《Modern Deity》Chapter 1: Transference
This is the new chapter 1! Please leave your thoughts. Unfortunately, I do not have all the time in the world to completely rewrite my entire story. So, this high quality will only appear later in the story. Thanks for reading :)
(Reading chapter 0.5 is required to know what's going on.)
(This chapter is 4900 words long. Yes, this is necessary.)
The brilliant sun's intense rays shined down on the large city. It's size was about seventy-three miles squared; fairly small compared to other cities. Despite this, the city's population was rather large. With just over eight-hundred thousand people, almost every house and apartment was full.
One area in particular was a bit hotter than other places. It was at the end of the school year so the temperature would increase even more over the next month or two. It was also at this time that Kyte and his parents would take a picture together, signifying another school year complete.
Kyte and his parents stood in-front of their house with a camera and a tripod, ready to capture a picture. Well, Kyte's parents were ready.
"Kyte, just stay still and smile." Kyte's said as he firmly gripped Kyte's shoulder.
"I know, I know. I'm just excited for summer vacation, that's all." Kyte replied.
"Well, the faster we take the picture, the sooner you can enjoy yourself." His father emphasized the last part of the sentence, hoping to get some sense into Kyte's head.
"That's true..."
"Kyte, what's wrong? You're the one that suggested we take these pictures in elementary." Kyte's mother looked up from the camera.
"It's just, really hot out here and we've done it every year now. Couldn't we just stop until my Senior year?"
"Come on, after this we only have to take three more pictures until you go to college. What's the big deal? Besides, you might not get the chance to take a picture like this with us once this is all over." Kyte's dad looked down at him.
"Why not?" Kyte asked.
"Because, in just a few years, you'll be an adult. That little kid your mother and I used to watch run around the house in just his underwear will be going to college."
"Dad!" Embarrassment appeared on Kyte's face as he looked at the ground.
"Hahaha, nothing to be ashamed of, you were just a little kid! We even have pictures, too..."
"Delete them! Burn them!" Kyte yelled as he looked up at his father.
Although Kyte was legitimately embarrassed, he knew his father was teasing him. He didn't feel angry, just slightly annoyed, as he went along with his father's teasing.
"Alright you two, the camera's ready!" Kyte's mother said as she jogged over to them.
Kyte's mother stood to his left while his father stood to his right. Kyte felt happy as he and his parents posed for the camera, awaiting the flash...
Kyte's vision flashed with a white light before it began to flicker between one of happiness and one of horror. A full second passed before the flickering stopped on a scene of devastation.
In-front of Kyte was a cruel sight to his eyes. Among the burning flames, which blew hot air against his face, were pieces of metal strewn about. It vaguely created a trail that led to a car that looked to be ripped into three separate pieces. The windows were shattered and bloody hand prints could been seen on a random head cushion.
Next to the destroyed car parts were two puddles of blood that joined together to make a single puddle in between them. On either side were two mangled corpses; their arms and legs were twisted in odd directions and both of their necks were contorted to allow their faces to be turned toward Kyte. He instantly recognized them to be his parents despite their horrified and confused expressions. If only they had eyes for Kyte to make contact with.
Streams of tears glided down Kyte's cheeks as he fell to his knees. The raging fire around the crash burned with an intensity that threatened to destroy everything in its path. It slowly crept toward Kyte, blowing an increasingly ferociously hot air against his bloody body. He closed his eyes, awaiting the flames and their destruction...
Slightly moaning in pain, Kyte opened his eyes and realized he fell off his bed. He felt sweat drip off his forehead and stream down his cheeks as he propped himself up onto his bed. Untangling himself from his blankets, Kyte traveled to the restroom where he went to wash his face and calm himself down.
After he entered the restroom and looked into the mirror, he discovered dry tear marks under his exhausted eyes. He hurriedly turned on the water and splashed his face to get rid of them. Looking back at the mirror, a feeling of emptiness covered him as he began to sense that he could barely recognize himself. Unable to withstand that feeling, he drooped his head and heavily breathed out.
"Fuck, that was the second time this month."
Although that was the case, it was still a lot better than two years ago. He would have the same nightmare constantly, to the point where he was terrified to go to sleep. Due to this, he was diagnosed with severe sleep deprivation, and even though he wouldn't see the nightmare in his sleep, his mind would automatically play it out if he wasn't preoccupied with something.
Because of his lack of sleep, he broke away from other people. His best friends, which he had since the beginning of middle school, slowly stopped trying to help. Eventually, not even his grandfather tried to help him. However, none of this directly affected Kyte. That was because of his computer. Since his computer was quite powerful, Kyte used it all the time. School work also helped to keep his mind off of the bad things, so much that he actually liked to do school work.
Kyte left the restroom and slowly traveled back to his bedroom. He checked the time and found that he had only been asleep for three hours. He still had four more until he had to start the new day, so he was glad about that. He lazily walked to his bed and straightened the disordered blankets. Just as he was about to climb under the covers, an image flashed before his eyes.
Kyte slightly jumped back on his bed. He immediately grew confused as his heart rate increased. The image that was shown was the old house he was beat up in. He didn't know why his heart beat faster at that moment, however, his curiosity was magnified. That similar pulling feeling returned and with it a desire for answers.
Kyte didn't know why but he immediately searched through his closet for clothing. He wore a thick black hoodie and black sweats before exiting his room. As he walked down the stairs he realized that his injuries didn't seem so bad like before. He could walk without feeling pain in his torso and his vision was much clearer.
He wandered into his restroom again and looked at his face. He didn't notice it before but the swelling around his eyes appeared significantly less than before. It had only been several hours since the beating, so he couldn't understand how he had healed so quickly. He breathed out a small sigh, deciding that he may have been hit hard enough for his brain to go all wacky. However, there was that small thought in the back of his mind that he couldn't help but think of...
Walking out of his home and locking his front door, Kyte began his journey back to the old home. He brought a flashlight with his because it would definitely be pitch black in that house because it had no electricity. He also carried a few extra batteries just in case something happened.
The cool night breeze brushed past Kyte's face as he quickly walked down the sidewalk. The street lights lined down the several roads brought little comfort in the darkness. It was deathly silent as Kyte traveled and the small amount of light from the lamps created an other-worldly atmosphere.
Kyte finally arrived in-front of the old house. The longing feeling only increased as he moved closer. Kyte took out and turned on the flashlight before looking around at the overgrown weeds, broken windows, and rotting wood. He looked up at the starry sky, taking in the majesty of the universe that was visible to his naked eye before stepping over the threshold.
Once inside, the longing feeling abruptly vanished. It was replaced by a slight pulling sensation coming from Kyte's left. Before he moved in that direction he surveyed the entire one-story house. He felt the eerie atmosphere change into a mix between creepy and unpleasant the longer he snooped around. He wasn't expecting to discover anything so, after he finished searching around, he returned to the original room.
The pulling feeling seemed to originate from a lone bookshelf across the room. Kyte moved toward it, examining it while searching for anything weird. It was, as expected, blanketed with dust and several rotting books were strewn about its shelves. However, there was one book that stood out from the rest.
It was placed at the left wall of one of the shelves, making it stand straight up with its spine facing Kyte. It was a regularly sized book, probably about three hundred or so pages thick. The peculiar feature was that there was only one word on its spine, which read: "Drop".
The moment Kyte's eyes landed on that word was when that pulling feeling intensely increased. He almost instinctively reached his hand out to touch it, however, he immediately brought himself back to his senses. He stared curiously at the book, noting the abnormal atmosphere that encompassed the entire room.
This is so obvious that it hurts. What, am I going to shy away now of all times? I got the shit beaten out of me earlier. What's the worst that can happen?
He reached his hand out an used his index and middle finger to make the book fall onto its spine. A click sound entered Kyte's ears, causing him to instantly jump back from the bookshelf. With a soft clunk, a large section of the floor disappeared underneath the bookshelf. A gaping hole in the floor presented itself to him, as if it wanted him to enter.
Kyte observed the hole several feet away, trying to find anything out of the ordinary. Well, the whole situation was already abnormal so he was searching for something more peculiar than the hole. His eyes landed on the bookshelf itself and how half of it was on the floor while the other half was above the hole. He imagined there was something within the wall keeping it from tilting due to the weight imbalance, but honestly that was the least interesting thing at the moment.
A few seconds later, Kyte suddenly felt something grab onto his body. He spun around, expecting someone to appear, however, there was no one. He turned back to face the hole, confused by the force which acted upon his body. He looked for signs of grab marks on his clothing but discovered nothing. That sensation was still present and it only grew stronger.
What the Hell...
His feet began to glide across the floor toward the hole.
"Woah, wait!"
Kyte instantly lost his balance, making him fall onto the floor with a bang. His body started to slide across the old wooden boards, making his hoodie roll up. His exposed skin slid across the floor, causing splinters to pierce into his back. Silently swearing, Kyte bounced his body up just enough to force his hoodie back down. He held it down with his hands, hoping the way down wouldn't damage him like the rotting wood floor had.
He quickly slid over the side of the hole, falling into the darkness. His loud cursing was drowned out by the fall and, after a few seconds, the floorboards moved back into place. The rotting floor looked just like it had before.
After several seconds of sliding on a downward slope, Kyte popped out of the exit onto a pile of old mattresses. Fortunately, the hole was shaped in a way that slowed Kyte down as he descended so he didn't come out like a rocket being blasted off. However, unfortunately, the mattresses were quite old so they didn't offer much cushioning.
"Oof! Damn this stupid thing..." Kyte said as he tried to get up.
"That's not a nice thing to say, I put in some hard work on that thing."
A mysterious, old voice sounded out further in the room. Kyte jumped from the suddenness of such a voice, mostly because he wasn't expecting someone alive down there. He was expecting to see an old corpse or something along those lines down there. He also didn't expect clean air, either.
Kyte surveyed the room before he responded. It was illuminated by a strange, orange light coming from the opposite side. It was a bit cooler than room temperature and the whole layout seemed to be put together in an orderly fashion. Several tables lined up against both walls to Kyte's left and right, which had neatly stacked papers across them. Posters were pinned on the walls, detailing very complex designs of equipment Kyte had never seen before. In-front of him, about ten feet or so, was a chair and table. The back of the chair was facing Kyte so he wasn't able to see who or what was seated on it.
He calmed himself before he spoke:
"Who are you?"
"Me? Oh, I'm just some old man patiently waiting. Hm, I should've used past tense there."
Kyte watched as a figure stood up from the chair. It turned around and, although it was slightly shadowed because of the light, revealed its features. It looked like an old man with a long, white beard and hair. He wore a white robe that reached the floor; it was completely spotless and clean as well. All together, he looked like an old grandfather that you would visit every now and then.
"You're quite, uh, anti-climatic." Kyte said, still on guard.
"What is that supposed to mean? I thought I had planned this out perfectly..."
"I'll ask again: Who are you?"
The old man sighed before saying:
"You don't have to be so tense. I'm not gonna hurt you. Come, sit down with me."
A chair appeared out of thin air and was placed on the opposite side of the table, however, Kyte still didn't move.
"Oh alright, I'll take the chair on the other side then. Geeze..."
The old man walked to the opposite side and sat down. When he noticed that Kyte didn't move, he motioned with his hand toward the other chair. Kyte slowly walked toward it, examining it as he moved closer. He saw nothing wrong with it, mostly because it was just a normal wooden chair. He sat down and crossed his arms in-front of his chest, staring directly at the old man.
"I assume you have some questions, and I have the answers. Go ahead." The old man said.
"Alright, then I'll ask a third time. Who are you?" Kyte asked.
"My name is Sol'keer, and I am the founder of the Bloodrage Sect. Also, I'm dead."
"Don't joke around, there's no way you're dead."
"Ah, that's what you think. You see, there's so much more to the world than what's presented. Sometimes you have to look beyond the physical to reach an understanding."
"Right, that sounds all well and good but that still doesn't explain anything. I'll go one thing at a time so try not to joke around, alright?"
"I wasn't joking in the first place."
"Anyway, you said you're the founder of something called the Bloodrage Sect? What is that, exactly?"
"My Bloodrage Sect was one of the most powerful and revered Sects in the whole universe. Well, my original universe anyway. It was an extraordinary place. Only the most elite would practice my technique, otherwise they would perish. Unfortunately, I was betrayed by my most loyal student. I was cornered with no way out, so I sacrificed myself to save my sect. Hopefully it worked, anyway."
"That's a lot of information and I still can't come to believe you. If this is some new bully technique, I don't want any part of it-"
"Stay right where you are. I predicted this would happen, so I have no choice but to just show you."
"Show me what?"
Sol'keer lifted his hand and pointed toward Kyte's head. White flashed by within his mind, and he was suddenly taken somewhere else...
-Unknown Location, Unknown Time-
"You better hurry up and show me, Estis. I need to hurry back and prepare for the Heaven Diamond Sect's arrival. Miss Lasron is quite the impatient one, you see." Sol'keer stated.
"Yes, Sect Head, I know. It's just a bit further now." Estis replied.
Sol'keer was following his best disciple, Estis. He taken Estis in when he was just a child and personally trained him after seeing his abnormally high talent. It had only taken a fifth of the time for Estis to reach Sol'keer's level than Sol'keer himself. Not only this, but Estis was also incredibly popular among the ladies and he also had large amounts of luck. His potential was enormous.
They were flying through the air toward a place that Estis reported to have held an incredibly valuable treasure. It was so powerful that only Sol'keer could obtain it, even though Estis was just a bit weaker than him. Reason being was that Sol'keer's foundation was much more stable and powerful than Estis.
They had traveled for about half an hour before Estis slowed down to a stop. Sol'keer immediately stopped as well before looking around at the terrain. They were in-front of a massive mountain that was about three million miles high. Although it sounded impossibly high, they were in another realm that allowed for such possibilities to exist.
"So this is the place you found the artifact? What was the name again?" Sol'keer said as he observed the mountain.
Estis turned around and looked at Sol'keer. Instantly, numerous figures began to appear all around them. There were hundreds of them, all facing Sol'keer and Estis. Sol'keer immediately noticed this and turned around to face the figures. He stood in-front of Estis as if to guard him.
"Estis, I'll try to make an opening so you need to escape-"
Sol'keer felt something pierce straight through his chest. He looked down to find one of his most precious treasures that he gifted to Estis sticking out of his chest. Blood dripped down his robes and the spear's head glistened with its crimson brilliance. Sol'keer turned his head to look at Estis and was dumbfounded at what he saw.
"Don't tell me, you actually didn't suspect something like this? You're truly naive, Sect Head." Estis said with an evil smirk.
"Urgh, Estis, you..."
Sol'keer tried to speak, however, the spear's power was too intense. It stopped his healing ability, rendering him unable to talk or breath. Estis let go of the spear and his figure flickered before reappearing next to a woman in white robes.
Miss Lasron...?!
Sol'keer stared wide-eye in disbelief. He saw Lasron slightly smile at Estis before turning her gaze toward Sol'keer. She lightly waved her hand and said:
"Kill him."
Instantly, all the figures surrounding Sol'keer launched powerful attacks. Blasts of different colored light shot toward him at unimaginable speed. Faced with such an assault, and a betrayal, Sol'keer knew what had to be done.
He pulled out the spear and activated his suicide technique. He lifted his face and roared:
"Blood God's Punishment!!!"
A crimson ripple emanated out from Sol'keer, stretching far to encompass all the figures within. Cracks appeared across Sol'keer's body as it was ready to be destroyed. Lasron and Estis were both trapped within the sphere of blood where no light could be discovered.
Enormous amounts of energy gathered around Sol'keer body before it surged outward, crushing everything against the first sphere. Sounds of pain and despair echoed throughout the lightless world as Sol'keer was abruptly sucked into a small crack in reality.
Kyte instantly stood up from his chair, almost knocking it backward. He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed. Everything felt so incredibly real. The wind against his face, the pain from the spear, the deep feeling of sadness from Estis's betrayal. A bead of sweat dripped down his cheek as he sat back down and calmed himself.
"Do you believe me now?" Sol'keer asked.
After a brief moment of silence, Kyte replied:
"Yea, I do."
"Great! Now that you won't take me for a joke any longer, we can continue our discussion. Allow me to go first."
"Alright, go ahead." Kyte focused on Sol'keer's next words.
"I was spit out here by a wormhole about a hundred years ago. I've been researching this planet because, for some reason, my power is continually being sucked out. I don't know why and unfortunately I haven't been able to create a solution to my problem. So, I decided to create a different solution. However, I needed to find someone suitable for such a procedure."
"Are you implying that I'm that person?"
"Out of all these other people?"
"Well, there have been others. Two to be exact. However, I decided not to use them in case someone else came along with a better affinity. And look who I found!" Sol'keer pointed at Kyte as he said those last words.
"Me? What affinity are you talking about? My physical ability is incredibly low, I barely passed my P.E. classes in school. I don't know how I could-"
"Oh, don't worry about that. It is guaranteed that your body as it is now will have no effect on the you in the future."
"Really? And how does that work?"
"The power I shall give you will make you incredibly powerful. You'll be able to get revenge quite easily with it."
"...Revenge? I'll be able to get revenge with this power?"
"Yes, I know for certain you'll be able to."
"Alright then, I'm in."
"I thought you would-, wait, what?"
"I'll take it. If that power will let me deal with that asshole, I'll take it. Simple as that."
"You don't understand. You'll continually grow stronger and there's more than just that bully that will get in your way."
"More than the bully? Like what? Giant monsters?"
"Not just that. I've discovered a technology on this planet that is highly advanced. For some reason my sense is being blocked so I can't figure out what it is exactly. Like I said before: there's always more than what meets the eye."
"You didn't say that."
"I know, but it's similar in a way. Whatever. So, are you still in?"
"Yea. Originally, I was just going to spend my days living like a normal person. Go to college, get a degree, work for the rest of my life. But for what? For the benefit of mankind? What has mankind done for me? Mankind doesn't deserve anything from me, so I'll choose what I want to choose."
"Hm, good answer. Alrighty then, let's get started."
A piercing cold stabbed into Kyte's body.
"Ow, what the Hell?!"
"Oh shut it, will you? This all part of the process."
"What process?"
"Giving you a new skeleton of course! What else?"
"A new-, what the fuck?! You're gonna fucking kill me-mmff, mmhhh!"
"Sorry, I had to seal your mouth. I can't listen to you blabber during the procedure. Besides, you won't be able to talk anyway."
Instantly, Kyte's clothes were torn off by an invisible wind. He was in utter disbelief at what happened. He didn't anticipate what happened next, either. A dark green skeleton suddenly appeared from within the light source. It moved in-front of Kyte and faced him. it was exactly the same size as he was. Height, width, thickness, everything.
Th-this is...but, what?!
That piercing coldness's intensity instantly increased. Lines of red began to appear on Kyte's skin all around his body. These red lines weren't normal, however. They were due to cuts in Kyte's skin that went just deep enough to reach the flesh underneath. The pain from that invaded Kyte's mind as he tried to struggle. He was met with great resistance so he could do nothing as the pain continued to increase.
His skin slid off his body, revealing the red flesh underneath. However, no blood dripped and none of his organs slipped out. His beating heart was seen pumping blood through his pulsating veins and arteries. Then, Kyte felt his flesh being cut into. The same action that was applied to his skin happened to his flesh. About halfway through, the pain abruptly disappeared. Before, it was so intense that Kyte had began to black out.
After the pain was gone, however, he instantly regained consciousness. He watched as his red flesh was taken off his bones. His organs, veins, eyes, everything was neatly separated. His skull had to cracked open for his brain to be pulled out, though. He expected himself to be dead at that point but he was still consciousness. Unfortunately, once his eyes were pulled out, he lost his sight. All of his flesh was hovering in the air just behind his skeleton.
After all of his flesh was separated, his skeleton flew to a corner of the room and dropped to the ground. The other skeleton moved in-front of his flesh where everything started to reassemble itself. First was the brain that slid down into the skull, then the eyes, tongue, heart, lungs, stomach, everything. It was all put together much more quickly than it was taken apart.
After several seconds, everything had come together on the new skeleton. Kyte dropped to the ground, unable to move. He discovered that his senses were slowly returning.
"There we go, finished!" Sol'keer said.
"Urgam adfjai uwak." Kyte mumbled complete nonsense because his ability to speak hadn't returned.
"Hahaha, what? I didn't understand you."
Damn you, old man..
"Don't worry, your senses will return in a few seconds."
Several, instead of a few, seconds passed before Kyte was able to stand. He slightly wobbled before balancing himself, feeling his renewed sensation of feeling. After having his skeleton replaced, he didn't feel much different. Actually, he felt exactly the same as before. Except now he was naked.
"Old, man. Lend me...some clothes, will ya?" Kyte spoke.
"Ah, right."
The same clothing Kyte had worn to the abandoned house appeared on his body. He was stunned by this because just before the procedure they had been torn to shreds. Then he remembered that he just got a new skeleton so he dismissed his surprise. Kyte looked toward Sol'keer and asked:
"So, now what?"
"Now I tell you some information you'll need."
Sol'keer motioned toward the chair. Kyte sat down while Sol'keer sat down on the opposite end, just like before. Sol'keer spoke:
"So, now that you're following my technique, I should tell you about it. There is something called the Inheritance which I installed within the skeleton. Once I activate it, you'll gain information based on your power level. Each new level you'll obtain more information. I won't go into detail about this since you'll learn about it anyway."
"Ok, so how many power levels are there? I assume there should be a lot, right?"
"Yes. I reached the fifteenth stage myself. Anyway, there's also a storage artifact that I will give to you. It holds all my items that I've gathered over the years and you'll unlock a new level of items each time you increase in power. Just like the Inheritance. I did this because if something it too powerful it could vaporize you instantly. I'm sure you understand."
"Yea, no problem. I wouldn't want my successor to be killed by my own equipment either. So, how long will it take me to reach your level of power?"
"Oh, a long time. Don't worry, your life span will increase as your power level increases. Otherwise, no one would be able to reach high power levels."
"I see. I expect more questions to come to mind in the future but I know they'll eventually be answered. Are you coming with me or no?"
"Nope. I used up the remaining part of my power to help you. I am a sort of...'projection' of the Inheritance but nothing can last forever. You can see your way out with that ladder over there."
Kyte looked behind him and saw a ladder come out from the wall. It was quite old looking but it was metal so hopefully it would hold. Kyte looked back at Sol'keer and said:
"Thanks for helping me."
"No problem. It's to keep to my Bloodrage Sect in existence. I'll activate the Inheritance once you're in your home."
"Alright. Then...cya."
Kyte got up, walked to the ladder, and climbed it. He didn't look back nor did he hesitate to climb. He looked up and saw an opening at the top, to his relief. He climbed out and into what he assumed was the backyard of the abandoned house. The overgrown vegetation was even worse back there, so Kyte immediately left.
He decided to rush home, mostly because he needed to sleep. It was still dark out so he hoped he had enough time to rest. He would check on his newly gained information in the morning.
He discovered he still had a few hours of night left so he immediately went to sleep. Before sleep fully claimed him, a sudden white flash went through his mind. However, Kyte didn't seem to notice as he was already in dreamland.
- In Serial136 Chapters
A Sinner's Eden
The Earth of the future is united under a single government, but not all things are well. The shape of the playing field may be changed, but the powerful still rule the weak.And those who do not conform with the rest of society are exiled to another world. A world that not even the technology of the future managed to tame.It should have been humanity's New World but ended up as nothing more than a penal colony. A place where the exiled are sent to die. Motivated by revenge, Magnus sets out on a quest to bring his own justice to his enemies. For that purpose, he is willing to go further than most others.But then he learns that if he truly wishes to change things, he can only find his answers beyond the gate. Having lived most of her life as an exile, Astra is a woman of few interests aside from survival and climbing the ranks of her clan.To achieve those goals, she certainly won't be squeamish when a chance literally falls into her lap, or will she? ——————————————————————————————— I am trying to go with a survival/medieval setting in this one. People from a technologically advanced society are thrown into a world where they can't maintain their tech. They are forced to rely on medieval technology where they have to make do with the limited resources they have and what little of their old technology is still working. Their gene manipulation allows them to have something akin to superpowers, but that doesn't help much against the monsters of their new world. Not sure yet whether sufficiently advanced technology will be discovered later on to count as magic. ——————————————————————————————— Author's Comment: I was asked about reading my work on other sites. The answer is simple: Currently, I am not active in any other networks than royalroadl.com. Only here, I correct mistakes and errors. If you read it anywhere else and have to pay for it or have to deal with an annoying amount of advertisement, You Are Being Betrayed. You would do good if you make other people in that network aware of it. This is a free project of mine for the purpose of having fun. And if people try to make money with it you shouldn't bother visiting their website. The only one whom I actually allowed to have my work on his website is Armaell who invested the time to compile them into pdf. (http://armaell-library.net/author/andur)
8 927 - In Serial23 Chapters
Fit for Freedom
In this sequel to "Defying Conventions" (Book #1 of "The Confederation Continues" series), young lawyer Camden Page meets new challenges in an American nation that holds together under the Articles of Confederation. A high-stakes murder trial is set against the backdrop of looming conflict with the native inhabitants of the Northwest Territory. Will Camden rise to the challenge and prove his skill as an attorney, both to the world and to himself?
8 130 - In Serial21 Chapters
Re:Serpent, the Struggles of a 'Snake' to Survive and Evolve...
*Heyo, Evil Overlord here. As some may know, I am the main editor of VanZans, and his fiction, Those Who Aspire to Become Gods. If you do not know, check his work out and see for yourself. This is my first story to test my skills as a writer and a story teller. This may or may not be continued depending on my choice, and available time I have.*Hello, ghost audience, my name is Heibai. It stands for black and white in Chinese, and yes I am Asian, though I grew up in America. I was an orphan, now adopted into a rare family dojo in Chinatown in a certain state. Now I am reincarnated into a 'snake'...killed by a goddamn truck, conjured by fate's sick sense of entertainment, and died attempting to save my sister (she is not related by blood by the way) when I tried to shield her from harm, and here I am...in a new world, primitive, war-torn, and semi-corrupt. Disgusted by the contents of this fantasy world, I must survive and discover the truth to my sudden...rebirth...and find my sister if she is also here, human or not. My main goal of this story...is to fight on and learn as much as I can, and my secondary goal, to see if I can return home...human or NOT.*Might include blood and some gore
8 172 - In Serial16 Chapters
The carnomancer
Jackson was but a normal american just looking to get by in life. unfortunately for him life had other plans as a terrorist bombing took place in the air port in london where he was getting off at. The resulting explosion killed him instantly, and now he has been reincarnated into the world of Rokna.In this new world of magic, monsters, and conflict join him under his new identity Adimir freelancer the adventurer half-elf as he seeks a way to live out an exciting life of researching new and creative ways of combining magic and science. But with a tyrannical empire beginning to prepare for a bloody war the signs of turmoil begin to loom on the horizon. Adimir will face numerous challenges. Both challenges to those native to this world, and against other people have come from earth. Author's comment: I'll be uprfont with you on the entire war thing that the description hints at. Yes it will eventually happen, and many of the strange and out of place things in the beginning will tie into that. Not that it will be explained until much later in the novel. In fact the first 100 or 200 chapters will be spent on the main character growing stronger as an adventurer before the entire war even begins to start rearing its ugly head. So for those eager for the war to kick off sorry, but there won't be a big explosive war so early. At least not with the empire (although if you read carefully you may be able to pick up signs of how close the war is with what happens in the story). But the wait (I hope) will be worth it as it will be diving into some of the stuff a otherworlder in a significant position of power could do with the right knowledge. With that little warning over with I hope you enjoy this novel of mine. Its my first actual attempt at writing a story for people to read so please keep that in mind. If you have any criticism please tell me. I'd love to read them and will be using them to help me in improving my writing quality as time goes on. Experience is the best teacher after all.
8 62 - In Serial11 Chapters
Mystery of Redpaw (PAW Patrol Fanfic)
Redpaw's origin is questioned when he seemingly predicts various accidents. He joins the PAW Patrol to answer one question and one question only: Who is Redpaw?*NOTE*: PAW Patrol and its respective characters, settings, etc. are property of Nick, Viacom and all respective groups. Redpaw is my OC. If you want to use him in a story, please let me know.
8 142 - In Serial25 Chapters
Tord Returns : TomXTord •{completed}•
This is a tom x tord story :3 if you want another book of a different ship. Then just ask me
8 160