《Ascension Online》Chapter 11
Deep in the heart of the Corrupted Forest, a trio of figures moved in tandem. In front, a crippled Warrior whose face bore intense concentration. Behind him, a childish Minstrel whose head turned at every possible sound. Taking up the rear was a jovial and mischievous Rogue who threw rocks far off into the forest to make sound and attract monsters.
They were of course Akuma, TimTam, and Leo the White.
In the middle of the group, between the two hardened individuals that were walking as if it was a stroll in the park, TimTam jumped in fright at the sound of a branch snapping echoed out. The snorting laughter that emitted from Leo though told him that it was the Rogue, rather than a monster, that caused the sound.
“Leo,” TimTam huffed in budding anger that seemed half-hearted to say the least. “Can you please stop doing that? We don’t know what’s out here. Who knows if we can survive was may come. We haven’t even gotten any skills or equipment since starting as you charged directly into the forest when entering the game. Plus, Mr. Akuma is concentrating on-”
“Oh hush up Timmy. You better lock those fears down. Ain’t no place for bitching and moaning out here.”
Leo, rolling his eyes as if he was a child that had just been scolded by his parents, waved off TimTam as he dropped the remainder of the pebbles in his hand. After he did so, he skulked forward in the quiet and predatory walk of his that left nary a sound of movement. Akuma though, with his senses heightened from utilizing his Domain, heard Leo approach from behind.
“As for you though sonny,” Leo’s husky and hoarse voice seemed to surround Akuma, “what did Daddy tell ya about yer walking?” Roaming around Akuma as the latter walked in a struggling motioning, Leo tapped and prodded at Akuma’s hips and legs with his fingers as he tried to direct him. “Stop thinking so much. Let go. Yer body knows what it needs to do. Your mind is merely blocking that. Set it free. Like how I set Timmy here free from his boring and doomed life in the real world to enjoy the game. With me!”
Behind the two, Timmy mumbled quietly to himself. Still, Akuma caught glimpses of some words about ‘deal with the devil’ and ‘slavery’. But where Akuma was fine with ignoring the words, Leo was not.
“What was that Timmy? If you’re gonna moan, moan loudly! What’a yer got to say to me? Hmm? Hmmmm?”
As Leo spoke and left Akuma to pester TimTam, rancorous laughter erupted from the two, one mischievous and the other with a mixture of laugher and cries. Disturbed by the sounds, Akuma, usually oblivious to their antics, paused in his steps as he glanced behind him. As he did, he witnessed Leo, taller than TimTam by half a foot, literally wrapped and clinging to TimTam's thin frame like a monkey. Yet the truly disturbing part was the maniacal grin that split Leo’s mustached face as he tickled TimTam with frenzied action.
Yet, as he watched the two go down in a heap of bodies and clothing, Akuma remained as he was with only a small twitch on his lips the only indicator of his emotions. Of all the things he had seen today, this was just one of the many antics that Leo and TimTam partok in. It was entertaining, and even reminiscent of some of his more fond memories back when he ravaged the Combat Sports Association.
Watching their antics for only a brief moment, Akuma returned to his task at hand. Focusing his attention around him for any signs of danger, he trusted in Leo’s guidance as he once more tried to let go of consciously moving. Afterall, Leo was right. One does not normally think about breathing, or blinking, or swallowing, or walking. Yet everyone does it with ease. Only when people focus on the actions, does it feel off or incorrect.
Still, the idea of allowing himself to not think about walking was much, much easier said than done. However, as the minutes passed and the trio continued further into the Corrupted Forest, the once disastrous movement of walking had transformed. In merely three days of in-game time, Akuma had transformed from shuffling his feet across the earth at a snail’s pace, to being able to lift and move his legs in a hobbled manner that looked stiff. If anyone were to see the actions, they would think that he had metal bars in his legs, or a rigid cast around his lower body, that restricted his actions. But, it wasn’t enough for Akuma. Nor was it enough for Leo as well.
“Oi! Pick up yer pace Sonny!”
Far ahead of Akuma and TimTam, was Leo as he sprung from shadow to shadow in the forest. The air, now with a hint of a pungent smell in it, drifted visibly in a pale purplish color in front of the two as they approached at a slow pace. Around them, the trees had fully corroded to death as their trunks were scarred and twisted in unnatural angles. Beneath them, the ground that was only broken and cracked rock was bare of anything besides brittle and fragile foliage that broke into tiny particles of dust as they stepped on them. All around them, life was sucked out of the forest.
And in front of them, more death appeared. Leo, leaving a trail of dead monsters in his wake, sprung and pounced in near invisibility as he continued to clear a path before them. Even without any skills or equipment, the man was like a plague to any Corrupted monster that stood before him.
From afar, Akuma watched with his golden eyes as the Rogue moved and struck with deadly precision. His actions, so fluid and free, could only be achieved through the [ Manual Mode ]. It was why Akuma was so surprised. Every single one of Leo’s strikes were meant to maim or kill. No action was wasted, no attack made without full commitment and force from the man. And then, just as silently as Leo would appear to deliver death, so too did he fade away as if he was never there.
All of it, left a firm impression in Akuma’s mind. While TimTam could not see it, nor see the man for was he was, Akuma could. Leo was more than just an old man. He was a killer. A seasoned veteran of conflict and battle whose crafted had been honed into an art. He was an assassin. One so accomplished, that he would probably be a match for any in the Master League of the Combat Sports Association. In fact, Akuma pondered, the man might be able to qualify for Akuma’s own league. The Champion League.
The man, Akuma decided firmly, was an anomaly. An enigma, and one that -
“Oi! Hurry yer asses up! I found something to help us solve the Quest. So git a move on. There is much killing to do and blood to spill. Daddy has a need!”
As Leo’s words echoed out in front of Akuma and TimTam, the duo paused briefly as they shared a knowing look between each other. Merry at the thought of the Quest being solved though, the two picked up their pace as best they could. In a minute, they finally broke through a number of uprooted and strewn trees to see Leo.
Sitting atop two dead LVL 6 and LVL 7 [ Corrupt Bear ] bodies, Leo whistled a lively tune to himself as he spun his daggers. Behind him, a surging river that was dyed a dark purple raced and roared as it snaked through the decaying land.
“Gather round my adorable lackeys. Gather round.” Waving over Akuma and TimTam, Leo stood up from his perch as he finished looting the two dead monsters.
“Little A,” Leo began in a serious tone once Akuma and TimTam reached him. Shockingly, the once playful yet dangerous man had transformed into a disciplined figure that spoke in a commanding tone. “The Quest you shared said that the leaders of Hayton think that some force is tampering with forest and the animals in it. I think so too. Based on the intel and the information acquired on our hunt here, I’ve noticed a number of anomalies. The poison seeping from the ground. The rabid animals and their frenzied attacks. The various markings and identifiers throughout the forest.”
“Now though, I can confirm my suspicions.” He continued as he walked away from the deceased [ Corrupted Bear ]s and towards the river behind him. “The river water here is much darker than the water in town. Yet, this river travels directly toward Hayton and is their supply of water. Additionally, this river runs underground and acts as the supplier of nourishment and life to the forest and the animals in it. As such, my hypothesis is that the foreign force is dumping some chemical or magic in the river, using it to affect the animals and the forest itself. Meaning, we follow this river deeper into the Corrupted Forest, and we’ll run into the enemy.”
As Leo finished his speech, the vigilant image he embodied disappeared. As it did, the deadly trickster personality came to the front once more as Leo twirled his daggers expertly and looked between Akuma and TimTam with a feverish gaze.
“So, want to follow Daddy? Or will I have to gag and bind you? Either option works for me. Either option.”
TimTam, frightened by Leo’s wild eyes, backed away as he moved to stand behind Akuma. In turn, Akuma released a smirk as he waved Leo forward. “That won’t be necessary,” Akuma began in his monotone voice, “even if you carrying me would make us move faster. Still, lead the way. We will follow. But...how do you know all of this?”
The curiosity in Akuma’s words ignited his golden eyes as he stared critically at the eccentric old man before him. All he saw though, was a cheshire smile that didn’t reach Leo’s eyes. In turn, Leo gave the two a toothy smile before he darted off once more to the shadows. The only indicator of his presence was his whistling that played an unknown jaunt.
Behind him, Akuma and TimTam followed. Still focused on his actions of walking, Akuma remained fairly oblivious to his surroundings. Similarly, with protection from Leo, TimTam let himself revel in the world around him. While dark and mysterious, the forest that surrounded the players was beyond comparison with the real world. Thus, in a forest of death and corruption, TimTam jubilantly trotted, head bobbing in tune to the Leo’s whistling while a smile graced his boyish features.
Following the winding river, the trio of players walked nearly undisturbed on their Quest. The once previously lively forest had become desolate with no Corrupted creatures of any sort making an appearance. In the absence of animal life, the corrosion of life in the land was much more noticable. The deeper they traveled, the greater the smell of poison became. With it, the blackened and dead forest and foliage had taken on a new shade. A sickly grey that was nearly white, with streaks of purple, colored the landscape as the trio of players moved under Leo’s supervision.
Finally, eighteen minutes into their travel, the first signs of life appeared. In the wake of the calmed river, a faint sound of grunting and snorting could be heard. The sounds, faint but distinct in the dead and desolate land, were like a distant gunshot that grasped his attention.
“Well, well, well... Lookie at that, eh lackeys? Looks like Daddy was right.”
As Leo’s voice, accompanied by his sudden appearance from a tree appeared, TimTam audibly groaned as he addressed his charge. “Mr. White, sir. Can you please stop referring to yourself as ‘Daddy’. It....it frankly makes me a bit uncomfortable sir. What would your daughter think of-”
Before he could finish though, Leo’s booming voice erupted outward and he slapped his hand roughly on TimTam’s back. “Stop mumbling Timmy!”
After being nearly sent tumbling from the back pat, TimTam looked morosely at the ground as he mumbled to himself. This time, Akuma couldn’t hear it.
“Enough of your nonsense Timmy. I didn’t serve this country to only have a child take care of me. Rather just put the bullet through my bioengineered head then suffer a slow death in those hospitals like the rest. Now, grab your dick with both hands, or one hand... You know, however much hand you need. AND! MARCH TIMMY! MARCH! MARCH! MARCH!”
Shocked into movement, TimTam parade marched across the forest as Leo the White trailed behind and poked and prodded the poor boy into a proper stance and movement. What made it all the more weird for Akuma, was the childish grin that Leo bore as he began chanting some vulgar cadence song for the boy to march in tune with.
Watching it from his now rooted position, Akuma couldn't help but question once more how he got himself stuck with the duo. Not that he was complaining. They were unique and good company. A welcome change from the constant looks of pity. So, with heavy and rigid steps, Akuma followed after them.
With a complete lack of grace or subtlety, the trio moved in a line as they moved directly where the sound originated from. As they marched deeper into the now fully darkened and gloomy Corrupted Forest, the sounds of grunting came more frequently and louder. They were like squeals and extremely hoarse grunts. But done in such rapid sequence, it seemed as if people were somehow communicating in the sounds.
It soon became apparent to Akuma and the others as to why.
As they crested a final series of fallen trees and clambered atop an upraised portion of the forest, did a scene straight out of a fantasy book enter their vision.
Orcs, creatures that towered from 6 to 7 feet with bulging muscles and tribal tattoos that covered their pale grey and green skin, scattered the land before them. More than a hundred of the creatures, each equipped with a deadly arsenal of arms and spiked armour, moved with purpose in massive ditch in the earth. From their vantage point at the rim of the downward sloping bowl, the trio saw many of the Orcs preparing defenses and structures. Noticeably though, were the figures that weren’t moving.
Eight cloaked figures, each guarded by an Orc that had silver tribal tattoos instead of the black ones of the rest of their kin, held staves and books in their hands as a purple substance was generated between their eight forms. The substance, a mass of writhing purple liquid, steamed and bubbled as the cloaked figures drew a measure of the substance apart and directed it toward the Hayton River that flowed gently just below it.
It was as he saw the cloaked figures and their actions, that three notifications appeared before Akuma and the duo as well.
The Quest [ Forest Reconnaissance ] has been completed
* Speak with Captain Monty to attain your reward
The Quest [ Forest Reconnaissance ] has been updated
New Quest Available
The Quest [ In for a Penny, In for a Pound ] is available
Quest Description
You have found the source of the problem that has plagued the Town of Hayton, and its surrounding land. But you have yet to truly understand your foe and their objectives. As such, you have the opportunity to distrupt the actions of the foreign force as best you can and acquire information on their purpose to better prepare Captain Monty and his forces to best vanquish this foe.
Quest Difficulty
E Rank
Quest Reward
* Varies depending on achievements accomplished
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