t know until he sees it.
“Ladies and gentleman!!! Welcome to Tonight’s Auction!!!” The girl from last time announce. “You all knew my name already but just in case there are new people, I will introduce myself again. My name was Lisa, the MC for tonight's auction. Please to meet you.” She said politely as she bows cutely, causing a lot of the teens in the seats to cheer loudly.
“Tonight, we are all here to do some bidding so let’s get the ceremony started~!!!” Lisa said loudly with excitement in her voice as the background music starts to play and a couple of performers come out. Basically, the ceremony was just a dance performance. It lasts ten minutes and it was different each time so it was pretty enjoyable. Well... for them. Not me and Jin since both of us are now yawning in boredom.
By the times that the performance was done, both Jin and I were near asleep. However, the clapping and yelling from the people down in the hall cause both of us to jerk awake.
Both of us blink our eyes in sleepiness. You must know, it was near midnight right now!!! I want to go home! I want to go sleep! I want to sleep in Jin’s arms! Arg stupid auction takes too long!!! I am especially tired from staying up for the past 4 days without sleeping. What was I doing? Obviously, measuring out the space under the house and preparing everything else.
Feeling soft hands around me, comforting me safely, I calm down.
“Now now calm down people. You aren’t here for the performance, no matter how awesome it is. You are all here tonight for the priceless Gemstone. The First Class Gemstone! They have the ability to amplify and purify a magician’s power by at least 10%!!!” Lisa announced excitedly.
“However, we found out that the Gemstones tonight have the ability to also make small protection shields around you without using your own mana! If this isn’t exciting enough then I don’t know what is!” She yelled out. This girl truly knows how to have fun.
A man appeared from behind her to whisper something to her. I watch as Lisa’s eyes widen in disbelief before calming down and nodding her heads in understanding.
“Ahem! Excuse me. I just received some really interesting news. Moving on. We will start the bidding now! Everyone! Ready?!!!” She asked.
Yells of cheers were her answer. Damn it! Can this woman stop making those stupid idiots yells this loud!
“Now now, calm down. We first will start with the smallest gemstone. This was the Abstract Gemstone.” Lisa said as she claps her hand and two pretty lady row a cart in.
The anticipation in the room was enough to make the mana in the air freeze completely. I roll my eyes as I sit down on Jin’s lap and place my head on his shoulder. Time for some cuddling.
The next thing I notice was shouts of numbers.
500 Gold!!!
600 Gold!
And so on. I really don’t care. Right now I am really sleepy.
‘Little Jen. What should we have for breakfast tomorrow?’ Jin started to chat telepathy. Like I say, both of us really don't care about how much those gems and the bottles of blood will be sold for. What I care now was the Ring’s price. If there’s even anyone that can afford it of course.
“Hmm... What do you want?” I asked, completely ignoring the shouting in the background. I could feel Lord Adzen’s gaze on us in curiosity but I really don’t care since he was the only one that can see us.
“I want something sweet. Ah! I just remembered! Little Jen, can you make Mana Candy? I bet that it will sell like hotcakes!” Jin exclaimed with his eyes full of comprehension.
“Mana Candy? That’s not for breakfast but yeah. That’s a good idea. It will help the kids increase their mana pool and at the same times purify it. I will need to buy a lot of herbs for that. What flavors do you think the kids will like?” I asked.
“Sweet, Sour, Creamy Milk, Orange, apple, cocoa-” “Stop! Those are flavors that you will like. Not the kids!”
“Ehhh.... Come one Little Jen. And coconut, pumpkin, and.-” “Okay, I got it.”
“I might as well as make some Heat Candy too. Might help in the winter. Wait... It was going to be winter soon!” I exclaimed in reminder to myself. Reminding myself to prepare for the winter this year.
“Ohhh, that’s a good idea.” Jin said as he started to watch the scenes of people fighting over the gemstones. I can feel that Lord Adzen can heard us but it seems like he won’t ask about it.
“19,590 Golds Coin! anyone else raising it?!” Yelled Lisa excitedly.
“19,590 Golds Coins going once! 19,590 Golden Coins going twice! 19,590 Golds Coins going Three!” Ding Ding Ding! “I declared Master Meinke of Royal Institute Win~!!!”
Clapping were heard and congratulation were exchanged. The mood of everyone in the hall wasn’t united but most of them are happy to be there seeing the tense battle over the gems. Some were sad and regretful that they didn’t bring enough money while other were awed at how much a gem that size was worth if its class was high enough.
Yet, while everyone else was happily in a some kinds of mood. The two teens on the VIP booth next to the City Lord weren't even paying attention to what was going down below them.
The Lord from the next booth looks over to congratulate them for selling the gems, however, was met with the sight of them chatting about what to cook for breakfast and something about mana candy or something like that. They didn’t even bother watching the auction. And they were talking about what kinds of heat candy?
The City Lord, who have the most respect in the whole city, can only sigh out loud and turned back toward the auction as it continues into another gem.
An hour of shouting matches later, the last gems were finally sold for 19,710 Golds. The seconds one was 19,640 Gold and the third one was 19,690 Golds. So all in total was 78,730 Gold coins. That’s a lot of money.
Normally, a noble household yearly income was only about 10,000-12,000 golden coins.
However, Jenna made 78,730 Gold coins easily in a week.
That’s a lot!!! Including the fees and Jenna and Jin made 77,942.7 gold easily. Lets not forget about the Blood bottles too. Normally, 10 drops of blood from Beast of that level was worth around 50 gold coins. However, because it was a snake beast that are class King, the price for the Blood shot up to more than 75 golds. In the end, Jenna made another 780 Golds easily.
And now was the end of the bidding. Lisa has been yelling in full excitement mood for the past 3 hours and her foreheads are now covered in sweat but she was still smiling.
“Now, Ladies and Gentlemen. If you leave tonight here and didn’t take this item back with you. You will regret it for the rest of your life.” Lisa said in a solemn and serious voice, completely grabbing all attention.
“The last two items for tonight are sold as a pair. This item was a legendary items that only the City Lord himself have in this whole city. Tonight... If you are lucky and rich enough, this item will be in your family for the next 200 years or more. If you aren’t lucky? Too bad. I have no other consolation for you.” She pauses as she nervously swallow, causing everyone’s anticipation and attention to be on the stage in full 100% efforts. No one wanted to missed this scene.
I don’t want to miss seeing their faces!!!
“This was it, people. After tonight, if you don’t dream about this item in your dreams until you can’t remember if it was a dream or not, I will be really disappointed in you all. Girls? Bring it in.” Lisa solemnly said with a seriousness that causes everyone to be really cautious. Behind the two ladies are ten fully armored guards that are at the very least Tier 5 warriors.
I can see more guards of higher levels rushing from the back door and the front door, guarding it. This causes a lot of people to be really startled.
“Now, please. Do calm down. This was just for precaution. Now, ladies and gentlemen, are you all ready?” She asked with a voice that grabbed all their attention. They all shout in a Yes!
Lisa moved her hands and removes the cover, showing two worn out rings that are in a case that had two large symbols on it. The symbols cause me to lift my eyebrows. Oh? A guarding inscription? It was a Glyphs for guarding. However, its level was seriously low. Yet, I don’t think that there’s anyone in here who can do anything to it. Beside me and Jin of course. We don’t count. I had said this before and I will say it again. In our old world, every child, especially the mage ones, are required to have at least Primary knowledge about Inscription in general.
There are 12 levels of inscriptions: Primary, which consists of beginner inscription - or what we called Engraver Primal- which takes 5 years to learn, Secondary, for 10 more years, Senior, for 15 more years, Advice Senior was 20 more years, and so on and on until you reach Grandmasters at the age of 390 years old. And this was only in standard cases. Geniuses only take half of that or even less than that. For me, I got to the Grandmaster level when I was 77 years old.
Let's not forget that each level of inscriptions has at least 5,000 Symbols and 5,000 Reinforcer. To passed each level, one must recognize and understand all 5,000 symbols and it's Reinforcer. Which meant that there was a total of 10,000 representatives that you must know and understand it. And those are only the normal ones. The Ancient Symbols, The Demonic Symbols, and the Fate and Heaven Symbols have their own requirement and understanding. The Inscription that belongs to the Ancient, Demonic, Fate and Heaven symbols aren't something that normal genius can understand, much less known about. Those Symbols altogether - the ones that I knew off at least- are about another 12,000 Symbols that are Primary levels.
Each level only gets higher and higher too.
In our old world, the average life for normal people was 150 years old, the oldest was 170 years old. If you included in the fact that, that world, have beasts that are thousands of times larger and stronger than here, the average lifetime was a godsend. Which explained why their level of comprehensive and development was more than advanced compared to this world.
“This, right here, was two Interspatial Rings....” Lisa stopped here to watch the people's faces and she herself have to keep breathing to continue. Are spatial rings that much of a big deal? I admit, in our old world, it wasn’t that rare but that doesn’t mean that there are none. In fact, almost everyone can buy it. It’s just that the way how to make it isn’t available anymore and the space inside the rings are much smaller. The largest was only 5x5x7 cubic meters. It was expensive but it wasn’t that rare since it can change its owner. And it doesn’t die or loses its function easily since the crafting skills on the ring itself was really good. The only way for it to lose function was when it was destroyed by someone very strong.
“We tested it out ourselves and it was true. There was a 2x2x3 cubic meter of spaces in here. It was quite old. According to our examiner, these two rings was made around 120 years ago. It has a life shield of 500 years so there are only about 380 years left. According to ancient methods and rules, one person can only bound to one ring in their lifetime.
Once the rings are bound to its owner, it can’t be changed anymore. Now, people, this was rarer than the gemstones so choose carefully. I know that a lot of you here didn’t bring that much gold here. In the deposit, the most that you have here are only 50,000 gold coins.
The owner has given permission to give you all 1 additional hour to have someone go back to your home to bring more money. He had also given permission that if two households wanted these two rings, they can combine all their deposit to bet on it. Normally, that was forbidden but whoever said that these are normal rings? In one hour, we will come back here. If you decided to have someone go back to bring money, one of our guards will company you back. There will be no cheating involved. No crimes are tolerable.
If anything happens to the guard, you will lose your chance for the bidding. Think about it carefully please.” Lisa said with her eyes completely narrowed in warning. This girl has a temper~!!! I like her personality. I can feel Jin shaking his head and sighing out loud.
I turned toward the City Lord and found him completely freezing in surprise before his second wife, Salinda Firstfire of the Firstfire house, pinching him on his cheeks and then shaking the first and third wives to get their attentions. The next moment was utter chaos both in the halls and the VIPs private booths that surround us.
To our right was the City Lord and to his right was the Firstfire Head of the House and his wives. To our left was another two nobles and the headmaster of Royal Institution. The institute that was for rich peoples and royalties. It seems like he was the one that got the first gemstone. And the second one goes to the City Lord’s first wife. The third one goes to that noble besides the headmaster. And the last one was a teacher from that school.
It was a good thing that I had placed a spell so that no one, beside the City Lord, shall be able to see us. Otherwise...
Hmm? It seems like all the people in the other booth also sends someone back too.
One hour huh?
“Jin wake me up in an hour,” I said as I place my head on his shoulder and hold onto his waist instead of placing my arms around his neck.
“Sure. Sleep tight Little Jen,” he said as he kissed my forehead. I can feel someone’s eyes on us but I really don’t care.
However, I said that I don’t care but I can’t seem to fully sleep with that gaze on my head in a full blaze of heat. Whoever it was was really looking for an ass kicking!!!
I raised my head up suddenly, causing Jin to be surprised since he was watching the people below talking and discussing about.
“Little Jen? What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly.
“Someone’s eyes on me,” I said as I turned toward where the City Lord was seating, only to meet eye to eye with a youth in his 18's that have full blonde hairs. He has the same red eyes as the Lord and has really dominating air around him. Is this the so-called Firstfire Prince that the people at school have been gossiping about?
Ah, whatever. I don’t care. I closed my eyes and hide from his view into Jin’s chest.
“Little Jen? Who was it?” Jin asked, curiously.
“Probably that guy that the girls are talking about in class. What was his name? I don’t remember. That Firstfire Prince guy.” I said as I let my brain rest.
“Firstfire Prince huh...” Jin murmured as his eyes narrowed. I can feel him turning backward to see the man before turning back and kissed my forehead with a small smile, causing me to crack my eyes open to peek at his expressions.
‘Jin? What was it?’ I asked, confused as to why he suddenly kissed me with a smile on his face. There was a feeling of protection and love from our connection before that. Is Jin jealous that someone was watching me? Well, for sure he was but it turned into satisfaction after he turned back.
‘No, nothing. Just don’t want anyone to take interest in you in that way.’ Jin answered with a kissed on my forehead in a lovely tenderness. He squeezed me tightly into his chest as he started to hum in an old song from our old world. It was making my mind calm and my body even more relaxed. I closed my eyes once again.
Hmm??? What was this?? I have a feeling that I had forgotten something... Hmm? Wait a second!!! He can see us?!
I can feel the smile on Jin's face as he kissed my forehead softly.
‘No, he can't Little Jen. The ones that he was watching isn't us but rather that booth. That lady with the veil was the one that he was watching.’ Jin answered, feeling the question from the depths of our connection. That booth? Ah, he just means that girl from the Royal Institution’s First Class ‘s princess.
I let out a sigh of relief. Good thing he didn’t see us. Getting involved with the rich isn’t something that I like to do. Not now, not thousands of years ago. Not ever!
True, that girl was really beautiful in a really eerie way. She has bright golden eyes and golden hairs. Her face was ample like a snow person and the way that she carries herself was really similarly to how a corpse will carry itself. However, I can clearly feel the life in her body and it was her own so she isn't an undead or a Returner. Anyway, let’s just say that she was really beautiful. Enough to causes kingdom to collapse.
Just to be sure, I use my Sight to check and confirmed that she was human. She's just far too cold on herself and everything else.
Anyway, none of this was my business so I just once again closed my eyes and wait for the next 32 minutes. Until then, might as well take a short nap in Jin’s arms.
[Jin’s View]
Watching and feeling that Little Jen was now taking a short nap. I have to say that she was the cutest and adorable person in the whole world. So cute.
Anyway, right now, the people down in the hall are still discussing on how much the rings will cost. Some were even betting on how high the bidding will be. Not that I care about the cost but I really hope that it won’t be that guy in the dark robes or that girl who was smiling in a really disrupting manner, like she was looking forward to killing someone, to get the rings. The killing intents from both the dark robes guy and that girl in red robes are coming in waves. They both hide it pretty good since no one but me and Little Jen notices it.
Both of them are a magician. It seems like the dark robes guys stronger than the red robes girl by a bit. However, I have a feeling that if those two fight, the girl will be the one that wins. She looks like someone who will use a lot of underhanded moves if it means that she will win. A totally merciless woman.
In the corner of the hall, to the far left, was a little girl in bright blue robes and has a small staff in her hand. She looks to be 12 years old but judging from how deep her mana pool is, I will bet all my skills that she’s in her 100s already. It seems like the mages and magicians in this world really like to keep their appearance. In the hall, a lot of people are warriors with a couple of mages only. And yet, all the mages are all richer than all the warriors combined.
I have a feeling that there will be a lot of people dying now if not for those three people. The girl with the staff, the dark robe guy and that really scary girl was the only reason why there aren’t any fights right now. No one wanted those three people to fight in here, that’s why they didn’t fight. Not to mention, those three people are from the auction house’s private guards too. They must’ve been strong. Strong enough that it can keep this many people in line, at least.
Anyway, listening to the people down there talking, I must say this: Good job Little Jen! You have truly broken all those people’s mind with those rings! Little Jen was such a devil! Good thing that I didn’t suggest her to sell something else. Even when I suggested for Little Jen to sell one of her leather spatial bags that she made last week, I am glad that she didn’t.
I turned toward where the VIP booths are. The City Lord and his son are still sitting in the chairs looking really excited and yet anxious at the same time. However, unlike his father who was looking at the stage where the two rings are, the son was anxiously looking at the other VIP booth where the Royal Institute’s First Class Princess was at. The Princess didn’t even bother looking at his way and was instead, looking at the two ring with awe and yearning look in her eyes. Completely disregarding the looks from the Firstfire Prince.
Still, the Firstfire Prince and the Ice Hell Princess are both from the Royal Institution. Those two must’ve known each other. I am rather curious about those two but was best not to draw their attention or else Little Jen will be really mad.
Anyway, I better wake up Little Jen because the auction was resuming now. Hmm, but I want to keep watching Little Jen sleep. It can’t be helped. She was far too adorable. Luckily, I make her place a sealing inscription on herself before going to school. Otherwise, I really don’t want to think of how many people will be courting her. Even if Little Jen isn’t the prettiest or most beautiful of all the girls, she has something in her that made all men go crazy. That’s why I’d made her concealed herself in a layer of inscription that would hide a lot of her presences.
‘Little Jen, it’s time.’ I called the girl in my arms softly. She stirred softly as she opened her eyes and it flashed green for a split second. This was why I made her conceal her presence. Aren't her eyes green you know? But because her soul was so powerful that her physical appearance was being affected by it. Her hair and eyes are all now turning greens like her soul.
[Back to Jenna’s view]
Hearing Jin calling for me softly, I open my eyes and was met with a smiling face. Has he been watching me in my sleep all this time? Nah, Jin isn’t that bored.
“Are they all ready to resume?” I asked as I let Jin rub my face softly with a gentleness that can’t be found anywhere else in this world. Jin smiles softly as he touches my cheeks softly. He knew that my face was really soft like a baby button so he likes to touch it.
“Yep. They’re all in their places already.” Jin said as he helps me up into my chair so that I can see the war down in the hall. However, his arms are still around me tightly. I don’t mind. Really, Jin’s fire element was pretty warm so yeah.
“Okay,” I said as I turned toward the stage where that girl Lisa was trying to get everyone under control.
“Now, people. Please quiet down!” She yelled for the fifth times, yet still unsuccessfully. I can see a few veins popping up on her forehead as she closed her eyes. Then open it again with a glint in it.
Oh, Lisa was pissed!
“People, I said to quiet the hell down!” She growled out, causing a lot of people to flinch at the tone and shivers in fear. The hall quiets down into a soft whisper. Some people pales in fright at the girl while other looks really amused. I am one of them.
Lisa smile. “Now, that wasn’t so hard, was it?” She said. “Now that everyone was here. We shall get this auction back into a business. Do you all agree?” She asked with a tone that won’t take a No as an answer. Everyone nodded their heads with a shiver.
“Great~! Now, Let’s reviews what we know about these two Interspatial rings shall we?” She asked this time with a little more sincere. Everyone nodded their heads quietly, too afraid of the girl’s rare seen bad temperament.
“These two ring each has a space of 2 meters by 2 meters by 3 meters of spaces. It can hold anything that isn’t alive. If you have something that was the same object, it will automatically stack into a stack of 100. For example, a pile of firewoods will take about the space of this stage and it will only last a month at most. However, a pile of firewoods in the ring will only take a small space in the ring and you can stack them until it reaches the limit. We don’t know what was the limit yet so you will have to confirm that on your own. Now, the timeline for these two rings was made to last 500 years since it was a case iron rings. It will only last for another 320 years until it lost its function. If you think that this was worth spending golds over it. Do so. There are no medicines for regrets after all.” Lisa said as she looks at everyone, causing them to swallow their saliva in nervousness.
“Now, let’s start the bidding. We will start bidding at 50,000 Golds!” She yelled out. Her voice vibrates all over the hall as everyone’s eyes turn bloodshot at the price.
“55,000!” Yelled one of the richer nobles.
I seriously doubt that it will be that cheap. According to my calculation, in this city, the richest was the Firstfire Clan so they can afford it up to 200,000 Golds but beyond that, I don’t know if there was someone else that can gather more money then that this fast since most of their liquid cash are in the form of something precious like treasure swords, or something else.
“120,000 Golds!”
“164,000 Golds!” The Royal institution and the VIP booths started to join.
“165,000 Golds!” Called out the man from my right. It was the Lord of this city, Lord Adzen who called out.
“167,000 Golds!” The other VIP booth called out. It was the headmaster of the Royal Institution.
“170,000 Golds!” The Lord increasingly yelled out. The price was so high that everyone else has long ago stop bidding. Only the VIP booths, besides the one that I and Jin are in, are still bidding.
“175,000 Golds!” The headmaster yelled out loudly.
“176,000 Golds!”
“177,000 Golds!”
“200,000 Gold coins!” The headmaster yelled out loudly with a gasp. By now, the only ones that are still bidding are the headmaster and the Lord. Everyone other VIP had already stopped bidding it and quietly sighing out loud in regrets. Both the Lord and the headmaster were both red in the face and are both tired out from yelling out the price.
“230,000! Gold!” The Lord yelled. This was all his private money and if any higher, he wouldn’t be able to pay it. The deposit that he had his wives went to get was only this much. This was all he had since he refuses to use state money for personal items.
Seeing this, I must say, this city lord was worth respecting. He refused to use state money and instead pulled out his own private stash. Really worthy. How do I know this? I heard him ordering his wives to go get it of course.
“!!!” The headmaster wanted to bid more but found out that he didn’t have enough. He can’t do anything but quietly clenching his teeth in regrets that he didn’t bring more money. Well, that’s all he has in this city anyway. His house where his clan lives in wasn't here but at one of the Twin City.
I have to say... this was a worthy battle of bidding to watch.
“230,000 Gold Coin going once!” Lisa yelled out excitedly and tiredly. She has never heard of so much money in a bidding match before.
“230,000 Golds going Twice!” Lisa yelled into the Sound Stone in her hand.
“25,000,000 Gold Coins!” A really loud voice that had mana infused in it called out from the back of the hall, causing every head to turned toward it. It was an old man in dark red robes that have a large and long staff.
“!” Both I and Jin jump from our seats. This man... was strong! Well, strong enough in the Body and Forms stage. He was at the end of the stage! However, from what I could read on his aura, this man was missing a big insight to over this realm.
He was far too bloodthirsty! Just from his aura alone, I can tell that this man will never be able to become friends with me. This kind of person was the kind that I despise the most! Those that look at lives as if they were nothing but a plaything!
“Little Jen, this old man isn’t human, was he?” Jin asked me as he held me back from peeking out the booth to see the old man. The man was strong enough to be able to see thru my spell inscription that hides us from everyone else so I can see why Jin didn’t want him to see me.
“Oh my god! It’s the King of Beast’s secretary!” Someone in the hall yelled out in fright, causing everyone to panic and moved away from the old man. The fear in the air was tense enough to cause the mana to disperse in fright. Even the mana themselves doesn’t like this person! I narrowed my eyes as my hand forms a couple of seals real quick.
What I found from the seals on my hand make me nearly sighed out loud.
“He isn’t a human. He’s a Dragon. A true blood dragon. Don’t tell me that the dragons in this world are this low level?” I answered quietly as I watch the old man walk toward the stage. All the humans moved away from him in a wave. No one wanted to be in his way.
“I said 25,000,000 Gold coins(Twenty Five million Gold coins). I can bid too. Can I?” He asked quietly as he looks toward the private booth that the City Lord was in. Lord Adzen pale greatly as he nodded his head in agreement while his three wives and the Firstfire Prince all moved farther back away from the man’s sight. Even the headmaster moved the Ice Hell Princess away from his sight as he greatly pales.
“Welcome to Ernos City Auction house, Mister Bell of the Dragon Race.” A voice called out from behind the stage. An old man in white robes and blue eyes said. He was greatly pale in not fear but comprehension.
“The Dragon race?” I whispered. There was no way that the dragon race was this much of a weak!
“Little Jen, don’t forget that this isn’t our old world anymore. Besides, that was the secretary of the Beast King. Not the King himself.” Jin reminded me.
Ah, that’s right.
“My, if it isn’t Master Blor. Long time no see.” The old man chuckles as he greets the manager of the auction house with a somewhat small smile on his face that does look friendly. However, the aura that was surroundings the old man still feels threatening.
“Long time indeed. What was it that you want, Mister Bell? It isn’t the right time for the Dragon Auction yet. Why are you here?” The old man Blor asked with his eyes narrowed in cautions.
The old man called Bell sighed out loud in exaggeration. “Do I look like I want to be here to you?” He asked the manager with a tired face.
“... What do you mean?” Asked the manager Blor with his eyes lifts in surprise.
“Master told me to bid for those two rings and made me come here.” The old man sighed out loud. Everyone started to whisper in confusion as to why the King Beast suddenly started to involve in the auction for just a pair of interspatial rings. It wasn’t like the Dragon race lack any!
“Your master told you to bid for those two rings?” Asked the manager confusingly.
“Yes. And he told me to say this. Ahem. ‘Welcome to the World of Aquirros, Grandmaster of Life.’” The old man bows toward me and Jin with a respect that shocks everyone in the hall, especially the manager Blor.
“!!!” Shit. So the Beast King noticed me already. But, what the hell was Grandmaster of Life mean? I am pretty sure that I don’t study the Life Force and Law. But then again, everything was connected to Live one way or another. Is that why I didn’t die that time? Because, unknowingly, I had gained the approval of the Life Law?
But... that’s...well... The Life Force and Law were the only things that I refused to learn about since gaining insight on that law was equal to having immortal life. Immortal life! I refused to think of having to live for that long! 5 Thousand years of living were already too much for me.
To live forever? No. Just no. I refuse to think that I will be living for forever. The loneliness will kill me. After all, the Life Force and Law isn’t something that anyone can get insight on. Especially since Jin himself won’t be able to get it. Living forever without him? The thoughts itself makes me clenched my fist in fear.
‘Little Jen...” Jin holds me tighter. I smile at him. ‘Don’t worry, nothing will happen.’ I said to Jin softly. I can tell that he was worrying about me. I refuse to lose you again, Kai. After this long when we finally found each other? I refuse to let anyone separate us!
“My Master would like to welcome you and your mate to visit him anytime you want.” The old man said, causing me to nearly sigh out loud.
The King of Beast huh... Don’t tell me that he was friend with Little Shinny. Little Shinny was one of my 12 Soul Beast. He's the Abyss Dragon’s Emperor. I called him Little Shinny, though, to the man’s horror.
After saying that, the old man Bell respectfully turned back toward the stage and look at Lisa, causing the poor girls to break out in sweats and nearly faint.
“Lisa, I will take it over from here on. You go rest.” Said Blor to Lisa. The girl nervously nodded her head and went back with weak knees and nearly fell on stage.
“Now, let’s continue. Is there anyone else that can afford more than 25,000,000 Gold coins?” Blor asked as eye watch everyone, especially the VIP booth.
The City Lord palely shakes his head as his answer. Seeing the pale look on everyone’s faces, I have to say, this Bell old man must be really well known to the point that no one wanted to offend him. But, how the hell did he got here?
Hmm? This is... teleportation spell? Was he teleported here? Just to buy two rings? It seems like the King Beast didn’t want me as an enemy huh... But then again, golds aren’t something that dragons normally like to use. They preferred to use diamonds, gemstones, crystal, and other valuable minerals as their currency. So the King Beast use golds as his offering huh.
Good choice. Good choice indeed, knowing that Golds in human societies are something that was valued. It was kind of obvious since the King of the Beast isn’t an idiot. But still, to teleport someone just for attending a bidding auction for me shows how intelligent and cautious he was towards me. Too cautious. Far too cautious.
No one answers the manager for a long time.
No one wanted to answer him for a long time.
“Really, well. With the bidding of 25,000,000 Golds. Mister Bell of the Dragon Race wins the two rings!” He announced loudly. However, there was no applause or shout of excitement. I watch as the old man Bell walk toward the stage and take out a large chest out of nowhere and place it on the stage before opening it with a key. Inside was a chest full of gold coins that reach all the way to the top.
Truly, just one ring really can buy a whole city. The captain wasn't exaggerating when he said that it would cost more than all his life saving...
“Please count. After that, I will take the rings.” Bell said toward Blor without an ounce of emotion in his dreadfully menacing eyes. I don’t need to see him be able to tell that this man has killed millions of people if not billions.
“No need. I trust you enough.” The manager says as he closed the chest and signal a couple of higher level guards to help move the chest. It was very heavy after all.
“Really, well. Then I will take my leave.” The dragon in human form called Bell said as he grabs the two rings and vanished from the spot. Causing everyone to shriek in fright and a lot of relief sighing from the hall. The manager nearly dropped to his knees at the disappearance of the man just from nothing but his own tiredness. He can barely breathe....
I wanted to sigh out loud too. What the hell just happen? If I knew that it will cause this much trouble, I wouldn’t sell those two rings. Now, there’s a dragon race out there watching me. Sigh!
“Little Jen. Let’s go see Christopher.” Jin said worriedly since he could feel my frustration from our connection. It wasn’t a bad frustration but it was enough to cause him to shudder in constant worry.
“Yes. Let’s do that. But before that, I need to erase everyone’s memory for a bit.” I said as I turned toward the City Lord since he was watching me with his face pale.
With a flick of my hand, I removed the memory of what that old man Bell said toward me away from his memories. I repeat that to everyone. It took 5 minutes total to completely manipulate everyone’s memories.
There was no point in having someone remembering this scene. Just a little memory manipulation isn’t going to kill them since there won’t be any after-effects because of it. They won’t remember what he said to me but they will remember that he was the one that bid the 25,000,000 gold coins for those two rings.
After that, we both went to meet with Christopher. Who explained to us who that old man Bell is. The Secretary of the Beast King. The one that was keeping the Dragon Race and the Human race apart. And I have to say, I do not want to see him again anytime soon. While we were waiting for the auction to settle and for the manager to come back with the gold.
Jin and I have a really deep talk.
We both decided that we will go visit the King Beast after we resign from school and after preparing the kids for the winter. To do that, we both need to finish making the basement and finish collecting the herbs in the greenhouse. There’s a lot of things that need to be done before leaving so for the next couple of days, everything will be in a rushing period.
Why would we decide to visit the King Beast? Well, first of all, I really wanted to talk to him to see if he knew about that Being. The other reason was that I and Jin needed spaces to fight to progress to the next stage. The Body and Form stage can only reach up to this tier after all. The next one requires a lot of combats experiences. Something that neither one of us missed. It was space to fight that we need. We both could just go into Closed Door meditation but that was kind of boring so we decided to fight instead.
When the manager come with the chest of golds, both I and Jin have to say that the man was very strong. He was going to have someone take the chest back with us to the house but I decline and just have him open it for us since he has the key that Bell left him. Then moved half of it into my rings while the other half into Jin’s rings. This shock both Christopher and the Manager a lot, but with a look from me causes both of them to shut up and promise to never ever mention this to anyone else. Not even their bosses or the city lord himself. Not even to the King of this Kingdom.
Hmm? What? If you think that each of us got 12,500,000 gold coins then you are sorely mistaken. Each of us only gets 11,250,000 Gold coins since there was a fee of 1 percents. That’s 250,000 golds take away. I really don’t mind. This was just a way of saying that this auction house can be trust.
Anyway, including everything, Jin and I each got at least that much golds in our ring. More for me since I had already got about 1800 golds in my rings without these ones. And with the other money from the gemstones and blood, I now have at least 21,100,000 Golds in my ring.
Anyway, after that, the order of 10,000 stones was also ready so the manager take us to the storage room for the stones and I move everything into my rings. Then we come back home. By then it was near morning already.
Both I and Jin aren’t that tired easily so we both divided the workload and get to work. Jin went to collect the herbs in the greenhouse while I start to make the basement.
Using a couple Earth spells, it was easy since I can compress all the earth to the sides as wall and ceilings before placing the stone and then compressed both the stones and the earth together to form a nearly unbreakable wall. This made sure that the house won't collapse and the nearby earth won't sink.
The basement was 800 meters deep underground with a space of 20 times the size of the house itself. Any larger than this and it will interference with my underground farms from the greenhouse since that farm was larger.
I had planted a lot of different kinds of trees after I created an artificial sun in the ceiling. The trees are plants all the way to the wall with a couple of meters from it so that it can grow more. Then I planted the trees that are to be used as firewood. The ones that can grow fast and straight. Those trees will regrow after a period of time so I don't need to replant them again since I placed one regrow inscription on the seeds itself before planting them.
I even planted the Fire Tree Seeds there so now I really don’t need to worry about heating sources in here since it was underground and it was pretty cold down here. After the Fire Tree was the Water Tree for the water source.
Then I make a small farm-house for the animal like Flying Pigs and Flying Cows a couple of yards away from the wooden house.
They are the meat sources for the kids. Let’s just said that there was are hundreds of things in the basement, including my lab, which was hiding behind a wall of inscription spell. You might as well just call the basement a new “Mini world” because, why not?
There was even an outdoor artificial hot spring behind the house. This hot spring isn't a normal hot spring. This was a hot spring that I personally made without using lava source or volcanic source. I just meditate in that spot for a couple of minutes after placing a bunch of empty mana crystal on the ground. Using the Fire Breathing Meditation.
Now you know why I don't use this meditation on the surface. With the help of the empty mana crystal, it lessens the effects of the fire from spreading to the surrounding area by absorbing the fire while I was meditating. This was only for a couple of minutes and all 12 empty mana crystal had already filled to the brim with Fire Mana. Now you know how strong this meditation technique is?
You would think that 10,000 stones aren't enough to build a mini world but I disagree. Who do you think I am?
Using bunches of inscription spells and the earth themselves, it was more than enough to create it. Most of the stones were used to make the stairs that connect the basement to the house anyway since this deep underground already have their own kinds of stones. I just had to make the surface of the rocks smooth for building and replacing a couple of area with earth for the plants.
This isn’t the first time that I made underground spaces like this. In fact, you could say that I am really good at creating an underground world like this one. I used to create them for fun back in my old world. In fact, I create so many “mini realms” that it was a legend for cultivators in my old world. There was even a nickname for most of them. One of the most famous ones was the Devil’s Lures. My masterpiece was that famous underground world that the human used to call the 5,000 Devil Floors. It has all kinds of beasts in there and a lot of resources since I used to cultivate there for a period of time. I wonder if it still active? The door opens once every 9 years after all. I wonder who had reach level 100?
I wonder if I can create one like that in this city for my school? Not that big but similar to that. Like a tower? Or maybe a small dungeon? Hm... I should talk to the Principal at the school first.
Anyway, that takes me a full 7 hours just to build and make everything. By the end of it, my mana pool depletes to near zero. I was so tired that I can barely open my eyes. Still, I am not going to sleep like this. I need a bath first. After that, sleep.
The kids’ meal will be in Rebecca’s charge. Tomorrow, when they come back from school, I will take them down there and teach them how to take care of everything.
But before that, bath and then sleep!
However, in the bathroom, I was reminded of one thing! I had forgotten to make: soaps and shampoo! With everything going on, I have totally forgotten it since we had been using the Powder Soap ever since coming here.
Oh well... I will make them tomorrow instead. So for tonight, a quick wash was enough. After that, sleep!
When I wake up the next day, I have Jin go to the Blacksmith to buy a bunch of molds and a lot of glass bottles. The kinds that are shaped into different kinds of shapes. Hearts shape, stars shapes, rectangle shape, square shape, twist shape, you name it.
The kids left for school already so only I and Jin are left. While I am waiting for Jin to come back, I made the soap base for both the bars and the liquid formula. There are three kinds of bars that I am making, one was for the boys while the other one was for the girls. The last one was for hand washing. The liquid one was for shampooing, which needs a lot of organic ingredients but who the hell do you think I am?
Anyway, I have my own way of making soap bars and shampoo. I even made dishwater soap. Just a little bit since we don’t really need it with all our plates and bowls being pottery, both earthenware and porcelain. Most of them are made by Jin by the way. There are wooden wares too but those are for packing lunches for the kids.
Before long, I finish mixing all the herbs and all the ingredients. Now, I am just waiting for Jin to come back. What was taking him so long? He had been gone for a couple of hours already.
‘Jin? Where are you?’ I asked into our connection.
‘Little Jen! I am waiting for the bottles at the pottery store. And guess what? I met the Director here too! He’s buying a container.’ Jin answers amusingly from our connection.
‘I see. Container huh. What kind?’ I asked, curiously.
‘There’s porcelain kinds and earthwares kinds. But they look ugly Little Jen.’ Jin said, sounding really disappointed.
‘Then never mind. I don’t want any.’ I answered back as I continue to do my own thing. I am now writing the instruction on how to make soap bar for the lady for Rebecca. I am planning on letting Rebecca continue making it and selling it for their incomes when I am not here. Of course, that would mean that they will have to buy the ingredient themselves but those are easily found if you know where to look.
‘Hehehe, Little Jen, if you want a pretty container than I will make one for you. Do you want it?’ He asked.
‘You will?’ The excitement in my heart can be felt all the way over to where Jin was at. Jin has always been good at making pottery. The last time that he create a White Porcelain bowl, it was sold for 20 million Beast Coin in our old world. And that was when he was only 20 years old and we hadn't yet moved away.
‘Yes. I will. I will be back later though.’ He added.
‘... But I really need those molds!’ I rebuttal. Isn't he planning on making me wait for that long does he? Those liquid base will start to harden if I wait that long. No, not the one for the girls but the ones for the boys since the materials are different. The girl's shampoo are in the form of the thick liquid but for the boys, I need the molds to shapes them before they harden.
‘Little Jen.... Come over then?’ He asked.
‘Fine. I will.’ I answered as I left the house toward where I feel his presence at.
Twenty minutes later, I am standing in front of the pottery store that Jin was in. There were a couple of people in there but no one pays attention to anyone but themselves. Inside the store was ten rows of all kinds of earthenware potteries. There was a lot of cooking pots and stoves made out of earthenware but I didn’t pay attention to them and went ahead to where Jin was at.
He was currently looking over a small stack of containers with a somewhat bemused expression.
“Jin? What’s wrong? What are you looking at?” I asked once I am behind him. I can tell that he can feel my presence long ago already so he wasn't surprised at my voice.
“Little Jen, come look at this container. Do you see something strange on it?” Jin asked with a bewildered expression on his face. He was completely puzzled as to why he feel that these small containers are extraordinary when clearly it doesn’t have any inscription on it.
I look at the three small containers and raised my eyebrow. There’s a faint trace of a lingering inscription on the whole three containers. Hoh, this is... interesting.
“There’s a trace of someone attempting to engrave the container. However, it wasn’t on the container after it was made. Whoever made this must’ve tried to engrave the raw materials instead.” I answered with a small smile.
“Engrave on the materials instead? Then why didn’t it have the aura?” Jin asked. His eyes can’t see that deeply so it was a surprise that he can even see the trace. Years of trying to perfect his sight make him really sensitive toward any aura on objects that had any inscription on, be it symbols engraving or anything else, such as Glyphing inscription. Even if he can’t see it clearly, he can still see the aura around it.
“I did say that it was an attempt didn't I? It was a failed attempt. Whoever it was that made this pottery has too little knowledge of the nature of the inscription that he was using so he fails.” I said as I grab one of the three containers to observe it. On the button of the container was the word: Lyrin Firecraft. So, the one that made this set of pottery was called Lyrin Firecraft huh.
Wait, wasn't this store called Firecraft? Oh... I see.
“Hmmm. Oh, that’s right. The molds.” Jin said as he grabbed my hands and, without anyone the wiser to see, transfer everything into my ring.
“Thanks,” I said as I kissed Jin on his cheek softly. Jin smiles silly as he kissed me back.
“I will be back later okay? How many container would you like?” Asked Jin as his arms surrounded my waist.
I said. “Hm, for now, 12 was enough.” It should be more than enough.
“Okay. 12. Any design?” He asked with a small smile on his face.
“Make them into tea cups that have simple designs of flowers,” I said.
“Okay.” He kissed my cheeks before I left. Do you know how hard it was to fight the smile on my face? Good thing my poker face was pretty damn strong. Otherwise, I would be smiling like it was no one's business.
However, I didn’t directly when home. I went to the alchemist guild and bought 1,000 small empty Glass Bottle and 10 Large empty Glass Bottles before I went to the adventurer guild and place a quest for beginner adventurers. I could have gathered the material myself but I am too lazy.
The quest that requires 12 Wings Bee’s Honey. 10 bottles per set.
_____ 12 Wings Bee’s Honey Collection Mission__ Rank E Mission_____
Requirement: Must collect 10 large bottles of honey that are pure.
Materials: Given was 10 Large empty Glass Bottle. If misplace, you will have to pay for it. Once you signed on taking this quest, you must not lose the glass bottle, otherwise, you will have to buy another 10 for the quest.
Rewards: Depend on the quality of the honey, low-grade honey was 10 Silvers per 10 large Bottles. Middle-Grade honey was 15 Silvers per 10 large bottles. And High-grade honey was 35 silvers per 10 large bottles.
Limited: 1000 Large bottles. 10 Glasses bottle per person. 10 Glasses bottle per Group.
You might want to ask my why am I requesting honey, especially from 12 Wings Bee’s honey. The answer: Catalyst! I am going to use the honey as the catalyst for the soaps and shampoo for the woman. Using honey for soap making will make the soap really soft and have the abilities to clean the skins of impurities. That wasn’t all, it can increase the strength of the soap and shampoo, too. That’s why.
Anyway, I left enough money for 1000 high-grade honey and went back home. It didn’t take that long for news of that mission to hit the market. Within one hour, I have more than 1000 bottles of high-grade honey. Then I finished up the soap and divided them into the 1000 Large Empty Glass bottles that used to have the honey. Those are the shampoo for the woman. The mold ones that are now currently being sets was the base bar soaps. I wonder, how many people are willing to buy them? I made around 10,000 of them for the male and another 20,000 small Glass bottle and 10,000 Large Glass Bottles for the woman after all.
Anyway, Jin comes back just when I finished filling the soap liquid to the last glass bottle.
“Little Jen? You finished?” He asked as he took my hands and transferred the 12 tea beautifully done teacups into my ring directly. I didn't see the design now but I will look over it later.
“Yeah. It’s done. There’s 1,000 bottles of solid and liquid shampoo bar and 10,000 bars of soap base. What should I do with them? We didn’t need that much.” I said as I eyed the rows of bottles of shampooing liquids and the bars of different shapes of soap. I didn’t need to see Jin to tell that his forehead was now sweating due to the exaggerated numbers of soaps on the floors. The whole living room was now filled with it, leaving no room to maneuver.
“Sell it? The auction house can probably sell it. Actually, they will be more than happy to sell it” Jin advised as he holds my waist and pulled me into his chest. I nodded in agreement.
“I will leave it to you to sell them. Leave 10 bottles of the shampoo and 100 bars. The rest can be sold.” I said as I stretch. Jin nodded as he moved everything into his rings after giving me a hug and lots of kisses. He then left for the auction house with a glint in his eyes.
Anyway, I will leave the price for the soaps to Jin. He knew what he needs to do for a huge impact.
“We’re home~!!!” Called out a loud and lively voice.
“Welcome back!” I called back. The kids are now home.
“We’re going somewhere so put your stuff away in your room,” I said to them just as Arise and Deana run to hug me. They all nodded with a somewhat puzzled and curious expression on their faces.
‘Jin, could you also buy 10 Flying Pigs and 10 Flying Cows when you’re on your way back? The kids are home now so I am going to show them the basement.’ I telepathically called toward Jin.
‘Okay! Only Flying Pigs and Flying Cows? You don’t want any 4 Winged Chicken?’ Jin asked.
‘Now that you mention it, 4 Winged Chicken too. Oh and some Snaketail Roosters too.’ I added.
‘Okay!’ He answered.
“Jenna, what was it that you want to show us?” Asked Rebecca as she came down the stairs.
“You will see. I and Jin had finished building the underground basement now so I want to show you guys what to do in there. I and Jin are going away for a month or two so you guys have to take care of it.” I answered as I lead them toward the door in the back of the kitchen and opened the door leading to a downset of stones stairs.
“Oh, here Rebecca,” I said as I handed her the instruction on how to make the soap bars and shampoo for the woman. She takes a look at it and frown in confusion but didn’t ask anything now and put the paper into her ring on her neck.
“Jenna, where did this door come from?” Asked Luke as his expression change once he saw the door.
“Jin and I made it yesterday. Now, hurry down. Be careful of your steps. If you fall, there’s nothing saving you at the bottom.” I warned. They all pay attention to their steps. We walk down the semi-dark stairs down into the basement for ten minutes since it was kind of dark so we were being careful.
When it reach a door at the very button, Rebecca was the one that opens it after my nodded. The sight that met them causes all the kids to gasped out in surprise and froze for a full five minutes.
In full summer times, the picture that met their eyes was in full bloom. The trees were green, the grass was tall, all the way to their knees. To the left was a house made out of nothing but wood. Next to the house was a small farmhouse for animal and besides the penthouse was all kinds of fruits trees. Those trees were a Heart Apple trees, Milk Fruits tree, Tristars Cocoa Tree, Bellberries trees, Spirit Starfruits tree, Sea Plumtree,
Stone Fruits tree, Rainbow Mulberry tree, Thousand Peachtree, and then a blue looking fruits trees that none of the kids have ever seen before. Right beside the other side of the house was another farmhouse, only larger in size.
Behind the larger farmhouse, there were ten red looking trees. And beside the red trees was another kind of trees that they had never seen before.
Is a new world here. A whole world. Although they can see the end, this space was still far to real.
“... What was this?” Asked Lurin completely bewildered.
“This was the basement. In here, you can survive during the Blue Moon. However, you guys have to learn how to take care of the animals and food sources here. In here, everything was edible except for those Red Fire Trees and the Blue Rain Trees. Whatever you do, do not go near them or you will die. Anyway, come this way. I will teach you how to take care of these flowers. They have medical benefits.” I said as I started to teach them one at time on how to take care of the animals. There was no animal here yet but there will be soon so I didn’t stop teaching them things.
All of us came from Bulea village, which was consist of a lot of farmers so it was easy for them to understand what were needed to be done. When Jin got back, I explained to them the usage of the Red Fire Trees and the Tears Rain Trees.
The Red Fire Tree can be used as firewoods. One branch was enough to make into a heat source during the Blue moon time. So I taught them on how to collect the branch without getting fried in the meantime. And have them carefully ground them into a fine powder and store it in a porcelain jar.
After that, I taught them how to collect the branch from the Tears Rain trees to use as the water source. Then taught them all kinds of other things. Like, for Rebecca, on how much that paper in her hand was really worth; teaching her how to make soap bars and shampoo. Luke and Lurin, different kinds of job around the house.
Hours passed after that, we all watch as Jin place the Flying Pigs into their own territory and the Flying Cows into another. Each size has their own food sources so they won’t be aggressive toward each other. And then toward the 4 winged chickens and the snaketail roosters. The whole place was large enough to house a whole family of an elephant. And by an elephant, I don’t mean this world’s elephant okay? I am talking about the elephant that has four tusks from my old world. They are HUGE!
After that, we left the basement, which was now called Underground House by Arise and Deana, and went back up to the upper house to eat dinner. During dinner, I once again told them that Jin and I will be gone for a month so they have to take turns to take care of the animals and plants down in the basement and the greenhouse.
“Sister Jenna, can I come with you?” Asked Samantha, pleadingly.
“You can not come with us, this time, Samantha. You aren’t strong enough.” Jin answered as he pats his sister on her forehead.
“But...” She hesitant.
I smiled. “Samantha, don’t worry about it. You will meet him sooner or later. For now, focus on school.” I advised, knowing the reason why Samantha wanted to come with us. We didn’t tell them that we are going to the Beast Forest to visit the King Beast but Samantha probably had a feeling that we are going to meet someone so she wanted to come with us. Her mana intuition was getting stronger and stronger. That was good.
Besides, on our trip, this time, we both are going to fight a lot of the time. It wouldn’t be good if someone came with us.
“Okay.” She replied back happily.
Anyway, after that Jin and I help the kids with their school assignments and then went to sleep. Tomorrow, we will go to school with the kids to turned in our Resignation Form for quitting school. It does require letting the teachers and headmaster know if someone wants to resign from the school.
Anyway, for now, all I and Jin could do for the kids was to teach them the right way towards their own cultivation. Where they would end up to will depends on themselves and the choices that they will make.
The next early morning, I woke up feeling really exciting for a change. As I was making breakfast and lunch for everyone, I over make too much food due to my excitement. For breakfast, I made a special congee/porridge that are different from the normal ones that I usually made. Along with some egg bread and creamy tea, our breakfast looks and taste even better than the Lord’s breakfast. For lunch, it consists of balanced diets that are both great for physicality and mentality, and spirituality. The meats were from the python snake, the greens vegetables are from my own garden/greenhouse. The fruits were from Underground House, and the soup was a combination of all kinds of herbs that I planted in the garden in the greenhouse.
The leftover was transferred directly into our rings and saved for later.
By the times that we got to Grisarth School, I was excited beyond anything, causing Jin to smile softly and continue holding me as we walk inside. This was the first time that I had ever join a school or institution. In fact, I had never joined one before, even in my previous life since I don't like interacting with other people too much. That's why I was excited and looking forward to what school life was like. To my disappointment, it wasn't even up to the bar. Their library was the only thing that I liked.
By now, everyone in the whole school knew that I and Jin are engaged and will be marrying in a years time once I reach 16 years old. So no one was surprised at our kinship. There was a lot of jealous stares from both boys and girls but most of them can only stare and do nothing. The first few times that people tried to flirt with me, Jin nearly killed them so they now knew better than to get close to us. The girls that think it was okay for a man to have more than one wife also tried to come to Jin to but were met with a disgusted look from both Jin and myself. Since then, those that like Jin in that kind of sense stop coming to him. As friends? There’s countless but for the purpose of dating and marrying? None!
Not with me by Jin’s side. By now, everyone had already long ago learned that I am not someone that they can come in contact with. No matter how low my birth might be. Even nobles who came for the sole purpose of getting me under their names were met with a dark look and scrambled home in fear.
You can say that my reputation has now far succeed the Ice Hell Princess from the Royal Institute by a large portion. And it wasn’t just that, in school, I rarely talk to anyone that isn’t Jin and the kids so a lot of people can only look my way with admiration and fear. They don’t have the guts to talk to me.
Those that do have the guts to talk to me are only the ones that I personally like. Like the headmaster’s two sons and the Adventurer’s Guilds big four heads in our school. Each school has their own Adventurer Guild that help and train students for combats proficiency. Our school was the lowest in the whole city but our numbers of adventurers are twice the numbers of people. Even though they are all really weak with their beginning understanding of magics and crafts, they all are really hard working too. There was so slacker in Grisarth Institute of Beginner Magic and Craft.
The school’s main focus was teaching commoner how to use their natural mana and to craft varies thing that will help their lives. Combats are just another way of getting to know the real world. It was just another way for students to earn money through missions with the adventurer’s guild. Although they can only do Rank F and Rank E assignments.
Anyway, that have nothing to do with me and Jin. It was mainly for the kids since they need combats experiences. There was no one in this school or city that can provide Jin and me with the experiences that we will need to break through to the next Realm in Cultivation.
Huh? You think I should fight with the lots in this city using my magic? Regardless of their combat skills? Are you a complete idiot? If I do that, true, there might be someone that I overlook, but I will bring a bunch of headaches to my way and gain too much attention. Besides, if I would do that, I would have to limit myself in a way that will make people think of genius and not Monster. That was a pissed in the ***. I don’t have that much patience for things like that. Besides, if I would to actually fight with them, it will make me really guilty and made me feel like I am bullying them.
After all, in a sense, I am a Grandmaster Magician. And no, not the Grandmaster level in this world. The grandmaster level in this was but a joke for me. Grandmaster in my old world was like 1,000 Grandmaster in this world combine, using all their knowledge and insight, and would still be short. That’s why I say that this world’s mage’s level are a piece of crap.
Anyway, once we enter the school. We, both I and Jin, went directly to the office, where the teacher’s headquarters are located, to filled out two Resignation forms. A lot of teachers tried to persuade us to stay until the Winter Solstice Festival but both me and Jin have no interest in that. We have a talk with the Headmaster and have him signed the forms and then have the other teacher sighed it.
Since I and Jin only have 5 classes out of 9 classes total, all my and his teachers are the same. They all really like Jin since he was really friendly but they don’t know me that well so they only feel regretful and cried in tears for Jin. Of course, if they actually did tear for me, that will just weird me out.
“Jenna! Jin!” Called out a voice that I identify to be one of the big figureheads in the adventurer’s guild. His name was Eddie Grendstone. One of the commoner big house’s oldest son. Behind him was three other people. Two boys and a girl. All three of them look to be in their 20s but the girls are the oldest in their group at the age of 24. She only looks like 18 thought.
Not that it matter once they reach Rank 6, their looks won't change much anymore. Martial Artist and Magician are just another way to gain Immortal life after all.
“Tina, George, and even Tim. What are you guys doing here?” I asked. How the hell did they knew that I and Jin are here?
“Jenna! Are you two really leaving the school?!” Asked Tina loudly and hotly. Tina might be small for her age with her looks but she has one hell of a temper. She was known for her hot temperament and her love to fight regardless of sex. She acts completely like a boy and doesn’t even know that half the boys in this school have a crush on her at one point of their lives. With her hot temper, no one wants to be on her bad side but they all look up to her both in awe and admired.
She was really cute after all. Even though she looks like his twelve instead of twenty-four years old.
“Tina! Don’t shout. But really, are both of you leaving, really?” Asked Tim, who was looking like he was going to cry. Tim was the baby of the four. He has an honest personality that made it hard for people to hate him. Pretty much, his personality, along with his looks, makes a lot of people admired him. There was some jealousy but since Tim’s personality was a bit too soft and a cry-baby, almost everyone didn’t want to be on his bad side. After all, Tim was the strongest of the four with his fire element being in Tier 3 rank 6. Almost everyone in this school fears Tim once he enters into one of his crying modes. He can turn this whole school into nothing but ash with his fire element along so nearly everyone make ways for him.
“Yeah...” George, the ever silence one of the group look anxiously at Jin and I. George was the youngest of the group. He isn’t a mage but an archer. The bow in his back was twice as long as him and there was a quiver on his side with about 50 arrows in them. The quiver was made using leather and the arrows were made using normal woods. Nothing special about it whatsoever. However, you will die if you think that this bow isn’t able to kill you.
“Yes. We are leaving as of today.” Jin answers with a small smile on his face. Looking completely excited at the thought of only the two of us traveling together.
“W-why?” The corner of Tim’s eyes wettens with tears. Jin pats Tim in the head in a childish like gesture as he consoles him.
“Because there are things that Little Jen and I have to do. And this city won’t survive if we did it here.” Jin answered with a soft mysterious smile. Tim sniffed and calm down when Jin pats him.
“You guys will be back right?” Asked Tina with a tone that won’t take a no for an answer.
“Yes, we will be back in a month, or maybe two if there's any nice scenic scene. However, we are leaving the schools for good.” I answered in a completely uncaring way.
“Leaving the school for good? B-but what about o-our fight?” Tim asked timidly. Out of everyone in the whole school, for some reason, Tim was the only one that isn't always afraid of me. We fought a couple times as exchanges but there was not a time that Tim could bring me to use my spells. You could say that Tim looks up to me the most. Mostly because I am kind of like a mentor to him? Even though I never actually taught him anything?
“There won’t be another fight like that again,” I answered honestly. After all, once I and Jin enter that realm of cultivation, it was far too easy to kill ordinary people like them without using strength at all.
Now, Tim really look like he was going to cry.
“Tim, you must know that after we come back, both I and Little Jen will be far too strong to fight with you. If teaching you to fight, then that was okay but to hand-to-hand combat? That was simply going to kill you. So, for now, concentrate on controlling your fire. You suck at them.” Jin said with a chuckle.
“Hmm!” Tim nodded with a pout. Tina looks like she was seriously going to complain but a look from me shut her up. Eddis wish us good luck and to visit him sometimes. Tim and George also wished us luck but Tina pouted and didn’t say goodbye. That was until she cries out loud and hugs me tightly while sobbing all the while saying that she will be so lonely now that I am not there to annoyed her.
She's a softie inside after all.
After that, we say goodbye to the four and left. Both I and Jin didn’t go home right away. We went to the Alchemy Guild and met with the director Edris to inform her of our decisions. After all, he was own sponsors.
“Jenna. Jin. What are you two doing here? Shouldn’t be in class now?” He asked, confusingly yet also curious as to why we are here.
“Good morning, director. We are here to let you know that the two us, I and Little Jen, are leaving school. Here are the forms.” Jin said as he handed the director two forms that have our names written on the top.
“Leaving school? Why?” He asked, bemusedly as he looks over the forms.
“Me and Little Jen are leaving because there was nothing there that could be taught to us anymore,” Jin answered with a smile after making sure that one one was near to hear us.
That was true. In one month, I read all the books in the school's library. The only ones that I haven't read are the ones in the Sacre Library which are forbidden by the Headmaster. He said that unless I and Jin passed the school years this year, he wouldn't allow us near those books. I don't care either way. If I really want to read them, a mere guardian symbol like the one that he was using won't be able to stop me.
“...” The director looks at both of us and sighs with a sweat on his forehead. The event from a month ago was still fresh on his mind.
Thinking of that event, I could tell that the director was thinking of the captain just by that blushed on his face alone. Director Edris was the kinds that keep his composer and his face in a calm expression at all times. However, when he was thinking about the captain, I could even see the gear in his head moving in a way that made his face redden in happiness.
“Director?” Jin blinked as he watches the director went into a daze.
“Hm? Ah, right. Really well. Since this was your choice. I won’t stop you two.” He said as he signed the forms and handed back to us. I directly put the form into my ring and save it for later uses. If I decided that I would like to go back to school, I will need those forms as proof of citizenship. It can also be used as paperwork to enter into other kingdoms.
“Director, I would like to purchase a couple of herbs too.” I said as I list a bunch of what they called ‘common herbs that have no use’. Making the director confused but he still writes it down.
“Go ahead to the front desk and give that list to Mei. She will gather those herbs for you.” The director put a sign on the button before giving the paper to me. I nodded my head and left his room with Jin. We both have been coming over a couple of times already so Mei, the recipient lady, had long ago learn of our identities.
When Mei sees us, she smiles and wave us toward her. She really likes kids, this girl. Even though both of us never acted like our age, she still likes to talks to us.
“Jenna! Jin! You both are here. Is something wrong?” She asked completely in good will.
“No. Nothing was wrong. Sister Mei, I wanted to buy these herbs, can you give me 10 pounds of each?” I asked as I handed her the list.
“Let’s see, Mint Flowers, Cross Stars Grass, Pink Lemon Grass, Zoysia Grass, Black Pool Grass, Sunbathed Daisy petals, Grass Berries Fruits, Seven Leaves Fruits, Ghost Leaves, and Five Tailed Grass. 10 pound each? Got it. Would you like the dried whole ones or the ground version?” She asked.
“Gound version was fine. Oh, and 100 small porcelain herbal jars too please.” I included. Porcelain herbal jars are specifically made to mode pellets of herbs and not the potion. For potion, it was best to use glass bottles but for pellets and elixir, glass bottles aren't the best container since it will let sunlight thru the inside.
For the cost of a small glass bottle, it would cost 4 Copper per bottles but for the porcelain jars, it was a bit thicker and stronger so it cost more at 8 copper per small porcelain jars. The size of small jars can hold up to 100 milliliters of liquid but the glass ones can hold up to 150 milliliters.
Small, medium, large glass bottles and Supreme size glass bottle cost differently. The small one cost 2 copper per bottle, medium size cost 6 copper and large size cost 10 copper. The Supreme size glass bottle cost a lot different since it’s size was about 3 times the size of the large bottle, its cost was at 35 copper per bottle.
“Okay. Hold on a minute. I will be back with your orders.” She cheerfully says as she went behind the counter. Both me and Jin waits. There isn’t anything better to do but wait anyway. While we were waiting, a couple of people come to buy the pills that have been a big hit in the city. The one that I modified. That one. What was it called again? Ah, Health Pills. Right. It was that Health Pill.
Maybe it was because of that pill but whatever it was had caused an increase of the population in this city by a lot. Before, only there will be a couple thousands of people that are lining up for pills and elixirs but now, the alchemist’s guild was always full every day of the month, be it day or night. There was barely any space left to walk.
Anyway, Jin and I moved out of their ways and watch the exchange with a someone amused looks on own faces. Internally thought, Jin was laughing so hard since that person that come was a noble and was negotiating the price for the pills so he can buy a large amount. However, the Alchemist guilds aren’t a pushover. So now, we both are watching them arguing back and forth. I watched it too but I wasn’t watching the fight but rather reading their body languages. It was far more interesting this way.
“I said that I will buy 100,000 pills of it so have it cost 20 Silvers each!” The noble brat yelled out, face red from frustration. 20 Silvers? From what I remember, didn’t the pills cost 27 silvers each? Or was it more?
“I am sorry but we can not accept that price.” The man in the counter-rebuttal coldly as his eyes spitfires at the noble brat.
“You! I am a noble of the house Firstfire! How dare you pleasant rejects me multiple times!” The noble angrily shouts. And the arguing repeats all over again.
“Jenna? Jin? Hello? You guys still there?” A voice called out amusingly. It was Mei, the lady recipient that always look after us ever since she gets to know us a couple of weeks ago when the director introduces us to her.
“Ah, we’re still here. Did you get everything?” I asked as I bring my attention back toward Mei, who at the moment was smiling in a very amusing way.
“Yes. Here.” She said as she gathers a bundle of herbs that had being ground in small wooden containers and place them on the counter.
“How much was it?” I asked,
“Let’s see, including tax, that will be... and include the porcelain jars and... 51 Silver and 50 copper total.” She said. I reach for my leather pouch that has some golds in there and takes out one gold. I am not stupid enough to use my ring here.
“48 Silvers and 50 copper was your change.” Mei gives back.
I place the silvers and coppers into my leather pouch on my belt.
“Thanks, Mei,” I said as we left a waving Mei, not paying attention to the argument that was soon turning into a big fight. We left but didn’t leave the city right away. We went to the fabric store and bought 500 yards of White Jute Fabrics. You can already guess what they will be used for, can’t you?
Yes, it was to make bandages with. Only this time, it wasn’t just healing bandages that I am making. I am making new wraps called Heat-bandages. The idea came from Heat Candy but since I won’t be here to monitor the candy, I can’t make it and choose to make Heat-bandage and Cold-bandages instead.
Like its name applied, there are healing effects and heating effect on the Heat bandages so during the winter, you can wrap them into your fingers and toes to keep them warms. In our house, it won’t be a problem for the kids but at school, it will be really cold so to keep them warm, this was one of the options.
As for the Cold-bandages, it was as its name applied too. It won’t be much but keeping cold into a wound was something that helps the wounds close faster. Especially when it comes to breaking bones. It was really useful. I was tempted to use high-grade herbs but that will draw too much attention so I didn’t. Besides, 500 yards wouldn’t be enough for everyone. No, it wasn’t just for the kids in our house. It was for the orphans too. Because I am really worrying about them with Headmistress condition being still that weak, if meet this year's cold weather in her current condition, she will die really easily.
Anyway, after that, both I and Jin locked ourselves in the basement- a.k.an Underground House- and start to refined all the herbs to make the herbal concoction and soaks thousands of bandages over the day.
500 yards of White Jute Fabric was 60 Silvers since a yard was only 12 coppers. Including the herbs and other materials, all of the materials was only 1 gold and 30 silvers if I don’t count how much the Red Fire Tree trunks and the other Water Tree materials cost.
1 yard of bandages makes 50 rolls of bandages.
10 Rolls of bandages can be sold for 45 copper per patch.
Which mean that 1 yards are 50 rolls of bandages, equaling to 22 silvers and 50 coppers.
Then 500 yards of White Jute Fabrics can be made into 25,000 rolls of bandages.
If sold all of it, it would total to 11,250 Golds. Something that was more than worth to being use as my main income. However, I am not interesting in this aspects at all. After all, I only spend around a gold to buy all the herbs and materials to make those two kinds of bandages. 25,000 bandages, one third was cold while the other two third of the bandages are heat-bandages. This way, there won’t be anything missing.
I and Jin spend 10 hours totals to makes those bandages. After that, I let Jin sends half of each kind to the next-door neighbor, the orphan house, and left the rest for the kids.
We then bought a lot of dried foods, like flour, rice grains and spices; stuff like that, and some weapons, a bow along with lots of arrow tips and two swords, then we left the city with nothing to worry.
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Reincarnated as a Red Dragon
(Currently on a permanent Hiatus!) Arthur was a loner in life. He was also a big D&D nerd. He was murdered in a burglary gone wrong. Arthur awoke to see in front of him, a woman, who explained he was going to be reincarnated into the world of D&D! And as luck would have it, also as an Ancient Red Dragon. Follow the thoughtful MC as he makes his way through the magical world as a dragon, in his own way! (This is a D&D fiction, Set in a classic D&D world, with the MC being reincarnated into an ancient red dragon from D&D. This is also my very first written story ever, so bear with me. Thanks for reading!) Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash!
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Reluctantly Helping the Villainess and Others
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A Bard's Tale
A life is measured not in minutes alone, but in the time one spends as 'happy'. For Gage Gauner, unfiltered bad luck, a complete lack off respect from his peers, and near-incompentcy in every field... It's not the worst life. Not to him. However, a cheating, abusive spouse, the loss of his only supporter through Alzheimer's, and the betrayal of a friend are enough to make the man take a trip to a tall bridge. He never intended to fall. He never wanted to die, even with life landing him in front wall after wall after wall. It was never Gage's intention to take his own life, but it all amounts to the same thing; Hour of introspection at the bottom of a river. Journey along with a hopeless romantic hell-bent on making his second chance count. After all, a life is truly measured in the happiness one achieves through their own power.
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Condom Boxes ☹ SHAYLOR
And I swear, he shows up to buy condoms and leaves me with the change. But what I don't get is why he comes to my shop everyday. In which Shawn likes to visit Taylor's off campus quick market, though he doesn't have a reason, he's just sure of what he is doing, is right. Shawn x Taylor | Shaylor FanfictionEstablished:April 2, 2016 5:45 pmCompleted:April 27, 2016 5:51 pmCompleted Published: July 5, 2016 12:43 pm
8 143