《I Graduated to Become an... Ant Queen?! (Isekai)》Chapter 4: I Learn about the World beyond our Anthill!


First Kingdom, Land of the Unified.

“My king! My king!”

A man in silver armor holding his helm hastily enters a large room lined with stone statues of knights. In the middle of the room stood a marble throne with a shield embedded deep within. A middle aged man bearing a small crown and wearing armor sat upon the throne.

“Settle down, Messenger. Perfect timing, I was about to fetch you myself! You came bearing news? Come on let’s hear it…”

“Ahem… Apologies, my king!” He kneels down bowing his head, helm placed on the ground.

The king stands gesturing him to rise and proceed with his delivery of news.

“Well… It appears that there is absolutely no sign of our Hero anywhere. The High knights even searched her last known whereabouts and…”


“Her mentor has also gone missing… Jean Ferltz had confirmed herself when she searched the hut deep within the Black Lands…”

“Gah! Just what we need!” He sits back on the throne, slamming his fist on the arm causing a small shockwave of force. Despite the strongarm from the king the throne remains pristine.

“Father! Please…” A young woman wearing elegantly made silver armor places her hand on the king’s.

“Oh! Hahaha… Sorry my dear daughter Meline, just a force of habit.” He softly caresses her hand, lets go, then faces the messenger.

“With our Hero and her mentor missing, it’s safe to assume some deep trickery is at play… I doubt the Second King found a way to eliminate them for good… but given his current nature…”

“My king?”

“Don’t mind me, hahaha… Send message to all our High knights for them to return from their search als-”


“My king, Herald.” A young tall man in dark tinted armor complete with a black cloak all lined with gold walks in. Using some type of force to knock the thick wooden doors wide open, he casually strolls in.

“Knave! Please, not again with you! ” Meline loudly scolds the man walking in.

“I apologize, as the king would say, force of habit.” He bows towards her then approaches the throne, standing next to the messenger.

“I swear… like student, like teacher.” She glares at her father, as he avoids her eyes and focuses on the tall knight.

“A-ahem… Knave! Welcome back! Well… please be mindful of your skills or else…”

“I promise. I’ll watch myself when entering this throne room.” He kneels placing his helmet on the ground in front of him.

“Since you’re here I assume you have urgent news as well. Very well speak your message.”

“Yes, my king. A large force from the Second kingdom has made their way mideast. Videl, Elire, and Fenir have fallen in a few weeks. All the villages nearby are now feeding grounds to sects.”

“I-in a few weeks?!” Meline covers her mouth after realizing her outburst, her face flush a slight red.

“There are also reports of the Black knights leading the force are using unknown creatures to their advantage. Namely these ‘huge bulking black masses, brutal as they look, a mash of evil’ to quote one of the reports. And...” He looks at Herald in the eyes hoping to convey the same emotion he felt when receiving the news he’s about to say.

“A large force of sects led by Elder sects are seemingly following behind the Second kingdoms forces.”

Silence befalls the room as the king slowly stands. The messenger gulps as sweat drips from his head from the shift in atmosphere. As if waiting for a verdict from the Celestials of Celestia; the man held his breath, clenched his fist, and kept his face down. Before the messenger could turn into stone like the statues surrounding him, the king finally speaks.


“This is a message to all our High knights. In service or retired. Return to the First kingdom at once in preparation to stop the Second kingdoms forces! And the large force of sects!”

Standing simultaneously straight up at attention, the messenger and Knave salute.

“Yes, My King!” The messenger runs out donning his helm as he leaves.

Knave still stood as the man left closing the doors behind him. The king slumps onto his throne sighing heavily from the news. Meline takes a hold of his hand.

“Father, please allow me to join this war. I’ve trained my whole life for this.” He takes a hold of her hand and looks into her eyes.

“Meline… my only daughter… hahaha… You really do take after your Mother. The flames of passion have been lit and nothing can stop you.”

“Unless you plan to stop me, but then I’ll challenge you to combat for freedom to join this war, Father.”

He lets go, giving a hearty laugh as she states that to him.

“Hahahaha! I’ve had enough battle with your Mother to know… Well, I won’t stop you but… stay by Knave’s side understand? Knave! Please take good care of my daughter.”

“As you wish, my king. I’ll be happy to have you under my care, Meline.” He bows to her and the king.

“My pleasure. But, don’t think because you’re the Knight of One I won’t take some matters into my own hands, Knave.”

“...Feel free to challenge me as much as you like, my princess.”


“Ahem… Well certainly there’s many things at play now. May the Celestials lend us strength. Come, we’ll meet with the Core to discuss plans to counter the Second king’s nefarious schemes”

“Yes, Father.”

“Yes, My King.”

The two follow the king going through another large thick wooden door on the right side of the room. A faint glow illuminates the statues as soon as they leave.

Ariki’s Anthill, Colony of Fire ants.

After a long day of battle with the enemy sects we make it home by nightfall. Exhausted, I had everyone rest for a day. As for the man, I left him in care of Azuwei in her laboratory.

“I-I’ll d-do my best to take care of the t-two legs as you a-ask…” She says behind her table full of glass vials and bottles.

“You… say that but are you sure you’re okay with this? I know you had a history with two-legs so I understand your fear of him.” I stand looking over the man lying on an empty table. His breathing is ragged, his face flushed, swollen, and full of cuts.

Glad I had Saku wash him up… he’s in an even worse condition than I imagine… Just what happened at that village?

“M-my Queen! I… I- I cannot forget the things the two-legs had done to us. But… what happened at that battle… I know now… that I can’t be afraid forever… never again.” Mumbling the last bit she slowly approaches the unconscious man. She gently pokes at his face causing him to twitch a little.

“Eeek!” She scuttles back behind the table, peeping out again.

“Hehe… I see you’ve gained a little courage. I’m glad.” I grin seeing her and her new found resolve. I walk to her to give her a soft head pat before heading out.

“Call for Tsuwo when he wakes okay? I’ll have her bring him to my chambers.”

“Y-yes, my Queen. I’ll do my best to n-nurse him! A-and not be t-too afraid.” She stands at attention giving me a strong salute.


“Thank you. And… I believe in you as I always have, Azuwei.” I nod, catching a glimpse of her face beaming as I leave the lab.

As for other matters. I wanted to discuss what happened at the village and ask Gyoma why we needed to take the Elder’s body back.

Maybe it’s super nutritious that’ll give us some sort of boost? Like eating powerful enemies in order to get stronger? Hmmm, I mean a slime and other monsters have done that trope before so…

Making it back to my chambers passing by the usual buzz amidst the anthill.

“My Queen.”

“Good morning, My Queen.”

“Good morning to you too. Hope the day’s work goes well.”

I pull up the menu screen now accustomed to how it works. I bring up my status.

Name: Ariki

Race: Fire Ant

Class: Queen

LV 6 [Stat Points Available: 10]

HP: 2,000/2,000 + (green)

MP: 400/400 + (blue)

SP: 500/500 + (orange)

Offense: 1,000 + Defense: 1,000 + Magic: 500 +

Skills (21):

[Hard Skin LV 6]* [Strength LV 7] [Life LV 7] [Command LV 7] [Accuracy LV 5] [Touch Sensory LV 5] [Smell Sensory LV 5] [Vision LV 3] [Movement LV 6]* [Intelligence LV 7] [Fire-Breath LV 7] [Tactics LV 5] [Persuasion LV 6] [Resistance: Fire LV 7] [Resistance: Poison LV 5] [Poison LV 5] [Bite LV 5] [Aura Detect LV 8] [Charm LV 10] [Dance-Beat LV 3]* [Blade LV 4]*

So I can add the points to the stats with the + besides them. After gaining 5 levels I obtained 10 skill points. Looks like two stat points are given per level. I’m LV 6 now and it's a pretty great start! Hmmm, SP does play a big factor especially considering most of my skills consume SP. My health and defense are fair enough to survive a normal fight. Learning that SP depletion leads to complete exhaustion makes me more inclined to get more. Especially after what happened with Suki… I think I’ll focus on endurance with some points towards offensive strats. Outlasting an opponent's SP is a viable strategy. Soooo…

8 points added to SP, 500 now 2100. 2 points added to Offensive, 1,000 now 1,600.

Perfect, so judging from that, 1 point into SP adds 200 to my base. 1 point into Offensive adds 300 to my base. I’ve also noticed that some of my skills had leveled, indicated by the * next to the skills. I took quite a beating so it makes sense my [Hard Skin] levels plus seeing, my main means of attack and defence, [Dance-beat] and [Blade] leveling up is great too. I find it weird though after slaying the Elder Sect I expected a crazy amount of EXP and levels, but maybe the EXP is shared? If that’s the case it could mean first come first serve and damage contribution. Meaning if one were to take a kill alone they’d gain all the EXP but if they were to take a kill as a party then EXP is shared depending on who dealt the most damage, or something along those lines. I’ll have to ask Gyoma about that. I assume this is the case though since every ant participating in slaying the Elder Sect gained a few levels. I guess I’m pretty lucky, I did gain 5 levels from it’s death.

Unable to sit still as I go through my thoughts I tread the same little track I made during my first freak out after being born.

“Oh! Almost forgot…”

I need to hold a meeting with the top 4. So much happened in one day and Gyoma likely has most of the answers to what the hell happened!

I park my butt down in the middle of the room. Memories of the whole event flood my mind. The sounds of fighting echoing the field, the feeling of pain from blocking blows, and the dance with death itself. My body quivers like a plucked string.

I’m surprised at myself for even moving and surviving as I did. I understand my newborns being able to adapt so quickly to battle because they are soldier ants. But I’m a just graduated high schooler in an ant queen’s body! Even if I trained my ass off and prepared myself, how could I not have my nerves so shakened? Coming from my peaceful lifestyle back on Earth into this… carnage fest. Heck my first encounter with another human is a man almost mauled to death while pieces of human flesh littered the grounds!

I dry heave seeing the gruesome images flow into my mind again.

I fought as brave as I could… I feel too weak to move, maybe I should just wait till tomorrow? Not like a day or two would change much plus I am the queen soooo…

“No! No! No!”

I shouldn’t think that, I’ve been pushing myself thus far in my old life and this will be no different! Just because I’m queen doesn’t mean I can always live leisurely with this new birth-given power. Coming from a financially struggling family I never let myself be lazy. I needed… they needed me to step up and hold our home together so I worked my ass off since middle school!

Smacking my face I muster all the strength to stand back up and wobbly walk towards my room’s entrance.

“Your highness.”

“Ah! Oh, Ahem. Heh… Hello Gyoma”

Gyoma looks at me for a moment.

“Your highness, I suspected you wanted to talk to the others and I. So I arranged to have them come here.”

Guh! She read my mind.

“Oh! That’s very good, I appreciate the swift planning.”

“I’m grateful for your praise. Also, if you ever require anything you can notify me with your thoughts. I know you like to do things yourself, but as our queen you have the right to depend on us.”

Gyoma approaches me and softly pats my head. Warmth invades my cheeks.

Seriously can I even blush?!

“Now let’s wait for them inside”

The shakiness I felt from my thoughts gradually fades because of Gyoma’s comforting words. I walk with her and sit on the dirt throne against the wall while she stands besides the throne.

I was preoccupied with everything when I first came in here that I didn’t even register the dirt throne’s existence. Apparently the very first queen made this and it’s said to grant mysterious power to those worthy of the throne. Not that I felt anything upon sitting on it. My guess it’s some stat boost or something of a sort.

A minute passes and Azuwei, Tsuwo, and Saku make their entrance. Saku and Tsuwo carried the carcass of the Elder Sect. They placed the corpse on the right side wall before lining up and bowing to me. Despite the body being small it was surprisingly heavy, during our escape it took many of my soldiers to carry that one body.

“My Queen.”

“My queen.”


“You may stand.”

The three stand to face me and Gyoma nods.

“As I stated the queen wishes to go over what happened yesterday. But first congratulations, Azuwei on taking your first command and playing a crucial role in slaying the Elder Sect.”

“Oh, yes. Azuwei… it must have been really tough, but I’m glad I put faith in you.”

“T-thank y-you! Gyoma! My queen!” She bows.

“Also for this great achievement… I shall reward you. If it is within my power you may ask and it shall be yours.”

“A… reward?”

As queen, ruler of this anthill, I think it’s fair to reward my subjects accordingly. Or so I was told by some shows I’ve watched and books I’ve read. Ants are mostly loyal to their queens as long as they keep the colony strong, so it’s not necessary to give rewards to ants for more loyalty. Azuwei put her best into commanding despite her soft-spoken voice and tiny presence and for that she definitely deserves a good reward.

“Yes, a reward. Is anything in particular you would want, Azuwei?”

“U-um… well… I… I want to see the big blue.”

“And you shall see the big blue!”

Wherever that is, does she mean the ocean?

I look towards Gyoma as she nods to my thought’s question.

“The la-... Rei went to see the big blue with our previous queen. H-he told me about how w-wonderful the view was. Water that never ended, dirt soft as grass but warm… I-I… I want to go see the big blue with you, My queen.” Her eyes seemingly flutter as flowers bloom around her face and the very air turning a blush pink. My heart clenches for a few seconds.

Gh-gah I’m… I’m hallucinating from her cuteness ngh!

“Ahem… V-very well one day we’ll travel to see the big blue together, I promise.”

And when that day comes I swear it'll be like a beach episode in anime. I wonder… if beforehand we turn ourselves into humanoids we can wear some cute beach outfits! It’s been so long since I dipped my toes in sand listening to the loud waves crashing against the beach and the warm sun on my face. I need to find an outfit similar to the one that’s collecting dust at home in my previous life. Ahhh~ Oh… then Azuwei wouldn’t she…?

Vividly imagining the cute outfit Azuwei would wear to the beach as a humanoid struck a chord within me. I couldn’t help but hold an overly satisfied expression as I relished the thought.


“Ahem, your highness.”

“Oh! Um- Ahem. Tsuwo how is Suzu, Mina, and Mai? I’m worried about how they’re taking Suki’s passing…”

“They seem quite well, My Queen. Although Suzu is more quiet than usual, Mina assures me she’ll be fine.”

“I’ll go check on them after our meeting then, thank you for watching over them.”

“As My Queen commands.” She bows.

Losing their beloved sister so suddenly like that… I’m sure they’re doing their best to keep moving on… but I better see them before the day ends. Makes me really wonder if my family is doing okay… especially Mizaka she always looked up to me. And to lose me so suddenly must’ve… I hope… please I hope that they’re all doing okay. I… I’m sure there’s a way back to them if I can get reincarnated to this world as an ant queen there’s gotta be a spell or a portal to return. Unless I really died and I’m just in some weird afterlife or heaven… or hell. No, no, no! That can’t be right! There’s death in this world. So unless you can die again in the afterlife then this is another world I’m Alive in.

“Ya'majesty? Somethin’ the matter?”

“Oh. Ahem. I’m sorry I get lost in my thoughts a lot. So Gyoma… I’ve been wondering why you had us take the elder sect’s body? Will this grant us more power somehow?”

Gyoma nods and looks at the body.

“You are partially correct, consuming an elder sect’s body will grant the one who consumed it, more power.” She waves her leg signalling Saku and Tsuwo to bring the body forward and placed in front of the throne.

“For us sects consuming elder sects grants power like no other. Consuming regular sects don’t make any significant changes, even if consuming a thousand sects.”

Huh considering the effort it takes to take one of them down I’d assume even their corpses would be worth much. But…

“What of consuming two-legs or they consuming elder sects?”

“Two-legs don’t do anything, but we have yet to come across a two-leg so powerful to merit consuming. I have not seen them consume any sects. They prefer to hunt us and use our corpses for other means.”

I’d guess we’re too nasty to eat… I mean insects are a delicacy in some parts of the world back on Earth. I’d think we’d be a feast for those people… Buuut I’m glad not to be on somebody's fine dining menu. Still they prefer hunting us and using our corpses for other means, sounds like one series of the games I’ve played about hunting monsters for weapons and armor.

“Why don’t we share this power gain?”

“We can’t, My Queen.”

“The power granted can only be granted to the one taking the first bite. No other, your highness.”

“Ah I see, we can share the body just not the gaining of power.”

So any elder corpse would be considered very highly valuable to any sect, long as no sect has taken the first bite. To be honest I would give the power to Azuwei to even the strengths between this group. I always like keeping my party around the same level of power. If I’m gonna take this first corpse we’re gonna have to take down more for the rest of this group. Can’t go growing powerful without my team.

“Your high-”

I walk down to the corpse and take one big bite into the body. The hardy and crunchy texture of it was one thing but the surprising juiciness and buttery taste made me take a couple more bites of the body.

“I didn’t think the elder sect corpse would be this delicious! Maybe if cooked right…”

My first real ‘meat’ and it turned out to be great. I had wondered since the fruits I’ve been eating are great too. Might be because this elder had a lot to feast on over the years which in turn made its body all the more tasty… Mmm!

I turn to sit back on my throne.

“Gyoma, have this corpse prepared and cooked.”

“As you wish, your highness. How do you feel?”

“I don’t really feel much but satisfa- Aaagh… Ngh!! Ahhh!! Mphh!! Aaaagh!!”

Instantaneously, a sensation of being set on fire envelopes my body. I twitch and spasm upon the throne frantically scraping at the dirt as the feeling of burning, burns even hotter than ever. My screams and the sounds of crackling coming from my insides echo in my chamber. One by one my legs crumble and fall off my body leaving me legless for a moment before new legs sprout from the holes. Slowly and painfully these legs grew out my body. The loud squelches and crackling from my growing legs is all I could hear in the midst of the agonies of my screams. Metalclad, my new legs pierce the ground. The pain disappearing as quick as it came, I lay exhausted on my throne.

[Titanium Legs LV 1], [Skewer LV 1] acquired

“Haah… Haah… ugh… mmm… that… that was… horrible!!”

“Congratulations, your highness, you have gained the elder Svien’s legs. The pain is the process that comes with the gaining of new power. You should rest plenty afterwards as this does take most of your stamina.”

“Haah… could… could have told me this… haaaah… before I took a bite!”

“I did try to say something, but you took a bite before I could speak.”

Still catching my breath I inspect my newly obtained legs. With all my legs covered in metal and straight as a spear, the two front legs are especially different. The longest part of my leg is curved a little like the blade of a samurai sword. My legs still have joints in a way to not sacrifice any movement I had before. Curious, I touch my two front legs together then slide them across each other causing sparks and high-pitch screeching.

Oww… okay yep this is real metal. It said titanium legs, and last I remember the regular sviens had iron legs. Steel is stronger than iron and titanium is stronger than steel sooo… It almost justifies going through that intense pain for this mutation. Almost. If gaining something like this is this damn painful… I don’t know if I can survive through fully evolving into a different form… If evolution of that caliber exists in this world’s system.

“Gyoma, so tell me what happened at that two-leg’s nest? Why was there an army of sects led by elder sects?”

“As far as the army goes and why they were there… I can only observe that they were being lured most likely by an army of two-legs. Azuwei would you care to explain the rest?”

“Ah- yes! Um… sects normally stay within the black lands a- and hardly go far from there. Elders do explore a lot further out at times too and tend to lead groups of their own kin. B-but never has been a sect army led by many different elders.”

“Yup long as I an’ others lived we ain’t seen anything like that! I’d say this reeks a mighty heap of trouble, ya majesty.”

“My Queen, judging from the state of the two-leg’s destroyed nest and the carnage left behind. The army is being led by the strong stench of two-leg’s blood.”

“But who would do that? And wh-”

“To Destroy, your highness. It seems the sect army is merely being used in the two-leg’s war to destroy one another.”

“That would explain a lot… So it seems the land is at war. Hmmm… they were heading west right?”

“Yes, My Queen.”

“So whomever is there is gonna be in major trouble…”

Sitting on the throne, I use the armrest, about to use my front leg as a hold for my head but I stop myself. After a short realization of the mistake I was about to make, I just sat back.

Maybe if I go and help the side in trouble they’ll be more inclined to be friendly to us… I mean sects are natural enemies of humans as it seems so… If I can win good favor siding with humans against sects it should at least open room for negotiation… I just hope the side I’m taking isn’t some sort of evil kingdom… Maybe that’s why an army is leading an army of sects? No… they butchered a village to do it… it’s cruel even if it means for the greater good! They can’t be good news… I guess I’ll find out more from the guy when he wakes up.

“Lastly, what can you tell me about the inhabitants of the land. Namely the two-legs and their colonies and why they are at war.”

“From my ventures and documents I’ve obtained. The colony to the east is the Second Kingdom and to the west is the First Kingdom. Both were formed long before our first queen made our hill here. When us, the top four were born, war was all this land knew but from what I heard from our previous queen it wasn’t that way in the first queen’s time.”

“Hmm… so the Second Kingdom. Are they always this brutal in their conquests?”

“Both sides are powerful and have their fair share of brutality and bloodshed. But yes, the Second Kingdom’s armies tend to be more merciless. Strong, weak, young, and old. All are not spared in their ways of war, your highness.”

“Thank you, Gyoma. I have much to think about… and as you recommended since I just gained this new power I shall rest. I leave you all to your duties and if you would excuse me I’ll be seeing those three before I turn in for the day. Thank you again, for coming and answering my questions. As always, I hope for us to continue building our colony strong.”

Sheesh… not even a month into this new life and there’s already a huge plotline going on that I fell into. Well I don’t wanna get caught with my pants down... again. So I’ll have to make sure to prepare as much as I can!

“Oh and one last thing, Gyoma, Tsuwo. Send out scouts to find out the situation of the Second Kingdom’s army and the sect army and any information regarding the areas around them.”

“As you command, My Queen.”

“Understood, your highness.”

“Gotcha, ya majesty.”

“Y-yes, My queen…!”

Leaving my chambers I head outside to see Mina, Mai, and Suzu.

Outside the anthill

“Suzu? Are you okay?”


Mai approaches me from behind lightly touching my butt to get my attention. I sniffle softly and turn around.

“Hiiiiii! Sorrrrryyyy I was just thinking about things nooooowww I’m done!”

“Are you alright Suzu?”

“Hmmm? Don’t worryyyy about meeee I’m fine” I hop around Mai with my usual spriteful energy then run off to Mina who is practicing in the distance. With my back towards Mai I wipe my face.

“Wait Suzu!”

Suki… Suki... Suki… Why suki… why her… We made a promise and she… she… was always there for me. For us. I just now realized it but… I dont think… I dont think I would have been the way I was… if it weren’t for you Suki. So why were you the one taken away?

I shake my head and refocus on my sister practicing her fire-breath. I jump into Mina hugging her causing her to shoot off a fire-breath in a different direction.

Whirrr! Bwooosh! Booom!

“Miiiinaaaa, don’t train without uuuuuusss. Suki always wanted us to train together rememberrrrr?”

“...I have to…”

“You have to?”

“To get stronger.”

“Theeeen let's train togetherrrr!”

Releasing my hug and hoping back I unleash my attacks at Mai. [Air-Bullets LV 1] activates. Already reading my intentions Mina uses [Smokescreen LV 2], hiding behind it as my air-bullets poke holes in the smoke. [Summon: Wind LV 1] activates. I cast the smoke aside, but she was already gone. I spot the holes in the ground from my air-bullets.

“You dodge my air-bulleeeets?”

“...Gotcha…” She jumps onto me from behind restricting my movement.

“Ngh! No faiirrrrr you’re wayyyy faster than I am!”

“...no, just smarter…”

“Ha! Gotchaaaa!” [Summon: Wind LV 1], [Summon: Fire LV 1], [Air-Bullets LV 1] activates.

Casting three skills at once I use the wind to blast us apart. Followed by the fire and the air-bullets. Using the flames to power up the air-bullets it spirals right at Mina as she lands. Not wasting a second, Mina bobs and weaves like a feather in the wind most of the shots fly past her. The few that hit her explode on impact staggering her a little as she continues to dodge the rest.

“Nooooowww I gotchuuuuuu!”

She jumps right the moment I come from her rear and she falls on top of me. Again, restricting my movements.

“...nice try, sister…”

“Awwwww maaaaaaan! I thought I had you! Hmmmmmphh!”

“Wow Suzu, you’ve gotten better. Congratulations, casting three skills at once is a big feat.”

Mama had come out and had been watching from the distance with Mai.

“Mamaaaa!!” As soon as Mina lets go of me I run towards my mama, Queen Ariki. Doing the same as I did to Mina jumping into her with a big hug as she catches me.

“Hehehe… you haven’t called me that since you grew up. I guess you really haven’t changed much in that regard my sweet Suzu.” She wraps her fronts around me pulling me into a deeper hug. I rub and cuddle my face against her. She lightly rubs my back with the occasional head pat.

“Mama… mamaa...”

“Hmm?…Well… Mina, Mai how are you two doing? Training going well?”

“Yes, my Queen. Training has been going well. So far, and I’m doing… well too, thank you for your worries.”

“...training hard now… feeling a little better… thank you, my queen…”

“That’s reassuring to hear. I’ll always be worried you know? You’re all my children whom I love very dearly. So if there’s anything at all that you need I’m here to listen okay?”


“Hmm? Did you say something Suzu?”

“She made a promise… Suki said she’ll protect us forever but now… Now she’s gone…”

“Suzu, I’m so-”

The feelings in my chest flare up.


After hearing that same phrase... over and over again, I couldn’t stand to hear it anymore! It didn’t change how I felt nor did it bring Suki back to us. Please, say something else...

“Suzu! Don’t yell at our Queen like that.”

“I… I’m sorry mama…” sniffling into her chest as she holds me.

“It’s quite alright Mai. Oh, Suzu shhh shhh… I know. Nothing we can’t say or do will bring her back. A piece of me has been taken away along with her too, but… I’m thankful that you three weren’t also taken from me or else… I don’t know how I’ll be right now.”

My heart and gut clenches as I feel two more hugs behind me. I loudly sob in their arms.

“Please… don’t leave! P-please please don’t leave me. Mina, Mai, Mama please… I don’t want anymore of you going…”

All I could think about was that moment before the elder grivel took Suki. That last look she had never left her face even when separated from the rest of her body. That last smile she gave me.

Back in the laboratory

“Lupin… Lupin…!”

“Big brother…!”

“Brother Brother…!”

“Please… live…”


Reaching my hand out I grasp nothing but air. Pain shoots through my body reinvigorating the horrible memories of what I just experienced.

“Ngh…! Cough! Cough! I’m still… alive?”

My vision slowly clears as I try to sit up. The bubbling noises surround me. The wall and floor of the room is filled with sect-like parts and plant-life. Tables lined the walls topped with bottles continuously spewing small mists and spurting liquids into one another. Looking at myself I see that my torn clothes had been replaced by a large gown made of leaves sewn together. Opening my gown, my wounds had been cared for and carefully stitched.

“Wh- Who did this?”

Scuttle. Scuttle. Crash!

“Who’s there?!” Turning to the sound of movement, I see a glass that's been knocked off a table. I get up wincing from the pain and wobble my way to the table. Examining the broken glass it looks like some blueish goo was kept in it. I finally take a peek over the table.


The ant behind the table chirps and squeaks in a panicky manner.

I fall back hard on my back upon seeing an ant hiding behind the table. A piece of glass from the broken bottle now lodged into my side. Quickly I push myself backwards behind the table I laid on. Laying against the table I check my surroundings again to see if there were any more ants around or anything to help me defend myself.

“Gah! Ngh… fuck. I can’t become food for these damn sects… nnngh...” Gritting my teeth I firmly grasp the broken glass pulling it slowly out. I pick up a big leaf on the ground and firmly press it on the wound to cover it and slow the bleeding.

“With… ngh! This I can defend myself.” I peek around the corner to see if the ant is approaching, but it hasn’t attempted anything.

“Why hasn’t it chased me? Gah! Whatever I just need to get out of he-” Infront of me stood another ant. Its size was larger than I’d ever seen, colored crimson with scars across its body wielding a pair of curved sword-like pincers. I tried making my move before it did.


Later my consciousness comes back to me as I’m being carried. Dazed from being knocked out again I hazily see around the dark home of these ant sects. Soon we go through a giant entrance into a big open chamber. I could only hear chattering and chirping as my eyes adjusted to the darkness. After a bit, the ant puts me down onto the cold dirt and I watched as the large ant left the room. Silence and darkness.

“Ngh… Hello…?”

I feel my side only to find that it has been stitched. But the aching pain hasn’t gone.

Fixed me up again huh? I’m gonna die here aren’t I? They kept me alive for their sick reason of feeding me to their queen… or maybe the larvae. I’ve heard of horrible ways to die to sects and… this is definitely on the top of that list. Being fed alive.

My eyes gradually adjust to the darkness as I look around. I turn over and spot a large shadow not too far from me. Squinting to focus on that shadow to make sure it wasn’t my mind playing tricks on me. Noticeably the shadow moves. I freeze, the foreboding presence it gave gripped me by the throat. Even though I’m only able to see the outlines, I can tell that the size of that ant is the largest of them all. The Ant Queen. She chirps and chatters loudly at me. I could only stare death at its face as she approached me. A small flame lights between her pincers.

It's gonna cook me alive before it eats me huh? Father, Mother, Lina, Leo, Laie… I’m sorry I couldn’t keep that promise. I hope you can forgive me… At least… now I get to be with you all.

The flame gushes towards me, enveloping me in it’s blinding light. I close my eyes awaiting my ill-fated destiny of being burned to death and eaten. But the feeling of burning upon my flesh never came. Perhaps I was instantly killed from the sheer power of the blast. But then there is warmth from behind me.

“H-huh…?” Releasing the breath I held in and opening my eyes I see that the room is lit. Looking behind me a torch stood burning, illuminating the chamber. With a clear view of the Ant Queen, I really see that I have zero chance of ever putting up a fight. Her body is large enough to crush an adult male even in full armor, her legs are metal and shaped like spears while the two in front are shaped like swords. Her large black beady eyes locked onto mine as her large pincers chitter at me.

Why isn’t she doing anything? Is she trying to get me to beg or scream or something? Is this thing intelligent and sick enough to enjoy human suffering?!

Gritting my teeth I grab a fistful of dirt and chuck it at the ant queen.

“COME ON! DO IT! KILL ME! EAT ME! BURN ME! I’m not gonna play your sick games and beg nor fearfully scream! SO WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?! BURN ME!... finish me off… so I can see my family again… I don’t deserve to live… not anymore, not when everyone is dead. Not when I wasn’t even strong enough to save anyone… I failed you all, I’m sorry Laie. I’m sorry your big brother couldn’t keep his promise.” I look up to see the ant waving its front legs and crossing them like an X.


She shakes her head and makes an X and points at her pincers

“X… mouth? You’re gonna slice me into pieces then eat me?”

She looks like she visibly sighed and tries the same expression again.

“You’re… not gonna eat me…?”

She nods her head and slowly approaches me.

I sit up still unable to shake my fear of her intense presence. I watch as she gently pushes aside the hair from my face with her sharp metal leg.

“You… You understand what I’m saying?”

She nods again and sits on the ground in front of me. Using the pointy end of her leg to write in the dirt some symbols and characters I’ve never seen before.

“You can write too?! But… I’m sorry I don’t understand… ant-sect writing.”

She visibly sighs again and erases the writing then points at my hands and the ground.

“I guess you want me to write? Okay.” I write out ‘Can you read this?’ in my world's writing.

For a bit the ant queen sits and stares intently at my writing. Then she attempts to copy my written words. At first what she wrote was very ragged. A few more tries and it became fine enough to understand.

Finally she wrote ‘Can read this’

“Huh… You were able to pick that up really quick… took me a few months to write correctly. I guess for an ant queen you probably have a high intelligence skill level.”

She nods seemingly happy about my comment

“So you can understand me… hmm… By any chance are you... a Sect Overlord”

She looks at me for a bit then makes an X with her front legs again.

“Huh a regular sect ant queen then.” I wince and hold my side.

“Gah… and here I… I thought I really was gonna die in the worst way possible.”

The ant queen lightly touches my hand letting me know she has something to say. She points at my head then my hands then the ground then at her head and repeats these motions. I ponder on what she wants from me.

“Head, hands, ground, your head. Head… Thoughts? No… Wait. Um. You uh…”

She chirps loudly and scribbles words over and over.

‘Read this’ ‘This Read’ ‘Read this’ ‘This Read’

“Oh! You… You want me to teach you to read?”

She chitters angrily then visibly sighs, shaking her head.

“Oh… I guess you want me to teach you to write then. That… makes more sense since it’ll be easier to talk to each other.”

Some time passes, it feels like hours teaching this ant queen to write things. She’s quite determined when it comes to learning. I now know that the moment we met she’s been observing me, trying her best to communicate back. I mistook it for her strong intent to devour me or something more sinister.

I’m honestly shocked that this sect is easily picking up what I learned over the years… She must be some special born ant queen… I guess I shouldn’t get on her bad side. I can’t imagine what sort of horrors she can wreck with a mind like hers. It seems she doesn’t have any intentions of eating me… yet. She had her healer take care of my wounds in that ant’s room. Then her soldier not-so-kindly brought me to her room after I awoken. I still can't shake this foreboding on why she saved me…

“What’s wrong?” She wrote.

“Nothing, just thinking.”

“Do you have a name?”

“It’s… Lupin. Lupin Gold. Do you have a name?” I write my name out for her.

“Are we key, is how you say my name. Not how you spell it”

“Are we key? Bizarre name, I guess that’s just ant’s tongue er… pincers or something. Well, Are we key, I appreciate you saving me and I guess I owe you a debt but… why did you save me?”

“I wanted to save you.”

“Why me? I was probably half dead, but you should have just let me die there.” I look away and sniffle quietly.

She pokes me lightly and taps the ground showing something else she wrote.

“Please live, Lupin Gold.”

Wiping my eyes I wipe away her message.

“I’m still alive aren’t I?” I sigh and turn around facing away from her. I hear her walk away then come back placing an oppa fruit in front of me. She writes beside me.


“You know those fruits are poisonous to humans right?”

She quickly takes the fruit away and scuttles for something else in the back of the chamber.

I guess I should rebuild my strength. I can probably strike a deal with her and teach her things in exchange for… I don’t know... something to help me defeat the ones who killed my family and attacked my village… Would she even help me with something like that? She seems smart enough to understand things. Help from an ant queen and her army would be a massive difference… but the presence from those black knights are… they are far greater than hers. Plus those darkened creatures were something else. Maybe I should find a way to get stronger… Train with the ants. Hmmm… for now I’ll just have to be cautious with these sects… do what I need to do to stay alive.

She brings a piece of what appears to be meat. The aroma of the mystery flesh tempted my stomach to grumble. My mouth is already uncontrollably salivating to its mere existence.

“This smells really good. Are you sure I can have this?”

“You need to eat.”

“I guess I do.”

Not wasting another second I pick it up and bite down onto it. The buttery juicy taste soaks my tongue and throat. Warmth from the freshly cooked meat rekindles my cold empty stomach. My hunger takes over, munching and gnawing down on the meat like a starving wolf. She sits besides me and chows on her piece, also thoroughly enjoying the cooked meat.

“This is really good, what is this?”

“Elder sect meat. It came from an Elder Svien.” She writes down with one leg while still eating.

Cough! Cough! Cough. Cough.

“I shouldn’t have asked.”

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