《The Two-faced Otaku》Gathering informations about this world(UPDATED)


After my talk with Ossan X, I was pulled by an unknown force and woke up in my room. I look at the surroundings for awhile and heard someone knocking on my door. "Come in" I gave permission to the one knocking to enter my room.the door opened and a maid entered

"Kai-sama, it's time for breakfast." said the maid and gestured at me to follow her once I'm ready.

"Got it, I'll be going in a minute, Let me prepare first." I replied and started walking towards my closet to get changed.

When I'm done changing clothes I walked towards the maid and arrived in front of her "This way please." The maid started walking while I'm behind her following her tracks.

After walking for over ten minutes along a ridiculously long corridor which was a complete waste of money, we finally reached the dining hall.

We entered the grandiose Dining hall and, sure enough, My Mother, Father and two kids who seems to be My two brothers were already sitting on the dining table.

When they noticed me, Father gestured me to come and take a seat.

You're wondering why were eating separately until now? And why we were eating together now?

Well, that is because we are only allowed to eat together with our parents after baptism because of our ancient tradition.

Wearing a perfect smile, I walked towards them and sat beside my mother while looking at the two arrogant looking kids sitting beside father whom I wanted to discipline.

I really hated the arrogant looks that they have on their face right now as if the world is within their palms. I've always hated that type of face even in my previous life.

"So how do you feel now Kei?" I suddenly heard my father spoke. I showed him a sincere smile and replied "I'm feeling great, must be because I had received my baptism yesterday. It feels like all my senses has been enhanced."


"Thats good to hear. Now let me introduce to you your two older brothers" When Father heard my reply he smiled and looked at me in a position that's like his introducing.

Dad first introduce Drake Von Deaux the 2nd prince he's 4 years older than me, his looks can be considered a little bit above average, he has black hair like Father.

The next one he introduce is the 1st prince Kreigal Von Deaux, he looks a little bit better than the second prince but cant be compared to me in looks department, he has black hair like dad as well and looks bigger than me and the 2nd prince, his 5 years older than me.

"Hello my name is Kei Von Deaux, I hope we get along well brothers" I gave them my most sincere smile and bowed graciously while making some plans on my mind on how to discipline this two and make them a loyal puppet.

I was focused on my plans that I forgot something extremely important.

Suddenly I felt like the room has gotten cold that makes the hair on my back stand, I unconciously looked where this coldness came from and found a dem-- I mean mom smiling. As expected

"Ara, Kei-chan why did you not give greetings and hug to mommy earlier hmmm?" Mother looked at me with a smile while her eyes isn't smiling. Behind Mom there seems to be a Hanya-looking aura peeking from her back.

"Errr.. I-I'm sorry" I replied while stuttering. Really in front of my mother, I really can't maintain my calculated movements and expressions.

After that, I no longer remember what happened...I'm telling you I can't remember and it's not like I'm trying to forget it..

When I left the dining hall, I started heading to the castles library. This place really is a place of temptation especially for someone like me who has thirst for knowledge.


After reading all the books in the library about this world.

I learned that this world is called LEGRANDIA

There are only four accessible kingdom in this world as of the moment

Animalia Kingdom - And in this Kingdom lives the Warbeasts

They are a race of kenomimis. They currently live on the islands of the Jungle Territory. They have enhanced physical capabilities as well as senses, and are able to use 'kekkai' as a sixth sense to sense heart rate and other minute details. There are countless different tribes of Werebeasts, each of which have different physical features but all have animal-like attributes.

Frawd Kingdom - And in this kingdom lives The Dwarven Race. They reside in Eden Gardenia the second largest nation It seems that they are best at making magical machinery, as shown by their advanced dwarven technology.

Requiem Kingdom - And in this Kingdom lives The Spirits Manipulator / Elementals Their homeland is Yumber, a floating city in the sky. They hold powers of Spirit Manipulators and massacred countless beings during the ancient war. The race is governed by the Council of Eighteen High Elementalist

Sigilia Continent - our continent lives the Red-Eyed Sigilia, a race with a power of mass-destruction because of our ability to manipulate blood and also our blood thirsty personality. We are living in a kingdom covered by volcanoes in all sides.

We still don't have informations about the other continent because there is a barrier that blocks any possible entrance to the undiscovered lands

Well since I already have sufficient knowledge for now, I will start practicing my skills for 3 years so I can use them easily. Once I'm already 4 years old I can start going to school and learn magic and make plans to destroy the barrier and conquer this world.

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