《Hatred: The Journey of the Madman [Old]》Ch 10: Hunt


Neo and I are now out of our base and are going deeper into the Forrest.

"Master what kind of mobster are we looking for?"

"The big kind, you know the scary ones."

"I see but won't they be too strong for us."

"Ha, like anything could happen to us. When we are in a pinch I still have my baby."

I show him my gun.

"I hope you are right."

"Don't worry I have Aldea with me, she can heal us if we are injured."

"Aldea who is that."

"Right, you don't know her yet."

"Aldea show your self."

Out of my body green particles are emitted and Aldea materializes.

"Pleased to meet you, my name is Aldea."

"Woa, you made a contract with a spirit. I wouldn't except less of my master. Hello Aldea the pleasure is mine, I am Neo"

While we were heading deeper into the Forrest Aldea told Neo stories about me.

"No way, master did that?"

"This is so much like master"

"Yes, yes quit chatting now we have to be careful, don't drop your guard."

We walked for like ten minuets and we still couldn't find any monsters. I think we have to go deeper.


"Yes master Thorus"

"Check the surroundings for life forms."

"Wait a moment.... There are currently 35 life forms in a 2 km radius."

"Filter the strong ones"

"One strong life force found, it is about 1 km north of you."

"We are heading north every one."

_ _ _ _

In front of my eyes there is an enormous monster. It is looks like a wild boar but it is about five meters tall and three meters long.

"Be careful, it looks strong."

We are currently hiding in a bush.

"Jarvis what is its power level?"

"Calculating please wait a moment.... Its power level is about 5000. Retreating is advised."


"Only the weak run away in the face of death. Neo you are the tank that means you take the most damage."

"You can count on."

"To test your new powers I only gonna observe. If things get too tight I'll be joining the fight. You think you can do it?"

"Of course, I won't disappoint you."

"Okay boy show me what you got."

I give slap to his back and he charges at the boar.

His charging speed was the fastest I ever seen. In a blink of a eye he was at punching range.

The boar didn't noticed him and he was able to connect a punch. The strength of Neo's punch was so strong that it blew the monster five meters into a tree.


The monster stood up shook his head and looked angry at Neo. Guess one shot one kill is too much to ask for. It blew steam out of his nose pointing his horns at Neo and charging at an unbelievable speed.

"Watch out"

"I got this master."

Just before the horns of the monster was about to penetrate Neo he ducked and give an upper cut which blew the monster out of his sock. Damn the monster made a back flip flying ten meters into the air. He didn't even use his sword yet.

The enchantment of Neo's body isn't only limited to his adamant bones which makes sturdier. I also enchanted his nerves boosting his reaction time. His muscles are also straightened making him truly a warrior born for battle. I think I created a monster.

"Neo don't let him rest, take your sword and end it."

"As you wish master."

The monster still laid down. Still you have to be careful, always except the unexpected.

Neo stood before the monster and unsheathed his sword, just before he was about to end its life the monster moved tackling Neo. This last effort of a fierce monster took Neo by surprise and he barley managed to block the attack with his sword. The attack of the monster blew Neo away and he crashed into a tree leaving a huge hole in this big old tree.


"Jarvis how damage report"

"Neo took no serious damage his vital signal is still strong."

"Well I think that is enough Neo, let me handle the rest."

"I am sorry master."

"Don't be, you did great."

"Aldea go heal Neo."

"I am on it."

"You hurt my underling do you know what that means?"

The boar stood right in front of me waiting for my move.

"So rude you are not gonna ask me what'll happen?"


"Well you'll see anyway."

I took my gun and pointed at its head. My gun now is loaded with explosive magic bullets.

I pull the trigger.


The boar didn't even had time to react. In front of me a massive explosion is occruing shaking the ground. After the smoke screen cleared I couldn't believe my eyes. His hole head blew off. The blood gushed out, everywhere brain matter was laying around.

"Hahahahahahaha, I am the mighty madman no one can stand in my way."

Neo and Aldea couldn't believe what just now happen. Their jaws dropped and even a slight of fear could be seen in their eye.

"Now that was cool wasn't it?"

"Huh, yes, I can't believe how strong your weapon is." said Aldea.

"I didn't except it to be this strong. You finished him with one shot."

"You weren't bad your self. You just need more experience, when you were about kill him you assured victory was yours and you dropped your guard. Don't forget in a fight to death anything can happen."

"Won't ever happen again master."

"Now there is one thing left to do"

I went to the dead monster and converted it into a mana crystal. The monster shines and turns into a mana crystal of green color. The size was twice as big as the crystals from my dispenser.

"Now lets head back"

We went back to our base and put our equipment into the spints I made.

"We'll have our debriefing tomorrow, I am too tired."

"Let's head home."

_ _ _ _ _ _

Another beautiful day. Now time to train with my new gravity watch. After we left our base yesterday I turned it on again.

"Good morning sweetheart breakfast is ready."

"Morning mom. What's for breakfast?"

"Scrambled eggs with bread and cheese."

"Sounds okay."

I couldn't stop eating and devoured every thing.

"Seconds" I demanded.

"Jeez you father still needs to eat, don't eat all the food away."

"Where is he?"

"He is sleeping. He had a nights shift."

"This lazy man, how did he managed to marry such a stunning beauty."

"Hehe you flatter me but don't talk about your father in such way. He works very hard."

"Yes, yes whatever I am out."

"Be careful sweetheart."

"I don't need to be careful. They should."


"Whoever pisses me off."

"Look what you are saying, don't become a bully like the other kids."

She stood there arms crossed.

"No way mom, I am the kindest man on this rotten world. I am the light that shines on the damned giving them hope. I am a saint that puts all worldly desires aside to help the poor and weak."

"Strong words coming from a small child."

"A small child with a big heart."

My mother was overjoyed and kissed me on the fore head.

"Take care."

"I will"

_ _ _ _ _ _

"Master good morning , Master."

Neo was running to me happy to see me.

"Good morning Neo. Now shall we go"

"Yes master"

On the way I met her, the one that avoided me since that day. It was Elise playing with some kids. After she visited me for the first time she avoids me like the pest. Well I couldn't blame her it was her survival instincts acting. I didn't meddle with her much after that day.

"Hey Elise how is it going."

Seeing me her face went pale.

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