《NEET Re:Quest High School》Chapter 2: Recreating Sora The Weakest Character Himself


Sora rushed and ran the hardest and best he could to the classroom head on with his phone and quest log in his hand to navigate himself forth, while staring on the timer slowly ticking down to the last minute remaining.

“No jogging in the corridor, I will let you go with just a warning for today,” A teacher said as Sora swiftly jogged by.

Jogging? Sora felt embarrassed that this was the fastest he could run without hyperventilating further without his heart already beating out of his chest thus far. Finally Sora found his new classroom 1-A, and hastily went on through to rush to his seat. The timer had stopped, 0 minutes, 2 seconds remaining. Sora let out a sound of relief while gasping for air. The quest was completed, but there were no updates or further quests to come.

The class was commenced and Sora who was lost in thought of how much a bore the class was soon realized it was adjourned what seemed right away. It was about time for lunch and Sora decided to head after all the new girl companions whom he had shared a classroom with to lead him wherever the school cafeteria might be. They led Sora to the second floor and used either their phones or the access card to scan and pass through. Sora stood in queue, however at a distance to make sure every girl ahead of him was in fact before him, not necessarily out of sheer chivalry or portraying himself as a pure hearted gentleman, as much as not willing to be near a five meter radius of any opposite gender character whom he had no previous data on.

Sora attempted to pass through the gate with his phone, allowing it an initial scan “Access denied”. Sora attempted a second time, “Access denied”. Annoyed by the technically of his phone, he gave his new access card a go in its stead, “Access denied”, “Access denied”. Sora scratched at the back of his head and then noticed a sign, “Female students only, unless you are a male student whose level exceed level 2”. Bothered by the situation as he already was, Sora navigated himself through the school information application and found himself stuck on the first floor with the rest of the guys, at what could only resemble a nightmaric school cafeteria. “Make your own food with the ingredients available here to you,” a sign said on his way in.

After having prepared some simple sandwiches, Sora’s phone gave a good buzz, this was the sound of a quest, he was sure of it. Picking up the phone and looking on the tab it read the following.


Tab 1: “Go train yourself at the gym, run ten kilometer per hour for ten or more consecutive minutes.”

Sora attempted yet again to scroll down to see if this quest was another hidden joke quest or the real thing, as running was not his strong suit. Gathered outside the gym, all male students looked with fear at the treadmills inside awaiting them, Sora shared this fear as it resembled one of those dungeons traps that made you kite an elite monster or boss for hours.

“Do not fret, the gym is not a dungeon my fellow companions! Have we not all been obstructed by such obstacles in our beloved time spent gaming? This is a mere resembles of a gaming practice ground if anything, not a dungeon! One must level up in terms of his own physical abilities to overcome physical obstacles, or practice one’s skill-set and combos before heading into a dungeon, the gym is just the same!” Sora let out a heroic speech as he stepped in the midst of the male group, making his way to the door of the gym.

The speech was met with applause and admiration, and everyone now waited for him to trial and best the treadmill into completing the quest first-handedly. Sora gulped and hesitated then braced himself and went on in and stepped forth on the treadmill.

“I shall master you, and you shall not best me, demon and defender of the dungeon known as the gym,” Sora laughed with evil intent emanating from every fiber of his body in order to overcome his own fear and this very challenge, instilling it onto the treadmill.

After about 2 minutes, 34 seconds in of running, Sora had successfully collapsed. All Sora could remember was having CPR performed as he had an asthma attack escalating further and his vision had all faded. Later in a dark hospital room, Sora was awakened and arose from the initial remembrance of the “asthma attack” incidence engraved in his memory and an image of a treadmill laughing, growing exponentially in size meanwhile Sora was shrinking, shriveling in fear.

At this moment onwards Sora knew, he had to level the most weakest character he had ever played in his life, himself, and in a reality real life based setting. In which was far from easy to attain high level and physical abilities beyond the strength of beating a mere low level treadmill which clearly out ranged his own physical capacities thus far. Sora frighteningly realized he needed to prepare for what boss lied deeper in the dungeon that the treadmill was guarding and started to lean over the desk for his phone to check for possible updates on any quests he had possibly missed out on while he was out cold. On the phone it read, “New additional quest has been added”.


Tab 2: “Score above 95% of all students, and attain a top 5% exam score on tomorrow morning’s all rounder subject test.

Sora sunk back into the hospital bed and painted a childish expression across his own face.

“I want to play, not study real life subjects!” Sora weeped out with frustration and put himself to sleep, dismissing himself of the opportunity to study or prepare for the upcoming test.

The cell phone rang on its own, to signal a warning timer of five minutes remaining before the test exam would commence. Expeditiously Sora awoke from the hospital bed in which he had spent the night in, a quest was waiting to be completed, no matter how much he hated it, he would not fail to let the joy of completing a quest be disposed of. Jogging a second time to the classroom seemed risky, and Sora took half-heartedly precaution to make sure the same teacher was not loitering or passing him by a second time in two days. Finding his way back to yesterday’s seat, Sora found all papers lying there and a buzz kicked off to commence the test exam.

“Two seconds later before, one second now. I guess I will not experience third time’s the lucky charm?” Sora grinned and he turned over the papers and began writing on the all-rounder exam test.

Subsequently after an allotted time of two hours the exams had finally ended. Everyone arose from their seat and were given an hour time to walk around to stretch or do anything within that time range. All tests were electronically scanned, and the students were told after the results had come in, they could go to the school cafeteria to finally eat. Sora wandered around quite a bit while waiting.

“You are Sora, right? I am Kazuya,” A person approached him. “And this is Negi,” Kazuya pointed at a person following closely behind him.

“Unpleasant meeting you guys during these circumstances, I would have hoped to meet fellow gamers online rather than offline,” Sora gently replied. “However let us make it pleasant through these quests, it resembles the online world a bit that way,” Sora then gritted his teeth and welcomed them with a smile.

They shook hands as a formal greeting and talked about various of games they had all played to kill the time during the long wait. Their phones buzzed and everyone read the second tab.

Tab 2: “Quest failed,” - Kazuya

Tab 2: “Quest failed,” - Negi

Tab 2: “Quest completed,” - Sora

“Wow you completed the quest,” Negi looked amazed as he had snuck a peak at Sora’s phone.

“This means you are in the top 5%?” Kazuya asked in awe.

“I guess, however I do not care really what it implies, I am just happy to have completed the quest!” Sora replied back facing their surprised faces.

Sora’s phone buzzed. Hiding his secret tab again, and headed on to read the new second tab.

Tab 2: “Congratulations of reaching level 3. You have been granted access to the second floor.”

All three of them gulped, not knowing what this meant or implied. As the second floor was seen as trespassing unless you were a certain level, and the only known thing that they were certain or aware of was the fact it was solely filled and crowded with girls. In addition, the school cafeteria was up there, no more making your own food. The exam results were handed back both by hand, and were also shortly electronically uploaded on another application entitled “School Test Results”. Momentarily after all exams had been handed out the bell rung and signaled it was time for lunch.

Sora found himself yet once more in front of the gate which had previously denied him access. Waiting once more for no girl to be nearby or in sight before he mustered his courage to step forth. Food was a crucial part of recreating himself physically, and exploring the different floors was also something that was needed to be done in order to level up further and graduate. This way Sora knew what he had to do in order to level himself from weak, at least stronger than he is now.

Sora braced himself as he scanned with his phone, giving it a second chance of redeeming itself to grant access, bracing himself once more for what was about to come and him to experience. The gate opened for one person to pass through and it said on the screen this time around, “Access has been successfully granted”.

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