《Reincarnation, the beginning.》Chapter 3 ~Family and status~


I was trembling and I couldn't move. Something was telling me that I shouldn't be scared but I was so close to having a heart attack. Even though I thought nothing would shock or scare me after meeting with God... I was mistaken.

I closed my eyes, silently waiting for my death.

Feeling someone lifting me up, I swallowed.

But instead of pain, I felt someone embracing me. Warmth is the only word which could describe how I felt right then. In that instant, I immediately abandoned any thoughts of being eaten.

Slowly opening my eyes, the tremors in my body subsided. I could see a humanoid lizard with tearful eyes and a big smile. That's true happiness. It made me feel like embracing her too, but I couldn’t. The span of my arms was shorter than even her breasts. She giggled at that.

I came to the conclusion that this was my mother. She had blue eyes and violet skin. When she looked into my eyes, she froze for a while before turning back to her previous state and started talking to the big lizard behind her. I could easily say that this was my father, big and muscular with black eyes, green skin and a toothy smile. As he took me in his hands and hugged me, he told something to the mother before giving me away and leaving. Yeah, that was really heartwarming, father...

I want to understand what they are talking about, but learning this language will be a total pain in the ass... but I have to...

On Earth, there weren't any such creatures. I know now that I'm in a different world. I wonder what its name is.

Mom started showing me different things while explaining what it was. She showed me our home.

In the middle, there was fire place with a boiler over it. In the right corner, there was a table with some chairs and in the left corner, there was the kitchen. There was also a separate room for sleeping... Will I sleep with them? Next, mom showed me her garden, full of plants. I think there are herbs which I have never seen before. That's funny, because, in my previous life, I only knew a few like sage, mint, basil or dill.

I caught a few words from her. It wasn't as hard as I thought.


Home – okarthel

Table – ferlarw

Bed – drekiw

Mother – dask

Father – opsola

The latter two might have been their names, but I heard them call each other differently a few times. Amhuus and Queem'a. I think the former is my father's and the later mother.

Mom never lets me down and I always lie in her arms. We were walking around the village... I could say this village wasn’t big. While we were walking, my mother stopped at almost every house. Each time, mom said something to the inhabitants as they were looking into my eyes.

Is something wrong with my eyes? I must check it out later.

I noticed a variety of eye colors among the villagers: black, red, yellow, blue and one or two of them even had violet eyes. Violet is considered special apparently, are my eyes the same color or what? I must check my eyes out later to see what’s wrong with them.

I counted about twenty houses in the village by the end of our walk.

When we went back home, mom sat down and started feeding me. Lizards after hatching are already able to eat solid food.

In the meantime, my father came back with a deer, which had… 6 legs? It's a really weird world, but that explains why he was absent. When mother finished feeding me, she made food for the father.

After a meal, together, we went to sleep.

She put me between them... My thoughts weren't wrong...

Oh! I nearly forget about my 'status'. It showed up this time.

Azzarar Race Gender Age Job Level Next Level Saurians Male 0 non 0 1000 EXP HP Shield HP/Shield Recovery MP MP Restore Points 20 5 0.01/s 20 0.001/s 0 Strength Endurance Resistance Intelligence Wisdom Luck 1 5 23 20 10 17 Skills Name Level Informations Cleaver Master. 6/10 Weapon like choppers and daggers are monsters in your hands. You inflict 20% more damage and enemy injuries heal slower. Dissecting Apprentice. 3/10 By checking corpse. You know how it died. Titles Name Informations Butcher Greater chance for critical hit and knowledge in butchery. Blessings Ilixochit's blessing Gives you affinity: 5% with water and resistance: 5% with earth and water. Change one thing in your appearance. Equipment Non You should find clothes. Runic Magic [LOCKED]


God! There is a lot of this. It will be a long night...

I wouldn’t know what to do with most of them, even if I hadn’t been playing an RPG. I really don't know what mana is…

Mana – energy which permeates inanimate(stone, soil, air, water) and animated(animals, plants) nature. All creatures possess this energy. It is essential in using Runic Magic or certain skills.

Oh! So that's how it works, I only have to think about it. So here goes 'Runic Magic'.

Runic Magic – Divided into four types, each with their own technique

FIRE - Fire Bolts

WATER - Stream of water

WIND - Environmental manipulation

EARTH - Earthquake

Casting Runic Magic requires the possession of Runic Symbols, the appropriate Chants and Mana. Runic Magic can also be cast if you have Runic Papers or Runic Tattoos, which can be given by the Gods, higher existences or can be found in ancient sites. Very few creatures have Runic Tattoos written onto their soul, which they can activate instantly, namely Dragons. Runic magic is stronger than Skill Magic.

Hmmm... interesting, but I can't use Runic Magic, yet. Next 'Runic Symbols and Skill Magic'

Runic Symbols – Can be found in the book "Runic Language and Alphabet", there are currently four that can be found on Terra.

Skill Magic – Considered as Skills. There are a vast number of them. Skills require less mana to use and is weaker than Runic Magic.

Not really helpful... but at least now I know the name of this world 'Terra'.

Skill Magic instead of Runic Magic, kind of a substitute.

'Runic Paper' and 'Runic Tattoo'.

Runic Paper – Paper with mana filled Runic Symbols on them. Limited.

Runic Tattoo – Symbol of one type of Runic Magic. When found, sews to your skin permanently

Next 'Skill'.

Skill – ability, aptitude; proficiency, expertise; craft or trade that requires special training or earned by title.

It explains how I got my skills - past life knowledge. Let's check: 'Titles' and 'Blessings'.

Titles – Acquired by executing a job, to honor you, in commemoration of your work. Grants you buffs or skills.

Blessings – Granted by the gods. You never know what you might receive.

Butcher... I won't comment on that.

I wonder why god gave me this blessing. Change appearance? Does it mean my eyes are different? Next 'Shield, Points, Strength, Endurance, Resistance, Intelligence, Dexterity and Luck'. Every *ding* was annoying as fuck...

Shield – Absorbs damage, pain, and prevents the loss of HP until it is destroyed. Its durability increases with every level.

Points - Five gained with every level up. Distributed by you between the different Stats. Each point provides a different amount of stat, depending on the attribute. With every use on an attribute, you require 1P more than previously used on selected attribute to effect stats.

Strength – {1 STR equal 1 kg. 1P - 3 str} How hard you can punch or lift up. Can be increased by hard work.

Endurance – {1P – 5 END} Consists of Stamina and how much of an impact and pain you are able to endure. {5 Stamina = running for 5 seconds before feeling fatigue}. {5 END = Pain > 5kg (if greater, you will start feeling pain). = Impact > 10 kg (if more you will black out)}. Can be increased by hard work.

Resistance – {1P – 1°C up and 0,5°C down} {Currently: 39>0>-13}. Resistance against weather anomalies (heat, frost).

Debuffs: { >39 (heat) ~ 0,5 times slower HP recovery and possibility of dizziness. Higher resistance – 1.25 times. Higher resistance by wearing headgear or 5 minutes of resistance gained by drinking 200 ml of water.}

{ -13> (frost) ~ 0,25 times slower HP recover and lose -0.025/s HP. Slower movements – 0,5 times. Higher resistance by wearing furry clothes.}

Intelligence – {1P – 3 INT} Increases mana. Every 5 INT grants 5 mana. Can be increased by cultivating, finding Runic Tattoo’s and by learning, understanding etc.

Wisdom – {1P – 3 DEX} Resistance against Runic Magic/Magic. Increases mana recovery by an additional 0.001/s for each 7 DEX. Resistance against magic, each 7 DEX adds 1% against Skill Magic and each 11 DEX adds 1% against Runic Magic. Can be increased by cultivating, finding Runic Tattoo’s and by learning, understanding etc.

Luck – {1P – 5 LUCK}. Each 20 LUCK grants an additional 5% for critical hit.

That took a while... I'm sleepy…

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