《Beastly - A lullabyte story》Chapter 3 – What lurks in the night?
Chapter 3 – What lurks in the night?
It was odd to say the least; in all the years I had lived I had wondered how it would be for a human to have the senses and abilities of an animal. To experience the world on a whole other level; to smell like a bloodhound, see like an eagle, hear like a fennec fox, have low-light vision like a cat, possess the strength of bear and most of all regeneration and longevity beyond our human capabilities. To allow people to ascend their prison of a mortal weak body that was what I worked for. I had sought to improve humanity further than our current capabilities allowed, to make us truly survive everything thrown our way.
And yet, now that I had achieved part of this sought for change it was disillusioning. It wasn't the ground-breaking reveal that I had hoped for; this wouldn't bring my name once again into papers and newsletters all around the world. No, being as I was, a humanoid lizard monstrosity hardly able to pass in modern society, I would most likely be hunted down. The hardest part in this was that I could fully understand this particular reaction. After all, it was in a way what I myself would have done were I to encounter my current form.
Most people would assume that I was exactly what I looked like, and if I was honest I looked like an escaped lab-specimen. In the span of a few hours I had fallen from being a renowned scientist to being a half-feral hybridized monstrosity. And it wasn't even my own hubris or self-inflated ego that had brought me so low, no; instead it was a random fluke of chance. A fucking percentile of possibility had destroyed my entire life.
I growled in anger, it was a low guttural sound, threatening and promising pain, it was the sound of a fucking animal. Once more I glanced at my deformed hand in disgust; barely keeping the animalistic side of the body under control I released my pent up frustration on the wall in front of me. After a minute or so, when I finally had calmed down, I looked over the damage that had been inflicted on the poor concrete. Long gashes trailed from where my claws had impacted the wall, checking them I found that not one had chipped.
While I despised what had been done to me, I couldn't fault the creator for their work. Claws strong and resilient enough to rend concrete were an impressive feat of genetical-engineering. If I were to take a guess at the procedure I would say, that someone had found a way to grow metal or a metal oxide organically from cells intended for keratin production. It should be impossible though and yet here I stood.
The thought brought a smile to my face. If no when I would ever find the scientists responsible for my abnormal transformation, I definitely would have to congratulate them on their discovery. This would help in several medical and mechanical fields, a Nobel-Prize was certain for this kind of work. Obviously I would force them to share their findings with me; after all it was the least I deserved. With my intellect and their procedures the research of my team would make decades of progress.
My smile turned into a snarl as another thought crossed my mind. Once I had my recognition and praise, there would another thing I had to do. I would have to thank my “creators”, after all work well done had to be rewarded. And in this very moment I knew exactly how I would show my gratitude. With these very weapons that they had so graciously gifted me I would rend their bodies to pieces! My fangs would tear the still twitching flesh from their bones! To crack their bones in two and lap the marrow from within, that I would have to do!
I . . . I would . . . I would have to stop! My human mind fought my body for control as my claws slowly dug into my scaled palms. The pain helped, it pushed through the red haze that held my conscious hostage. I began to remember who I was and what my goal had been. Slowly but surely my breathing slowed and my thoughts became my own again. The desire to maim and devoured other people lessened but it didn't disappear. I could still feel the beast in the darkest corners of my mind scratching at the walls, begging to be let out, but at least for now I had regained control.
For a few seconds I simply stood there, breathing in and out again, trying to relax. It was slow but it worked. Frowning and what just had happened I realized the danger of what just had happened; one lapse in my mental fortitude could have catastrophic consequences for any person around me. The best course of action would be proper medication to combat the aggression at the core. Alas there was nothing I could do about it at the time, so I had to power through on my iron will alone.
Calmed and composed I turned my attention back to the capture of those other two persons. Once I had found them I could get a rough outline of what exactly had happened until now, that was of course if they wouldn't run away screaming or outright attack me once I actually was near them. True to a proper reptile monster I began lapping the air with my tongue. Different to what most people think snakes didn't actually smell with their tongue but an organ inside of their mouth. Each time the tongue returned inside the two tips of it would basically scrape of any molecules on the two sides of the organ, which than would be analysed and processed in the brain. This effectively created a 3D image composed only of smells. Despite my rather short amount of testing time, the knowledge of how to properly use this new sense seemed to be ingrained in my body.
After only a minute or so of searching I had already found the first of the two. Despite what I had thought about their intelligence they had been smart enough to search for different hiding spaces, not that it would help when the one searching for you was something like me. It wasn't really that hard compared to what I had expected. The reason for that in this particular case was that the person had relieved them self of whatever amount of urine had been in their bladder. If had to take a guess, I would say that most of the liquid now occupied their trousers. As I didn't want to scare the person more than they already were, I simply knocked on the closet door.
“Who is there? Are you with search and rescue? Are the monsters still out there?” It was the man, he sounded almost relieved, and maybe this wouldn't be so hard after all.
“Sssorry to disssapoint, but I'm not withhh rrrescue. Can you tell me what ecsssactly happened?”
“Who are you! And why do you sound so weird!” Of course he had to become suspicious, my voice was just abnormal. I this situation a white lie would probably help out.
“I'm wearrring a Hazzzmat ssuit, that's why I sssound weirrd. If you would ansswerrr my quesstion now!”
“I guess that makes sense, but really dude you shouldn't be out there alone! There was one of those monsters just a minute ago! The thing should be really easy to spot, looks like a scaly stripper really, completely naked with its tits hanging out and pierced nipples. Would be pretty hot actually if you ignore the whole murderous monster th-” I interrupted him before he could spout more demeaning nonsense. Otherwise I couldn't be held accountable for what I would do to that little shit.
“Thank you forr the inforrrmation. Tell me, did you ssssee what happened to the woman beforre?”
“You mean before she turned into monster? Didn't directly pay attention before, but I guess she was working? The, I guess she was a prostitute, was being lead around on a leash by some other woman. I mean everyone got their tastes but that's a-”
“Shut it!” A low rumbling growl escaped my throat. “The othhhherrrrr woman! What happened to herrrrr! Tell me sssstupid ssssswine!” It was hard to hold on to my composure, the beast wanted to rip the man to shreds for insulting its mate. I had half a mind to simply let it out and be done with this little shit. But instead I held back with all my might.
“The fuck is wrong with you!? You aren't a Doctor in some suit, am a right? You're that scaly bitch aren't you!?” To be fair making that connection was rather easy, I was surprised that it had taken him so long to figure it out. But yet again he had insulted me! ‘Calm breaths, in and out, in an out. There much better. Now I won't risk eating him after I kill him. Okay still not calm enough.’
After a minute of me doing breathing exercises I finally found myself fit to answer. “Jussst ssso you know, I actually am a Doktorrrr, and you will now tell what I want to know or I'll come in there and get the answers myself!”
“Shit you're fucking insane! Know what, you can screw of scaly freak, I ain't telling you shit! I'm sure you just want to eat me! And don't even think of coming in here, I'm armed and I have already called the police! They'll take your scaly ass down before you know it!” That did it I was going to teach that idiot a lesson!
“I rreally disslike being called a Frreak orr a Bitch! Get away from the door, I'm coming in!”
A short glance at the door and frame told me all I needed to know. Flimsy composite covered by equally flimsy plastic. Even a normal human would have been able to get through it without much resistance. In my situation all would be needed was to push until the door gave in, but that wouldn't be very theatrical now would it? So instead I raised my left leg and like a D-Train smashed my foot into the offending obstacle. As if made out of paper the door crumbled inwards and crashed into the opposite wall.
As I didn't see any blood splatters nor any bits of brain and body was relatively save to assume that I had not hit the guy. Yet still the silence perturbed me. So as a means to check if the rude person was still alive I poked my head inside the small room, only to stare into the nozzle of a spray can held by a teenage boy. I barely managed to close my eyes before a cloud of pepper spray engulfed my head. I reeled back, screeching from the pain in my mouth and nostrils. With my senses impaired I couldn't even react as his second weapon impacted with my face.
He had hit me with a chair, a fucking chair! I began flailing around as the pain brought out the beast, and it had only one desire. It wanted to hurt the little pig that had dared to attack me. Distraught by the pain and confusion I didn't even think about reining it back in. Instead I felt blindly around my immediate area. My prey could have gone far, it was a weak juvenile. Not a glorious hunt but a good test for my instincts. I whipped around my tail as if trying to find the human behind me, but in reality I only wanted to reassure the little thing of my helplessness.
It was but an act, as I already felt something, a disturbance in the air several meters to my right. It was almost like the current I could feel in myself, only much, much weaker. If I was correct I could feel the electricity in him. I would have to do something about the gunk on my face, but that had to wait. I was hungry and a tasty little morsel was crawling away from me! I slowly stepped towards where I felt the child. My claws made next to no sound, I wished to surprise my prey. There was good fun to be found in playing with one's food! Just as I was about to vault over an obstacle and pounce on my prey, I was interrupted by a panicked woman's voice.
“Dr. Foster!? Please, I know you can understand me! You don't have to do this!” She sounded pleading, begging for my mercy, it greatly satisfied me.
‘Maybe I should have people serve me? It really felt great have that much power over others.’ As I had held in to listen to the woman my prey tried to be smart and crawl away from me. I would have none of that as the female human didn't speak up again, I simply walked over to where I felt it should be and pressed my foot into its back. But I couldn't have my way with the juvenile yet, there was still the interesting adult, maybe she was its parent and that was why she begged for its life? I wiped away the remaining gunk from my eyes and opened them but made sure to only move my outer eyelids.
“What issss it thssssat you want, human!? Sssspeak!”
“Oh fliegendes Spaghettimonster! You can actually understand me! I, uh, I'm not really sure how to do this, but you need to remember who you are?”
It sounded like a question, who was she to question me! After all I was . . . huh, who was I? I was . . . a drake, right? But this name she said, Dr. Foster, it felt like it could be me? After all I was very smart and incredibly clever, so it should only be right for me to have a doctor title! I simply needed to know more. Yes, I had decided, I wanted to be this Dr. Foster! I cocked my head to the side and asked my own question.
“Who am I? Tell me about mysssself, human!” I wanted to know more about this Dr. Foster, more about myself. And if her answer pleased me she would be rewarded. I looked the woman over, blond hair, a hoody and round glasses; she looked pretty but somewhat meek.
“Oh schieße, das hier passiert wirklich!? Ah, sorry, uh, your full name is Dr. Janavar Foster and you’re the head of research for a very prestigious project trying to enhance the human genome.”
‘Of course I was, I was smarter than those humans, so it was only right for me to stand on top!’
“Yikes! Ah, you seemed to have recently started a relationship with the PR Manager, at least there were rumours about you two. I of course have nothing against your relationship with Kassandra, Dr. Foster.”
My sense of smell slowly returned and I lapped the air out of habit, human. I smelled two humans, had I been hunting humans? And then that name Kassandra, it felt familiar, it felt right! She was my . . . mate, how could I have forgotten her!? I quickly stepped away from the boy on the ground, blood trickled down my claws. ‘What have I done!?’ I looked over to the woman standing by the stairs, Marie Fischer, Junior Researcher under my care. Despite being an excellent worker she had the tendency to hang around the so called bad crowd, wasted potential in my opinion.
“Marie, where iss Kassy?” I wanted to cry but not a drop would come, reptiles had no tear ducts.
“Dr. Foster? So it is really you!? I had feared you had gone completely feral like some of the others, but after you changed from being big to smaller again I hadn't been sure.” She seemed genuinely happy about this development.
“What do mean you big to ssmall? Ah, shit we need to help the boy!” She frowned as I mentioned the teenager.
“That asshole robbed me of my pepper spray, and even tried to gag me when I wanted to talk to you. I would say good riddance, but I would feel bad if the little jerk died from shock.” She went over to the boy and poked his side with her shoe before bending over him.
I raised a scaly eyebrow seeing this. “You sseem weirdly nonchalant about all of thiss, you know?”
She looked up from what she was doing. “I guess I do, but then again you don't often get to see your boss change into a large reptilian monstrosity, choke on her own bondage equipment and then turn into a sexy lizard woman. So yeah, I guess I'm either in shock, or we just learned that I'm a super chill person.”
She shrugged and went back to her work. I didn't really trust her but she was my best shot at answers. I stepped around the unconscious body and crouched down in front of her.
“Fair enough, but that doessn't explain why you would help me, and even take carre of the boy. What is your end goal in thiss?” She simply smiled under my inquisitive gaze.
“For the first it's simply self-preservation, I have no doubt that you could rip my head of seeing what you did to that poor door. The second, basic human decency I guess? The boy is a jerk, but doesn't deserve to die just yet. And the third is probably the hardest to explain. I saw how you changed, that shit went straight against conversation of mass and energy. Whatever that was it wasn't science, at least not how we know it. And lastly I have the feeling, that if I stick around I'll be rewarded soon enough, call it a hunch. There is something coming and it's going to be big!”
I frowned at her words, she seemed genuine enough, but there was something about her. Her personality differed from what I used to know about her, she was almost cocky. And if what she had said was true than we had just opened the box of Pandora. Yet she was right, as stupid as it sounded but I could feel it in my bones, something was coming. And I had the feeling that it had been heralded long before today.
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