《The Colour Chronicles》Chapter 8 - Spectator


A few minutes pass by. Vince finishes his flower crown already and runs towards Julie. “Here! You can have this!”

Julie laughs while kneeling. “It is a great honor to receive your hand made flower crown!”

As a response Vince puts the flower crown on Julie’s head. “I hereby crown you to my knight!” Vince says in a deep dramatic voice.

Julie stands up and salutes. “I won’t let you down, my king!”

Vince proudly poses as a great king. Afterwards he looks expectantly at Blue. “Go on, give it to big sis!”

Blue looks a bit awkward. “Ah, ehm okay.” She slowly shuffles to April and holds out the flower crown in front of her. There’s quite a difference in the quality of the flower crown made by Blue and the one made by Vince, with the one made by Vince being obviously better.

April’s face has a blush as she slightly lowers her head towards Blue. Blue quickly puts the crown on and steps back.

“Thanks.” April quietly says. “I will follow you till the end of time, leader.” She continues with a small determined voice.

“Now let’s get to work, we gotta clean this place as a step one to getting a great place.” Julie says in a commanding voice.

“Clean? How?” Blue thinks out loud.

Julie points to four buckets of water they just gathered. “We didn’t carry this for no reason. Also I grabbed some pieces of cloth from some houses that had them outside. So we grab the cloth, dip it into the water and then scrub it on the floor. Easy right?”

“Another round of slave driving it is.” April sighs as she does as she is told.

Together they clean the place for a few hours, the outside world turning dark.

“Alright look at it now, it’s great isn’t it!” Julie happily says.

“I’m hungry, can we eat?” April says while wiping her sweat away.

“Alright alright, can’t even do a bit of hard work?” Julie teases as she grabs the bag with bread.

“Not on an empty stomach!” April defends herself.

They surround the fireplace and all grab some bread.

“So, what’s the suggestions on what we do next? Besides surviving that is.” Julie questions.

“We go look for people who need a place to call home.” Blue states calm but determined.

Julie quietly thinks before responding. “There’s not a lot of people on the streets here, and the ones that are wouldn’t go here. They just build a house near the river and start fishing for money.”

“Why aren’t we fishing for money then?” April wonders.

“You can try, but it’s usually impossible for kids to even get near the river let alone fish.” Julie responds. “Besides, they would steal everything we caught. No one would buy from a kid, they don’t have any respect for us or belief that we shouldn’t own stuff.” Julie adds quickly.


“We can still check, maybe there’s someone our age walking around hungry.” Blue says.

Julie shakes her head. “Not today, you don’t want to be outside here if it’s dark. We can try tomorrow maybe, but it means we’ll have to get more food as well.”

“Then we’ll get more food everyday.” Blue easily says.

Julie sighs. “That’s not going to be easy unless we have a steady source for food. What other plans are we going to do though? Want to stay here or find a better spot for example?”

Blue hesitates. “I don’t know.”

“And that’s what we’re going to figure out. There’s not a lot we can do now though. I’ll go out for some scouting though, see you guys later.” Julie states while walking towards the door.

“I thought you said you don’t want to be outside here if it’s dark? Then why are you going?” April questions with a slight worried tone.

“I’m part of the reason why people don’t want to be outside when it’s dark.” Julie heads out right after, not waiting for a response.

Blue heads to one of the beds to lie on it. “I, uh, need some rest.”

“Hmm? That’s okay. Don’t push yourself too hard you know?” April answers.

Blue closes her eyes and quickly the world disappeared.

She sees a street she hasn’t seen before. ‘Where am I?’

Blue tries to move her head but it won’t move. ‘Why can’t I move anything?’

“Thomas, where are we going?” A young voice asks.

“Away from here, maybe a forest or something.” A voice that wasn’t Blue voice comes out of her mouth. ‘I’m not saying anything? What is happening?’

Her vision turns and Nick is now in front of her.

“But why? Can’t we ask some people here for food?” Nick wonders.

“Sure go ahead, just be prepared for pitchforks and torches.” Thomas sarcastically remarks.

‘Why is Thomas’s voice coming from me?’ Blue thinks.

Her body starts walking, away from Nick.

“Wait for me! Lily always said we had to stay together!” Nick runs after Thomas.

Thomas sighs. “I don’t care what Lilianne told you. Keep up or I’ll leave you behind.”

“Okay. By the way if you don’t want people to see us how are we going to the forest then?” Nick curiously asks.

“Through the Ruined Zone. There’s no people there to see us, even the main road is deserted.” Thomas quickly explains while walking faster and faster.

Nick hurriedly follows behind.

“Ah, Red.” A girly voice says.

Thomas follows the voice and sees a young girl with short black hair.

‘That’s Julie? What is she doing here?’

“And who might you be?” Thomas asks annoyed.

Julie laughs. “I’m White, you don’t know me yet but don’t worry about that. I’m with your sister, Blue.”


“In that case I don’t need to talk to you. Blue is my enemy and that makes you my enemy as well.” Thomas snarks.

“I guess I don’t have to invite you then. What makes her your enemy though?” Julie questions.

“And why should I tell you that?” Thomas dryly says.

“It doesn’t hurt you to let me know, it just helps you get rid of me a bit sooner, don’t you think?” Julie teases.

“Ugh you’re one of those. She’ll always be stronger than me while I should be the stronger one. And as long as she’s stronger she can have full control of me and I don’t want that. Now will you leave?” Thomas replies impatient.

Julie gets confused. “Full control? How does that even work?”

Thomas rolls his eyes. “She has awakened. From that moment on she’ll get access to her powers. We’re also basically the same person, same soul bla bla bla. Her soul is my soul and my soul is hers. Awakened her with full powers has no problem to control something considered hers.

Her part of the soul is stronger than mine, so I can’t control her no matter what. Unless I awaken I’ll lose full control of my body by just being near her, no thanks.”

Julie is silent for a while. “I see.”

“Now are you done?” Thomas snarks.

“Make me your follower.” Julie declares.

Thomas gets surprised. “What?! Are you betraying my sister or what?”

Julie laughs. “I would never betray her, I’ll give her my life if needed. I’m just here to help you, not to pick sides.”

Thomas looks disgusted at Julie. “Help? What makes you think I need your help?”

“Don’t you want to awaken faster? Or isn’t that enough for you and you rather want a soul contract?” Julie smirks.

“You’re willing to do a soul contract just to help me?” Thomas stares at her not believing his ears.

“You said it’s the same as Blue, so what’s the difference anyway?” Julie remarks.

“You’re not giving up are you?” Thomas sighs.

“Nope, let’s do this.” Julie happily responds.

Thomas holds his hands in front of him, Julie does the same so their hands touch.

They close their eyes and bump their heads. Shortly after they open their eyes. They’re surrounded by empty space.

“Well you gotta work a bit more on this place, maybe get some land in here.” Julie teases.

“Pfft, as if yours is any better.” Thomas remarks.

Julie laughs. “Well, you’re gonna find out soon enough.” The space distorts and slowly turns into a grassfield.

“Just grass? Very impressive...” Thomas sarcastically remarks.

“I’m still thinking of what to do with the place you know. Maybe I want a castle, maybe I want a forest, who knows. And now that I have you, I can at least show you off.” Julie teases.

Thomas quickly responds “Don’t make part of my soul do crazy stuff, okay?!”

Julie smirks. “Hmm, let me think about that.”

The space around them breaks apart and they return to the real world.

“So, are you finally gonna go?” Thomas asks impatiently.

“Sure, see you later!” Julie waves and runs off.

The world turns black and Blue loses her connection to Thomas.

‘Ah I’m tired.’

She slowly falls asleep.

Opening her eyes she realises she’s back at the hideout. She looks around and sees everyone else sleeping.

‘Can I connect to April the way I connected to Thomas? Would I see her dreams then?’ Blue wondered.

As she thinks about it the world around her changes.

She’s in a room with a bed. It’s a luxurious room and the bed is king sized.

Like before she can’t move her head or anything else.

‘Is this April’s vision then?’

Her head turns left to look at a person.

The person is a woman with long ink black hair and azure blue eyes. She wears a simple white dress and is barefooted.

‘This looks exactly like me?’

A loud voice speaks behind her. “She hasn’t been talking since we found her. You can try speaking to her but nothing gets through.”

Her head turned around to look at the person speaking. A man with short blonde hair stands in the entrance of the room. He has a silver suit on and a red royal like cape behind him. It makes him feel like something like a king.

“It doesn’t matter.” Her voice which wasn’t her voice says.

“Alright then, just knock on the door if you’re done. We’re keeping the door locked for her safety and ours.” The man says as he walks out and closes the door.

Her body walks towards the woman. Her current height feels small compared to the woman, barely reaching her waist.

“Uhm hi there.” Blue assumes the voice comes from April.

The woman looks at her and stays silent.

“Can I call you Blue? Because of your eyes?” April asks.

The woman doesn’t respond, not even a nod. Just an empty stare.

“I’ll take that as a yes then.” April declares.

April reaches out to ‘Blue’, taking her hand. ‘Blue’ flinches as a response but does nothing else.

There’s a bang nearby and April turns her head to look at it. It comes from the window, a figure is standing there opening the window.

The window quickly opens and the figure jumps in. “Well hello there.”

‘That’s Julie?!’

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