《A World Forgotten》13. Making a Community


John woke up early. He heard a light rain pattering against the canvas covering. He lit a candle and opened his notepad. “So many things I’d like to get done today.” He looked up at the covering. “Doesn’t look like much progress will be made on the apartments and stable unless the sun comes out. Or we’ll just work in the rain.” He shrugged and looked back down at his paper. “Number one is basically done. Everyone knows to be careful now. I really need to talk to the guards though to see who is staying and who is going. I can spend the day talking to people. Oh that’s another thing we need.”

Laws. Go with council?

He closed his eyes and laid there, book against his chest. Time to start divvying up some of the work for others to do. I’m going to pick a council, and we’ll discuss laws right away this morning. We need to decide who also gets the first homes. I’m thinking the families with kids. We’ll see what others say. And the guards, the guards. He drifted back to sleep.

An unknown while later, he awoke to something hitting the wagon. He quickly got dressed, grabbed his notepad, and exited it. The kids had a ball and were kicking it back and forth sometimes hitting the wagon. Ugh. Oh well. I needed to get up anyway. The sun’s starting to peak out among the clouds. He looked up at the gray clouds then over to the daily meal area. It was filled with people, many of whom he wanted to talk to. He walked over.

“Good morning everyone.” A few head nods and mornings answered back. “We need to talk about a few things today before we begin the daily work. I need to talk to the guards to find out how long they’re staying.” John nodded to the group clustered together. “I also came to a decision last night, in regard to the community we are building.” People hushed and looked at him. “I’ve decided to appoint three people, beside myself and Drew, to be on it. They are Inara, Gramps, and Gert.” Some of them looked surprised. “This is only the beginning. We will rotate who is on it every so often. No kids obviously. Our first group is going to determine the set of laws we have here, things like not hurting each other, stealing, and so on. They’ll be basic for now. Each group will also determine the punishment for any law broken. I think it will be fair that way. Rather than one deciding someone’s fate, multiple will. The other thing the group will have to meet on, and this is every group, is trade agreements. I won’t make that decision myself anymore”

“Sounds good to me!” yelled Mani. “That’ll give us time to do other things and not be stuck here. We want to explore the Forest.”

John shrugged. “I can’t stop you, and actually, I’d appreciate it if you did. We need to know what’s there. But there will come a time where you’ll have to serve on it. Only the first one will need to meet to determine laws. The next groups will only need to meet if a law is broken or if new trade deals need to be decided. Understand?” People nodded and agreed.

“Now the final thing.” John looked at Drew. “It’s time I stop trying to do everything and do what I had said I’d do.” He motioned to Drew. “Drew will now be in charge of the basic runnings of the community. I trust him. So I ask that you put your trust in him. He is as dedicated to this venture as am I.” He took a step back.


Drew stood nervously. “I, um, thanks. I wasn’t expecting this this morning.” He gave John the stink eye and cleared his throat. “I’ll do my best to make sure we get everything we need, with your help of course. Marie will, at some point, be coming by to get your opinions on things we need that may have been forgotten. So yea. Here's an update as to my plan. We hope to finish another dwelling today and the next two in the coming days. As you know, they won’t be finished on the inside, but it’ll be roofs over our heads. We’ll get there in time. The animal pens are finished, so we’ve started on a stable.” He looked to John.

“All you buddy. Keep going. Whatever you say goes.” John smiled.

“I’d also like for volunteers to help dig a cellar on the side of the hill to store our food. We won’t be able to depend on the mages forever, so we may as well do some of this ourselves. I’d really like a list of what we may need in two days. The guards, some of them, will be heading back soon. With John’s permission, I’d like to use any funds we have available to purchase more grain and some of the suggested items.” Drew stopped, taking a deep breath. “We’re building a community now. We are doing it together. So don’t hesitate to help. Marek has started plowing a field.” He nodded to Marek. “I don’t know what he needs or if he needs help, so please, just ask around. We’re in this together. Let’s succeed together.” He plopped in his chair and turned to John. “I hate you,” he said, face red.

No one moved. Then John spoke. “You heard the man. Let’s get those houses built, the cellar dug, and the stable built.” He looked at the guards and various people. “I’d only like to add one thing, two really. I think the first apartments, that’s what I’m calling them, should go to the families. I know I can make do for a few more days. I ask you do the same.” Some smiled, some frowned, but no one complained. “Lastly, I’d like to speak to the guards and the first council members before they leave. Thank you.” After speaking, the crowd went back to eating. They’d soon begin their days.


John and Drew stood with the guards and Inara, Gramps, and Gert, Vin’s wife.

“When did you plan to leave? And who of you plans to stay?” John asked.

“Nathan, Sara, and I are staying,” Willis replied. “Richard and Simon are going back.”

John nodded. “Excellent. While I wish you’d all stay, I understand why you want to return.” John shook their hands. “But may I ask a favor?”

“Shoot,” Richard replied.

“I’d like you to wait two days, once we have the list of things we may need. Baron Danielson offered to send me what we needed, along with any volunteers that decided to come later. Will you stay two days?”

Simon replied this time. “Sure. Why not. What’s two more days.”

“Thank you. In two days then, I’ll give you two horses to ride back along with our list of items and a letter to the Baron, along with payment. Our community appreciates it. Thanks. That’s all I needed.” John waved to them as they left.

John looked in his notepad. 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, and 11 done or being worked on. He crossed them out. He looked up at the ones who had stayed. “To put it bluntly you four, we need laws. Some basic rules to live by. They’ll be added to the city status once we confirm them. They don’t have to be too specific. I think right now it would be better if they’re broad, allowing whoever is on the council to interpret them and decide someone’s fate. Agreed?” They nodded.


“Here’s what I have so far which isn’t much: Do no harm unto others. That will encompass a lot of things. And do not steal from others.”

“Truthfully young man, that’s a good start. And right now, I think that’s all that’s needed. Maybe just add a little something about how no one is above the law?” Gramps spoke up.

“I don’t do well under pressure. I need time to think. But I agree with Cale. It’s a good start.” Gert added her opinion.

Inara spoke. “Everyone must wear clothes?” She laughed.

Drew raised his eyebrow. “Actually, that should be added. Some kind of common decency. What about education? You talked about having the kids in school. Does that need to be a law?”

“Good question. Not yet I don’t think. Maybe when we get more children.” John stopped to think. “How about this. Have common decency towards your fellow villagers with respect to personal hygiene and clothing.”

“Sounds good. We done? I got fishing to do.” Gramps was chomping at the bit to leave.

“Yes, of course. We can always add more.” John smiled. “Thank you guys. We'll get this added into our laws. I hope we never have to use them.” Gramps and the other two quickly sped off.

“I’ll leave the honors to you, to add them. We also need to get them all added to our resident list. Maybe we can have a ceremony when all the houses are built, where they accept together?” John asked Drew.

“I think they’d like that. A formal swearing in.” Drew looked towards the lake at Gramps and continued. “I was worried you had decided not to trust me, you know? You were still doing everything on your own, not including me.” He looked over to John.

John could see he'd hurt Drew. “I know, and I’m sorry. I mean it. From now on, you're in charge. Not me.”

After a moment, Drew replied. “Then get to work,” he said, smiling. John saluted and went to the wagons to continue his deconstruction.


The evening was a busy one and a quiet one.

Another house was finished by the end of the day. Saul continued to work on the walls of another in the absence of Virgil who was exhausted from so much work. Marek’s family, Cale’s family, and Jo’s family all moved into the first apartments. The villagers wanted John to take the other but he refused, instead giving it to Virgil and Saul. Monty and Ivan’s families, along with Mani and Yara, the other two adventures, took three of the new apartments. They gave the last to Bethany, even though she too tried to refuse.

They’d made progress too on the cellar and the stable. Marek finished plowing the field with the help of his wife and kids. They’d plant the first crop of River’s End tomorrow.

John had broken down the last two wagons. Unfortunately, it wouldn’t be enough for both roofs. They would need to build the sawmill soon. Bethany had begun taking inventory, taking breaks to talk to the other villagers.

Monty and Ivan returned shortly after dusk had set. They told John that one of the caves had no outlet, and that it could be used as a fall back point if they were attacked. The other cave, they think, led to the tunnel system the Goblins used. They didn’t travel too far in.

John laid back in his chair, looking at the stars. It’s so beautiful here. Back home, the little I remember, the sky didn’t look like this. The city lights drowned out everything. I really didn’t have much time to look though either. He closed his eyes. After this list is done, I’m taking Drew hunting. I’m ready to know what has changed back home. He slept under the stars that night.


John was awoken at the crack of dawn by pots and pans being hit together. He slowly opened an eye and looked in the direction of the noise. Karmen stood in the ‘kitchen’ beginning to make breakfast. Also making as much of a racket as she could.

“Ugh, really Karmen. I was sleeping so good.” He groggily sat up. “Any bacon left?” He asked, mouth watering at the thought. “If so, can you fry me some up this morning? Please?”

“For his majesty, anything.” Karmen rolled her eyes and threw some meat that looked bacon into a sizzling pan. “Anything else, sir?” She asked, curtsying.

By this time, John was standing. “Knock it off would you. Others may start bowing to me too. I may get used to that and expect it every morning.” He saw a smile out of the corner of his eye. He walked to a table, grabbed a knife, and began dicing onions and potatoes. This morning, it would be a hearty breakfast.

Others soon began to show up.

“Morning John,” greeted Lenz. Others nodded their heads and waited in line for food.

“You forgot to bow Lenz.” He gave Karmen a worried look, then to John. She stood with her hands on her waist waiting. Then she laughed and cracked some eggs in a skillet.

“I was hoping that wasn’t a thing. Thank god.” Some of the people behind him chuckled. Lenz filled some mugs of water for others. He looked at John. “I have quite a few trees knocked down, John. We need to begin stripping them. We can make some rough hewn slats out of them to build the sawmill. Then we can make some pretty lumber with that circular saw I saw to finish the homes.” He smiled and stopped, fiddling with plates and mugs. “If I can be honest, I really think we need to build some sort of commonhall. Eating out here is great, but. You know. It would be nice to have a place inside to eat.” He seemed nervous suggesting it.

“I think that’s a good idea. I”ll suggest it to Drew. Of course it’ll have to wait ‘til the houses and cellar are built. And of course the sawmill.A hall where we can all meet and eat, that’d be great. I like it Lenz.” John patted him on the shoulder. He turned to the others showing up. “That goes the same for all of you. Find Bethany. Give her your suggestions, if she hasn’t found you already. We’ll take everything under consideration.” John stopped dicing. “I’ll leave this to you now Karmen.” He filled a plate, bowed, and went to a chair to eat.

Monty and Marek stood talking, pointing in the distance towards the lake. Looks like they’re plotting the plots. Ha. If they can get one of the fields planted, that’d be a great start for our food supplies. I hope it’s potatoes and corn. Wheat’s great and all, but the bread here isn’t really that good. Hard as rock. That reminds me. Bread. We’ll have to make some more. 40 loaves? That’ll be 10 sacks of ore. Do we even need that much yet? Maybe 20 loaves first. Wait and see, wait and see. Number 12 on the list. John made a mental note. He was lost in his thoughts when he noticed Drew approaching.

“Morning John. What’s your plan for the day?” Drew sat with his plate of food.

“Same ‘ol same ‘ol.” He smiled at Drew. “First I’m going to find Virgil. Talk about number 5.” Drew looked at him, confused. “Sorry. Defenses is number five on my list of things to do.” He stopped, thinking. “I’m going to help Lenz strip logs and begin making rough planks for the sawmill. We need it going ASAP. He also suggested, and I said I’d talk to you about it, a common hall, where we can meet and eat. I told him too that it would be a bit if we did. Things to finish before that. The rest of the day? Who knows. Maybe help in a field.” John pointed to the two farmers. “Looks like they have big plans today and may need some help. Come to think of it, maybe we can get a small garden going by the homes. Tomatoes, cabbages, those sorts of things. Don’t need a big field for those. It’ll be something to do.”

“Sounds good to me. We’ll finish the cellar today, and the ‘stable,’ he stopped, putting up air quotes. “It’s more of a lean-to, but it’ll work.” He took another bite. Then continued. “What else is on that list of yours?” Drew asked, giving him a look.

“Actually, most of the stuff is either done or being worked on. I think. I’ll have to look. I can’t recall them all, hence the list.” John laughed a little. He rubbed his hands together. “Gonna find Virgil. I haven’t seen him for a couple days. I hope he’s ok. He’s old, and been working hard.”

“I saw him yesterday afternoon. I’m sure he’s fine. Good luck. I’ll be helping with the cellar and stable. Then I’ll come help with stripping some wood.” Drew waved to John who turned and left.

Seems a little less stressed, Drew thought, as John walked away. Hopefully doing some work will take his mind off some things. Ugh. Thinking of stressing. “Status.”

Drew Cooper

Level: 1

Class: none

Job: none








Health Regen








Stamina Regen








Mana Regen




10% decreased accuracy while in a fight. Can be changed or removed

River's End: Citizen

Position: Assistant Mayor

Job Perks

Combat Perks




No changes. No surprise I guess. John did say it would get harder. I need to start leveling. I need to have someone take me out fighting. Or get a job. What do I want to do? I like building. I also like working with the animals and fishing. I like everything haha. I am a completely different person than even two weeks ago! Has it even been two weeks? I’ve lost count. I’m rambling again too. Drew breathed deeply. “Time to get this day started. On to the stable!” He dropped his plate off at the eating area and jogged to the animal pens.


John found Virgil sitting at a table near the houses. He walked up and sat down next to him. “How are you feeling, Virgil?” he asked. “Did you overdo it?”

“I’m fine now young man. Just fine.” Virgil looked up from his book. “Yes, I did overdo it a little at the bridge, but I’ve regained my strength enough to continue to help. Having a roof over my head helps,” he said, smiling.

“I’m glad, very glad.” John got out his notepad. “I actually wanted your opinion, if you don’t mind, about our defenses.” Virgil looked at him, interested in what he had to ask. “While we’re in a good, defensible position with a lot of natural boundaries, I feel like the area is too big to build a wall. It’s just too large. I”m not saying it can’t be done with time, but to do it quickly would be impossible. Do you agree?” John waited, thumbing his notepad.

“Yes, I do.” Virgil tapped his book. “It’s actually what I’ve been thinking about. A wall, like the kind we would need here, would take months to build. Even with Saul helping, I just don’t think that’s feasible. We need something now, yes?” John nodded his agreement. “So here’s my thought. It’s not perfect, but it’s a solution.” He took a sip of tea. “Believe it or not, it’s actually easier to remove dirt than to build it up.” John looked at him inquisitively. “I guess you can think of it as the difference between pushing the ground out of the way or pulling it up, stacking it as it were, to create new ground, or walls or whatever it may be. For a nature mage, the ground is almost liquid. So there isn’t much friction pushing it. But pulling it up? We have gravity to work against. Understand?” He took another sip.

“So what are you suggesting, that we dig a moat? Or a canal around the hill?” John asked.

“Yes and no. The hill, for what it's worth, isn’t that large. But it has a decent grade to it and is tall for the area. What I”m suggesting we do is cut away at the earth around the hill, pushing it away to create a wall that we will harden. Above it, we create a smaller wall and flatten the area behind it, for standing. Three, four feet maybe in the beginning. Enough to stand behind or duck if need be. In essence, we’ll create a wall that will be eight to ten feet high in total. You look confused.” He smiled. “Here, like so.” He grabbed my notepad and pencil and drew his thoughts.

“Is it the best solution? Absolutely not. That would be a wall running from the outcropping to our west to perhaps the river and lake to our south and east. But, like I said, that will take months. And we can still do that. later. But we need security immediately, if even for the short term. This?” He pointed at the drawing. “That will take a week. It is easy to push the dirt away. It will take even less time if people help. They dug a cellar the size of my cottage back at the college in two days! Granted my cottage was small, but you understand my point.” Virgil sat back, pleased with himself.

“The picture helped. But I can’t make the decision on my own anymore. I will show Drew and get his opinion.” John looked again at the drawing, doubtful. “A week, really?” Virgil nodded, fingers steepled. “Ok then. We’re going to owe you big time you know. I would have never thought of this. I doubt anyone else either.” John closed his book. “So old man.” Virgil sat up. “Do you still plan on staying here? Helping out?” He smirked.

“Yes, I believe I do. Let’s leave it at that for the moment hmm?” Virgil replied. He clasped his book and made to stand. “I believe I will help Saul today finish the final apartment. Is that what I heard you call it?” John nodded. “Hmm. Then I will begin preparing to build the wall, whatever the choice may be. Good day John.” John stood, and Virgil smiled and walked to the dwellings.

I’m going to owe him a lot. Ugh. But he is worth it for sure. John walked around the hill, kicking the dirt, trying to estimate how much would need to be removed. I guess it is kinda steep in certain parts. Especially in the north. Maybe it would only take him a week. I’ll talk to Drew. He’s on the way to Lenz anyway. Musing to himself, John walked around the hill, continuing to measure the ground, on his way to Drew.


“Um, what is this?” Drew asked, looking at the sketch John had handed him.

“That is Virgil’s solution to our defense problem. Basically, it’s a retaining wall with a wall built on top of it to extend the height. I didn’t want to say that to him, because that’s something from our world. But yea, that’s what it is.” John let Drew study the picture for a minute. “It’s not a bad solution. I doubt it would keep people from climbing in, but it would maybe make them think twice about it.” Drew nodded along as he spoke. “He said it would take about a week or so, and if people helped dig around the hill, maybe less.” Drew pondered it. “Here’s the kicker. He said it would take months to build the wall we truly need. And honestly, we don’t have the man-power to watch it all anyway. Not yet. That’s what did it for me. He admitted it’s not the best solution, but it’s a good one, an immediate solution.”

“I don’t disagree. I think this should be brought up to everyone though, because it affects them too.” Drew looked at the hill the town would stand on. It was oblong, and higher in the west and north with a steeper slope. In the south and east, it had a gentler slope. “I think we might have to amend it a little. I just don’t think it’s steep enough in the east and south. We will probably have to build the wall taller there. But it’s definitely a good start. We’ll bring it up at dinner tonight. Virgil will be there, and he can add his input.” Drew handed the paper back to John.

“Awesome. I doubt we’ll have another option.” John put the notepad in his pocket. “Ok. Well. I”m going to head to help Lenz, then maybe to help Monty and Marek. Lots of time in the day yet. How’s it going here?”

Drew pointed. “The one wall collapsed. Too much weight and not enough support. That’s what happens when you don’t actually have a Carpenter working on something. We’ll get it done today though. Vin is coming over soon to help.” Drew put on a polite smile.

“That stinks. It was going so well too. You’ll get it done with Vin’s help, no problem. I’m gonna go help Lenz. I’ll see you later, at dinner.” John smiled and continued to the woods.


John spent several hours scraping bark and removing small branches from the fallen trees. He was amazed how many Lenz had already felled. There were at least two dozen laying on the ground in the vicinity. Together, they were able to completely debark five of them. It was extremely grueling work.

“I don’t think I can do anymore of this today. I don’t know how you’ve done so much already.” John was exhausted.

“My perk at level 10 was decreased stamina usage. I can do something lumber related longer than normal.” Lenz had begun his sixth tree of the day. “This will be my last. Even with more stamina essentially, it gets boring. I’ll knock a couple more trees down and call it a day.”

“You’re doing good work. Thank you. I’m going to go farm for a bit. Take a break from this,” John pointed at the finished trees. He waved and went to the fields.

At this rate, I may even get a point in endurance or strength. This is more work than I've done in years! John crested a small hill as he thought to himself. A short distance away, Monty was leading a horse and plow turning under the tall grass while his son, Erik, followed on another with a contraption that broke up the dirt. They’re making a lot of progress quickly.

John yelled to get their attention. “Hey guys! Need some help?” He walked up to Monty, trying not to trip on the large clumps of dirt. “I’m glad I have all this agility, or I would have face-planted,” he laughed.

“Not much work to do, sorry.” Monty had taken out a rag and wiped his face. “Preparing the ground. Lots of rocks.” He shrugged.

Erik added. “Yea, the fool over there decided to plant even with the rocks.” Marek gave him a sour face. “Sorry pops, but that’s dumb and you know it. We’re going to make a rock picker tomorrow, pull it through the ground and collect the stones. Make a big ass pile.” Marek glared. “Then use ‘em to help with irrigation channels. We’ll have the best farm here!” Erik yelled proudly, loud enough for Marek to turn and scowl.

“Rotten.” Marek pointed to Erik. “Keep going.” Erik sulked, leading the horse on.

John looked rejected. “That’s ok. I’ll get my fishing pole and fish for the rest of the evening. It’ll be nice to relax a little. Bye Monty.” Monty waved.

Well that sucks. Oh well. I’ll just fish ‘til supper time. It’ll be good to clear my mind. John got his fishing pole from his pile of stuff and went fishing.

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