《Last Grace: The Apex of Another World》Prologue - The Crimson King
Hell, was home to all manner of sadistic individuals. Those sinners that had passed and showed tolerance to pain and or had unique personalities were given the opportunity of a lifetime. To join the ranks of the torturers if they were especially wild they could become a sin provided that they serve the beast dutifully.
Upon a blood red cushion of on an ebony throne sat an intimidating shadow lit by dim sparks that circled the throne hazily. Coiling around the well formed crimson beast was a tail charred at its end.
Though the tail retained a shine to it that rivaled fish. Lashing like fins in the water, within the confines of the air. Beating the diluted and bare wind beneath the earth to a halt on command.
Time seemed to freeze in place. For the people getting tortured, it must be an eternity. And the beast was its ruler.
Its word was law, forever was, and would remain that way as its conqueror was a cast out. A cast out from heaven.
A long rose tongue coasted from the mouth of the beast, savoring the blood that permeated the air otherwise dry air. The beast could taste it, their fear.
It was an environment of violent emotions.
A while later it slid back into his mouth. Placing his hand on his face the beast settled into the chair.
Every so often a scream was heard, their shrieks promptly died out. before it started up all over again moments later.
The muscular mass of red flesh that sat on the throne scraped one of its long black nails onto the left chair arm producing a chalkboard like sound. Lifting one leg over the other the beast observed one man on a wheel, on each knob was rope.
Medieval torture tools. The beast preferred to listen instead of watch. Partaking in the torture of the residents in Hell was not the way he wanted to live. Used to be, but not anymore he only did that to get to where he was. Even if his skills were the best in Hell.
That was thousands of years ago. Presently, it seemed all too dull and he had gotten rusty.
The beast was all for punishing liars, after so long though it gets boring. They beg for release. That's all they know how to do.
That's all they can do. The amount of pain is different because the quality of the torture differs.
Perpetual torture was the rule of Hell when it came to inflicting maximum torture.
But the rules were rules, and he hated his family who instituted the rules. More so his father, than anyone else who threw him down into the pit.
Closing its eyes it imagined what the human must be feeling.
The beast rubbed its back. Looking down off of the obelisk it spotted a flying hell beast that rushed the woeful scenery of Hell.
'What was it now...?'
The beast sensing fluctuations in the ground adjusted itself in the throne.
The ground was shaking. Someone was coming...
'Who was it.' the beast wondered. It was almost relaxed, it left its eyes closed.
Annoyed by the silence the beast opened his eyes, the shadow of a being assembled itself from the nearest darkness.
"Hello there, Sin of Envy." A deep and portent voice escaped the beast.
Tension ran thick in the air as the embers around the throne were thrown into a frenzy becoming more erratic.
Appearing before the massive throne was a mannequin-esque shadow with a neck too long to be considered human. It had a pair black of eyes that seemed to sink into its sockets. Its hands only had two phalanges, it kneeled bowing down to the crimson ruler.
"Your majesty... I have found it." Envy whispered, its voice cracking.
"You have..?" Replied the beast questioningly.
"If I make speak informally majesty, you would call the thing here a book." said Envy.
"A book? I know that the mortals on earth spoke of them in a negative light. I myself have read a few." remarked the beast.
"What of the book Envy?" asked the beast.
"This... your majesty, this one is special as the scribe wasn't an earthly being." Envy said summoning a tome thicker than any normal book. Inscribed on it was glyphs of sorts.
Not of any language that existed on earth, and the beast knew and mastered all the languages. Written, and spoken.
This was a spoken one… that he had to take a guess at its written form. If read aloud it sounded angelic...
Envy paused, building up anticipation to what was going to be said next.
"It was a heavenly being." said Envy, beguiled by the book.
The beast's mouth gaped open revealing many serrated teeth. Lucifer had to fake his surprise.
"Oooh, is this true?" queried the beast. Becoming beguiled as well.
"Yes, your majesty. I do not wish to undergo such torture again just because of a lie. I know you like to hear the truth..." replied Envy.
"You know me too well, hand me this book." the beast commanded.
"As you wish majesty." Envy let loose the book from his two phalanges dropping into the hand of the beast.
Grasping the spine of the book Lucifer began to read. It was in an unknown language. An unknown written language anyways.
His thirst for the unknown awakened once more.
Lucifer stared at the angelic figure that stood still in the center of Hell that was bare of any tortured souls. The figure with looks that looked as if they were painted, with short curled golden hair in silver armor was... its brother.
"Hello, Brother." The angelic figure ousted.
"Why are you here... Michael?" asked the beast.
"I am here... for something. Our father demands its immediate return." Michael said.
"Oh... I meant my father." Michael stated, correcting himself.
'If it's Hell he can have it. I am sick of this place.' thought the beast.
"I believe you know what it is." regarded Micheal.
Michaels expression suddenly turned serious.
"Its... it's your soul dear brother." His face no longer holding any passivity.
A bellow of laughter twined itself amongst the coal embers that spun around it in the underworlds center.
The beast smile turned loose as he responded to his brother.
"No." asserted the beast simply.
"What do you mean no?" asked Michael.
"Are you going to act like the beast that you currently look like ?" asked Michael, making eye contact with his brother.
"If it means that he would have a bad day I would gladly destroy this place up along with the billions of souls inside if that is what it took." responded the beast.
"Father was very serious, he wants you to return." said Michael.
"How would he manage that?" asked the beast.
"Father is all-powerful, he can do that easily. Now he is ready to save you. Ready to forgive and forget... You don't need to manage Hell anymore brother."
"You just... you just need to die and be reborn an angel. Instead of what you are now, a fallen." directed Michael.
"Don't you want to be able to return?" Asked Michael.
"That is why your soul is required. That is also why I am here and not Raphael or Uriel. As the strongest angel, I will do this even if I have to subjugate you." Commanded Michael.
"No" stated Lucifer, viciousness seeping into his voice.
"What... why?" asked the beast.
"Because you are not telling me the truth. Brother, I hate lies. I hate them, tell me brother did he ever tell you who our mother was?" Asked Lucifer.
"Or if she is dead?" Asked the beast. Infuriated by his brother's overwhelming loyalty to that bastard of a father.
"Do you not find that strange?"
"Before you defile father's good name anymore I will remove your soul, stilling your words." Michael declared.
"You shall return... to how you were before... before the rebellion." said Michael hopeful.
"I SAID NO!" Screamed Lucifer.
"I didn't want to do this." Michael pulled out a sword that shimmered a golden aura that demanded attention from the intricate hilt Lucifer noticed earlier when he had arrived that Michael had on him.
"The sword of mercy, or as I like to call it the Sword of Judgment," Michael said, awfully proud.
"Father finally gave you that piece of junk." the beast bitterly clicked his tongue.
"Your insolence will end today Lucifer! He noticed my loyalty, unlike someone whom I know." Michael said bitterly.
"No, it had only just begun." said Lucifer.
"Called me by name, you marred your eloquence. Now, I can kill you without a single thought of your future," stated Lucifer.
"Come to me the worst of the Unheavenly displays. Authority of the unspoken!"
The air tightened.
Michael stood there his mouth agape at what he was seeing before he settled down.
"For the last time Lucifer, you need to die. Your rebellious farce has nowhere left to go even with a way to protect yourself." Michael replied.
"And for the last time Michael you need to learn to take no for an answer," Lucifer said.
The brothers dashed towards each other.
Slashing the air wildly Lucifer dodged. The dead trees sliced in half collapsed. The scenery becoming a mockery of what it once was.
"That is not how you will beat me. This is." Michael pointed the sword out, taking a lunge towards Lucifer pointing the edge of the swords head at Lucifer's neck.
He dodged for a while until Lucifer's eyes narrowed.
Quickly the embers collected themselves into the shape of a sword. The coals animated even after they had collected. Spinning around was brimstone that had begun to levitate off of the ground. Flying into Lucifer's hand Lucifer eluded Michael's latest blow.
Sparks started flying as the blows connected, "Is that all you can do brother?" Asked Michael.
"I was testing the waters, you did well so far for a dog." Lucifer spat doing his best to stop Michaels strikes.
"What did you call me!?" Michael said jabbing faster and faster with furiously. "You are lazy, disobedient, your eyes look similar to a cat."
"At least I don't chase after things that will never happen," replied Lucifer. Striking a bit more eagerly.
Suddenly Lucifer had to parry instead as the strikes that connected were potent enough to push him back. The first layer of the dirt collecting beneath his feet.
“That is more like it, mongrel!” Lucifer screamed.
“That's nothing, try this on for size.” Michael lifted his sword up vertically a slew of light particles attached to each other before they stuck to the sword in massive clumps.
“Holy mother Mary!” Michael laughed fiercely.
“You don't know how to control energy!”
It was Lucifer's turn to be silent. Laughing did not come easily to Michael.
Lucifer suddenly began to pace his way back. Michael ever rarely laughed even from the centuries he had known him.
He knew that Michael's next attack would be deadly. In a bout of desperation, he rallied the sins.
“ENVY! LUST! GREED! SLOTH! GLUTTONY! WRATH!” His voice was so loud it filled to the darkest depths of the underworld.
Manifesting as shadows they appeared. Their voices startling Michael.
“Hello, sir~”
“That weapon looks fearsome.”
“Let's get this over with.”
“That weapon, don't give it to greed, give it to me. It looks tasty!”
“This won't take us long. They hurt our master after all.”
“I want you all to defeat that bastard!” Lucifer screamed pointing his sword at Michael that still was busy gathering the white energy that continued to grow thicker and thicker.
“Show them your power... just do whatever it is you can to keep him busy,” Lucifer said, backing away.
“Like we wouldn't do that to angel anyway~,” Lust said brushing her lips with her tongue.
“We will beat him to a bloody pulp!” Wrath screamed.
Lucifer smirked, turning away from his brother.
‘This would be goodbye.’
He pulled out the tome and scanned for the right page. The few days of studying this thing was not going to be in vain. He prepared for this and began to read the incantation in the language of Angels.
The six demon squad, excluding Pride who was Lucifer blitzed towards Michael. Striking him with every move in their arsenal.
He quickly struck the ground, slamming the blunt edge of the blade that glowed onto the ground.
A beam of light shot through the ground, ripping through the brimstone.
Trees toppled over, as the Sins zagged towards the angelic foe that attacked their master.
Michael was quick to defend and could barely keep up with their attacks. He couldn't focus on one too long before another took advantage of a weak point.
Lucifer was still busy looking for the page. It was a strange tome. All of the text was in the language of the angels, of course, a demon wouldn't be able to understand.
Even Lucifer did not understand it all. Just more than the minimum.
The key thing that interested Lucifer was the page that talked about something… another world?
It spoke of an eden, and he knew that it was somehow connected to the tale that man knew.
Except, instead of a garden, it was a whole another world.
His bastard of a father hid something huge. Since it was hidden, that means that someone wanted to keep it a secret.
He didn't care if it was not shared, that means that he would have his own world if Eden was forgotten.
His own world. With that in mind, Lucifer began to read the incantation.
. . .
The sins were beginning to get the upper hand, Michael was working overtime to defend himself. He would not come out of this fight empty handed.
He kicked Sloth in the face, elbowed wrath, and stabbed gluttony. The rest were recovering and not without injuries.
They were weaklings compared to him if they fought each other one on one. In a group, they just about tied.
During that time Lucifer had to be killed.
Michael weaved around the injured sins, they were covered in wounds too injured to move. Wrath was about to get up, though Envy stopped everyone else because he had his own plan.
One that relied on the supposed fate of Lucifer.
Michael caught up to Lucifer who was slashed up. Though no fatal wounds were visible.
That was about to change. Well, it was supposed to but something pierced his back. Lucifer smirked as Michael collapsed.
“Like I said, I would take care of it.” Wrath said, smirking alongside Lucifer.
. . .
In a grand room, void of any natural colors on a throne of black with pillars as sharp as a head of a spear sat a man peering into the distance.
"The freedom that you seek so openly will one day have a cost. Take the freedom now Lucifer for what you will."
Leaving his arm stretched into the air, his hand hampered into a fist save for one finger a speck of white light began to collect.
Again and again, until finally, a familiar man appeared on his knees.
"I-I have failed father." replied Michael hesitant.
"I know." replied the man in the robe.
"I am a disgrace, you even gave me Judgement... but I failed in getting your... our family back." muttered Michael.
"Son, I said I know." Said the robed figure.
Michael acknowledged his Father's answer and sighed. Trying his best to calm himself.
"Micheal, go fetch your brothers. I have had a change of heart."
Michael nodded his hands still shaking from his defeat. He only had one more chance to make this right. Or he would lose the spot of the favorite son.
. . .
Lucifer continued to mutter strange nothings. Wrath could not understand his master. Though he accepted the phenomenon nonetheless.
A few minutes later...
The ground in Hell shook, Lucifer merely smirked at the interruption, Wrath watched, caught off guard but not in shock. His master was calm so he had to be too.
Lucifer's eyes caught the outline of a dark red oval that glowed ominously rising from the floor of Hell.
Just before entering the mysterious portal, Lucifer reminisced about Hell. It was fun though the scenery was the biggest reason why he wanted to leave.
“Thank you Wrath, thank the others for me,” Lucifer said, bitterly entering the portal.
Now without regrets, he entered the oval that sucked him into itself like a blackhole.
Wrath muttered something back, this time, the words fell on deaf ears. Regret to not say what he wanted.
“No, thank you Lucifer.” Wrath whispered sullenly. Watching as his master that he spent so much time with disappeared into the portal.
A sharp pain scorching his chest. His master was glorious. And he would never call someone like Envy master.
His master's words would move the other sins to action surely…
Wrath hesitated.
Wherever he went as long as it was with his master…
Wrath would be satisfied. Besides, Killing the sin of Envy who was too competitive was not worth staying behind for. He would not ever respect envy so he would never be second in command again.
Besides… there was no room for regrets.
Hell was otherwise boring without the Crimson King. This was not love for his master, it was respect.
Anyone that disrespected that image of his master wherever they were both headed would be slaughtered.
Wrath finally submerged his entirety into the portal.
A moment later the portal collapsed.
. . .
The moment that Lucifer passed through into the crimson oval he felt like he was covered in a mucus. He quickly realized that it was draining away his energy.
He tried to stay awake due to the energy deprivation though he eventually succumbed.
When he awoke he felt a massive amount of pressure press against him. He looked around and noticed immediately.
Lucifer was falling once more.
He looked up and the skies were foreign. Instead of the skies being blue like on earth, the sky was purple.
Curious, Lucifer looked at his hand.
He was pale… he was… he was an angel! He looked over his shoulder to see no wings.
‘Or not…’
Then the worst thought crossed his mind.
‘A human…?’
The trees below him grew in size as he neared the ground, clutching his wounds again he braced for impact.
Even when he was physically tortured he never gave in.
He silently thanked the sins as he descended.
For he was proud. Now he would be free. If he never knew their story they would be angels instead.
The seven virtues, especially Wrath. And the thoughts waned to the darkest depths of his mind as he crashed into the ground.
Bring it on new world, Lucifer will take you on!
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➵ Completed!© 𝚊 𝚒 𝚛 𝚒 𝚜 𝚛 𝚊 𝚒 𝚗 𝚜▸ Published: Apr 08, 2020▸ Finished: Mar 22, 2020Slow updates. I'm either out of ideas, motivation, or I'm simply mia, whichever you prefer!
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