《A World Forgotten》9. Beginnings


“Find a table. I have lots of notes I’d like to share.” Not finding one open, John grabbed a crate and some chairs and improvised. “But first. City status, Administration Options.” He smiled at Drew. “Appoint Drew Cooper Assistant Mayor.” John crossed his fingers. “Try it out. See if you can access the menu. We have to find out if it works, because if it doesn’t, our plan is screwed.”

“City Status. Expand Residents.” A disappointed look crossed his face. “Nope. Nothing.” Drew thought for a minute. “Does it still say pending next to my name? I noticed it before, but you know, we didn't get to talk about it anymore and I had forgotten about it.” John looked and nodded yes. “Let me check my status. Maybe I have to accept to be a full fledged citizen. Status.”

Drew Cooper

Level: 1

Class: none

Job: none








Health Regen








Stamina Regen








Mana Regen




10% decreased accuracy while in a fight. Can be changed or removed

Citizen: River's End


Position: Assistant Mayor


Job Perks

Combat Perks




“Looks like I have to accept it before it’s official? Accept citizen. Accept Position.” Drew closed his status window. “Now let me try. City Status. Expand Residents.” Drew looked at John and smiled.

Residents: 2

John Mitchell, Mayor

Level 28 Swordsman. Level 25 Carpenter

Drew Cooper, Assistant Mayor

None. None

“It worked? Oh thank god haha.” John hit his hand on the crate in celebration. "One sec." John pulled up his status, seeing River's End Citizen, and Mayor. "I guess since I founded the town, I was automatically a citizen and the mayor. Makes sense. Otherwise I could just add whoever I wanted."

Drew nodded in agreement. “So where do we begin John?” Drew thought for a moment. “In past experience, keep in mind it was in games, I would need to build some homes. Farms to feed people. A sawmill for more building materials.” Drew spaced out, looking at the menu. “Lots of interesting things here. I don’t think we can micro-manage the community, now that I’m able to see more. I think it’s more similar to our status screens than you think. Sure it allows us to appoint people to offices, set taxes and laws, and create trade agreements, but other than that, it kinda just lists information about things, our buildings, people, and inventory

“So I did over-react.” John sighed, rubbing his hands together. “I think it was information overload. Even still. I think you should be in charge of it, for the most part. I do have some ideas though, as far as buildings are concerned. We need to get Vin and Bethany. He’s the carpenter and she’s a bookkeeper. I think they’ll make our jobs even easier.” John stood up. “Bethany was serving breakfast. I’ll get here. You find Vin, and find Lenz too. He’s the lumberjack. We need to get started building. Meet back here in 15 minutes.” He walked away, not allowing Drew to answer, again excited.


John first ran to his wagon to get a satchel. He found Bethany exactly where she had been, serving breakfast. He told her she was needed, hollered at Karmen to take over, and dragged her to the crate.

“Here,” John said, handing a notepad and pencil to Bethany. “I’ll make it official soon, but I’d like you to be our secretary. Probably not exactly what you’re used to, but we need someone to keep track of everything. I can do some of it in my city menu, but I’d like paper copies too. I just feel with them better ya know?” He said that, holding up his own notebook. “And sometimes finding what I need in the menu takes me a bit, or I say the wrong thing.”


“It’s fine. Really. I accept. What would you like me to start on?” Bethany waited patiently.

“First, we’re having a meeting with Vin and Lenz on construction projects. We need to figure out what materials we need and what we have.” He stopped, thinking. “In my bag in the wagon, I have a manifest of everything that came here with us. I’d like it better organized if you can, and I’d like to know what we have left food-wise.” Drew and Vin came around the wagon mid-sentence.

“I couldn’t find Lenz, but Vin was preparing his tools. He figured we’d be starting soon. Vin,” Drew introduced him.

“We met briefly. I”m really sorry we didn’t get to talk earlier. I’ve been extremely busy.” John offered his hand.

“No biggy. What we workin’ on first? Houses?” Vin replied, straight to business.

Drew answered. “Yes. We’ll need shelter for sure. I’m thinking a sawmill next, near the northeastern woods. We’ll need some fences for the animals, but others can do that. I’m worried we’re going to run out of lumber really fast.”

“I planned for that,” John said, proudly. “We’re going to disassemble the five wagons I purchased for more lumber, and here,” he said, opening a book he’d retrieved from his satchel. “These are plans for modified houses.” He pointed to the diagram. “The floor plans are the same as a regular three room home, but instead of being built singularly, four are built together, sharing walls. It will cut down our lumber usage by about a fourth.”

Vin studied the blueprints, turning them. He got out a small book he carried in his belt, comparing a few diagrams. “It’s doable. I don’t think it’ll save as much lumber as you think. The roof will need to be taller. How many families do we have right now? How many would we need to build?”

“We have about 40 people total. Eight families. I know it might be tight for a bit, but I think if we can get three groups of four homes built, people would be willing to bunk together until we get more done. I know that’s being optimistic, but I really think people will understand.” John waited, worried what the others may say.

“I agree. I mean I’ve been sleeping on a crate for a week. A floor will be an upgrade,” Drew replied laughing.

Bethany chimed in, “I came here expecting to rough it a bit. Sharing a room with someone won’t bother me. I’ve always loved the outdoors. Can’t get much more outdoorsy than here.”

“I’ll need some help, preferably a few people. Even if they have no idea what they’re doing. I have a skill for that called Knowledge Aura, not that uncommon in tradecraft. As long as they’re working around me, they’ll have a better understanding of carpentry. Without my skill, we’d have a disaster. Nothing would be cut correctly or put together right. It’s handy in training apprentices, let me tell ya.” Vin was thumbing through some diagrams as he spoke. “We’ll need some outhouses too. Unless you want that sort of thing to happen in the open. I doubt we’ll have any type of plumbing for a while?”

“No, not for a while. Good thinking though. Hadn’t even thought of that.” John closed his book. “Sounds like we have the beginnings of a plan. Virgil said he would help us with little projects as needed. Vin, I’m unfamiliar with the building part of carpentry. If you need him to level ground, find him. Or he may just pawn Saul off onto ya.” He looked at Drew. “I’d like you to find Lenz. He can begin felling trees near the future sawmill site unless he wants to help Vin. I’d also like you to organize building the fences you talked about for the animals. Use scraps if you have to. I’m tired of stepping in shit.” Vin snorted. “I’m going to find you some help Vin. Then I’m going to begin unloading the wagons and taking them apart. Bethany, I’d like you to take a current inventory of our items, especially food. I’d also like you to talk to each person, find out what they think is important that we may need. Obviously I haven’t thought of everything. I don’t expect it all done today. Don’t work yourself to the bone. And I don’t need you counting every single nail.” He said that with a smile. “Here we go!” John ran to first find Mani and Yara, two fellow adventurers.


“He seems a little wired up right now,” Bethany said, tapping her notepad.

“Yea. He’s wanted this for a long time. Let’s do our best to help him achieve it.” Drew headed to find Lenz.


“Gather round. I have your first job for you.” The children were in a semi-circle around Drew. Along with two of the guards. “Nathan and Richard here are going to escort you to the nearby woods. Gerard, you’re in charge. I’d like you and the other kids to find as many sturdy pieces of wood as you can find. About this big.” Drew held his hands about a meter apart. They’re going to be used as fence posts for the animal pens. So keep that in mind. They can’t be small. You’ll be the judge alright Gerard?” Drew motioned to the side. “There’s two handcarts here I’d like you to fill up. If you do a good job, I have a reward for you.” He held up a bag of hard candies.

“Do you see that? Let’s go!” one of them yelled, pointing at the bag.

“C’mon already! I’m going to find the most! I’ll win the most candy!” yelled another.

Some of the smaller kids loaded into the handcarts to be pushed by another, slapping their hands on the side making horse noises. Others took off running towards the woods. “Good luck gentleman. Try to keep ‘em in line eh?” Drew handed them the small bag. “Bribe ‘em if they get too bad.” Richard rolled his eyes, opening the bag and throwing a piece in his mouth. The two guards took off after the kids.

Drew walked towards another section of the woods to the west. “I don’t envy them at all,” he said, taking out another small bag and popping a piece in his mouth. Faintly, he could hear the sound of an axe hitting a tree. “Found him.” He walked around a small cluster of trees. Lenz was chopping away, having already felled two trees. Drew approached, trying not to startle him. At that moment, the tree cracked. It slowly fell towards the ground making a small boom sound. Drew took this moment to interrupt. “Lenz. I see you’ve already gotten started.”

Turning quickly at the voice, with the axe raised, Lens saw it was only Drew. “Sorry, yea. Yea I wanted to get going early.” Noticing his axe was still raised, he lowered it. “Sorry about that. Never know who’s sneaking up on you.”

“It’s fine. I waited ‘til the tree fell, thought I’d be less likely to scare you.” Drew approached. “My goal was to see if you were willing to start working today, but we both know the answer to that.” He picked up a stick. “Where do you think the best spot for the sawmill will be? Here? Or closer to the settlement? Or another part of the woods? We’d like your input.”

“Really? No one has ever cared before. Just had me knocking down trees.” Lenz thought for a moment, walking out from the edge of the woods. He looked left and right and back towards where the village would be. “It’s not too far of a walk from here to the village, but these are big solid trees. It would be best to build it here, maybe a little farther east closer to the middle of it. It’ll be easier to move the smaller finished pieces than these big felled trees.”

“I agree. That’s what we’ll do then. Thanks.” He tossed the stick on the ground. “I’m going to go back, talk with John and Vin. The plan will be to build the sawmill in this area. Keep knocking down trees if you would. We’ll need them soon anyway. May as well have some ready no?” Drew nodded his appreciation and walked back to the village to begin organizing the animals and anyone willing to help build the fence.


John was able to wrangle up several people willing to help: Marek, Jenifer, Tafa, and Dragi. He had hoped for more, but some were out hunting, some fishing, and some just not able. And some were missing. They must be the ones I saw heading out this morning, John thought to himself. They’re probably looking for some lodes to begin mining, talking about Steven and Stanley. “No big deal. They’re probably as excited as I am. The possibilities are endless!”

The group of four just looked at him. “Sorry. I forgot you were standing here for a moment and was talking to myself,” he said, embarrassed. “Vin! I brought you some workers!” Vin turned from his conversation with Virgil. “I’m going to bring the wagon over, the one full of finished lumber. A crate of nails, shingles. What else do you need?”

“The tools. Hammers, saws, the levels. Not the windows yet. I’ll make a few work horses quick. Virgil here is leveling the ground for four dwellings.” He waved. “I did some quick math and inventory of lumber while you were gone. If we make them just a little smaller, we may have enough for four groups of homes. I think most people will be satisfied with the size. There’s always those that won’t be,” he said, shrugging. “Each will consist of a small common room and two bedrooms, four grouped together.” He had his book out, studying. “I know you had planned to offload all the wagons, but If you help, with your level, we will be able to get each dwelling done in two, three days. They won’t be finished mind you, but they’ll be livable.”

“That sounds absolutely amazing!” John clapped his hands. “I’ll be back as soon as I can with the materials.” With that, he left the group to begin prepping. “This is so exciting. It’s finally happening!” John was like a kid in a candy shop.


John got to the wagons and found Bethany mumbling to herself. “Damn kids.” She was throwing items around.

“What’s wrong?” John asked her.

“Kids must have been in here. Everything’s a mess,” she grumbled.

John just laughed. “Don’t worry about it right now anyway. I’m not going to unload them today. I’m going to help Vin begin building. Can you at least help me find the items I need though? Hammers and such? I’d appreciate that.” John was scrounging through the wagon.

“Nails and shingles, they’re in the wagon farthest north. Hammers and saws, they’re right there in that barrel. Some other things in there that I don’t have a clue what they are. What else?”

“That’s it for now. Thanks.” He moved the barrel to the back of the wagon. “Take a break from this. I know it’s a headache. Ask around what people want or think we need here. That’ll do for now. Thanks again.” John helped Bethany off the wagon and hoisted the barrel onto his shoulders. After collecting the nails and shingles from the other wagon and putting them onto the lumber wagon, he hitched the horses and rode it to the building site.

When he arrived, the small group was huddled around a table looking at the building plans.

“Just in time,” Vin said, seeing John approach. “We’ll be able to get the flooring done, and several walls framed on the first dwelling today. Everyone knows their job right?” He looked at the group. They nodded. “Good. The ground is leveled for the first home, so let’s begin.”

They began in earnest, each knowing what to do. Jenifer was the runner, being the weakest of the group. The other three sawed and hammered, and John helped where needed. Drew showed up, filling in John on the fence’s progress. The kids had returned with full loads and had actually ventured back for more. John knew the candy would be a good motivator. He told John that Ivan and Monty and a few others were helping put in the posts while others ran the wire fencing. They’d have part of it finished by nightfall. Then he left to help again with the fence.

As people returned from hunting and fishing, they joined in helping with the two projects. Steven and Stanley also returned. They told John they had good news and bad news and would like to talk to him as soon as possible. It could wait. Work continued until the last rays of sun disappeared over the forest. They were able to finish the flooring, the framing on three outer walls, and had started on the fourth.

“Really good progress today guys. I’m proud of us.” John was walking around, thanking each person, putting his hand on their shoulder in appreciation. “Drew said the fencing was going well too. All in all, a great day.” John was beside himself, happy with what they’d accomplished.

“Good, good. Now that you’re all done patting yourselves on the back, get over here and eat!” Karmen was hollering at the group from the cooking fire. “Fried fish and rabbit stew. Leeks and potatoes. Olivia even made us some pies from some berries one of the hunters found! And it smells delicious!”


“Now that is good,” someone was heard saying. Everyone had gathered around the fires, eating their fill. The ale was gone, but Marek had brought some distilled liquor and was passing it around. The kids were chasing each other, trying to steal the candy from others that they’d been given by the guards.

“That’s rough,” coughed Drew. “No more for me.” He put up his hand in surrender, coughing again. “Company,” he whispered to John who was sitting next to him, thumbing to the right of John.

“Excuse me John, if you have a minute.” It was Stanley, one of the men who had disappeared earlier. He was a prospector. Standing behind him was Steven, a miner.

John looked up from his plate. “Now’s as good as any. What ya got for me?” He ate another piece of fish.

“Well sir. Like I told you earlier. I have news. And it’s up to you what you want to do with what I tell you.” Stanley had a grim look on his face. John stopped chewing and listened. “We were searching by the mountain, looking for lodes of ore. A skill I have helps detect them. We did indeed find one sir. Actually we found many. The problem is where we found it.” The man had stopped.

“Go on,” John said, eyebrow raised.

“They were in a cave, about 20 meters up the side of the mountain.” He stopped to take a breath. “The problem is, there was a path leading to it. It was carved into the mountain itself. Someone has been here.”

John stood up. “Like how recently? Did you hear or see anything?” His voice was frantic

“No sir. Nothing at all. It looked to be abandoned for quite some time. There was quite a bit of rubble built up on the steps, leading me to think no one had been here for a while.”

“That’s good.” John calmed some, but he was still anxious inside. “We will check it out first thing tomorrow. There were bound to be others here before us. We’re not that far from civilization.” He looked at the group of people gathered. “Everyone. Please. Tomorrow. Don’t go anywhere outside of the camp until we return from checking something near the mountain.” Some faces looked worried at the comment. “To be honest, Stanley thinks he’s found an abandoned mine from long ago. We want to check it out. Make sure it’s safe. That’s all. If you do go anywhere, take a guard with you, or someone who can fight. Best if you just stay here though. We can work on the homes and fence in safety. Thank you.”

Some of the people talked among themselves, still worried. They kept glancing north There’s nothing John could do about it. It was people’s nature to worry. They’ll just hug each other a little tighter tonight, he thought to himself.

“We’ll deal with it tomorrow.” John said to Drew, trying not to look worried. “Ivan, Monty, and I have dealt with worse.” He smiled. “Tomorrow’s a new day. We’re not going to let something like that scare us and hold us back. Not anymore.”

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