《The Colour Chronicles》Chapter 3 - Hideout


Blue stares at the newcomer in confusion.

“I found her while I was looking for a way to steal bread! She was distracting the guy and I had all the time I needed to grab all this!” After saying this April shows off the bag of bread.

“Well I do expect to get a share for my distracting work. You basically used me without asking first!” Julie responds with laughter, the way they talk to each other makes them look like they have known each other for a while.

Blue stays silent, she looks a bit scared. There’s even a slight amount of tears visible in her eyes.

“Hey, are you alright?” April notices the silence of Blue and looks at her with a worried face.

Blue slowly walks towards April before stopping to hug her. “Please don’t leave me.”

“Hmm? I already told you I would follow you everywhere and I’m not planning on changing that. Wh- ehm -Julie isn’t gonna steal me away or anything so don’t worry about that.” April has a slightly confused face with a blush but still hugs Blue back.

Julie holds her hand in front of her mouth trying to hold back her laugh before responding. “Wouldn’t expect anything else from Yellow eh, already won her over just like that.”

“Hey don’t say that.” April shouts while turning her face away. From what Blue can see her face is completely red.

“Yeah yeah, whatever you say, we both know it’s true” Julie smirks and walks off. “Come you two, we don’t have the whole day to just stand here and hug now, do we? I got a place where we can at least be out of the wind and not catch a cold.”

“So have you been on the streets for long?” April gets some distance between her and Blue to grab her hand and follow Julie.

Julie’s straightens her back proudly. “Yeah, for around a year now. It hasn’t been easy but at least I know all the streets here.”

“Oh wow that’s amazing. You survived until now, how did you do that with food and water?” April curiously questions Julie, seems like she’s really interested in her ways.

“Well, you know that guy we just stole bread from? His name is Nicolas and I go there twice a day. And even though I go there twice a day the guy isn’t willing to give me free bread, like how dare he. So twice a day I make my way there and sneak off with some bread, sometimes he notices me sometimes he doesn’t. He’s definitely gonna miss me though, since I have no reason to come back for a while now.” Julie explains in a teasing tone.

April’s eyebrow rises a bit in surprise. “For real? You managed to steal some bread and go unnoticed alone? Even though he probably expects you to come by now?”

“Hey what can I say? I’m just amazing at not being noticed. Maybe it’s my lack of presence, or maybe I actually have skills.” Julie jokingly boasts.


April sighs. “I guess I should’ve expected that from you. I know your role and still get surprised that you can actually complete your job.”

“I know your role and still can’t believe you do that. You don’t look like the serious type at all.” Julie teasingly points out.

“Hold up I don’t even know my role, and I can’t believe I’m supposed to be serious.” April shouts slightly annoyed.

“That’s what I said, I can’t believe it, but I know it’s real. Oh and well I don’t know my role for the same reason as you. Glad mine has to do with my lack of existence, makes it easier.” Julie sarcastically remarks.

Julie comes to a halt in front of a door. It’s a small hidden door and there’s wooden planks hammered on it to keep it closed.

“So this is it.” Julie proudly shows off the door.

“And how do we open it?” April questions with confusion.

Julie poses as if she’s giving a show. “Easy, we’re small enough to fit underneath the planks if we remove the bottom one. I’ve been living here for a while and it works every time.”

Julie removes the bottom one easily, as if it wasn’t really stuck. She then pushes the door open from that little opening and crawls under it.

“See, there we go.” Julie shouts from the other side, in a tone that says it was never to be questioned at all.

April looks at Blue and motions her to go first before letting go of her hand.

Seeing that there’s no other option Blue decides to just crawl and hope for the best.

She arrives at the other side and sees a dark dusty room. There is a fireplace that isn’t lit up and near it lies a blanket and a pillow.

“I know it isn’t a lot yet, but there’s lots of room to improve on. We can make this our own palace you know?” Julie states with slight excitement. Probably thinking of ways to make the place better.

April arrives shortly after and looks around. “Well first of all, can that fireplace be lit? That would make it really cozy. And do you have more blankets?”

“Yeah there’s some sticks and dry grass near the fireplace, do you know how to start a fire? And no there’s no other blankets yet.” Julie patiently responds to the questions.

April scratches her chin before responding “Ehm no, I don’t kno-”

“I know” Blue interrupts April.

“Great, means less time wasted on teaching people how to. Go ahead.” Julie points towards a pile of sticks.

“But how do you know?” April looks confused at Blue.

“My old house has a fireplace, I had the task of getting it on and keeping it on.” Blue casually responds.

April’s confused face turned into a pissed one as she mutters to herself. “Who the hell leaves a 6 year old in charge, that’s extremely unsafe..”


Blue shrugs and heads towards the fireplace. She grabs some grass and makes a little nest out of it. Then picking a larger stick and a smaller one she continues her work.

Blue looks around and finds a stone. She takes it back and starts rubbing the stone on the larger stick to make one side flat. After finishing that she puts the larger stick down and places one foot on it to hold it still. Then she starts rubbing the smaller stick on the flat side of the larger stick, over and over.

April comes over and looks at what Blue is doing. “So how do you create fire with that?”

“With time.” Blue shortly responds to keep her focus on the sticks.

After a little while the larger stick starts smoking. Blue grabs the nest of grass and empties the larger stick in it. She closes the nest around the tinder she just created and starts waving the nest.

It soon catches fire as the flames engulf the nest. Blue throws the nest into the fireplace and adds some sticks around it.

“Okay that looks extremely dangerous, how about you don’t wave around with fire in your hands the next time?” April looks worried at Blue.

“Then how do you want to get fire?” Blue asks with annoyance.

“Ehm let’s figure that out next time.” April replies unsure.

Julie casually walks over and sits in front of the fire. “See, just a fire makes the place a lot better. Now what’s next?”

April looks at Julie and with a judging tone starts questioning her.“Are you not worried about the whole building and Blue catching fire?”

“Not really? Come on it’s Blue we’re talking about. Why would I be worried for her safety?” Julie crosses her hands in front of her waiting for April to give her one reason to care.

April is now clearly confused. “What? Why would that make a difference?”

“You don’t know?” Julie asks as if April should’ve known.

Blue looks up at Julie. “Fire doesn’t hurt me. How do you know?”

“Ah I don't know specifics, just heard some things here and there.” Julie bites her lip as if she’s hiding the rest of the story.

“Ehm, doesn’t hurt you? How? And Julie why aren’t you surprised?” April questions the abnormal situation.

“We’re here and yet you’re surprised about the little things? I’m thinking you didn’t see a lot before jumping in.” Julie points out annoyed.

“What are you talking about? Why is you two being here special?” Blue wonders while staring at Julie with a confused gaze.



The two of them speak at the same time. They said it so fast it’s clear there’s more they don’t want Blue to know.

Blue sarcastically responds. “Am I supposed to believe that?”

“No, but we can’t tell you.” Julie states in a way there’s nothing you can do to change it.

“I still want a blanket, oh and another one to lie on since the floor is hard.” April quickly changes the subject.

“I see the princess requires quality.” Julie again teases April.

The two continued the conversation as if nothing happened.

Blue sighs and accepts the change of subject. “So where do we find blankets?”

“Maybe we can get one from a house when they hang them outside to dry?” Julie thinks out loud.

“Julie, do you always directly take the steal option? Can’t we make one?” April tries to tease back Julie.

“Of course, I always go for a steal, April. Making one is like a lot of work, and I’m betting you don’t know how to.” Julie says in an ‘obviously’ tone. She only misses the hair flip to complete the picture.

Blue suggests something else: “My old house has blankets, and I know no one’s home at this time.”

“So where is this house of yours?” Julie curiously asks.

Staring at the roof Blue quietly says. “I don’t know. It’s big though, way bigger than this place.”

“Well since I know every street, let’s go to the street with big houses and see if you recognize something.” Julie stands up and walks towards the door.

“Is it safe to leave the fire on while we’re out?” April asks.

“Eh, we’re gonna be real quick about this so don’t worry.” Julie waits for the others to come while opening the door. When everyone is through she closes the door again and puts the plank back up.

Everyone follows Julie, taking lefts and rights almost randomly.

“Here we are, you recognize anything?” Julie points at the houses.

Blue looks around at all houses as her gaze stops at a specific house.

Julie follows her gaze to the house.

“Well, that’s even bigger than this isn’t it? Let’s go.” Julie casually walks to the house as if she owns the place.

The house looks like a small mansion and stands proudly on a hilltop.

They arrive at the house and stand in front of the door.

“So how are we going to get in?” April looks at Julie expecting her to answer, instead Blue answers.

“My window. My sister always left a piece of cloth between the window so that it could be opened no matter what.”

“Well that makes things easier, where’s your window.” Julie looks around to see if she could spot it.

“Right there.”

Blue points at a window on the left side of the mansion.

“Let’s go in then shall we?”

Julie walks towards the window, and indeed there’s a piece of cloth between it. She opens it without a problem.

Julie climbs in right away, not even waiting for the others.

“Let’s get those blankets.”

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