《Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-fic》Chapter 4


Sarada was hunched over her new desk, tinkering with her little science projects as she calls them. These are originals. She finished her work on her planetary ones. She had modified and enhanced them to work better than they had originally. She kept her scouter connected to Frieza's network to freely and subtly keep an eye, or in her case ear, on Frieza. She was sure she would not be found out. She used her system interface to eliminate all risks of being detected. The system interface is an undetectable network. That's likely because it is connected to Sarada's soul. Sarada theorized that others could interact with the system if she wants them to. She'd think that over later.

It's been two weeks since her arrival on earth. In that time a series of events occurred. Bulma managed to copy the material of her armor and made a couple of outfits for her to wear. She only wears them to do her training. At some point she started to experiment with gravity. The gravity on earth was too low for her. Her training wasn't all that effective. Not as much as it was on planet Vegeta. She told the doctor this. He said he'd work on it. She started long before telling him. Bulma decided to join her. Having two brains is better than one and they've been making process.

At some point she had to attend school. She needed an education and all that. Not that she wasn't already advanced when it came to knowledge. She decided to go along with it. Just roll with the punches. So after two days experimenting and getting to know the family, she went to school with Bulma. She noticed the amount of friends Bulma had. She didn't like any of them. None of them would go out of their way to help her. They just like her because she's the richest kid in school. Seeing as she arrived with Bulma she was immediately approached by a ton of kids. None of which she had interest in. Two days in school and the teachers took note of her high intelligence. They weren't all that surprised. Four days into school and the teachers suggested bumping her up in classes. She agreed but only if she were placed in the same class as Bulma. She would not go into a higher class that Bulma. She has great respect for her and doing something like that seemed dishonorable.

She had to choose clubs. No surprise that she chose a martial arts Club. It meant she could at least fight someone. Even it was one sided.

Starting her second week on planet earth she had finally took a look at her character sheet. She was happily surprised to find that she had some interesting talents. She immediately started to work on effectively using them at will and as controled as she could.

Doc Brief had also started to build a building the size of a big house out on the backyard. When he was questioned about it he said it would be a place for Sarada to train unrestricted. He had sampled the material of her ship and copied it, using the metal to build the new structure. He added every type of strong metal onto it as well. He had built some extra strong drones to help with her training. The old man had started to see Sarada as his daughter. And he was not one to get in the way of his children's ambition. He would do anything he could to help her.


Two weeks that changed a lot of things.

"Sarada, check this out"

Sarada pulled her eyes away from her work in progress to look at Bulma, who was perched on Sarada's bed. They had both made a small scale gravity machine and needed to test it. They failed multiple times. It seems that losing streak had broke.

The little machine was on the ground. Within it was a piece of iron, that was now crushed against it's surface.

"It worked" Bulma beamed. "We managed to increase the gravity"

Sarada slid off her chair and went to inspect the machine. She picked it up and noted that heavy weight. The gravity didn't stay within the confined space of the orb. A slight problem the Doc could fix.

"You picked it up with such ease" Bulma said amazed. "That thing is seven times the earth's gravity"

"I'm used to ten times" Sarada told her as she headed to the door. Bulma quickly climbed out of bed to follow the younger girl. She watched as she casually threw the gravity orb in the air only to effortlessly catch it and toss it right back. Bulma knew Sarada was strong, but she didn't know at what scale. She saw Sarada fight. She easily took out anyone. Kids older than her, grown ups and a fully trained martial artist. But that wasn't enough to let her know of her full strength.

"Doc" Sarada ever so casually walked into the Doc's lab. He could be found with half his body in Sarada's little space pod. He got himself out of it to face the two girls. "We made a miniature gravity machine. I'm hoping you could build a perfected room sized one"

"Ah, interesting" He reached for the ball but Sarada pulled away.

"The gravity is effecting the entire sphere instead of being contained in one spot. It's gravity is seven times that of the earth. "

After some time the sphere was carefully placed on a table where the doctor got to work.

"You plan on temporarily leaving in six weeks time, yes?

" Yes"

"Still not gonna tell me where you're going and why? " Bulma asked. Ever since she mentioned leaving Bulma had been bugging her to spill the beans.


"I have a suggestion" The doctor stood up straight. "How about I increase the size of your space pod and also turn it into a gravity machine"

Sarada smirked. That's exactly what she had in mind. "It would be very much appreciated"

The rest of the day was spent working on the ship. Panchy would stop by to drop off some food. It would take a couple of weeks to finish the ship, but they were sure to finish within the two months time. Sarada was a great help to the Doc. She could do the heavy lifting and can reach high places easily. Bulma was still trying to figure out how she could fly.

The third week until building the machine Sarada was training in her new training facility. It was finished a week before. It wasn't bad. The only thing it lacks is the increase gravity. She just needed one more week for that. The Doc could continue his work on the ship without her help for now. So she trained. She practiced using her special skills every day. Slowly she was getting better at them. She was surprised she has them actually. But she supposed it was a gift like that interface.


During her training she took note of the drones doc had made. They shot off very powerful lasers that could actually harm her. They would also increase in speed whenever she did. Perfect for training. It made training interesting and her power level rose, but still not by much. The stronger you are the harder it is the become stronger. There was currently no need for serious training. She just wanted to be ready when Vegeta came along. Or not be too weak when it's time to face Frieza. That bastard is seriously overpowered.

She was curious as to who would reach super saiyan first. Originally it was Kakarot , but now she and her mother are in the story. There would be more people for Frieza to choose from. It's not likely that Krillin would draw the short end of the stick as he always does. Maybe Gohan bites the dust this time. That would cause Kakarot to go super saiyan. Maybe he would be far too angry to show any type of mercy. But what if she or Kakarot were to be the dead ones. Then her mother would lose it. Gine already possessed an amount of S-cels. That's where Kakarot got it from. Her going super saiyan is as likely as Kakarot doing so. Then there is the outcome of Sarada goin super saiyan. What would be the cause? Maybe she has kids in the future. Maybe both the kid and her spouse tag along. Maybe Gine bites the dust. Or Kakarot. Either way it would have the possible outcome.

So many possibilities.

There was a loud buzz that vibrated throughout the room. She glanced at the door all the while narrowly dodging a red hot laser. Who could be at the door? Probably Bulma. Sarada debated whether or not she should cut her training short to go see what she wanted. It was very hard to stop herself. Her blood was pumpin with the excitement of battle. Even if it was a mock battle.

With a sigh she deactivated the drones mentally and went to open the door. Immediately Bulma pushed past her and wandered into the room looking around with keen interest. Sarada raised an eyebrow and shut the door before following the earthling.

"What do you want Bulma? "

"How do you fly?"

How many times had she asked this very question? She would not drop it. She insistently questioned Sarada on all her abilities not stopping even when Sarada told her nothing. She would randomly pop up and just sit staring. As if she was trying to decipher her entire existance.


How many times had Sarada answered with the same word?

"What is ki? "

Sarada hummed and sat on the floor. Bulma seemed really interested in the word now. Mostly she would just sit still and try to think it over. At least that is what Sarada thought. Bulma was curious. Maybe she would be curious enough to learn about it and how to use it. Maybe she could become a fighter. That thought was very captivating to the young saiyan. She had always wondered what the changes in this world would be if Bulma , the scientific genius , was a fighter.

"Ki" Sarada stared at Bulma as she thought of a way to explain it to her.

"Ki also known as 'latent energy' or 'fighting power', which directly translates as 'life force'. This force is a tangible energy inside every living being, with its major focus being in the center of the body. By drawing it out, an individual is able to manipulate it and use it outside the body" Sarada found her explanation to be very simple. From the nod she received from Bulma it was clear the other understood it as well. At least to some degree.

"So I have ki as well" Bulma said more to herself than Sarada. She seemed deep in thought and sat oposite the saiyan now. "Does that mean I can learn to fly as well? "

"Yeah. If you get a grasp, understanding and a bit of control of your ki you can easily learn to fly and do other seemingly impossible things "

The last part seemed to have interested the young scientific genius. She visibly perked up. Her eyes now filled fascinated curiosity. She Wanted to know more about ki. About what she could do with it. She could fly like Sarada, but do so much more as well. Could she become as strong as her? As fast? As durable?

"What else can ki do? "

Sarada smiled brightly. She could read Bulma's desire to learn and she would be more than happy to enlighten her. She was going to grab this opportunity by the horns and take full control of it. Females were overly underestimated in this universe. She was gonna change that. Starting with Bulma.

"Ki can be used for many different techniques. Because there are physical limits to the strength of the body itself, it is necessary to increase one's ki to overcome this barrier and become stronger. If one chooses so of course" Sagrada explained. "Before any of that one must be aware of and have some control of their ki"

"Can you teach me? " Bulma asked.

Sarada chuckled to herself at this prospect.

"Of course"

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