《Joh-El, a Kryptonian in the Marvel World.》10 - Guilds


A card used in a deck of cards with the design of the Lady of Hearts passed by me with a purple glow as it flew towards the men. The fraction of a second that they were distracted by the purple glow was enough for the card to approach them and suddenly explode.

I had an idea where that card came from, but I couldn't waste time confirming who it was. When the letter exploded, the men were thrown a few inches to the side due to the kinetic explosion.

Even in great pain, I ran towards the nearest man and kicked him in the belly, throwing him to the wall where another man had been thrown and then he vomited blood.

The remaining man had released his weapon at the moment of the explosion and now he was unarmed looking at me with a panicky look. I was getting ready to hit this man too when one hand held my shoulder.

I was about to punch the owner of the hand, but I noticed it was Remy and I held back. But Remy was completely different now, the look on his face that was always playful showed a seriousness that I had never seen.

Without saying anything he walked past me and grabbed the collar of the scared man's shirt and lifted it in the air. "Did you see that card? Can you imagine the damage it would do if it was inside his body before it exploded?" He said in a cold voice, making it clear that he was quite capable of doing that.

This personality was quite different from what I had become used to after living with him all day. He now looked like a Kryptonian warrior who had done this sort of thing countless times.

I decided not to interrupt him to see what he wanted to do with it since I wouldn't mind if he did what he said.

"I-I-I saw that! Please don't do anything to me, I'll do whatever you want... please... wait a minute... this card, are you Gambit?! I'm really fucked up, please Gambit, don't do anything to me, I'll say anything you want!" The man said when he started shaking in despair.


"Tell me what you were doing and who sent you to do it." Remy said in a cold tone of voice, making his black and red eyes look even more demonic.

"Don't tell him anything ..." The man who was vomiting blood tried to shout something at the man Remy was holding, but before he could finish saying the sentence I ran at him and kicked him in the chest, definitely breaking a few ribs and faint him faint for good.

It scared the man even more and he started to speak. "I-I-It was the Scientists Guild... they offered us a good payment to get some guinea pigs to do their experiments... can I leave now?" The man had his pants wet from fear of being blown up by a card from Gambit in front of him.

"Humph." Remy snorted and a small kinetic explosion happened in his hand, sending the man flying and leaving him disabled in the process.

He turned to me and was getting ready to say something when I heard police sirens coming towards us from a few miles away. "We'll talk later, let's get out of here first." I said, getting his nod in agreement after thinking it over.

I turned to the boy who was still tied up, but now instead of fear, his eyes sparkled in admiration. I used the warmest smile I could manage in that situation and untied the ropes that he was attached to. "Little boy, when the police come, please tell them that you couldn't see our faces, okay?"

Looking like a smart boy, he quickly nodded his head in agreement. "I swear Superboy! I won't tell anyone I saw you." He made a sign as if he was closing his mouth with a zipper and throwing away the key.

I wanted to ask him where he got that came from, but the siren was getting louder by the second, I didn't have time for it. I turned around and ran out despite the pain, along with Remy and navigated through the mazes that were the alleyways of New York.


After I could no longer hear the siren, I stopped to rest for the first time on this planet and said to Remy. "They're not chasing us, let's rest."

Hearing what I said, he looked at my wounds and pointed to a ladder leading to the roof of a nearby building.

When we went upstairs, I took off my jacket and my shirt. My wounds were already healing as they threw the bullets out of my body, but this process still hurt a lot. At least now my body was strong enough to not let the bullets through, and it can even heal itself in a few minutes.

"Looks like we both hid some things, hm?" He said to me as he sighed.

"Yes..." I said as I sighed too and sat on the roof floor.

"You asked me before everything happened what my mutation was. As you saw, I can remove the potential energy stored in an object and convert it into kinetic energy, thus "carrying" the item, and thus generating an explosive." He said as he "carried" a small stone from the ground and threw it up, where it made a small but very strong explosion. "I can also "load" the objects with a look, but it's a little hard to control, so I avoid doing that. Now it's your turn." He said it while he was looking at me.

I remembered that he had guessed that Grant was a mutant with only one look, so maybe his eyes aren't that color without reason, maybe he can see something that normal people can't about mutants. Taking that into account, I was against the idea of lying to him that I too was a mutant and revealed the truth. "I'm not a human, I may look like one, but I'm actually a lot stronger than you, as you saw." I didn't tell you I came from another planet.

He nodded, thinking it made sense. "What about that thing with your eyes going red?" He asked me, but I didn't understand what he meant.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a face full of doubt.

"Your eyes, now they're as blue as two headlights, but before they had turned red and began to shine even brighter as if something was going to come out of there." He said as he stared at me.

Hearing what he said, I remembered a strange feeling in my eyes, but it was something to discover later.

"Why did he call you Gambit?" I asked him with a dubious look.

Knowing that this question would come, he let out a sigh and told me. "My father, didn't I say I was abandoned in an orphanage? My foster father is part of a guild called Thieves Guild. Since I'm his son, I ended up going in too. But make no mistake, we just steal, without murder or anything else, the only kind of request we accept is to steal precise objects". He said it while he watched me trying to understand what I would think about him after he said it.

I was really alert when he said the Guild's name, but knowing that he was just a thief made me more unconcerned. From his actions I noticed that he wasn't a bad guy, he obviously wasn't a good guy, but he wasn't a bad guy either.

"What about that Scientists Guild?" I asked with my eyebrow raised.

"That's another long story, and one we may have to do something about." He said it as he prepared to tell me the story.


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