《Ironclad: Another world conquest》Chapter IV, Ascension Tier


People looked onto our anxious figures with anticipation, regarding whether they could have a fourth nor fifth Hero within their groups of summoned otherworlders. The King returned to his seat long ago and looked us with an expression of grim and solace, the princesses held their dainty hands together and the Knights awaited Nakagawa-sensei's decision. The class of 1-A revealed an anxious or seemingly agitated face for these two beside me... It seems like they pray for these girls to become the Hero rather than me...

Haah, I get it. It's not realistic for a person who is treated like a scum of Earth to be cheered by people to become a Hero for no reason... At all.

Nakagawa-sensei could end the procession right here and right now if she does desires. After all, no one wanted to learn about their procession becoming a normal one rather than a Heroic. That would be more devastating than not learning your status. After all, the truth is much more hideous than the lie.

“... Next... Is...” Nakagawa-sensei forced herself to speak, her forehead is becoming drenched in sweat as time passed. She held her hands tightly before she managed to continue her words.

“Chihara... You are next, though, do you want your status to be checked..?”

“Ah, sensei...” The girl who was named Chihasa said with her dainty finger poking her chin. “Maybe, I'll give it a try... Hero or not, at least I knew my status beforehand, right. Sensei?”

“...Y, Yes.” Nakagawa-sensei gave her a hurried nod upon hearing her words. Hearing Nakagawa-sensei's reply, Chihara held her skirt tight before she walked through the pearl and touched its dazzling appearance gently with her palms.

… Though the unexpected happened, no. Rather, the expected outcome happened for these people!

Heroic procession!

The light in the status checking pearl became brighter and brighter until it shot up to the skies and released an array of wings that rained down millions of feathers down to the crowds of the Throne hall! Chihara couldn't believe her eyes and had to rub it twice before she started jumping around in joy.

“FOOOOUUURRRTTTHHH HERROOO!!!” The King and the Knights bellowed with great endeavor and chest puffed out. The Knights cried amongst themselves for the successful summoning of Four Heroes in a class and some of them hoped for the fifth Hero. The princesses hugged themselves and the class laughed together.

For the remaining two. Me and the girl beside me, only expression of pure grimace filled our hearts... If I didn't become a Hero in this other world, I might end up regretting not choosing the deadly returning method of the princesses earlier.

“Well... It seems like it's both of us, right..?”

To my surprise, the girl beside me spoke. As far her facial features I could decipher, she is Banri Aiko, the extrovert of the class 1-A, the gaming geek, and the top three of the school. She is the only person I could talk to freely even after the medallion incident and the only person I knew in Class 1-A to ignore all the bullshits that happened in the past and the only one who could win a three-kilometer marathon without losing a sweat.

Well, even though she is seen talking to me by my classmates. They didn't heed any mind to it at all, seemingly letting her talk to me freely even though they hate my existence...

It was as if they were too afraid to warn Banri about my history-... Though Banri wouldn't mind it at all because her phone is actually filled with Astolfo Reltih's pictures or in geek language- memes.


Another thing, she wasn't there when I brought the medallion or haven't yet made an appearance. You could say she was a late enrollee of the school and never told about myself by my repulsive classmates. She was only warned not to approach me or else consequences might happen... She actually told me about these stuff during free time.

If you are asking about how popular she is, she is very damn popular and not to mention she has the top Five of the school aliens as her lunchmates!

And... If you are asking about why she hadn't told everyone in Class 1-A to stop about my indiscriminate treatment. Well, she has done it several times but they couldn't just give in and seemingly made the Axis powers an unforgivable criminal in their entire life. Everyone in Class 1-A, after all, had their grandparents victims of their genocide. Except for her, it seems... She doesn't care about worldly things other than geek culture and what not.

“Yeah.” I casually replied to her words without averting from Chihasa's status window.

Chihara is the Hero of Piety. The Priest class of the Hero and all of her Abilities are godlike, even though her status is somewhat lacking in numbers in regards to the Hero of Knowledge, Aoi. She is still a topnotch even amongst the class. Banri eyed me for a while before she heaved a sigh and gave me a heavy pat in the back... I heard my back bones crackling after her palm landed.

That pains... I feel like being smacked by some bulldozer!

What the heck happened to her!?

The Status System..? No, I am an otherworlder and having something almost similar status as her is no doubt a fact that cannot be revised. Something like a pat wouldn't inflict damage to me and yet...

… Hang on...

Don't tell me she is...!

“Don't worry~ The King said that there could be six heroes, right? Chances of having six is as high as it could get if you pray for it. Right?” She said gleefully, not minding my contorted face of pain. “That's why don't worry about it too much!” She added while giving me another series of pat onto my back. She does this often to me, and her reason for her action was 'It feels like my door that I usually slam my hand onto.'... God damn.

Chihara had long darted off to the class crowd. Her status menu had disappeared right after Banri said her words, and what followed up was exactly Nakagawa-sensei's deep feminine voice. Her gaze is heavily fixated onto the slim and short figure of Banri.

“Banri Aiko. You are next, though... You are free to choose to whether to take the procession or not.”

“I'll choose the procession, sensei!” She said happily while raising her hand. She gave Andrew a dangerous wink before she walked to the pearl and commenced the status procession.

She is a weird girl. Truthfully a weird girl.

… And her status procession is indeed weird... Its weirdness compels in similarities to that...


Banri Aiko Level 1: Experience 0/100 Title: Hero of Charity HP: 15,000/15,000 MP: 5,000/5,000 Strength: 200 Magic: 1,000 Defense: 5,000 Magic Defense: 5,000 Agility: 150 Dexterity: 500 Abilities: Abolish Pain LV1, Abolish Shock-Impact LV1, Aegis EX LV1, Aegis Protection EX LV1, Aegis Castellar Protection EX LV1, Superior Defense Priority LV1, Superior Magic Defense Priority LV1, Abolish ManaField LV1, High Mastery of Shield LV1, Shield Mastery EX LV1, Shield Extremity LV1, Shieldbearer LV1, Healing Field LV1, Protection Field LV1, Aura of Bliss LV10, Aura of Defense LV10, Charioteer EX LV1 Blessing: Holy Sacred Shield



Everyone in the hall jumped around together with laughter and cheerful yells. Even the guards and people outside the throne hall joined us with our festivities. The King danced amongst with his knights while the princesses danced amongst with the class 1-A. Everyone was so happy that they forgot me, who was left standing in the middle of the carpet.

Banri danced along with the princesses and her friends in the classroom and sometimes, stealing a glance over my calm figure.

These people are so happy...

“Ohya? OHYA? Are you still expecting yourself to be redeemed as a Hero?” One of my repulsive classmates who noticed my still-standing figure before the pearl. He is Fujiwara, the annoying imbecile of the class and the ringleader in his nonsense insults that would matter if he has done it years ago, during the world war.

“Forget it. You should back down before your hopes of becoming the SIXTH hero shattered right before you- GAHAHAHA!”

Shut it, Fujiwara. I said onto myself. Deep in my thoughts, I have badmouthed Fujiwara several times a day. He has this annoying facial features that would remind you of these douche bags that would pick on weaklings and grovel before the strong.

The festive hall suddenly faded out in the background right after Fujiwara's words fell. His voice is actually much more louder than any mic and even if he whispered, you could still hear his voice yards away.

Even though the hall silenced down, he is still laughing pathetically in the middle while trying to dance with a standing still person. That person gave him a slap onto his head before he recognized the atmosphere. Everyone in the room had their gaze fixated onto me, to the degree I would cringe and nauseate upon the sight and feeling of, but...

I feel impeccably damn calm...

… What happened to me..?

“Mister Gerald...” Nakagawa-sensei said as she revealed herself out of amongst the crowds of people. She looked around first before her gaze landed onto the King for a brief while and turned into me, she spoke in a deep mild voice that embodied all of her maturity. “I apologize for forgetting you. If the King accepts. You are the next one to proceed for the procession... It is on your part whether or not you initiate the procession or not.”

The King gave her a nod of approval right after her words landed. The Princesses and the Knights returned immediately back to their places after Nakagawa-sensei's words were released and the class tarry silenced behind my back. All of my classmates' expressions displayed a disparity of emotions that could be fathomed by a single glance. Almost all of them seemed not to hope for my ascension as the Sixth Hero and the rest displayed an expression that is itching to see my hopes of becoming important shattered in pieces.

I gave Nakagawa-sensei a nod as a reply. I heaved a deep sigh of anticipation before I walked to the pedestal with shaking hands. Wondering what kind of status I would get upon my status display.

It's not like I am hoping to become the Sixth Hero but... At least, just guarantee me either of the two...

Divine or Ascension Tier! Gods in Heavens, please! Grant me theeee~!!!

Upon my palm's contact with the pearl... I was dismayed.

“PFFFTT...” A familiar held laughter sprang out from the crowds. From the tone of the voice alone, I could conclude it was Fujiwara.

… I bet he is satisfied with this.

My procession was a normal one. Not a Heroic one, but a normal one...

Though... It is weird that my status hasn't displayed yet?


“No sixth hero... Huh...”

“That's to- Huh?”


The crowd upheaved a commotion after seeing gradual changes to the light. The bright luminescence color of the white gradually churned and turned into royal purple light. The color lasted for a whole minute before erupting out of the pearl and into the place where the status window usually appears...

The light formed into my status window, everyone was shocked upon the sight of the weird procession...

“T... The first one...”

“In eighteen thousand years..!”

In all regards to my existence and personality.

I was terrible, my personality which loved to brag almost about everything is terrible, everything is terrible at me.

I never met my Mother, my little sister. And I never met my Father after being sent to Japan... Everything is terrible. Even my Auntie who seemed to love and care for my wellbeing only cringes and afflicted by any means of conscience to her depressed mentality upon my terrible sight.

I always expect myself someone greater, someone better. Although being trashed by the world, I never openly complain about it...

Even if my whole existence... Is terrible. I wasn't thinking about it.

But now? Yeah. I am not expecting it at all.

I did least not expect it to happen... DAMN!

… I was this TERRIBLE at the point the gods have forsaken me!!!...

God damn Parameters!!!

Andrew Gerald Level 1: Experience 0/100 Title: Eisenbefreier HP: 1,000/1,000 MP: 2,000/2,000 Strength: 10 Magic: 15 Defense: 20 Magic Defense: 10 Agility: 10 Dexterity: 30 Abilities: Fortitude, ... Blessing: ---

“We... We actually summoned someone, who had a... An Ascension Tier!!!”

“This is first in Aldebaran's History!! We, we did... Huh? His stats are at standard levels...?”

“What does this mean?”

The crowd was about to cheer in utter happiness when they noticed my abhorrent status. Even to the sight of the Ascension Tier, everyone displayed an expression of unutterable wonder...

I wasn't happy about the appearance of the Ascension Tiers too. What are these Ascension tier's uses if you, the person who uses it, is a downright weakling? An undeserved holder of the Ascension Tier to be precise... How terrible...

Moreover, my Ascension Tiered Blessing is unnamed, the same goes for my damn Legendary-tiered Ability!! MY ONLY ABILITY THAT IS ON LEGENDARY TIER IS UNNAMED!!

What the hell do you mean by Fortitude? My ass! As if Fortitude would help me in regards to this degree of depression!

My hopes... My god damn hopes are shattered down into pieces in front of me! Shit!

IF the gods have only made me the sixth Hero, I would be more satisfied than with my current status! God dammnit!



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