《Hero Delivery》chapter 4


Somewhere in a memory two boys are talking.

“What would you do?”

“Conquer the world. How hard could that be?”

“Wow, such lofty ambitions.” A boy said sarcastically, before asking. “Are you going to have them call you my lord and all that?”

“Nah. I think I'll be called just emperor god king will be enough.”

“I see you would remain completely humble.”

The memory was short, but all to important to the boy who stood staring down at the coffin. Inside was the other boy from the memory.

‘That was a good day, If I knew what would happen later, I wonder if I would have done anything different?’ The boy stared down. "Nah. It was a perfect day." Tears dripped down the boys face as they lowered his coffin into the ground.

“A fucking truck. How could you die from a truck?” The boy wailed accusingly to his best friend. The other attendees looked at him sadly understanding his plight. He had just lost his best friend. Why wouldn't he shout?

The boy fell to his knees, just staring listlessly till a woman came, and picked him up. He was a teenager not quite an adult and no longer a child, and he didn't understand. 'How could he be gone.'


A man stood watching a child scream for the heavens for the boy that was lost. The man stares down at the coffin as it is lowered into the ground. There was a body inside, but the boy had been to mangled from the accident to be recognized. The only way they knew it was him was his best friend was standing right there with him when it happened, along with video evidence.

A woman stands next to the man, bitterly looking down, “Is it a cruel thing we do?”


The man’s eyes never wavered from the coffin even when the child scream. “It's something that needs to be done.”

“But what happens with those left behind.” The woman looked around to all the mourners.

“They move on.” The man said coldly.

“Thats a little cruel.”

“It is. Everyone has someone who mourns. There is no such thing as someone who is truly alone, only those who forget, or are lost.” For the first time the man looked away to look at the rest of the mourners.

“That was deep.” The woman said surprised.

“Wasn't meant to be.”

The two stood there surrounded by cries and grief as a child was lost. “Why are we here?”

“To show you what happens after.” The man gestured to the funeral.

“...” The woman was stunned not knowing what to say.

The man looked at her softly before asking her, “Are you lost?”

“...” The woman had no idea what to say, the words shook her. She was completely lost, not knowing where she was going. For now she was just going with the flow, looking for something. The woman looked over to the man who was looking a little sheepish. “What?”

“I may have also screwed up the delivery.”

The woman looked toward the man in disbelief, “You got the wrong kid?”


“Then how'd you screw it up.”


Time passes and the world, continues to turn. A boy finds himself wandering listlessly to school. To him everything was in a haze, and he never felt more alone. He didn’t know what to do with his best friend gone.

Since the funeral the boy would find himself wandering to spots they would always meet, only to find heartbreak.


"I wonder. I wonder what he's doing in heaven?" The boy spoke aloud, before laughing to himself. “Bet he's trying to conquer it.”

“Why would he conquer heaven?”

The boy jumped startled to see a woman talking to him. ‘Who is this person and why is she talking to me?’

The woman taking seeing his silence asked again. “Why would someone want to conquer heaven? Its already paradise.” The woman tilted her head. “I mean thats the definition of heaven.”

The boy answered hesitantly, thinking it would be good to talk about him. “My friend would. If god with all his power couldn't stop evil, then he must be evil himself.” The boy found himself repeating something he half remembered his friend saying.

The girl looked down at the boy eyebrows raised. “Thats not good logic.”

"No it was not.” The boy shrugged, thinking of his friend he smiled.

The woman leaned down to the boy whisper conspiratorially, “Maybe he's just getting the place ready.”

“For what?”

“Who knows.” The woman shrugged.

“Lady you make no sense.”

“O I’m a lady am I?”

‘Is this lady flirting with me.’ The boy thought stuttering a response. “This...This...I can't do this right now. I need to go.” The boy hurried off, rushing towards school.

The woman stopped, with a bitter smile she waved and yelled. "Good bye. and good-luck"

The boy hurried away even faster from the woman, feeling both better and worse. He was a confusing mixture of emotions twisting and turning through his mind. He was so lost he forgot to look both ways before crossing the street.


Somewhere far from the blue marble, a boy is being awoken by another boy.

“About damn time you got here.”


“Where you going to make me conquer this whole world on my own?”

The boy was drowsy and confused, but seeing his best friend alive he couldn’t stop his tears.

“Come on you cry baby.”

“Hey, I’m just dealing with your dead ass.”

“Oh, I died? That explains a few things.”

“Is this heaven?” the boy slowly looked around noticing he was laying on a hill and his friend was sitting with him, wearing what he could only describe as an adventurers outfit complete with a sword.

“If it is heaven is an isekai.” The adventuring boy said smiling reaching down to his friend.

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