《Ironclad: Another world conquest》Chapter I, Throne hall


"Please save our world, Lifetessia from being destroyed!"

The speaker was a drop-dead gorgeous young gentlewoman, whose slender and lovely character adorned a visage of white gothic dress, trimmed with various designs enshrouded in pure shining gold. Her beautiful face contorted into a saddened expression, her plump cherry lips clamped together, her shining emerald green eyes teared and gleamed heavily onto the flabberghasted young, shocked figures of the class.

Andrew and the rest were stiffened to the point they couldn't believe what they are witnessing right now.

They weren't shocked not just because of the sight of beautiful dames in front of them.

But to the stunning scenery laid before them.

People dressed in elegant gowns belonging to that of the Medieval Era, lines of marvelous armored knights tarry armed behind the princesses, the place that they currently stood on reminded me of an area similar to an old dungeon of some sort. Everyone had to rub their eyes in disbelief upon seeing such scenery.

"World... Lifetessia..? This, this some sort of play..? Right?”

"So the warp earlier was just but a simple prop to their play!?"

”T-T-That m-m-make sense now!!”

"How are we supposed to save the world..? Let alone my grades, I couldn't help it at all from passing through the failing A mark!"

"I wanna go home..."

Andrew's classmates' words of complaint sprang one after another after pondering on the princess' words. He couldn't help but agree with his classmates after hearing the Princesses.

How the hell could they save the world from its imminent end with their tiny, inexperienced, chaste hands...? Let alone a young, fourth-year high schooler who hasn't experienced working as their family’s financial support!

Unless these people who said to belong to a kingdom of some sort have various means to grant someone as weak and fragile as them an immense power that only legends could fathom!

"Hold it."

The sensei- Nakagawa Shina suddenly spoke with her hand raised up. Her mature figure which adorned a tight office uniform walked towards the princesses through the crowds of students with both of her slender white hands crossed beneath her voluptuous breast. She gave the princesses a timely gaze before she heaved a long sigh and spoke in a low voice.

"I am Shiina Nakagawa, the teacher of this class. My students are just simple people- if that’s too much for you to understand, human. Juvenile humans who are incapable of defending themselves.” The moment Nakagawa-sensei’s words were released, everyone nodded in agreement. Nakagawa-sensei squinted her eyes and slowly spoke in a dead-serious tone.

”They are just a bunch of happy and healthy kids whose process of knowledge is about studying, working hard in their school for the sake of their future, and something surreal as entrusting the job of saving the world to mere adults is just too cruel and far for their current capabilities to handle!"

"Now, kindly make sense of their situation and please return us back to our homeland. These kids have a family to attend to and in the future, they have a business to develop."

"I am afraid... We could not do or lest guarantee that request of yours.” Maria said whilst dropping her face down, she bowed towards Nakagawa-sensei with a curtsy as she spoke in a saddened tone. "Summoning all of you here, to our world, required not only the Adventurer Guild's mages but also the kingdom's finest mages... This summoning ceremony alone cost them almost all of their vitality and mana, these things in question required three years time worth of recuperation. With that said, I am afraid your request cannot be least guaranteed."


Andrew’s brows furrowed the moment he heard the word ’Adventurer’.

He was least expecting an adventurer system in another world that he usually dreams about being sent into one day... He hated that kind of typical fantasy setting with all of that adventurer thing going then and there. But having an adventurer setting isn’t too shabby either. It makes the world a lot more interesting than some grungy deprived fairy tale. Being someone hailed as the kings of adventurers isn't a bad idea either.

Also, Andrew noticed the lack of mages present in the area. It seemed to be desolate if it weren't for the room's neatly cleaned corners and lack of debris. One would think this room was abandoned since only their juvenile figures and the group of the princesses was found in this dungeon-like hall.

"Summoning everyone here was easy due to the effort of the mages... Albeit the easy task... Doing the return isn't and comes with tragic life and death chances if we insist to redo the portal opening ceremony." Maria added with a gloomy expression.

"What do you mean..? Wait, don't tell me we are unable to return back to our home!"

Nakagawa-sensei said aggressively with both of her squinted eyes widened into pure disbelief, her brows frowned as she approached Maria with clenched teeth and steaming head. She slammed both of her hands onto Maria’s delicate shoulders as the latter person brows furrowed as she did her best to keep herself from letting out a painful moan.

"These kids have a family back in their home, their parents await their return back home. If you're telling me that they are unable to return back to their world- that is too much!!!!!!!" Nakagawa-sensei bellowed aggressively. “If you could not least guarantee your dubious conscience onto these children whom you seek to accomplish an impeccably difficult mission. A kind of mission where one of these innocent and pure-hearted children won't be spared out of their mercy-"

"-then please, that awful conscience! Entrust that awful and horrible conscience of yours to these kids’ anxious families that wait for their imminent return!!!!”

"Please calm down, teacher of the Hero class!" Maria said with both of her hands raised up. "I know returning isn't possible as of the moment, the situation revolving around the castle and the land is unstable and all of our best fighters and mages are out fighting in the frontlines, giving us more or fewer options to grant you an immediate return. Even so, we do have an option to reopen the portal! The portal leading to our world and back to your world remains open in the Spatial tunnel right after the transmigration, the tunnel will last three days at most but there are reports in the past indicating the portal could remain for three months!"

"Though that option we are talking right now is downright dangerous and few of the heroes might get killed in the process of their return!"

Maria's words struck and rang onto Nakagawa-sensei's ears. Andrew frowned upon hearing her words as his classmates heaved a gasp of horrified shock.

"We... We will die..?"

"No way..!"

”If we are gonna die inside the portal, then I would rather stay behind!”

"Iya! I don't wanna die!"


"Aren't... Aren't there any more options other than what you said?" Upon her deep voice, the crowd was silenced as Nakagawa-sensei questioned Maria. "Surely there is another option than what you stated, right!?"

"Yes," Maria nodded. "There is actually another way, a safer way for the heroes to return safely to their homeworld without the chances of casualties occurring in the process of transmigration."


"... That is...?"

"Defeat the Demon Lord, Alucirith." Maria said slowly, deeply emphasizing the word 'Defeat' with great endeavor. "Once we defeated the Demon Lord, his blood could be used to form the said Returning Magic spell!"

"So, how could one defeat a Demon Lord?"

"Ah, we just need the combined powers of the heroes in your class. The Demon Lord may be powerful but with a perfect fighting synchronization of the heroes and their classmate's utmost cooperation, we could witness the end of the Demon Lord in the shortest amount of time possible, or even faster than what the preceding Heroes have accomplished in the past!!"

“Oh wait. By your words 'preceding Heroes', there were otherworlders, other than us, present in this world too?”

“En. Not only does the mighty Aldebaran Kingdom summon otherworlders to aid us from trouble, but the other countries neighboring the Aldebaran Kingdom too!”

Nakagawa-sensei and Maria's words rang to the ears of this certain out-of-world high school students, their sloppy teenage characters walked and followed the group of the princesses through these elegant red-carpeted white halls of the castle.

Earlier, when Maria, the first princess of Aldebaran mentioned the other option for their return, the entire class, excluding the calm Andrew, cried, fainted and gulped in horror. They couldn't believe they have to defeat the Demon Lord first to guarantee their return but they could also return back to their world by using a different dangerous alternative where the chances of survival are slim and mostly it'll lead one to their immediate end.

Nakagawa-sensei also gave Maria-san a grievous nagging. Her balance tumbled after that and even right now, one could notice the imbalance to her walking stature.

My classmates, they had no options to choose though. It's either they defeat the Demon Lord for their safe return or gamble the game of life inside the warp without anyone knowing of your situation or your end.

If your roll inside the portal was unfortunate, you'll end up without an inch of the remains of your body, serving as a memorial intact. Therefore, they had no other choice but to follow Nakagawa-sensei's words and followed the princesses up to the grand castle above the dungeon-like room.

They couldn't afford to die in this world without being able to bid farewells to their parents. After all, every single student in Class 1-A is the kind of people who value their family’s trust and love besides their responsibilities in studies.

And perhaps, after these ordeals, many of Andrew's classmates are expecting a huge reward and if possible, an unfathomable superhuman boost back in their homeworld if they indeed managed to return.

According to the words of the princesses, we are currently in the Aldebaran Kingdom's capital city, the Folloidois city. Folloidois City is one of the leading capitals that contribute to magical studies. With that mentioned, there are indeed a lot of magical aesthetic objects sprawled all over the structure of the castle, being an example was the magical elevator that we used earlier to elevate ourselves from the dungeon hall earlier.

Some were surprised about the existence of elevators in a world that consist of Medieval Era setting, though, this nonsense bewilderment made by Andrew's classmates were immediately shrugged off by the princess' introduction of basic Magic information.

In this world, the Lifetessia, the magic is dependent on ten main elements. Not four, not six, but ten elements!

We have the four basic primal Elements; Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind, then comes the two opposing elements, Light and Dark. And then the additional four were Void, Time, Spirit, and Ark.

Void Element has no weaknesses and is effective against all elements except Time, even though it isn't effective against Time, it's not its weakness. Time is effective against both Light and Dark but also weak against it. Spirit is the raw form of all primal Elements and is highly effective to everything if used very well. And Ark is a combination of Spirit, and either of the two; Light and Dark.

From all of these ten elements, Void is the hardest to master and the most powerful, and next is the Ark element.

Void, as its name sounds and behaves, is known to devour one's existence and Ark is known to transform its caster into a lowly weak monster if it goes berserk.

In regards to Maria's words, none of their mages excelled in the said elements because it is too dangerous to master.

And there are no known spells that could allow them to use the aforementioned elements. You could say Void and Ark are both lost elements and their names and presence only exist in historic old canons and magical advancement history. Ahem... Back on the castle!

Outside the large and tall french windows of the castle halls, one could see the floating islands and magnificent fortresses above the wide expanse of seas of houses and buildings, and from the scene in the castle; you would be unable to see the other end of the city if not for the extremely tall walls that enshroud the whole capital city from danger.

The city is truthfully large, much larger than Shibuya itself. The grand castle of Folloidois is situated above an elevated hill, rendering a perfect fantasy setting kind of castle up in the mountains with cliffs dangling outwards of its structures. Magical flying ships empowered by Advanced Wind magic floated around the town along with armored demi-humans with angel-like wings.

The demi-humans in wings are called Acklaveus (Ack-la-veyus), a common race in the world of Lifetessia and also the race that governed over the skies. Their enemies are the demon-race counterpart, the Dragonewts, Which are literally dragons in humanoid form. I only heard about these things when Nakagawa-sensei asked about the people who were flying about up in the skies.

The students who were confused, struck with awe, and panicking all over their sudden teleportation to this world had themselves slightly adapted and calmed down as they were amazed by the fantastic fantasy scenery. They started taking selfies and pictures around the castle, be it with an overly confused guard in patrol, knights that accompanied the princesses and even with the princesses.

They forgot the basic etiquette when in the presence of royalty. Clearly, these people haven't learned that much in regards that involves the medieval era. They are displaying such a rude behavior even the commoners would cringe upon witnessing and bow their heads in hopes these rude people be spared out of their mercy.

The princesses never paid attention to their stupid behavior, surprisingly.

Well, they are heroes. What would you expect? These royalties are definitely the kind of people who revere strong existences such as hero beyond their authority!

Though there are still some in the whole class who persisted on contacting their parents with their phones...

Their cellphones’ batteries are being wasted in their ceaseless attempts that bore no fruit. Albeit the signal being a none existent in this world, they still persisted!


"We have finally arrived." Maria's words rang onto the whole class as the knights that stood guard beside these grandiose double doors ornamented with gold and marble saluted upon seeing the sight of the princess' group. They immediately opened the regal doors and soon revealed the scenery behind it.

Behind the doors lies the throne room. A majestic one!

And behind the class is the main entrance of the castle, the grand staircase, the grand hall of pure elegance and luxury. Judging from my watch's built-in compass, we came from the castle's west wing.

My skin received goosebumps upon seeing the awe-inspiring building of pure art. The splendid grand throne hall have huge structural marble arches throughout its regal structure. These arches alone might've costed a huge fortune as it is ornamented with ‘INEXPENSIVE’ gold designs!

Everything is grand about this castle, grand, grand, grand-... I couldn't stop saying grand, there are no words to describe such magnificent structure other than grand, and...


Stepping foot into the red carpet that leads to the throne in the grand throne hall of the castle, the princesses walked elegantly towards the golden throne of the Kings, where an old revered figure slumped over his red cushioned golden throne.

His emerald green eyes fixated heavily onto the approaching figures of teenage kids while his slender and bony fingers that wore fit golden accessories rubbed his white beard. His old figure donned marvelous, invaluable clothing that should be comparable to a national treasure. His staff shone in a metallic blue aura as we approach.

Lines and lines of knights in their respective retrospect armor of pure elegance, amounting to almost a hundred were neatly formed all around the sides- away from the luxurious red carpet of the hall. Each of them adorned different coat of arms signifying that they indeed came from different noble families. Their swords raised up at the same level with the others, with pride and honor as they welcomed our approaching figure, the class couldn't help but feel awfully amazed and admire their en grande welcoming display of power and discipline.

The entrance was in fact, perfect and sublime... Except for some of my classmates whose mind is out of their funny heads, darted off from the crowd and took a selfie with the knights.


“Oh revered royal father, we have come with the heroes candidates, upon your presence of elegance to show you our success in summoning the heroes!”

Maria spoke in a revering manner, not letting any inch of disgrace and crude behavior be displayed infront of the king. She performed an elegant curtsy before she and the princesses walked off to the sides of the king.

”So... As it seems, the heroes this time are young kids...”

The King grumbled in a low voice before he goggled the whole class. The crowd of high school students approached and arrived before a pedestal that enshrined a magical-looking palm-sized pearl on top of it. Andrew's classmates were curious about the instrument laid on top of such magnificent pedestal but wouldn't dare to approach nor had the courage to touch such invaluable item.

”I apologize for the inconvenience caused by suddenly summoning all of you into our world.” The king spoke slowly as he could while clasping his hand, leaving his staff floating with magic. ”As my sole responsibility as this kingdom’s ruler, I would like to invite the heroes to partake in a dinner with me and talk almost about everything. I will answer everything I can, and as much as possible, the Kingdom of Aldebaran will heed to the heroes’ needs and desires. Is that fine..?”

”Most certainly, any help from the kingdom we are fighting for would be really appreciated,” Nakagawa-sensei said with a smile. ”I do hope accommodations are also provided with your responsibility as this nation’s king?”

“That is most certainly guaranteed, our kingdom's heroes are important people after all. How could we embellish such ignorance to their accommodations?”

“That leaves me at ease then.” Nakagawa-sensei gave out a long sigh before she enshrined her gaze onto the standing figure of Maria. “So what now, what is the reason for leading us here? Surely it is not only for hearing the king's oath of responsibility, correct?”

“En. Teacher of the kero class.” Maria nodded twice in agreement. “What stood in the middle of the throne room is a Status-checking instrument. This instrument right in front of you is the one that will prove which one of you are the three- fo- no. Five heroes!”

Shock ran through Andrew's spine as he heard the princess' words.

S... Status..?

Don't tell me they exist here...

That would be undoubtedly great! Oh my lord. A typical Isekai setting! How I wished for such a thing to happen to me in the past!

Right now, it is laid right before me! The fantasy of my dreams...!

What kind of power will I be receiving!? Oh damn, I hope I would be overpowered! Andrew's thoughts ran free before it is shattered by Nakagawa-sensei's deep and strict yet sweet, feminine voice.

“Five? Only five out of my fourty students could be heroes?” Said Nakagawa-sensei with a confused look, ignoring the first part of the princess' sentence. “I thought all of them?”

“There could only be a maximum of five heroes existing in a group and a minimum of three, such strict rule is made by the major deities and can't be revised by any means.”

The king butted into their conversation with a deep serious voice. "There are cases where a sixth hero will appear in a group, but upbringing such phenomenon brought about bad news to the other nations that are summoning heroes since they would have four instead of five heroes...”

“I apologize for the inconvenience.”

“If you had spoken earlier, I could've prepared myself for such unpleasant surprise.” Nakagawa-sensei said and gave the crowd of high school students a glance. Seeing their unpleasant faces that contorted into nervous expressions, she clicked her tongue before she returned her sharp eyes onto the slumped figure of the old king. “Since there could only be five or... perhaps six heroes existing in a group, what about the others who were involved in your unwelcoming summoning? I doubt they would be as weak as this world's common norm.”

“You shalln't worry about that yourself anymore teacher of the hero class.” Maria said with a bow. “Every each of your students are regarded special and important to the Heroes' group.”

“After all, otherworlders are known for their special statuses.”

“Their overpowered abilities and extremely high stats at beginning level. Otherworlders were highly regarded because of that!”

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