《Arrogant Master In The City》Criticisms, Suggestions, Questions Etc


Well just a place for you to write your criticisms, suggestions and questions and etc just like what the title suggested.

Feel free to post anything :)

Suggestions can range from anything from skills that he'll learn to the ranks of practitioners. You can also suggest the people that he'll meet in the future be it ally, possible harem member or enemies. :)

Your criticisms suggestions will help me in the long run so please go ahead and post it here. Be it good or bad, i'll take it LIKE A MAN ROARRRRRRRRRRRRRR *tears shirt into half* and improve. I appreciate you taking your time to read my stuff so thanks for the support haha.

Well... I have nothing more to add sooo...Ninja Vanish! *Poof*

Please ignore the POLL above, i have submitted a support ticket to delete it :)

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