《Hero Delivery》chapter 2


In a classroom somewhere on a little blue planet third from the sun, a man is carefully painting something on the floor. From above it looks like a carefully drawn circle with lots of beautiful geometrical symbols, and formations all superimposed upon each other. To some, it might even have been beautiful.

The man is using all types of instruments to get the lines just right when a door to the classroom opens, and a teenage girl enters stopping. Looking at all the intricate lines than at the man creating them all along the floor.

“Excuse me. What are you doing?” The girl asks.

The man continues his drawing while he answers. “Making a magic circle.”

“Oh.” The girl was surprised the man answered, and that he answered so casually, she couldn’t help but follow up. “Is it going to work?”

“It will.”

The girl looked at the geometric designs examining them more closely. ‘They’re very interesting and looking at them kinda hurts my brain. I could see this looking like something that’s supposed to be magical.’ She continued examining the circle when she asked. “What's it supposed to do?”

“Summon heroes to another world.”

“Sounds fun.” The girl believed that it did. Not like how boring school was.

The man slowed slightly in his drawing as he answered. “Sometimes. Other times it ends in a nightmare.”

“Well, I hope it's fun.” The girl smiled.

“Me too.”For the first time, the man stopped to look at the girl. “You in this class?” The man asked.


The man began to stand up from his work brushing his legs. “Well if you want to find out. Come to class next period.”

“Cool.” The girl smiled thinking this was some bit by one of the teachers. ‘This could be a pretty fun class. I wonder if we’re going to go over a light novel or something’ The girl thought. She watched the man slowly pack up his tools which looked oddly intricate before asking. “So you a summoner or something?”


“Something like that.” The man continued packing up his equipment

The girl had a thought. Something that always bothered her about those stories. “Why is it always kids from japan?”

“I think it's all the books and manga, tend to be more open to this stuff. They also seem to be the ones to put the wish to paper most.”

The girl was stunned at the man's response. Then noticed he wasn’t wearing a visitor’s or employee badge. She narrowed her eyes accusing. “Why are you really here?”

“Magic circle.” He said finally finishing packing all his equipment in a large duffel bag.

The girl rolled her eyes at his nonanswer. “You really shouldn't vandalize the classroom like this. Although, I admit it is impressive.”

“Yeah, but I got a big order.” The man said calmly.

‘He’s not even going to deny it.’ The girl was saddened to know that the next class probably wouldn’t be as interesting as she was hoping. “Look if you just clean this up you won't get in trouble.”

“It's alright.” The man smile and started to walk towards the door.

Not wanting any trouble, or to be blamed, the girl stepped out saying “You know what. I'm not going to say anything, but you're covered in paint I don't think you’ll get away with this.”

“That's fine.” The man said walking down the hall of the school.


Later in the day, the bell rings and the classroom starts to fill up. The girl waited to join the middle group not wanting to be one of the first people to notice the intricate diagram along the floor. However, no one mentioned it or even seemed to notice it. The girl had to triple-check to make sure the design was still there, thinking. ‘Maybe, they mentioned this before and I just wasn’t paying attention. Strange.’


The girl continued to examine the floor as the rest of the students took their seats. ‘It really does feel like it could summon you somewhere else.’

The teacher seeing the last student enter walked over to the door closing it to start his class. As the door shut fully door the paint began to light up, and right outside the door, the girl could see the person who painted the magic through the window. The man was waving goodbye towards the girl smiling.

The girl smiled and had one last thought 'Adventure awaits.


On the other side of the door, a man and a woman both covered in paint watched as the light consumed the classroom. At a classroom right next door another light could be seen that was entirely separate from the one the man created.

The woman looked tired as she calmly said, “You know that was the wrong room right?”

“Yeah.” The man stopped waving to the empty room, no longer having anyone to wave to.

“When did you figure it out?”

The man looked thoughtful as he responded. “When I was 90% done with the circle and the girl walked in.”

The woman looked confused. “Why didn't you stop?”

“I was almost done.”

“They’re gonna be pissed.” The woman comment

“Don't worry they’ll still get their original class. I’ll make it a 2 for 1 deal.” The man smiled slyly.

The woman was annoyed “That's not how it works.”

The man shrugged.

“What are they going to do with so many?” The woman asked seeing he wasn’t going to say anything.


“That's horrible.” The woman was horrified by the man's casual answer.

“Look it's their order, and they wanted a whole class maybe more will survive if there are more. They would have more people to rely on.”

“We really need to go somewhere else. The Japanese people don’t need more of their kids disappearing on them.”

“You’re right but what can I say they love these Japanese teens.” The man's smile faded realizing what he just said. “That doesn't sound right.”

“No, it does not.” The woman said shaking her head.

The 2 people began to laugh.

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