《The Colour Chronicles》Chapter 19 - To the Rescue


Blue looks around and sees a big open space. ‘I can see again!’ She thinks.

There’s a pile of snow in the middle of the open space. Above it there’s a hole. It’s too high for them to reach, but it provides the light they currently have. It seems like the sun is setting, and the whole cave has an orange glow. The walls have a slight brown color in the middle, some white and maybe dark blue stripes make up the rest. Together it forms quite a nice scenery.

“Caves are so pretty.” April states with her mouth agape.

“And also dangerous.” Julie shakes her head.

After staring for a while Blue gets back to the point.“We still need to find Natasha!”

“No need for that. Natasha, come out.” Julie shrugs.

A figure comes out from behind a rock. “How did you know?”

“The tracks show exactly where you went. Besides, there’s an open hole here. Big chance you would try to find a way to get out of it.” Julie sighs.

“So, who’s the idiot now? I found an exit, unlike you guys.” Natasha boasts.

“Not an exit. A hole in the roof. Do you know why roofs have holes? Because it breaks. This cave is unstable, and that hole is the proof of it. Maybe the snow piled up on it and it became too heavy, who knows.” Julie rolls her eyes.

“We just need to find a way up. Maybe we can get a pile of rocks to climb on..” Natasha ignores Julie.

“How about no. Moving anything in an unstable cave is risky. You never know what keeps the place together. I suggest getting out of here.” Julie shrugs.

“You know, all your suggestions sound like orders to me.” April says.

“It’s just very friendly advice.” Julie glares.

“Very friendly indeed.” April laughs. She walks towards Natasha. “So, are you alright?”

Natasha frowns. “Why would you ask that?”

“Because you’ve been out here, alone and cold, for quite a while. And last but not least. You can try to hide it, but you’re not putting any weight on your right leg.” April smiles.

“And why do you care?” Natasha rolls her eyes.

“Today someone told me that every life matters, even if they don’t care about me.” April gazes at Blue.

“All fun and cozy, but we need to get back, before they leave us.” Julie remarks.


“How about her leg then?” April questions.

“She just needs to get through the tunnel and we can support her after.” Julie shrugs, not bothering to stay any longer.

April looks at Julie disappearing through the tunnel and sighs. “Just lean on my shoulder for now, alright?”

Blue steps in. “Here, let me help.”

“....Thanks.” Natasha mutters. They slowly help her to the tunnel.

“Hmm, so a tunnel will be hard if you can’t push yourself with both legs.” April thinks out loud.

“Crawl with your arms, I’ll pull you out when I can reach you.” Julie’s voice comes from the other side.

“And here I thought you didn’t care.” April teases.

“Hmm? I do care, that’s why I’m on this side and waiting on you.. Not just gonna leave people behind like that.” Julie mutters.

April simply laughs as a response.

Natasha does as Julie told her to, carefully crawling with just her arms.

“Just a bit more.” Julie says. “Got you.”

“Can we go now?” April asks.

“Yeah, hurry up though. We still need to get through the darkness.” Julie impatiently says.

Both April and Blue get through the tunnel, getting back to the dark cave.

“Julie, how can you even see in this darkness?” April mutters.

“I can’t.” Julie laughs.

“How did you get us here then?” April says surprised.

“That’s a secret.” Julie says. “Now Natasha, lean on theirs shoulders, alright?”

“I can carry her, that’s easier right?” Blue asks.

“We still have a lot to walk after leaving the cave, don’t waste your energy.” Julie replies.

“Ehm, it’s too dark to see. How would I know where they are?” Natasha mutters.

“Just close your eyes. Blue, April, close your eyes too.” Julie says.

“Here, now just follow me.” Julie leads Natasha towards Blue and April.

Blue feels someone grab her shoulder, probably Natasha. A hand grabs her hand and pulls her forwards, Blue assumes Julie owns that hand.

“I’m sorry.” Natasha mutters.

“Sorry? For what?” April asks.

“For… For…. For troubling you!” Natasha shouts.

“Just don’t do it again.” Julie sighs.

“I guess I’m just running away from fate. I… I just want to live my life, in my way. Fate just doesn’t want to give me my freedom..” Natasha says with a sniffle.

‘Is she crying?’ Blue wonders. ‘I can’t see it now, maybe later if we reach the lighter parts.’


“Most people want to be in charge of their own life. You aren’t wrong to feel that way, you just need to know when running away is helpful or not. You need to fight for your freedom, but you don’t have the power for that.” Julie says.

“That’s like that novel genre, weak to strong right? We get to be our own isekai, weak to strong mc now?” April laughs.

“Well, better start working out then. Before you know it you’ll have your own reverse harem, or harem, I don’t judge.” Julie teases.

“As if that’s the important thing from isekai!” April shouts. “I don’t need any harem, reverse or not...” She softly adds.

“Ehm, what?” Blue questions. ‘They keep using those weird words, but they both understand what it means. Did they make a language together?’ She wonders.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s just an inside joke.” Julie says in a cold tone.

“Okay then…” Blue mutters.

“So how do I get stronger? I want the power to get my own life…” Natasha asks.

“Join us.” April laughs.

“That’s a start. Doesn’t mean it’s enough. For example, let’s say we’re strong enough to escape. We won’t be strong enough to handle the church and all their pitchforks. Also a what next? Where will we be going? We’re still just a bunch of kids with the limitations that come with it.” Julie adds.

“But how would that work? How would I get stronger like that?” Natasha asks confused.

“We share our strength, I think.” Blue answers.

“Was it the soul contract? The one you asked before?” Natasha says.

Blue nods, more to herself since no one can see it. “Yep.”

“Then let’s do that.” Natasha sighs.

“Before you get disappointed, most adults can handle a lot of kids at once. In strength and in experience. The first people we would have to defeat are guards, people trained to fight. They have the weapons, the strength, and the experience. They wear armour too, meaning we need to get through that without breaking our fist. We’re just a few kids, we can’t handle them without dying. Especially not when they are trying to starve us and tire us.” Julie states coldy.

“It’s more than nothing…” Natasha remarks.

“Can’t we just start training to get better at fighting?” April questions.

“If we would do that where they can see us, expect us to get kicked. That just leaves this place to practice, but even then. We don’t have any weapons or protection. Against one adult with a sword, he takes one swing and we’re all dead. We just need to wait for the right time.” Julie clicks her tongue. “You can open your eyes now.”

Blue does exactly that. It’s still dark, but at least she can see her hands again. Julie quickly lets go of them.

“Want to join us or not? If so do it here, before they can see it.” Julie orders.

Natasha takes a deep breath. “Okay then.”

“Not even asking what a contract means?” April frowns.

“I’ll take every chance I get to get out.” Natasha stands unwavering. Even in the darkness, there’s a sparkle in her eyes.

“Remind me to never leave you in charge. You need to know what’s what before signing up for it.” Julie reprimands.

“Do you think I’m in a position to be picky like that? I’m willing to give everything to get my freedom back.” Natasha stares at Julie.

“Even your freedom?” Julie sighs. “Just get it done with then, not gonna waste my time here.”

“Then what do I do?” Natasha tilts her head.

“Okay so you put your hands like this.” Blue moves her hands in front of her. “And then touch my hands with them.” Blue waits a bit for Natasha to follow her movements. “Okay now close your eyes.” Natasha quickly follows Blue’s orders. Blue then bumps her forehead against Natasha.

Natasha’s space is like expected, empty.

Blue’s space is the same empty space, but a few kids fill the emptiness.

Blue just awkwardly stands there, waiting to get back to the real world.

The world fades and the cave comes back. “Okay now let’s go, the rest can be done next time.” Julie pulls them into the direction of the exit.

“Finally back hmm? Almost thought we wouldn’t get to see you again.” Eve says.

Vince jumps towards them and hugs them. “Hello! I missed you!”

“Yes yes, missed you too.” April pats Vince’s head.

“Did they tell us to get out yet” Julie asks Eve.

“Yep, but I’m stalling by getting Vince to hand deliver each piece on his own.” Eve shrugs.

“Great, now let’s get out of here.” Julie pats Eve’s shoulder.

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