《Hero Delivery》chapter 7


Somewhere, where none dared to tread, on a broken world, in a storm of sand, to people walk the dunes searching.

“Where are we?” The woman asks pulling up her mask to keep the sand off her face.

The man shouted to be heard over the storm. “Beyond the void!”

“No! This is a desert, and why are we walking?”

“Have you ever tried to drive a truck over sand dunes?” The man asked as the storm suddenly passed, leaving the two people staring at each other. The woman looked annoyed and the man just rolled his eyes before adding, “ it's the only way we can move here.”

“I thought you could drive anywhere?” She asked sarcastically.

The man became serious with his answer, “Not beyond the void.”

The woman looked around the empty space, nothing to see for miles in every direction except for the wandering storms. “Why are we even here?”

The man turned and continued making his way across the dunes, “For a delivery.”

The woman hurried to catch up, “To who? There's no one on this entire planet.”

“No, there is one left.”


On an empty stretch of glass, the only place in this world where there was no sand, a god sat trying to understand.

“I watched as my world fell. Taken by the chaos as the last creature fell, and my world died. Nothing but husks of what once was life.” The god paced as he lamented the death of its world. Remembering when he had raged, in his anger he destroyed everything that was left. All the lives he had shepherded gone, all records now destroyed. He had raged until the world was nothing but a desert.

The god stopped his pacing looking around, "What is left?” The god was lost. “What do I do now? There is nowhere for me to go. The other gods fell fighting, and only I hold what's left of the world together.” The god fell o his knees, “Why didn't they come after me after the others fell?”


“Once a world is consumed, they no longer hunt.” A voice said right next to the god, causing him to jump startled. The god looked towards the voice seeing two people standing covered in sand, taking off a pair of masks.

“Who are you?” The god asked in disbelief.

The man wiped the sand off his cloak, “I’m a delivery man.”


“I'm here for a package.” The man said looking down at the god.

“What use do I have for trinkets?” The god's anger began to rise as he snapped, “My world has ended.”

“Yes. It has, but I’m not here for a delivery. I’m here for a pickup.”

“Hey” The woman tapped on the man's shoulder, “What are we picking up?”

“Yes. I would also like to know.” The god asked staring hard at the man.

The man smiled, “A god.”

“Are you my end?” The god asked his anger deflating.

“In a way.”

The god's eyes widened. He finally began to understand "You are..."

“Yes.” The man interrupted the god.

The god began to laugh and laugh bordering the edge of madness before shouting. "Yes! Yes! Let us go, beyond. Beyond, everything!”


It was a long while after the two met the god, and brought him to the truck that the woman finally asked. “Um, what was all that?

“I did my job.”

“But you deliver heroes.”

“I do.”

“But...” Cogs could slowly be seen turning in the woman's head.

The man saw this, “I can see you’re getting it.”

The woman’s eyes widened as she said in disbelief, “There's no way.”

“Why not?” The man asked raising an eyebrow.

“Be...Because he's a god.” The woman stuttered trying to get her words out.

“Why would that make a difference?” The man asked before adding, “Sometimes gods can be heroes too.”

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