《Star Wars: The Untold Stories》8: Young Jedi Meets Politics
Steady steps sounded out in one of the many halls in the Jedi Temple. The sun shone through the window panes along the corridor, lighting up the hallway in bright orange light. Outside you could see the bustling Galactic City.
A young man was currently walking through the hallway. His dark red hair was tied up in a ponytail, and his light-blue eyes seemed to contain the hint of a smile. He walked with his back straight and excluded a warm presence. Along the way, he was politely greeted by the different people walking by.
This young man was, of course, Sar Landala, Padawan to Shaak Ti. It had been three years since the events on Eoliv and the little twelve-year-old boy had grown into a young man. The events that transpired had made Sar well known both within his Order and the Galactic Republic.
During these three years, the Dark Side had continued to grow. Every Jedi could feel it clouding their senses during meditation, and this had the whole Order on edge though none would admit it.
While there was nothing that could currently be done about the slowly approaching Dark Side, his Master still sought to prepare him for the probable danger that was to come. That was why during these last three years he was not only trained in all the lightsaber forms, though he still excelled at Ataru the most, but was also further trained in the ways of the Force.
During the first few lessons, Sar had quickly realized that there was much more to the Force's capabilities than he had formerly been aware of. There were many different ways to use the Force; these abilities was narrowed down into three categories.
The first category was called Control. This was something he had been taught all the way back at when he was still an initiate. As control was the first lesson, all Jedi must be taught. These Force abilities were used to better open your mind to the Force and control your body. Some of the Force abilities belonging to this category was namely, Force Healing and Force Concealment.
The second category, which was also the first that Sar was taught by his Master, was called Sense. These lessons were to teach Sar how to broaden his understanding of his Control abilities. Mastery of Sense was an essential part of becoming a Jedi Knight as these abilities allowed the Jedi to be in tune with the Force at all times.
The third and last category was called Alter. This was also considered the most dangerous category and was only taught to Jedi Knights who had mastered Control and Sense. Alter abilities, were the abilities which used the Force to alter the world around them. Some stumbled upon these by accident while others created their own Alter abilities.
The Alter category was further split into three: The Light Side, The Dark Side, and neutral abilities.
The Light Side was of course practiced by the Jedi who used abilities to protect, defend, or heal others. Though records of many of these powers were lost during the wars with the ancient Sith, there were still examples of many of the abilities.
The Dark Side was of course practiced by the Sith, and almost every single one of their powers were designed to dominate, maim, or kill their opponents. Though almost nothing is really known about the specific abilities the Sith used, back when they were still roaming the galaxy, it is said that the most powerful Sith Lord's could use the Force to bend any person to their will.
The neutral abilities are of course abilities that any Force user can use. These are also the most commonly used by today's Jedi as the training methods for many of the more advanced abilities were lost. The more advanced versions of Force push such as Force Wave, which Shaak Ti had used back on Eoliv, and Force Repulse belonged in the neutral category.
Sar had been surprised about how much he had not yet been aware of in regards to the true scope of the Forces powers and while he had not yet mastered Control and Sense he was close and was fast approaching the day in which he could undertake the trials to become a Knight.
As he finished his reminiscence of his training these last three years, he arrived in front of the door to the High Council Chamber. Wiping the smile off his face and standing even straighter he used the Force to open the door and stepped inside.
The chamber had not changed at all during these few years, and no Jedi had been selected to the High Council leaving only eleven out of the twelve seats filled. Sar stood in the middle under the eleven Jedi Master's keen eyes. Sar quickly addressed them.
"You summoned me Master's?" Sar bowed a little, and his voice was filled with respect.
Yoda made that little humming sound before he spoke.
"Yes, young Padawan, speak to you, we must" Yoda smiled a little and continued "Powerful in the Force, you have grown, a fine Jedi, you are."
"Thank you for your praise Master" While Sar was calm on the outside he was practically giddy on the inside getting praise by Master Yoda is no small thing after all.
Probably sensing the young Jedi's true thoughts, Yoda just chuckled before Master Windu took over in his stern no-nonsense tone of voice.
"Yes your progress in the Force is astounding, and your commitment to the Jedi teachings is indeed worthy of praise." Windu shifted slightly in his seat, leaning forward a bit more. "But we have other things to discuss."
That statement seemed to cause a ripple effect as all of the other Master now wore a serious expression.
"High Chancellor Palpatine has specifically requested your presence."
That statement left Sar quite confused. 'High Chancellor? What would the man in charge of most of the Republic Senate want with me' such thoughts went through his brain, but before he had chance to voice it his Master, Shaak Ti spoke.
"It would seem he needs a Jedi for an assignment and considering our alliance with the Republic and the fact that most of the other Jedi have other duties to attend, he asked for you."
This just left Sar even more confused. While he knew that they were allied with the Republic and defended it, he did not realize how intimate the relationship was.
"Master, are you saying that I will be going on some mission alone?" Sar asked, confused.
"Yes, that will be the case." Shaak Ti nodded.
While Sar did not know how to feel about the revelation of how deeply connected the Order was to the galaxies politics, on one hand, it made sense to be involved with the governing entity of so many systems, on the other hand, it felt like a conflict of interest. They were supposed to uphold peace in the galaxy not run around doing errands for politicians.
Sar quickly snapped out of that train of thought. He would not doubt his Order that would only lead him to the path of destruction, so he buried his doubt and answered the Jedi Council.
"I understand. I will go and meet him now." Sar answered in the affirmative looking past everything else a solo mission would be a good way to further train himself in the Force.
"Thank you, young Padawan and may the Force be with you," Windu responded.
Sar nodded and bowed to the rest of the Council before leaving through the door and heading for the Chancellor's office.
Sar was seated in front of a large desk inside of the High Chancellors office. Behind the desk sat the High Chancellor Sheev Palpatine himself. Sar had seen Palpatine before as he often times came with the Jedi Masters to the temple. Though it may seem weird for a politician to take an interest in the Orders affairs, considering the relationship between the Order and the Senate it made sense.
The Jedi were essentially the Republics last, and most powerful defense against enemies. Although there had been peace in the galaxy for many years now, so most people did not realize that the Jedi held such a role.
While Sar did not like politics or the people doing them, he could not deny that they were important for the continuation of the current peace. He also couldn't help but have a favorable opinion of the High Chancellor himself. Though he often wore expensive and luxurious robes, he never gave the impression of serving his own interest. Sar had heard of the many things he had done to make sure that peace remained within the galaxy.
"Master Jedi, it is an honor to meet you." Sar was brought out of his thoughts by the kind voice of the man in front of him. As to not be rude, he quickly responded.
"The pleasure is all mine Chancellor, although I am no Master I shall do my best to meet your expectations."
Palpatine smiled at Sar's words before standing up from his chair and heading over to the large window behind his desk. He looked over his shoulder and gestured for Sar to stand next to him. Sar quickly stood up and went up beside him.
"Beautiful, isn't it? The city, I mean." Palpatine asked in a quiet voice.
"Yes, it is quite something Chancellor." Replied Sar in a calm voice.
"I have fought my whole life so that people can continue to enjoy this sight in peace throughout the whole galaxy." Palpatine's eyes hardened a bit. "However, there are those who seek to destroy this peace and all that we have built."
Sar could sense the frustration and anger coming from the Chancellor as he mentioned that last part.
Sar knew what the Chancellor was talking about. When you have lived in peace for so long, you forget how it was like when there weren't peace the thing that is common among all sentient lifeforms sets in greed.
Greed for credits, status or fame all of these things spreads like cancer, even reaching parts of the Republic. These people were only interested in lining their own pockets; everything else be damned. Palpatine turned his gaze from the city and looked at the Jedi next to him.
"What do you know about the Hutt's, my boy?" Sar raised an eyebrow at the sudden question but responded quickly.
"Well, I know that they are the largest crime family in all of the galaxies and that multiple planets are under their control." Palpatine nodded at the answer before he added on.
"Yes, that is indeed correct. The Hutt's are infamous for their role in the black market and the slavery business, but let me ask you something else why are they still allowed to run rampant even though we know of their crimes?"
The Chancellors question did make Sar think. Why had no one done anything? While the Hutt's were powerful they wouldn't stand a chance against the Republic to say nothing of the Order, which brought another question to Sar's mind, why had his Order not done anything to stop the Hutt's.
"I-I don't know Chancellor," Sar said with shame. Palpatine placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before saying.
"There is nothing to be ashamed of my boy. Few in the Senate know and even fewer bothers to ask. The straightforward reason is that many of the Senators within the Senate deals with the Hutt's."
"But they are part of the Republic why would they deal with criminals?!" Sar exclaimed in disbelief.
"Why would anyone ally with criminals? If not to line their pockets with more credits." Palpatine shook his head as he said this.
Sar was actually shocked. Palpatine had opened his eyes to how naive he had been. He had thought that all the people in the Republic had the same goals this he realized now had been way too naive. Though there was also one more question which remained, why did his Order do nothing but watch and answer when called? Sar did not realize it, but for the first time, he questioned his Order, and with those questions came doubt.
"Then what can be done about it, Chancellor?" Sar spoke with more respect in his voice than he had before.
"For now, nothing much, but I will continue to strive for a just and fair Republic." Palpatine then waved his hand a bit before saying.
"Which brings us to the matter I have requested you for."
Hearing this, Sar straightened his back and got ready to listen.
"A couple of days ago a Senator's son was kidnapped by a band of space pirates. We managed to track them to the planet Srilomnia in which the Hutt's retain a big presence. We later learned that the pirates sold the Senator son to a well-known slave trader there." Palpatine walked over to his desk where he pressed a button making a hologram appear of a human male with a large scar across his right eye.
"This is the slave trader Humna Ak Smoll. Now, this is where you; my friend, comes in. We will send you to Srilomnia to rescue the Senator's son while at the same time dismantling Humna's slave operation on the planet."
Sar nodded to the Chancellor confirming that he understood the mission.
"Good, now there is one more thing. You will be working alongside a Bounty Hunter during this mission."
Sar hearing this got confused.
"Bounty Hunter, Chancellor? Are we sure we can trust him, after all almost all bounty hunters are employed by the Hutt Cartel, I can't imagine that they will be very happy with what we are planning on doing."
"I understand your concern, my boy, but we have no choice since we do not have any jurisdiction in Hutt space we will need someone familiar with the criminal underworld on the planet. We have paid him a hefty sum of credits and just the fact that he has taken the credits, makes him an enemy to the Hutts." Palpatine explained.
Though Sar still had his doubt about the Bounty Hunter, he still wished to destroy the slave trading on Srilomnia, so he forced himself to bury his inhibitions about the Bounty Hunter.
"I understand, Chancellor. Where will I find him." Asked Sar.
"He will be waiting for you when you land on Srilomnia. His name is Alister so just ask after him when you arrive in the port." Palpatine informed him.
"I understand then should I assume that I will leave immediately?" Asked Sar.
"Yes, I have already arranged for a ship it is waiting for you in the hanger, good luck Master Jedi." Palpatine said with a smile.
"Thank you, Chancellor, may the Force be with you." Replied Sar before he left the office and headed for the hangar. Though he had learned a lot from his conversation with the Chancellor, most of it bad, he still felt excited to be on his first solo mission.
With a smile on his lips, Sar headed for the hangar bay.
The ride to Srilomnia had been uneventful, and Sar was currently heading down the ramp and onto the landing platform where he had landed his ship.
He had concealed his lightsaber and face under a thick dust cloak, which was also rather convenient, as like most other Hutt influenced the planet, Srilomnia was covered almost entirely in sand.
Looking around the port, he saw many different species walking around, but the common theme among them was that they all looked shady and carried some type of weapon on their person. The port itself was badly maintained with cracks and stains all over the landing platforms, and empty liquor bottles spread out all over the place.
A bit from the landing platforms was what seemed to be a market. Stall vendors from all parts of the galaxies stood and yelled in all manner of different languages, probably trying to sell whatever they were selling.
Sar was walking through the market when suddenly he sensed someone coming from behind him. Not wanting to draw attention, he swung left into an empty alleyway and waited for his pursuer to follow him inside.
When he sensed that whoever was following him had entered the alleyway, he spun around, drawing his lightsaber and igniting it.
As soon as he had fully turned around, he came face to face with his pursuer.
What greeted him was a young Trandoshan probably about his age. He was wearing what looked to be a chest plate made of some kind of light grey metal. His pants were dark green color and reached down to about his ankles. He wore no shoes or sleeves, allowing one to see his large green arms and clawed feet. His elongated lizard-like face stared at Sar with his red eyes narrowed a bit.
He had a what looked to be a modified blaster rifle strapped on his back and a DeathHammer blaster pistol attached to his hip. He raised his hands towards Sar quickly trying to explain.
"Hey! Hey! Easy there Jedi, your friends sent me, my name is Alister!" Alister's voice was raspy and a bit high-pitched as he tried to calm down the Jedi.
"I was supposed to come to you." Sar replied still having his lightsaber pointed at the Bounty Hunter.
"I know, but you were acting so suspicious that you were practically screaming 'Hey Hutts I'm here to rob you come and kill me.'" Replied Alister
Sar raised an eyebrow at that. He didn't think he was acting suspicious but he was out of his element and considering the fact that he sensed no lies from Alister made him turn off his lightsaber, but he remained on guard should it turn out it was a trap.
Seeing Sar turn off his lightsaber, Alister lowered his arms before he began speaking.
"I heard that the Jedi were uptight, but seeing really is believing." Alister spoke in a joking manner.
"Yeah well I am in Hutt territory and from what I hear being uptight avoids getting a blaster bolt in the back." Sar moved closer to the Bounty Hunter.
"Hahaha, I guess not everything they say about the Jedi is true some do have a sense of humor, though not a very good one." Alistar's face split into a grin as he stretched his clawed hand out.
"Well let's try the introduction again. Alistar, Bounty Hunter and ladies man at your service."
Sar took the clawed hand and replied.
"Sar Landala, Jedi Padawan and sole Jedi with a sense of humor."
Sar's statement made Alistar break out into a peal of raspy laughter, and Sar followed suit.
Bounty Hunter and Jedi. It is a pairing few would expect, but here it was, and a few unlucky people were soon going to be made very much aware of them.
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