《Heart of a Mer》Author's Note: Let's Do a Q&A!


Let’s do a Q&A!

For background, I want to take a moment to acknowledge that my upload schedule lately has been severely lacking and nothing close to what I promised it would be, for any of my stories. There’s a few different reasons for that, which I’m not going to get into as most pertain to my personal life. But regardless of the reasons, I’m finding myself far less active in my community than I want to be. I want to engage more. So, in the interim of getting my crap together and being more consistent with updates, I’ve decided that a fun thing to do would be a Q&A session.

These questions would not be directed at me as the writer, but rather directly to the character(s) they pertain to. This Q&A is for all characters, major or minor, in any of my stories, and are welcome to be serious, funny, engaging, random, or just anything at all really (I would appreciate nothing 18+/NSFW though, and I will warn you in advance, spoilers will be tactfully avoided, so no thinking you can cheat the system. The characters can’t tell you about stuff that hasn’t happened yet, none of them can see the future).

So lets get into how this is going to work:

I have posted this note on every single one of my stories across all of my platforms. There is no limit to the number of questions you’re allowed to ask or to how many characters you can ask questions of. I haven’t yet decided the medium the answers will be delivered in, but I’ll do something fun with it. So the way that you can ask questions is simple. Find this update on the story the character(s) you want to ask a question of belongs to (again, you can ask questions for multiple stories, just go to the separate updates) and leave a comment on the update with your question. Just be sure to address the character the question is being asked of so that I know who it’s regarding. If you have multiple questions for one character or for multiple characters in the same story, you may write them in one comment or leave multiple, just be sure that you clarify which questions are for which characters.


I cannot promise I’ll be able to include all of the questions into the Q&A delivery, but I will try to incorporate as many as I can. Feel free to have fun and go wild with this, and I’ll keep you all updated on how you’ll receive your answers!

Ask away.

PS. Please make sure that you’re only asking questions that pertain to characters of the story that you’re reading this update on to avoid spoilers for others. If you want to ask questions for characters of other stories, make sure to hop on over to the story in question and find this update there. Thank you. The one exception to this is CotM/HoaM as I’ll only be posting this notice on HoaM. I also will not be including the alternate timelines from the shorts in this venture just to prevent confusion.

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